2021-03-03 12:42:28 +01:00

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troubleshooting Troubleshooting Troubleshooting

Before opening an issue, make sure you try the following:


  1. Try cleaning and rebuilding everything:
    rm -rf package-lock.json && rm -rf yarn.lock && rm -rf node_modules && rm -rf ios/Podfile.lock && rm -rf ios/Pods
    npm i  # or "yarn"
    cd ios && pod repo update && pod update && pod install
  2. Check your minimum iOS version. VisionCamera requires a minimum iOS version of 11.0.
    1. Open your Podfile
    2. Make sure platform :ios is set to 11.0 or higher
  3. Check your Swift version. VisionCamera requires a minimum Swift version of 5.2.
    1. Open project.pbxproj in a Text Editor
    2. If the LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATH value is set, make sure there is no explicit reference to Swift-5.0. If there is, remove it. See this StackOverflow answer.
    3. If the SWIFT_VERSION value is set, make sure it is set to 5.2 or higher.
  4. Make sure you have created a Swift bridging header in your project.
    1. Open your project (.xcworkspace) in Xcode
    2. Press File > New > File (+N)
    3. Select Swift File and press Next
    4. Choose whatever name you want, e.g. File.swift and press Create
    5. Press Create Bridging Header when promted.
  5. If you're experiencing weird behaviour, check the logs in Xcode to find out more.


  1. Since the Android implementation uses the not-yet fully stable CameraX API, make sure you've browsed the CameraX issue tracker to find out if your issue is a limitation by the CameraX library even I cannot get around.
  2. If you're experiencing weird behaviour, check the logs in Android Studio/Logcat ( + 6) to find out more.
  3. If a camera device is not being returned by getAvailableCameraDevices(), make sure it meets the minimum requirements - that is minum supported harwdware level of LIMITED and above. See this section in the Android docs for more information.


If nothing has helped so far, try browsing the GitHub issues. If your issue doesn't exist, create a new one. Make sure to fill out the template and include as many details as possible.