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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, TypeSynonymInstances,
MultiParamTypeClasses, ExistentialQuantification,
FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Main where
import Codec.Binary.UTF8.String as UTF8
import qualified Codec.Binary.UTF8.String as UTF8String (encode)
import qualified Control.Arrow as A
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import Data.Char
import Data.Foldable
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.MultiMap as MM
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Tuple.Sequence (sequenceT)
import Data.Typeable
import Foreign.C.Types
import Graphics.X11.ExtraTypes.XF86
import Network.HostName
import PagerHints
import Safe
import System.Directory
import System.Environment.XDG.DesktopEntry
import System.FilePath.Posix
import System.IO.Unsafe
import System.Process
import Text.Printf
import Unsafe.Coerce
import XMonad hiding ( (|||) )
import XMonad.Actions.CycleWS hiding (nextScreen)
import XMonad.Actions.CycleWorkspaceByScreen
import qualified XMonad.Actions.DynamicWorkspaceOrder as DWO
import XMonad.Actions.DynamicWorkspaces hiding (withWorkspace, renameWorkspace)
import XMonad.Actions.Minimize
import XMonad.Actions.Navigation2D
import qualified XMonad.Actions.SwapWorkspaces as SW
import XMonad.Actions.UpdatePointer
import XMonad.Actions.WindowBringer
import XMonad.Actions.WindowGo
import XMonad.Actions.WorkspaceNames
import XMonad.Config ()
import XMonad.Hooks.EwmhDesktops
import XMonad.Hooks.FadeInactive
import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks
import XMonad.Hooks.ManageHelpers
import XMonad.Hooks.Minimize
import XMonad.Hooks.WorkspaceHistory
import XMonad.Layout.Accordion
import XMonad.Layout.BoringWindows
import XMonad.Layout.Cross
import XMonad.Layout.LayoutCombinators
import XMonad.Layout.LayoutModifier
import XMonad.Layout.LimitWindows
import XMonad.Layout.MagicFocus
import XMonad.Layout.Minimize
import XMonad.Layout.MultiColumns
import XMonad.Layout.MultiToggle
import XMonad.Layout.MultiToggle.Instances
import XMonad.Layout.NoBorders
import qualified XMonad.Layout.Renamed as RN
import XMonad.Layout.Spacing
import XMonad.Layout.Tabbed
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
import XMonad.Util.CustomKeys
import qualified XMonad.Util.Dmenu as DM
import qualified XMonad.Util.ExtensibleState as XS
import XMonad.Util.Minimize
import XMonad.Util.NamedScratchpad
import XMonad.Util.NamedWindows (getName)
import XMonad.Util.Run
import XMonad.Util.WorkspaceCompare
myConfig = def
{ modMask = mod4Mask
, terminal = "alacritty"
, manageHook = myManageHook <+> manageHook def
, layoutHook = myLayoutHook
, borderWidth = 0
, normalBorderColor = "#000000"
, focusedBorderColor = "#ffff00"
, logHook =
updatePointer (0.5, 0.5) (0, 0) +++
toggleFadeInactiveLogHook 0.9 +++ workspaceHistoryHook +++
, handleEventHook =
fullscreenEventHook +++ followIfNoMagicFocus +++ minimizeEventHook
, startupHook = myStartup
, keys = customKeys (const []) addKeys
x +++ y = mappend y x
myNavigation2DConfig = def { defaultTiledNavigation = centerNavigation }
main =
xmonad .
docks .
pagerHints .
ewmh .
withNavigation2DConfig myNavigation2DConfig $
-- Utility functions
-- Log to a file from anywhere
writeToHomeDirLog stuff = io $ getLogFile >>= flip appendFile (stuff ++ "\n")
where getLogFile = (</> "temp" </> "xmonad.log") <$> getHomeDirectory
logWindowSet message =
withWindowSet $ \ws -> writeToHomeDirLog $ printf "%s -- " message $ show ws
xRunCommand cmd = void $ io $ readCreateProcess (shell cmd) ""
(<..>) :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f (f a) -> f (f b)
(<..>) = fmap . fmap
forkM :: Monad m => (i -> m a) -> (i -> m b) -> i -> m (a, b)
forkM a b = sequenceT . (a A.&&& b)
tee :: Monad m => (i -> m a) -> (i -> m b) -> i -> m a
tee = (fmap . fmap . fmap) (fmap fst) forkM
(>>=/) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m a
(>>=/) a = (a >>=) . tee return
findM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m (Maybe b)) -> [a] -> m (Maybe b)
findM f = runMaybeT . msum . map (MaybeT . f)
if' :: Bool -> a -> a -> a
if' True x _ = x
if' False _ y = y
ifL :: a -> a -> Bool -> a
ifL a b c = if' c a b
infixl 4 <$$>
(<$$>) :: Functor f => f (a -> b) -> a -> f b
functor <$$> value = ($ value) <$> functor
toggleInMap' :: Ord k => Bool -> k -> M.Map k Bool -> M.Map k Bool
toggleInMap' d k m =
let existingValue = M.findWithDefault d k m
in M.insert k (not existingValue) m
toggleInMap :: Ord k => k -> M.Map k Bool -> M.Map k Bool
toggleInMap = toggleInMap' True
maybeRemap k = M.findWithDefault k k
(<$.>) :: Functor f => (b -> c) -> (a -> f b) -> a -> f c
(<$.>) l r = fmap l . r
withFocusedR f = withWindowSet (f . W.peek)
withFocusedD d f = maybe (return d) f <$> withWindowSet (return . W.peek)
withWorkspaceR f = withWindowSet $ f . W.workspace . W.current
mapP = mapP' id
mapP' f f' = map (f A.&&& f')
minimizedWindows = withMinimized return
visibleWindows =
(\\) <$> withWorkspaceR (return . W.integrate' . W.stack)
<*> minimizedWindows
followingWindow action = do
orig <- withWindowSet (return . W.peek)
res <- action
whenJust orig $ windows . W.focusWindow
return res
myDmenuArgs = ["-dmenu", "-i", "-show-icons"]
myDmenu = DM.menuArgs "rofi" myDmenuArgs
getWorkspaceDmenu = myDmenu (workspaces myConfig)
-- Selectors
isHangoutsTitle = isPrefixOf "Google Hangouts"
isGmailTitle t = isInfixOf "@gmail.com" t && isInfixOf "Gmail" t
isChromeClass = isInfixOf "chrome"
chromeSelectorBase = isChromeClass <$> className
chromeSelector =
chromeSelectorBase <&&>
(\t -> not $ any ($ t) [isHangoutsTitle, isGmailTitle]) <$> title
spotifySelector = className =? "Spotify"
emacsSelector = className =? "Emacs"
transmissionSelector = fmap (isPrefixOf "Transmission") title
hangoutsSelector = chromeSelectorBase <&&> fmap isHangoutsTitle title
gmailSelector = chromeSelectorBase <&&> fmap isGmailTitle title
volumeSelector = className =? "Pavucontrol"
virtualClasses =
[ (hangoutsSelector, "Hangouts")
, (gmailSelector, "Gmail")
, (chromeSelector, "Chrome")
, (transmissionSelector, "Transmission")
-- Commands
hangoutsCommand = "start_hangouts.sh"
gmailCommand = "start_chrome.sh --new-window https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox"
spotifyCommand = "spotify"
chromeCommand = "start_chrome.sh"
emacsCommand = "emacsclient -c"
htopCommand = "alacritty -e htop -t htop"
transmissionCommand = "transmission-gtk"
volumeCommand = "pavucontrol"
-- Startup hook
tvScreenId :: ScreenId
tvScreenId = 1
disableTVFading = setFading (Just tvScreenId) False
hostNameToAction =
M.fromList [ ("imalison-arch", disableTVFading >> setToggleActiveAll GAPS True)
, ("imalison-uber-loaner", return ())
myStartup = do
spawn "systemctl --user start wm.target"
hostName <- io getHostName
M.findWithDefault (return ()) hostName hostNameToAction
-- Manage hook
myManageHook = maybeReplaceTargetHook <+>
[ isFullscreen -?> doFullFloat ]
-- Toggles
unmodifyLayout (ModifiedLayout _ x') = x'
selectLimit =
myDmenu ["2", "3", "4"] >>= (setLimit . read)
data MyToggles
deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Typeable)
instance Transformer MyToggles Window where
transform LIMIT x k = k (limitSlice 2 x) unmodifyLayout
transform GAPS x k = k (smartSpacing 10 x) unmodifyLayout
transform MAGICFOCUS x k = k (magicFocus x) unmodifyLayout
otherToggles = [NBFULL, MIRROR]
toggleHandlers = [(Toggle GAPS, toggleAll)]
instance Eq (Toggle Window) where
(Toggle v) == v2 = Just v == fromToggle v2
fromToggle :: forall t. Typeable t => Toggle Window -> Maybe t
fromToggle (Toggle v) =
if typeOf v == typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy t) then
Just $ unsafeCoerce v
currentWorkspace = W.workspace . W.current <$> gets windowset
isToggleActiveInCurrent t = currentWorkspace >>= isToggleActive t
followIfNoMagicFocus =
followOnlyIf $ maybe False not <$> isToggleActiveInCurrent MAGICFOCUS
togglesMap =
fmap M.fromList $ sequence $
map toggleTuple myToggles ++ map toggleTuple otherToggles
toggleTuple toggle = do
toggleString <- toggleToStringWithState toggle
return (toggleString, Toggle toggle)
toggleStateToString = maybe "N/A" (ifL "ON" "OFF")
toggleToStringWithState :: (Transformer t Window, Show t) => t -> X String
toggleToStringWithState toggle =
printf "%s (%s)" (show toggle) . toggleStateToString <$>
isToggleActiveInCurrent toggle
selectToggle =
togglesMap >>= DM.menuMapArgs "rofi" myDmenuArgs >>= flip whenJust runToggle
runToggle toggle =
let f = fromMaybe sendMessage $ lookup toggle toggleHandlers
in f toggle
toggleAll (Toggle toggle) = void $ runMaybeT $ do
active <- MaybeT $ isToggleActiveInCurrent toggle
lift $ setToggleActiveAll toggle (not active)
mapWorkspaces f = withWindowSet $ \ws -> do
let c = W.workspace . W.current $ ws
v = map W.workspace . W.visible $ ws
h = W.hidden ws
mapM f (c : v ++ h)
toggleInState t s ws = fmap (/= s) (isToggleActive t ws)
setToggleActive toggle active ws =
toggleInState toggle (Just active) ws >>=/
flip when (sendMessageWithNoRefresh (Toggle toggle) ws >> windows id)
-- Ambiguous type reference without signature
setToggleActiveCurrent :: (Transformer t Window) => t -> Bool -> X ()
setToggleActiveCurrent t a = void $ currentWorkspace >>= setToggleActive t a
setToggleActiveAll :: (Transformer t Window) => t -> Bool -> X ()
setToggleActiveAll t a = void $ mapWorkspaces (setToggleActive t a)
deactivateFull = setToggleActiveCurrent NBFULL False
toggleOr toggle toState action =
(currentWorkspace >>= setToggleActive toggle toState) >>= ((`when` action) . not)
deactivateFullOr = toggleOr NBFULL False
deactivateFullAnd action = sequence_ [deactivateFull, action]
andDeactivateFull action = sequence_ [action, deactivateFull]
goFullscreen = sendMessage $ JumpToLayout "Tabbed Simplest"
-- Layout setup
myTabConfig =
def { activeBorderColor = "#66cccc" }
rename newName = RN.renamed [RN.Replace newName]
layoutsStart layout = (layout, [Layout layout])
(|||!) (joined, layouts) newLayout =
(joined ||| newLayout, layouts ++ [Layout newLayout])
layoutInfo =
layoutsStart (rename "4 Columns" $ (multiCol [1, 1, 1] 2 0.0 (-0.5))) |||!
rename "3 Columns" (multiCol [1, 1] 2 0.01 (-0.5)) |||!
rename "Large Main" (Tall 1 (3 / 100) (3 / 4)) |||!
rename "2 Columns" (Tall 1 (3 / 100) (1 / 2)) |||!
Accordion |||! simpleCross |||! myTabbed
myTabbed = tabbed shrinkText myTabConfig
layoutList = snd layoutInfo
layoutNames = [description layout | layout <- layoutList]
selectLayout = myDmenu layoutNames >>= (sendMessage . JumpToLayout)
myLayoutHook =
avoidStruts .
minimizeNoDescription .
boringAuto .
mkToggle1 MIRROR .
mkToggle1 LIMIT .
mkToggle1 GAPS .
mkToggle1 MAGICFOCUS .
mkToggle1 NBFULL .
lessBorders Screen $ fst layoutInfo
-- WindowBringer
myWindowBringerConfig =
def { menuCommand = "rofi"
, menuArgs = myDmenuArgs ++ ["-format", "i"]
, windowTitler = myDecorateName
classIfMatches window entry =
if' <$> runQuery (fst entry) window <*>
pure (Just $ snd entry) <*>
pure Nothing
getClassRaw w = fmap resClass $ withDisplay $ io . flip getClassHint w
getVirtualClass = flip findM virtualClasses . classIfMatches
getClass w = fromMaybe <$> getClassRaw w <*> getVirtualClass w
desktopEntriesMap :: MM.MultiMap String DesktopEntry
desktopEntriesMap =
unsafePerformIO $
indexDesktopEntriesByClassName <$> getDirectoryEntriesDefault
lookupIconFromClasses classes =
getFirst $ fold $ First . deIcon <$>
(classes >>= idAndLower >>= flip MM.lookup desktopEntriesMap)
where idAndLower value = [value, map toLower value]
xGetWindowProperty8 :: Atom -> Window -> X (Maybe [CChar])
xGetWindowProperty8 a w = withDisplay $ \dpy -> io $ getWindowProperty8 dpy a w
getEWMHClasses w = do
atom <- withDisplay $ \d -> io $ internAtom d "WM_CLASS" False
mValue <- fmap (UTF8.decode . map fromIntegral) <$> xGetWindowProperty8 atom w
pure $ filter (not . null) $ splitOn "\NUL" $ join $ maybeToList mValue
myDecorateName :: WindowSpace -> Window -> X String
myDecorateName ws w = do
name <- show <$> getName w
classes <- getEWMHClasses w
classTitle <- getClass w
workspaceToName <- getWorkspaceNames'
let iconName = fromMaybe (map toLower $ head classes) $ lookupIconFromClasses classes
entryString = printf "%-20s%-40s %+30s in %s \0icon\x1f%s"
classTitle (take 40 name) " " (fromMaybe "" $ workspaceToName (W.tag ws)) iconName
return entryString
data ChromeInfo = ChromeInfo
{ tabId :: Int
, tabUri :: String
, tabTitle :: String
} deriving (Eq, Show)
getChromeTabInfo = do
output <- runProcessWithInput "chromix-too" ["ls"] ""
return $ M.fromList $ map parseChromixLine $ lines output
where parseChromixLine line =
case splitOn " " line of
[] -> undefined
tid:uri:rest -> let ttl = concat rest in
(printf "%s - %s" tid ttl :: String,
ChromeInfo { tabId = read tid
, tabUri = uri
, tabTitle = ttl
[_] -> undefined
selectChromeTab WindowBringerConfig { menuCommand = cmd
, menuArgs = args
} =
liftIO getChromeTabInfo >>= void . DM.menuMapArgs cmd args
chromeTabAction doSplit action selected =
case selected of
Left wid -> action wid
Right ChromeInfo { tabId = tid } ->
liftIO $ do
let command = if doSplit then
"split_tab_by_id.sh %s"
"focus_tab_by_id.sh %s"
spawn $ printf command $ show tid
return ()
menuIndexArgs :: MonadIO m => String -> [String] -> [(String, a)] ->
m (Maybe a)
menuIndexArgs menuCmd args selectionPairs = do
selection <- menuFunction (map fst selectionPairs)
pure $ snd <$> (readMay selection >>= atMay selectionPairs)
menuFunction = DM.menuArgs menuCmd args
-- This needs access to X in order to unminimize, which means that it can't be
-- done with the existing window bringer interface
myWindowAct c@WindowBringerConfig {menuCommand = cmd, menuArgs = args}
filterVisible action = do
visible <- visibleWindows
currentlyFullscreen <- isToggleActiveInCurrent NBFULL
let actualConfig =
if fromMaybe False currentlyFullscreen
then c
if filterVisible
then c {windowFilter = not . flip elem visible}
else c
ws <- M.toList <$> windowMap' actualConfig
selection <- menuIndexArgs cmd args ws
whenJust selection action
doBringWindow window =
maximizeWindow window >> windows (W.focusWindow window . bringWindow window)
myWindowAction filterVisible =
andDeactivateFull . maybeUnminimizeAfter . myWindowAct myWindowBringerConfig filterVisible
myGoToWindow =
myWindowAction False $ windows . greedyFocusWindow
myBringWindow = myWindowAction True $ doBringWindow
myReplaceWindow =
swapMinimizeStateAfter $
myWindowAct myWindowBringerConfig True $ (windows . swapFocusedWith)
-- Workspace Names for EWMH
setWorkspaceNames :: X ()
setWorkspaceNames = withWindowSet $ \s -> withDisplay $ \dpy -> do
sort' <- getSortByIndex
let ws = sort' $ W.workspaces s
tagNames = map W.tag ws
getName tag = maybe "" (" " ++) <$> getWorkspaceName tag
getFullName :: String -> X String
getFullName tag = printf "%s%s" tag <$> getName tag
names <- mapM getFullName tagNames
r <- asks theRoot
c <- getAtom "UTF8_STRING"
let names' = map fromIntegral $ concatMap ((++[0]) . UTF8String.encode) names
io $ changeProperty8 dpy r a c propModeReplace names'
-- Toggleable fade
newtype ToggleFade a =
ToggleFade { fadesMap :: M.Map a Bool }
deriving (Typeable, Read, Show)
instance (Typeable a, Read a, Show a, Ord a) =>
ExtensionClass (ToggleFade a) where
initialValue = ToggleFade M.empty
extensionType = PersistentExtension
fadeEnabledFor query =
M.findWithDefault True <$> query <*> liftX (fadesMap <$> XS.get)
fadeEnabledForWindow = fadeEnabledFor ask
fadeEnabledForWorkspace = fadeEnabledFor getWindowWorkspace
fadeEnabledForScreen = fadeEnabledFor getWindowScreen
getScreens = withWindowSet $ return . W.screens
getWindowWorkspace' = W.findTag <$> ask <*> liftX (withWindowSet return)
getWindowWorkspace = flip fromMaybe <$> getWindowWorkspace' <*> pure "1"
getWorkspaceToScreen =
M.fromList . mapP' (W.tag . W.workspace) W.screen <$> getScreens
getWindowScreen = M.lookup <$> getWindowWorkspace <*> liftX getWorkspaceToScreen
getCurrentScreen = join (withFocusedD Nothing (runQuery getWindowScreen))
fadeCondition =
isUnfocused <&&> fadeEnabledForWindow <&&>
fadeEnabledForWorkspace <&&> fadeEnabledForScreen
toggleFadeInactiveLogHook = fadeOutLogHook . fadeIf fadeCondition
toggleFadingForActiveWindow = withWindowSet $
maybe (return ()) toggleFading . W.peek
toggleFadingForActiveWorkspace =
withWindowSet $ \ws -> toggleFading $ W.currentTag ws
toggleFadingForActiveScreen = getCurrentScreen >>= toggleFading
toggleFading w = setFading' $ toggleInMap w
setFading w f = setFading' $ M.insert w f
setFading' f =
fmap (ToggleFade . f . fadesMap) XS.get >>= XS.put
-- Minimize not in class
restoreFocus action =
withFocused $ \orig -> action >> windows (W.focusWindow orig)
getCurrentWS = W.stack . W.workspace . W.current
withWorkspace f = withWindowSet $ \ws -> maybe (return ()) f (getCurrentWS ws)
currentWS = withWindowSet $ return . getCurrentWS
workspaceWindows = maybe [] W.integrate <$> currentWS
getMinMaxWindows =
partition <$> (flip elem <$> minimizedWindows) <*> workspaceWindows
maximizedWindows = fmap snd getMinMaxWindows
maximizedOtherClass =
intersect <$> maximizedWindows <*>
(currentWS >>= maybe (return []) windowsWithUnfocusedClass)
minimizedSameClass =
intersect <$> minimizedWindows <*>
(currentWS >>= maybe (return []) windowsWithFocusedClass)
getClassMatchesWindow w = (==) <$> getClass w
getClassMatchesCurrent = join $ withFocusedD (`seq` False) getClassMatchesWindow
minimizeOtherClassesInWorkspace =
actOnWindowsInWorkspace minimizeWindow windowsWithUnfocusedClass
maximizeSameClassesInWorkspace =
actOnWindowsInWorkspace maybeUnminimize windowsWithFocusedClass
-- Type annotation is needed to resolve ambiguity
actOnWindowsInWorkspace :: (Window -> X ())
-> (W.Stack Window -> X [Window])
-> X ()
actOnWindowsInWorkspace windowAction getWindowsAction = restoreFocus $
withWorkspace (getWindowsAction >=> mapM_ windowAction)
-- XXX: The idea behind this was that the normal fullscreen can be annoying if a
-- new window opens, but this behavior is even more annoying than that, so
-- nevermind
goFullscreenDWIM =
withWorkspace $ \ws -> do
wins <- windowsWithFocusedClass ws
if length wins > 1
then goFullscreen
else minimizeOtherClassesInWorkspace
windowsWithUnfocusedClass ws = windowsWithOtherClasses (W.focus ws) ws
windowsWithFocusedClass ws = windowsWithSameClass (W.focus ws) ws
windowsWithOtherClasses = windowsMatchingClassPredicate (/=)
windowsWithSameClass = windowsMatchingClassPredicate (==)
windowsMatchingClassPredicate predicate window workspace =
windowsSatisfyingPredicate workspace $ do
windowClass <- getClass window
return $ predicate windowClass
windowsSatisfyingPredicate workspace getPredicate = do
predicate <- getPredicate
filterM (\w -> predicate <$> getClass w) (W.integrate workspace)
getMatchingUnmatching =
partition <$> ((. snd) <$> getClassMatchesCurrent) <*> getWindowClassPairs
getWindowClassPairs = join $ mapM windowToClassPair <$> workspaceWindows
windowToClassPair w = (,) w <$> getClass w
windowIsMinimized w = do
minimized <- XS.gets minimizedStack
return $ w `elem` minimized
maybeUnminimize w = windowIsMinimized w >>= flip when (maximizeWindow w)
maybeUnminimizeFocused = withFocused maybeUnminimize
maybeUnminimizeAfter = (>> maybeUnminimizeFocused)
maybeUnminimizeClassAfter = (>> maximizeSameClassesInWorkspace)
sameClassOnly action =
action >> minimizeOtherClassesInWorkspace >> maximizeSameClassesInWorkspace
restoreAll = mapM_ maximizeWindow
restoreAllMinimized = minimizedWindows >>= restoreAll
restoreOrMinimizeOtherClasses = null <$> maximizedOtherClass >>=
ifL restoreAllMinimized minimizeOtherClassesInWorkspace
restoreThisClassOrMinimizeOtherClasses = minimizedSameClass >>= \ws ->
if' (null ws) minimizeOtherClassesInWorkspace $ restoreAll ws
getClassPair w = flip (,) w <$> getClass w
windowClassPairs = withWindowSet $ mapM getClassPair . W.allWindows
classToWindowMap = MM.fromList <$> windowClassPairs
allClasses = sort . MM.keys <$> classToWindowMap
thisClass = withWindowSet $ sequence . (getClass <$.> W.peek)
nextClass = do
classes <- allClasses
current <- thisClass
let index = join $ elemIndex <$> current <$$> classes
return $ fmap (\i -> cycle classes !! (i + 1)) index
classWindow c = do
m <- classToWindowMap
return $ join $ listToMaybe <$> (flip MM.lookup m <$> c)
nextClassWindow = nextClass >>= classWindow
focusNextClass' =
join $ windows . maybe id greedyFocusWindow <$> nextClassWindow
focusNextClass = sameClassOnly focusNextClass'
selectClass = join $ myDmenu <$> allClasses
-- Chrome auto minimization
data ReplaceOnNew
= NoTarget
| DontTarget
| Target Window
deriving (Typeable, Read, Show)
instance ExtensionClass ReplaceOnNew where
initialValue = NoTarget
extensionType = PersistentExtension
mapWindows f = W.mapWorkspace workspaceHelper
stackHelper stack = W.Stack
{ W.focus = f $ W.focus stack
, W.up = map f $ W.up stack
, W.down = map f $ W.down stack
workspaceHelper ws@W.Workspace {W.stack = stack} =
ws { W.stack = stackHelper <$> stack }
swapWindows a b =
mapWindows helper
where helper w
| w == a = b
| w == b = a
| otherwise = w
getTarget = do
t <- XS.get
case t of
Target w -> return $ Just w
DontTarget -> return Nothing
NoTarget -> return Nothing
maybeReplaceTarget :: Window -> X ()
maybeReplaceTarget window = do
t <- getTarget
-- We have an insertUp here to ensure the target isn't deleted
let modifyStackSet target = W.insertUp target . swapWindows window target
replaceTarget target =
windows (modifyStackSet target) >> minimizeWindow target >>
XS.put (initialValue :: ReplaceOnNew)
whenJust t replaceTarget
maybeReplaceTargetHook = ask >>= (liftX . maybeReplaceTarget) >> return (Endo id)
setReplaceTarget = withFocused $ XS.put . Target
getWindowWS a = withWindowSet $ \ws -> return $ listToMaybe
[ w | w <- W.workspaces ws, has a (W.stack w) ]
where has _ Nothing = False
has _ (Just _) = True
replaceWindow original replacement =
W.delete original . swapWindows original replacement
chromeReplaceKill =
withFocused $ \w -> do
vClass <- getClass w
if vClass == "Chrome" then
replacement <-
runMaybeT $ do
ws <- MaybeT $ join . fmap W.stack <$> getWindowWS w
MaybeT $
listToMaybe <$>
(intersect <$> minimizedWindows <*> windowsWithSameClass w ws)
let doReplace rep = do
maximizeWindow rep
windows $ replaceWindow w rep
maybe kill doReplace replacement
-- Gather windows of same class
allWindows = concat <$> mapWorkspaces (return . W.integrate' . W.stack)
windowsMatchingClass klass =
allWindows >>= filterM (((== klass) <$>) . getClass)
gatherClass klass = restoreFocus $
windowsMatchingClass klass >>= mapM_ doBringWindow
gatherThisClass = thisClass >>= flip whenJust gatherClass
-- Window switching
-- Use greedyView to switch to the correct workspace, and then focus on the
-- appropriate window within that workspace.
greedyFocusWindow w ws =
W.focusWindow w $
W.greedyView (fromMaybe (W.currentTag ws) $ W.findTag w ws) ws
shiftThenView i = W.greedyView i . W.shift i
greedyBringWindow w = greedyFocusWindow w . bringWindow w
shiftToEmptyAndView =
doTo Next EmptyWS DWO.getSortByOrder (windows . shiftThenView)
setFocusedScreen :: ScreenId -> WindowSet -> WindowSet
setFocusedScreen to ws =
maybe ws (`setFocusedScreen'` ws) $ find ((to ==) . W.screen) (W.visible ws)
setFocusedScreen' to ws @ W.StackSet
{ W.current = prevCurr
, W.visible = visible
} = ws { W.current = to
, W.visible = prevCurr:deleteBy screenEq to visible
where screenEq a b = W.screen a == W.screen b
nextScreen ws @ W.StackSet { W.visible = visible } =
case visible of
next:_ -> setFocusedScreen (W.screen next) ws
_ -> ws
viewOtherScreen ws = W.greedyView ws . nextScreen
shiftThenViewOtherScreen ws w = viewOtherScreen ws . W.shiftWin ws w
shiftCurrentToWSOnOtherScreen ws s =
fromMaybe s (flip (shiftThenViewOtherScreen ws) s <$> W.peek s)
shiftToEmptyNextScreen =
doTo Next EmptyWS DWO.getSortByOrder $ windows . shiftCurrentToWSOnOtherScreen
swapFocusedWith w ws = W.modify' (swapFocusedWith' w) (W.delete' w ws)
swapFocusedWith' w (W.Stack current ls rs) = W.Stack w ls (rs ++ [current])
swapMinimizeStateAfter action =
withFocused $ \originalWindow -> do
_ <- action
restoreFocus $ do
withFocused $ \newWindow ->
when (newWindow /= originalWindow) $ minimizeWindow originalWindow
-- Named Scratchpads
scratchpads =
[ NS "htop" htopCommand (title =? "htop") nonFloating
, NS "spotify" spotifyCommand spotifySelector nonFloating
, NS "hangouts" hangoutsCommand hangoutsSelector nonFloating
, NS "volume" volumeCommand volumeSelector nonFloating
-- TODO: This doesnt work well with minimized windows
doScratchpad =
maybeUnminimizeAfter . deactivateFullAnd . namedScratchpadAction scratchpads
-- Raise or spawn
myRaiseNextMaybe =
((deactivateFullAnd . maybeUnminimizeAfter) .) .
raiseNextMaybeCustomFocus greedyFocusWindow
myBringNextMaybe =
((deactivateFullAnd . maybeUnminimizeAfter) .) .
raiseNextMaybeCustomFocus greedyBringWindow
bindBringAndRaise :: KeyMask
-> KeySym
-> X ()
-> Query Bool
-> [((KeyMask, KeySym), X ())]
bindBringAndRaise mask sym start query =
[ ((mask, sym), doRaiseNext)
, ((mask .|. controlMask, sym), myBringNextMaybe start query)
, ((mask .|. shiftMask, sym), doRaiseNext)
where doRaiseNext = myRaiseNextMaybe start query
bindBringAndRaiseMany :: [(KeyMask, KeySym, X (), Query Bool)]
-> [((KeyMask, KeySym), X ())]
bindBringAndRaiseMany = concatMap (\(a, b, c, d) -> bindBringAndRaise a b c d)
-- Screen shift
shiftToNextScreen ws =
case W.visible ws of
W.Screen i _ _:_ -> W.view (W.tag i) $ W.shift (W.tag i) ws
_ -> ws
shiftToNextScreenX = windows shiftToNextScreen
getNextScreen ws =
minimumBy compareScreen candidates
where currentId = W.screen $ W.current ws
otherScreens = W.visible ws
largerId = filter ((> currentId) . W.screen) otherScreens
compareScreen a b = compare (W.screen a) (W.screen b)
candidates =
case largerId of
[] -> W.current ws:otherScreens -- Ensure a value will be selected
_ -> largerId
goToNextScreen ws =
if screenEq nScreen currScreen then ws
else ws { W.current = nScreen
, W.visible = currScreen : trimmedVisible
currScreen = W.current ws
nScreen = getNextScreen ws
screenEq a b = W.screen a == W.screen b
trimmedVisible =
filter (not . screenEq nScreen) $ W.visible ws
goToNextScreenX = windows goToNextScreen
-- Key bindings
volumeUp = spawn "set_volume.sh --unmute --change-volume +5"
volumeDown = spawn "set_volume.sh --unmute --change-volume -5"
mute = spawn "set_volume.sh --toggle-mute"
shiftToEmptyOnScreen direction =
followingWindow (windowToScreen direction True) >> shiftToEmptyAndView
addKeys conf@XConfig { modMask = modm } =
-- Specific program spawning
[ (modalt, xK_c, spawn chromeCommand, chromeSelector)
, (modalt, xK_e, spawn emacsCommand, emacsSelector)
, (modalt, xK_g, spawn gmailCommand, gmailSelector)
, (modalt, xK_t, spawn transmissionCommand, transmissionSelector)
] ++
-- ScratchPads
[ ((modalt, xK_m), doScratchpad "htop")
, ((modalt, xK_v), doScratchpad "volume")
, ((modalt, xK_h), doScratchpad "hangouts")
, ((modalt, xK_s), doScratchpad "spotify")
, ((modalt .|. controlMask, xK_h),
myRaiseNextMaybe (spawn hangoutsCommand) hangoutsSelector)
, ((modalt .|. controlMask, xK_s),
myRaiseNextMaybe (spawn spotifyCommand) spotifySelector)
-- Specific program spawning
, ((modm, xK_p), spawn "rofi -show drun -show-icons")
, ((modm .|. shiftMask, xK_p), spawn "rofi -show run")
-- Window manipulation
, ((modm, xK_g), myGoToWindow)
, ((modm, xK_b), myBringWindow)
, ((modm .|. shiftMask, xK_b), myReplaceWindow)
, ((modm .|. controlMask, xK_space), deactivateFullOr goFullscreen)
, ((modm, xK_m), withFocused minimizeWindow)
, ((modm .|. shiftMask, xK_m),
deactivateFullOr $ withLastMinimized maximizeWindowAndFocus)
, ((modm, xK_x), addHiddenWorkspace "NSP" >> windows (W.shift "NSP"))
, ((modalt, xK_space), deactivateFullOr restoreOrMinimizeOtherClasses)
, ((modalt, xK_Return), deactivateFullAnd restoreAllMinimized)
, ((modm .|. controlMask, xK_t),
setReplaceTarget >> spawn "chromix-too open chrome://newtab")
, ((modm .|. controlMask, xK_c), chromeReplaceKill)
, ((hyper, xK_g), gatherThisClass)
-- Directional navigation
, ((modm, xK_w), windowGo U True)
, ((modm, xK_s), windowGo D True)
, ((modm, xK_a), windowGo L True)
, ((modm, xK_d), windowGo R True)
, ((modm .|. shiftMask, xK_w), windowSwap U True)
, ((modm .|. shiftMask, xK_s), windowSwap D True)
, ((modm .|. shiftMask, xK_a), windowSwap L True)
, ((modm .|. shiftMask, xK_d), windowSwap R True)
, ((modm .|. controlMask, xK_w), followingWindow $ windowToScreen U True)
, ((modm .|. controlMask, xK_s), followingWindow $ windowToScreen D True)
, ((modm .|. controlMask, xK_a), followingWindow $ windowToScreen L True)
, ((modm .|. controlMask, xK_d), followingWindow $ windowToScreen R True)
, ((hyper, xK_w), screenGo U True)
, ((hyper, xK_s), screenGo D True)
, ((hyper, xK_a), screenGo L True)
, ((hyper, xK_d), screenGo R True)
, ((hyper .|. shiftMask, xK_w), followingWindow $ screenSwap U True)
, ((hyper .|. shiftMask, xK_s), followingWindow $ screenSwap D True)
, ((hyper .|. shiftMask, xK_a), followingWindow $ screenSwap L True)
, ((hyper .|. shiftMask, xK_d), followingWindow $ screenSwap R True)
, ((hyper .|. controlMask, xK_w), shiftToEmptyOnScreen U)
, ((hyper .|. controlMask, xK_s), shiftToEmptyOnScreen D)
, ((hyper .|. controlMask, xK_a), shiftToEmptyOnScreen L)
, ((hyper .|. controlMask, xK_d), shiftToEmptyOnScreen R)
-- Focus/Layout manipulation
, ((modm, xK_e), goToNextScreenX)
, ((modm, xK_slash), sendMessage $ Toggle MIRROR)
, ((modm, xK_backslash),
cycleWorkspaceOnCurrentScreen [xK_Super_L] xK_backslash xK_slash)
, ((modm, xK_space), deactivateFullOr $ sendMessage NextLayout)
, ((modm, xK_z), shiftToNextScreenX)
, ((modm .|. shiftMask, xK_z), shiftToEmptyNextScreen)
, ((modm .|. shiftMask, xK_h), shiftToEmptyAndView)
, ((hyper, xK_5), getWorkspaceDmenu >>= windows . SW.swapWithCurrent)
-- These need to be rebound to support boringWindows
, ((modm, xK_m), focusMaster)
, ((modm, xK_Tab), focusNextClass)
, ((hyper, xK_e), moveTo Next EmptyWS)
-- Miscellaneous XMonad
, ((hyper, xK_1), toggleFadingForActiveWindow)
, ((hyper .|. shiftMask, xK_1), toggleFadingForActiveWorkspace)
, ((hyper .|. controlMask, xK_1), toggleFadingForActiveScreen)
, ((hyper, xK_t), selectToggle)
, ((modalt, xK_4), selectLimit)
, ((hyper, xK_3), addWorkspacePrompt def)
, ((modalt, xK_3), selectWorkspace def)
, ((hyper .|. mod1Mask, xK_3), removeWorkspace)
, ((hyper .|. mod1Mask, xK_r), renameWorkspace def)
-- Non-XMonad
, ((modm, xK_v), spawn "xclip -o | xdotool type --file -")
, ((modm .|. controlMask, xK_s), spawn "split_current_chrome_tab.sh")
, ((hyper, xK_v), spawn "rofi_clipit.sh")
, ((hyper, xK_p), spawn "rofi-pass")
, ((hyper, xK_h), spawn "screenshot.sh")
, ((hyper, xK_c), spawn "shell_command.sh")
, ((hyper, xK_x), spawn "rofi_command.sh")
, ((hyper .|. shiftMask, xK_l), spawn "dm-tool lock")
, ((hyper, xK_l), selectLayout)
, ((hyper, xK_k), spawn "rofi_kill_process.sh")
, ((hyper .|. shiftMask, xK_k),
spawn "rofi_kill_all.sh")
, ((hyper, xK_r), spawn "rofi-systemd")
, ((hyper, xK_0), spawn "tvpower.js")
, ((modalt, xK_z), spawn "split_chrome_tab_to_next_screen.sh")
, ((hyper, xK_9), spawn "start_synergy.sh")
, ((hyper, xK_slash), spawn "toggle_taffybar.sh")
, ((hyper, xK_space), spawn "skippy-xd")
, ((hyper, xK_i), spawn "rofi_select_input.hs")
, ((hyper, xK_o), spawn "rofi_paswitch.sh")
, ((modm, xK_apostrophe), spawn "load_default_map.sh")
, ((modalt, xK_apostrophe), spawn "load_xkb_map.sh")
-- Media keys
-- playerctl
, ((modm, xK_semicolon), spawn "playerctl play-pause")
, ((0, xF86XK_AudioPause), spawn "playerctl play-pause")
, ((0, xF86XK_AudioPlay), spawn "playerctl play-pause")
, ((modm, xK_l), spawn "playerctl next")
, ((0, xF86XK_AudioNext), spawn "playerctl next")
, ((modm, xK_j), spawn "playerctl previous")
, ((0, xF86XK_AudioPrev), spawn "playerctl previous")
-- Volume control
, ((0, xF86XK_AudioRaiseVolume), volumeUp)
, ((0, xF86XK_AudioLowerVolume), volumeDown)
, ((0, xF86XK_AudioMute), mute)
, ((modm, xK_i), volumeUp)
, ((modm, xK_k), volumeDown)
, ((modm, xK_u), mute)
, ((hyper .|. shiftMask, xK_q), spawn "toggle_mute_current_window.sh")
, ((hctrl, xK_q), spawn "toggle_mute_current_window.sh only")
, ((0, xF86XK_MonBrightnessUp), spawn "brightness.sh 5")
, ((0, xF86XK_MonBrightnessDown), spawn "brightness.sh -5")
] ++
-- Replace moving bindings
[((additionalMask .|. modm, key), windows $ function workspace)
| (workspace, key) <- zip (workspaces conf) [xK_1 .. xK_9]
, (function, additionalMask) <-
[ (W.greedyView, 0)
, (W.shift, shiftMask)
, (shiftThenView, controlMask)
modalt = modm .|. mod1Mask
hyper = mod3Mask
hctrl = hyper .|. controlMask
-- Local Variables:
-- flycheck-ghc-args: ("-Wno-missing-signatures")
-- haskell-indent-offset: 2
-- End: