
864 lines
32 KiB
Org Mode

* include-file-as-forms
We're going to use this to write separate parts of our config to different sections that will then be provided to our use package statment
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun imalison:include-file-as-forms (filename)
"Include the contents of FILENAME into the source as s-expressions."
(insert-file-contents-literally filename)
(goto-char (point-min))
(let (forms form)
(condition-case nil
(while t
(setq form (read (current-buffer)))
(push form forms))
(end-of-file nil))
`,@(nreverse forms))))
* use-package
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defmacro imalison:org-config ()
`(use-package org
:commands (org-mode org org-mobile-push org-mobile-pull org-agenda)
:mode ("\\.org\\'" . org-mode)
:preface (progn ,@(imalison:include-file-as-forms (imalison:join-paths user-emacs-directory "org-config-preface.el")))
:custom ,(imalison:include-file-as-forms (imalison:join-paths user-emacs-directory "org-config-custom.el"))
:config (progn ,@(imalison:include-file-as-forms (imalison:join-paths user-emacs-directory "org-config-config.el")))
:bind ,(imalison:include-file-as-forms (imalison:join-paths user-emacs-directory "org-config-bind.el"))))
* My Customization Variables
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle org-config-preface.el
(defvar imalison:org-dir "~/org")
(defvar imalison:shared-org-dir "~/katnivan")
(defvar imalison:org-whoami "Ivan Malison")
(defvar imalison:org-people (list "Ivan Malison" "Kat Huang"))
(defvar imalison:org-default-initial-state "TODO")
(defvar imalison:org-gtd-file
(imalison:join-paths imalison:org-dir ""))
(defvar imalison:org-habits-file
(imalison:join-paths imalison:org-dir ""))
(defvar imalison:org-calendar-file
(imalison:join-paths imalison:org-dir ""))
(defvar imalison:org-inbox-file
(imalison:join-paths imalison:org-dir ""))
(defvar imalison:shared-org-gtd-file
(imalison:join-paths imalison:shared-org-dir ""))
(defvar imalison:shared-habits-file
(imalison:join-paths imalison:shared-org-dir ""))
(defvar imalison:shared-calendar-file
(imalison:join-paths imalison:shared-org-dir ""))
(defvar imalison:shared-shopping-file
(imalison:join-paths imalison:shared-org-dir ""))
(defvar imalison:orgzly-files
(list (imalison:join-paths imalison:shared-org-dir "")
(imalison:join-paths imalison:shared-org-dir "")
(imalison:join-paths imalison:org-dir "")))
(defun imalison:add-to-org-agenda-files (incoming-files)
(setq org-agenda-files
(cl-loop for filepath in (append org-agenda-files incoming-files)
when (and filepath (file-exists-p (file-truename filepath)))
collect (file-truename filepath)))))
(defvar imalison:created-property-string "
* Bindings
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle org-config-bind.el
(("C-c c" . org-capture)
:map org-mode-map
(("C-e" . end-of-visual-line)
("C-c n t" . org-insert-todo-heading)
("C-c n s" . org-insert-todo-subheading)
("C-c n h" . org-insert-habit)
("C-c n m" . org-make-habit)
("C-c n l" . org-store-link)
("C-c n i" . org-insert-link)
("C-c C-t" . org-todo)
("C-c C-S-t" . org-todo-force-notes)
("M-." . elisp-slime-nav-find-elisp-thing-at-point)))
* Org Variable Customization
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle org-config-custom.el
(org-agenda-skip-deadline-if-done nil)
(org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done nil)
(org-agenda-span 10)
(org-agenda-start-day "-0d")
(org-agenda-timegrid-use-ampm 1)
(org-agenda-window-setup 'other-window)
(org-columns-default-format "%80ITEM(Task) %10Effort(Effort){:} %10CLOCKSUM")
(org-deadline-warning-days 0)
(org-default-priority ?C)
(org-edit-src-content-indentation 0)
(org-enforce-todo-dependencies t)
(org-export-headline-levels 3)
(org-fold-catch-invisible-edits 'show)
(org-goto-interface 'outline-path-completion)
(org-goto-max-level 10)
(org-habit-graph-column 60)
(org-habit-show-all-today nil)
(org-habit-show-habits-only-for-today t)
(org-imenu-depth 10)
(org-log-into-drawer t)
(org-log-redeadline t)
(org-log-reschedule t)
(org-lowest-priority 69) ;; The character E
(org-outline-path-complete-in-steps nil)
(org-refile-allow-creating-parent-nodes t)
(org-refile-use-outline-path 'file)
(org-src-fontify-natively t)
(org-src-preserve-indentation t)
(org-startup-folded t)
(org-startup-indented nil)
(org-todo-repeat-to-state "TODO")
(org-treat-insert-todo-heading-as-state-change t)
(org-refile-targets '((org-agenda-files . (:maxlevel . 2))
(org-agenda-files . (:level . 0))))
'(quote (("Effort_ALL" . "0:15 0:30 0:45 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 0:00")
("STYLE_ALL" . "habit"))))
'((sequence "INBOX(i!)" "TODO(t!)" "NEXT(n!)" "STARTED(s!)" "WAIT(w!)"
"BACKLOG(b!)" "|" "DONE(d!)" "HANDLED(h!)" "EXPIRED(e!)"
* Config
** Miscellaneous Functions
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle org-config-config.el
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'org-habit)
(defun imalison:maybe-symbol-name (arg)
(if (symbolp arg)
(symbol-name arg)
(defun imalison:set-display-custom-times ()
(setq org-display-custom-times nil))
(when (not (fboundp 'org-is-habit-p))
(defun org-is-habit-p ()
(string-equal (org-entry-get nil "STYLE") "habit")))
(defun org-todo-force-notes ()
(let ((org-todo-log-states
(mapcar (lambda (state)
(list state 'note 'time))
(apply 'append org-todo-sets))))
(cond ((eq major-mode 'org-mode) (org-todo))
((eq major-mode 'org-agenda-mode) (org-agenda-todo)))))
(defun org-make-habit ()
(org-set-property "STYLE" "habit"))
(defun org-insert-habit ()
(org-insert-todo-heading nil)
(defun org-todo-at-date (date)
(interactive (list (org-time-string-to-time (org-read-date))))
(cl-flet ((org-current-effective-time (&rest r) date)
(org-today (&rest r) (time-to-days date)))
(cond ((eq major-mode 'org-mode) (org-todo))
((eq major-mode 'org-agenda-mode) (org-agenda-todo)))))
** Miscellaneous
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle org-config-config.el
(add-to-list 'org-show-context-detail '(org-goto . lineage))
(add-to-list 'org-src-lang-modes '("plantuml" . plantuml))
(define-key mode-specific-map [?a] 'org-agenda)
(unbind-key "C-j" org-mode-map)
** Hooks
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle org-config-config.el
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'imalison:disable-linum-mode)
;; TODO why is this set
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook (lambda () (setq org-todo-key-trigger t)))
(add-hook 'org-agenda-mode-hook 'imalison:disable-linum-mode)
(add-hook 'org-agenda-mode-hook 'imalison:set-display-custom-times)
** Modules
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle org-config-config.el
(add-to-list 'org-modules 'org-habit)
(add-to-list 'org-modules 'org-expiry)
** Assignee
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle org-config-config.el
(defmacro imalison:def-agenda-pred (&rest forms)
`(lambda ()
(unless ,@forms
(or (outline-next-heading)
(defun imalison:org-known-assignees ()
(cl-defun imalison:set-assignee (&key assignee (override t))
(let ((chosen-assignee (if (called-interactively-p 'interactive)
(completing-read "Choose assignee: "
nil t)
(or assignee imalison:org-whoami))))
(when (or override (not (org-entry-get nil "ASSIGNEE")))
(org-set-property "ASSIGNEE" chosen-assignee))))
(defun imalison:assign-to-self-if-unassigned ()
(imalison:set-assignee :assignee imalison:org-whoami :override nil))
(defun imalison:shared-org-file-p ()
(string-prefix-p (file-truename imalison:shared-org-dir)
(file-truename default-directory)))
(defun imalison:habit-or-repeating-heading ()
(defun imalison:shared-non-habit-p ()
(and (not (imalison:habit-or-repeating-heading))
(defvar imalison:auto-assign-to-self-predicates
(list 'imalison:shared-non-habit-p))
(defun imalison:auto-assign-to-self-when ()
(cl-loop for pred in imalison:auto-assign-to-self-predicates
when (funcall pred)
return t
finally return nil))
(defun imalison:maybe-auto-assign-to-self (&rest args)
(when (imalison:auto-assign-to-self-when)
(advice-add 'org-schedule :after 'imalison:maybe-auto-assign-to-self)
(cl-defun imalison:assigned-to-me (&key (include-unassigned t))
(let ((assignee (org-entry-get nil "ASSIGNEE")))
(or (string-equal assignee imalison:org-whoami)
(and include-unassigned (null assignee)))))
(defalias 'imalison:assigned-to-me-agenda-pred
** Agenda
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle org-config-config.el
(require 'org-agenda)
*** Agenda Files
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle org-config-config.el
(nconc (list imalison:org-gtd-file imalison:org-habits-file
imalison:org-calendar-file imalison:org-inbox-file
imalison:shared-org-gtd-file imalison:shared-habits-file
imalison:shared-calendar-file imalison:shared-shopping-file)
*** Predicates
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle org-config-config.el
(defun org-get-priority-at-point ()
(org-back-to-heading t)
(when (looking-at org-priority-regexp)
(let ((ms (match-string 2)))
(org-priority-to-value ms)))))
(defmacro imalison:def-agenda-priority-pred (priority)
(>= (org-get-priority-at-point) ,priority)))
(cl-defun imalison:org-time-condition-met-p (&key (property "CREATED") (days 30) (future nil))
(let* ((property-value (org-entry-get (point) property))
(if future
(time-add (current-time) (days-to-time days))
(time-subtract (current-time) (days-to-time days))))
(formatted-time-string (format-time-string "<%Y-%m-%d %H:%M>" comparison-time))
(compare-time (org-time-string-to-time formatted-time-string))
(node-time (when property-value (org-time-string-to-time property-value))))
(when node-time
(if future
(time-less-p node-time compare-time)
(time-less-p compare-time node-time)))))
(defun org-cmp-creation-times (a b)
(let ((a-created (get-date-created-from-agenda-entry a))
(b-created (get-date-created-from-agenda-entry b)))
(imalison:compare-int-list a-created b-created)))
*** Transient support
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle org-config-config.el
(when (fboundp 'org-agenda-transient)
(bind-key "C-c a" 'org-agenda-transient))
*** Agenda Commands (Views)
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle org-config-config.el
(let ((this-week-high-priority
;; The < in the following line has behavior that is opposite
;; to what one might expect.
((org-agenda-overriding-header "Upcoming high priority tasks:")
:property "DEADLINE" :days 7 :future t)
:property "SCHEDULED" :days 7 :future t)))))))
((org-agenda-overriding-header "Due today:")
:property "DEADLINE" :days 0 :future t)
:property "SCHEDULED" :days 0 :future t)))))))
((org-agenda-overriding-header "Habits:")
(org-agenda-ndays 1)
(org-agenda-span 1)
(org-agenda-use-time-grid nil)
(org-habit-show-all-today t))))
((org-agenda-overriding-header "Recently Created:")
(imalison:org-time-condition-met-p :days 10)))
(org-agenda-cmp-user-defined 'org-cmp-creation-times)
(org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(user-defined-down)))))
(next '(todo "NEXT"))
(started '(todo "STARTED"))
(inbox '(todo "INBOX"))
'(tags-todo "-DEADLINE={.}/!"
"These don't have deadlines:"))))
'(tags-todo "-PRIORITY={.}/!"
"These don't have priorities:")))))
(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
`(("M" "Main agenda view"
((agenda ""
((org-agenda-overriding-header "Agenda:")
(org-agenda-ndays 5)
(org-deadline-warning-days 0)
(org-agenda-skip-function 'imalison:assigned-to-me-agenda-pred)))
nil nil)
,(cons "A" (cons "High priority upcoming" this-week-high-priority))
,(cons "d" (cons "Overdue tasks and due today" due-today))
,(cons "r" (cons "Recently created" recently-created))
("h" "A, B priority:" tags-todo "+PRIORITY<\"C\""
"High Priority:")))
("c" "At least priority C:" tags-todo "+PRIORITY<\"D\""
"At least priority C:"))))))
** Archive
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle org-config-config.el
(defun org-archive-if (condition-function)
(if (funcall condition-function)
(let ((next-point-marker
(save-excursion (org-forward-heading-same-level 1) (point-marker))))
(setq org-map-continue-from (marker-position next-point-marker)))))
(defun org-archive-if-completed ()
(org-archive-if 'org-entry-is-done-p))
(defun org-archive-completed-in-buffer ()
(org-map-entries 'org-archive-if-completed))
(defun org-archive-all-in-buffer ()
(org-map-entries 'org-archive-subtree))
** Capture
*** Helper Functions
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle org-config-config.el
(cl-defun imalison:make-org-template (&key (content "%?"))
(insert content)
(org-set-property "CREATED"
(org-current-effective-time) t t)))
(buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))
(defun imalison:make-org-template-from-file (filename)
(imalison:make-org-template (imalison:get-string-from-file filename)))
(cl-defun imalison:make-org-todo-template
(&key (content "%?") (creation-state imalison:org-default-initial-state))
(insert content)
(org-todo creation-state)
(org-set-property "CREATED"
(org-current-effective-time) t t)))
(remove-hook 'post-command-hook 'org-add-log-note)
(let ((org-log-note-purpose 'state)
(org-log-note-return-to (point-marker))
(org-log-note-marker (progn (goto-char (org-log-beginning t))
(org-log-note-state creation-state))
(buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))
(defun imalison:make-org-linked-todo-template ()
(imalison:make-org-todo-template "[#C] %? %A"))
*** Templates
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle org-config-config.el
(use-package org-capture
:straight nil
(add-to-list 'org-capture-templates
`("t" "GTD Todo (Linked)" entry (file ,imalison:org-gtd-file)
(function imalison:make-org-linked-todo-template)))
(add-to-list 'org-capture-templates
`("g" "GTD Todo" entry (file ,imalison:org-gtd-file)
(function imalison:make-org-todo-template)))
(add-to-list 'org-capture-templates
`("s" "Shared GTD Todo" entry (file ,imalison:shared-org-gtd-file)
(function imalison:make-org-todo-template)))
(add-to-list 'org-capture-templates
`("y" "Calendar entry (Linked)" entry
(file ,imalison:org-calendar-file)
,(format "%s%s\n%s" "* %? %A" imalison:created-property-string "%^T")))
(add-to-list 'org-capture-templates
`("c" "Calendar entry" entry
(file ,imalison:org-calendar-file)
,(format "%s\n%s\n%s" "* %?" imalison:created-property-string "%^T")))
(add-to-list 'org-capture-templates
`("z" "Shopping Todo" entry (file ,imalison:shared-shopping-file)
(function (lambda (&rest args) (imalison:make-org-todo-template :creation-state "TODO")))))
(add-to-list 'org-capture-templates
`("h" "Habit" entry (file ,imalison:org-habits-file)
:STYLE: habit
** Babel
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle org-config-config.el
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'imalison:load-babel-languages)
(defun imalison:load-babel-languages ()
(let* ((loaded-ob (or (require 'ob-sh nil t) (require 'ob-shell nil t)))
(when loaded-ob
(intern (substring-no-properties (imalison:maybe-symbol-name loaded-ob) 3))))
(added-modes (when ob-shell-name `((,ob-shell-name . t)))))
`((python . t)
(ruby . t)
(octave . t)
(plantuml . t)
(js . t)
(use-package ob-typescript
'org-babel-load-languages '((typescript . t)))))
(use-package ob-mermaid
'org-babel-load-languages '((mermaid . t))))
** frame-mode handling
Note that this does not go into org-config-config.el. This is on purpose
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package org
:after frame-mode
(defun imalison:org-frame-mode-hook ()
(setq org-src-window-setup 'current-window)
(when frame-mode
(setcdr (assoc 'file org-link-frame-setup) 'find-file-other-frame))))
(add-hook 'frame-mode-hook 'imalison:org-frame-mode-hook)))
** Disable yasnippet in org-mode
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package org
:straight nil
(defun imalison:disable-yas ()
(yas-minor-mode -1))
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'imalison:disable-yas)))
** Set Background Color of Source Blocks for Export
This was taken from [[][here]].
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package org
(defun imalison:org-inline-css-hook (exporter)
"Insert custom inline css to automatically set the
background of code to whatever theme I'm using's background"
(when (eq exporter 'html)
(let* ((my-pre-bg (face-background 'default))
(my-pre-fg (face-foreground 'default)))
(format "<style type=\"text/css\">\n pre.src {background-color: %s; color: %s;}</style>\n"
my-pre-bg my-pre-fg))))))
(add-hook 'org-export-before-processing-hook 'imalison:org-inline-css-hook)))
** Use my own default naming scheme for org-headings
First we define a function that will generate a sanitized version of the heading
as its link target.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun imalison:org-get-raw-value (item)
(when (listp item)
(let* ((property-list (cadr item)))
(when property-list (plist-get property-list :raw-value)))))
(defun imalison:sanitize-name (name)
(replace-regexp-in-string "[^[:alpha:]]" "" (s-downcase name)))
(defun imalison:generate-name (datum cache)
(let ((raw-value (imalison:org-get-raw-value datum)))
(if raw-value
(imalison:sanitize-name raw-value)
;; This is the default implementation from org
(let ((type (org-element-type datum)))
(format "org%s%d"
(if type
(replace-regexp-in-string "-" "" (symbol-name type))
(incf (gethash type cache 0)))))))
This function replaces the default naming scheme with a call to
~imalison:generate-name~, and uses a slightly different uniquify approach.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package ox
:defer t
:straight nil
(defun org-export-get-reference (datum info)
"Return a unique reference for DATUM, as a string.
DATUM is either an element or an object. INFO is the current
export state, as a plist. Returned reference consists of
alphanumeric characters only."
(let ((type (org-element-type datum))
(cache (or (plist-get info :internal-references)
(let ((h (make-hash-table :test #'eq)))
(plist-put info :internal-references h)
(reverse-cache (or (plist-get info :taken-internal-references)
(let ((h (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
(plist-put info :taken-internal-references h)
(or (gethash datum cache)
(let* ((name (imalison:generate-name datum cache))
(number (+ 1 (gethash name reverse-cache -1)))
(new-name (format "%s%s" name (if (< 0 number) number ""))))
(puthash name number reverse-cache)
(puthash datum new-name cache)
** Add link icons in headings that lead to themselves
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package ox-html
:commands (org-html-export-as-html org-html-export-as-html)
:straight nil
(defvar imalison:link-svg-html
"<svg aria-hidden=\"true\" class=\"octicon octicon-link\" height=\"16\" version=\"1.1\" viewBox=\"0 0 16 16\" width=\"16\"><path fill-rule=\"evenodd\" d=\"M4 9h1v1H4c-1.5 0-3-1.69-3-3.5S2.55 3 4 3h4c1.45 0 3 1.69 3 3.5 0 1.41-.91 2.72-2 3.25V8.59c.58-.45 1-1.27 1-2.09C10 5.22 8.98 4 8 4H4c-.98 0-2 1.22-2 2.5S3 9 4 9zm9-3h-1v1h1c1 0 2 1.22 2 2.5S13.98 12 13 12H9c-.98 0-2-1.22-2-2.5 0-.83.42-1.64 1-2.09V6.25c-1.09.53-2 1.84-2 3.25C6 11.31 7.55 13 9 13h4c1.45 0 3-1.69 3-3.5S14.5 6 13 6z\"></path></svg>")
(defvar imalison:current-html-headline)
(defun imalison:set-current-html-headline (headline &rest args)
(setq imalison:current-html-headline headline))
(defun imalison:clear-current-html-headline (&rest args)
(setq imalison:current-html-headline nil))
(defun imalison:org-html-format-heading-function (todo todo-type priority text tags info)
(let* ((reference (when imalison:current-html-headline
(org-export-get-reference imalison:current-html-headline info)))
;; Don't do anything special if the current headline is not set
(new-text (if reference
(format "%s <a href=\"#%s\">%s</a>" text reference imalison:link-svg-html)
todo todo-type priority new-text tags info))))
;; This is set before and cleared afterwards, so that we know when we are
;; generating the text for the headline itself and when we are not.
(advice-add 'org-html-headline :before 'imalison:set-current-html-headline)
(advice-add 'org-html-headline :after 'imalison:clear-current-html-headline)
(setq org-html-format-headline-function
** Allow with query params in image extentions
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package ox-html
:defer t
:straight nil
(setq org-html-inline-image-rules
'(("file" . "\\.\\(jpeg\\|jpg\\|png\\|gif\\|svg\\)\\(\\?.*?\\)?\\'")
("http" . "\\.\\(jpeg\\|jpg\\|png\\|gif\\|svg\\)\\(\\?.*?\\)?\\'")
("https" . "\\.\\(jpeg\\|jpg\\|png\\|gif\\|svg\\)\\(\\?.*?\\)?\\'"))))
** Use org-tempo to allow inserting templates using e.g. <s
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package org-tempo
:straight nil
:after org)
* Packages
** org-present
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package org-present :tangle org-config-config.el
:after org
:commands org-present)
** org-bullets
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle org-config-config.el
(use-package org-bullets
:commands org-bullets-mode
:after org
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook (lambda () (org-bullets-mode 1))))
** org-ehtml
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package org-ehtml
:disabled t
(setq org-ehtml-allow-agenda t)
(setq org-ehtml-editable-headlines t)
(setq org-ehtml-everything-editable t)))
** org-modern
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package org-modern
:disabled t
:after org
:hook (org-mode . org-modern-mode))
** org-project-capture
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package org-project-capture
:after org
:bind ("C-c o p" . org-project-capture-project-todo-completing-read)
;; We want this to load somewhat quickly because we need to update the list of agenda files
:defer 2
(use-package org-projectile
:demand t
(setq org-project-capture-default-backend
(make-instance 'org-project-capture-projectile-backend)))
(setq org-project-capture-strategy
(make-instance 'org-project-capture-combine-strategies
:strategies (list (make-instance 'org-project-capture-single-file-strategy)
(make-instance 'org-project-capture-per-project-strategy))))
(setq org-project-capture-projects-file
(imalison:join-paths imalison:org-dir "")
(format "%s%s" "* TODO %?" imalison:created-property-string))
(add-to-list 'org-capture-templates
:capture-character "l"
:capture-heading "Linked Project TODO"))
(add-to-list 'org-capture-templates
:capture-character "p"))
(setq org-confirm-elisp-link-function nil)
(imalison:add-to-org-agenda-files (org-project-capture-todo-files))))
** org-pomodoro
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package org-pomodoro
:after org)
** org-roam
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package org-roam
:after org
:defer 1
(:map org-mode-map
("C-c r f" . org-roam-node-find)
("C-c r i" . org-roam-node-insert)
("C-c r b" . imalison:org-roam-browse-backlink)
("C-c r t" . org-roam-buffer-toggle))
(when (version<= "29.0" emacs-version)
(use-package emacsql-sqlite-builtin
:demand t)
(setq org-roam-database-connector 'sqlite-builtin))
(org-roam-db-autosync-mode +1)
(defun imalison:frames-displaying-buffer (buf)
"Return a list of frames in which BUF is displayed."
(let ((target-buffer (if (bufferp buf) buf (get-buffer buf))))
(if target-buffer
(delq nil
(mapcar (lambda (frame)
(if (get-buffer-window target-buffer frame)
(defun imalison:org-roam-browse-backlink ()
(let* ((node-alist
(cl-loop for backlink in (org-roam-backlinks-get (org-roam-node-at-point))
for node = (org-roam-backlink-source-node backlink)
collect `(,(org-roam-node-title node) . ,node)))
(selected-name (completing-read "Select a backlink to visit: " node-alist))
(selected-node (alist-get selected-name node-alist nil nil 'string-equal)))
(org-roam-node-visit selected-node)))
(defun imalison:org-roam-frame-based-buffer-visibility-fn ()
((--any (funcall frame-mode-is-frame-viewable-fn it)
(imalison:frames-displaying-buffer org-roam-buffer)) 'visible)
((get-buffer org-roam-buffer) 'exists)
(t 'none)))
(use-package frame-mode
:if imalison:use-frame-mode
:demand t
org-roam-buffer-visibility-fn 'imalison:org-roam-frame-based-buffer-visibility-fn)
(emit-make-mode-dependent imalison:org-roam-set-frame-visibility-mode frame-mode))))
(org-roam-directory (file-truename "~/org/roam/")))
***** ui
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package org-roam-ui
:after org-roam
(org-roam-ui-sync-theme t)
(org-roam-ui-follow t)
(org-roam-ui-update-on-save t)
(org-roam-ui-open-on-start nil))
** org-notify
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package org-notify
:after org
(defun imalison:org-notify-notification-handler (plist)
(imalison:notify-send (plist-get plist :heading) (org-notify-body-text plist)))
(setq org-show-notification-handler 'imalison:org-notify-notification-handler)
(org-notify-add 'default
'(:time "1h" :actions imalison:org-notify-notification-handler
:period "2m" :duration 60))
(org-notify-add 'default '(:time "100m" :actions imalison:org-notify-notification-handler
:period "2m" :duration 60))
(org-notify-add 'urgent-second '(:time "3m" :actions (-notify/window -ding)
:period "15s" :duration 10))
(org-notify-add 'minute '(:time "5m" :actions -notify/window
:period "100s" :duration 70))
(org-notify-add '12hours
'(:time "3m" :actions (-notify/window -ding)
:period "15s" :duration 10)
'(:time "100m" :actions -notify/window
:period "2m" :duration 60)
'(:time "12h" :actions -notify/window :audible nil
:period "10m" :duration 200))
(org-notify-add '5days
'(:time "100m" :actions -notify/window
:period "2m" :duration 60)
'(:time "2d" :actions -notify/window
:period "15m" :duration 100)
'(:time "5d" :actions -notify/window
:period "2h" :duration 200))
(org-notify-start 10)))
** org-reveal
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package ox-reveal
:defer t
:commands org-reveal
(setq org-reveal-root
(imalison:join-paths "file://" imalison:projects-directory "reveal.js")))
** org-fc
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package org-fc
:bind ("C-c 9" . org-fc-hydra/body)
(require 'org-fc-hydra))
:straight (org-fc :type git :host github :repo "l3kn/org-fc"
:files ("*.el" "awk" "")))
** org-ql
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package org-ql
:bind ("C-c o s" . org-ql-find-in-agenda)
:commands org-ql-find-in-agenda)