;;; mo-git-blame.el --- An interactive, iterative 'git blame' mode for Emacs ;; Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org> ;; Copyright (C) 2010 `tpán Nmec <stepnem@gmail.com> ;; Author: Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org> ;; Maintainer: Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org> ;; Version: 0.1.0 ;; Keywords: tools ;; URL: https://github.com/mbunkus/mo-git-blame ;; mo-git-blame is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at ;; your option) any later version. ;; ;; mo-git-blame is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ;;; Installation: ;;; ;;; Put this file somewhere in your load-path or add the directory it ;;; is in to it, e.g.: ;;; ;;; (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/mo-git-blame") ;;; ;;; Then add two autoload definitions: ;;; ;;; (autoload 'mo-git-blame-file "mo-git-blame" nil t) ;;; (autoload 'mo-git-blame-current "mo-git-blame" nil t) (require 'cl) (require 'easymenu) (defvar mo-git-blame-vars nil "Buffer-local plist that stores various variables needed for interactive use, e.g. the file name, current revision etc.") (defvar mo-git-blame--wincfg nil) (defvar mo-git-blame-mode-map (let ((map (make-keymap))) (suppress-keymap map t) (define-key map (kbd "a") 'mo-git-blame-reblame-for-ancestor-of-revision-at) (define-key map (kbd "A") 'mo-git-blame-reblame-for-ancestor-of-current-revision) (define-key map (kbd "b") 'mo-git-blame-reblame-for-revision-at) (define-key map (kbd "B") 'mo-git-blame-reblame-for-specific-revision) (define-key map (kbd "c") 'mo-git-blame-content-for-revision-at) (define-key map (kbd "i") 'mo-git-blame-display-info) (define-key map (kbd "l") 'mo-git-blame-log-for-revision-at) (define-key map (kbd "L") 'mo-git-blame-log-for-current-revision) (define-key map (kbd "o") 'mo-git-blame-overwrite-file-with-revision-at) (define-key map (kbd "O") 'mo-git-blame-overwrite-file-with-current-revision) (define-key map (kbd "p") 'mo-git-blame-reblame-for-prior-revision) (define-key map (kbd "q") 'mo-git-blame-quit) (define-key map (kbd "s") 'mo-git-blame-show-revision-at) (define-key map (kbd "S") 'mo-git-blame-show-current-revision) (define-key map (kbd "RET") 'mo-git-blame-show-revision-at) (define-key map (kbd "TAB") 'mo-git-blame-display-content-buffer) (define-key map [?\C-x ?k] 'mo-git-blame-quit) (define-key map [?\C-x ?\C-l] 'mo-git-blame-goto-line) map) "The mode map for the blame output window of mo-git-blame-mode.") (defvar mo-git-blame-content-mode-map (let ((map (make-keymap))) (suppress-keymap map t) (define-key map (kbd "A") 'mo-git-blame-reblame-for-ancestor-of-current-revision) (define-key map (kbd "B") 'mo-git-blame-reblame-for-specific-revision) (define-key map (kbd "i") 'mo-git-blame-display-info) (define-key map (kbd "L") 'mo-git-blame-log-for-current-revision) (define-key map (kbd "O") 'mo-git-blame-overwrite-file-with-current-revision) (define-key map (kbd "q") 'mo-git-blame-quit) (define-key map (kbd "S") 'mo-git-blame-show-current-revision) (define-key map [?\C-x ?k] 'mo-git-blame-quit) (define-key map [?\C-x ?\C-l] 'mo-git-blame-goto-line) map) "The mode map for the content window of mo-git-blame-mode.") (easy-menu-define mo-git-blame-mode-menu mo-git-blame-mode-map "MoGitBlame menu" '("MoGitBlame" ["Re-blame for revision at point" mo-git-blame-reblame-for-revision-at t] ["Re-blame for ancestor of revision at point" mo-git-blame-reblame-for-ancestor-of-revision-at-point t] ["Raw content for revision at point" mo-git-blame-content-for-revision-at t] ["Log for revision at point" mo-git-blame-log-for-revision-at t] ["Overwrite file with revision at point" mo-git-blame-overwrite-file-with-revision-at t] ["'git show' for revision at point" mo-git-blame-show-revision-at t] "---" ["Re-blame for ancestor of current revision" mo-git-blame-reblame-for-ancestor-of-current-revision t] ["Log for current revision" mo-git-blame-log-for-current-revision t] ["Overwrite file with current revision" mo-git-blame-overwrite-file-with-current-revision t] ["'git show' for current revision" mo-git-blame-show-current-revision t] "---" ["Re-blame for prior revision" mo-git-blame-reblame-for-prior-revision t] ["Re-blame for a specific revision" mo-git-blame-reblame-for-specific-revision t] "---" ["Display status information" mo-git-blame-display-info t] ["Display content buffer" mo-git-blame-display-content-buffer t] "---" ["Exit MoGitBlame" mo-git-blame-quit t])) (defgroup mo-git-blame nil "Interactively use Git's 'blame' from Emacs." :prefix "mo-git-blame-" :group 'tools) (defcustom mo-git-blame-git-executable "git" "The name of the Git executable." :group 'mo-git-blame :type 'string) (defcustom mo-git-blame-incremental t "Runs `git blame' in the background with the --incremental option if this variable is non-nil." :group 'mo-git-blame :type '(choice (const :tag "Use --incremental" t) (const :tag "Don't use --incremental" nil))) (defcustom mo-git-blame-blame-window-width 45 "The width of the 'blame' window leaving the rest for the 'content' window." :group 'mo-git-blame :type 'integer) (defcustom mo-git-blame-use-ido 'if-available "Controls whether or not ido will be used. Possible choices: `never' -- do not use ido even if it is loaded `if-available' -- use ido if it has been loaded before `always' -- automatically load ido and use it" :group 'mo-git-blame :type '(choice (const :tag "Always" always) (const :tag "If available" if-available) (const :tag "Never" never))) ;; This function was taken from magit (called 'magit-trim-line' there). (defun mo-git-blame-trim-line (str) (cond ((string= str "") nil) ((equal (elt str (- (length str) 1)) ?\n) (substring str 0 (- (length str) 1))) (t str))) ;; This function was taken from magit (called 'magit-git-output' there). (defun mo-git-blame-git-output (args) (with-output-to-string (with-current-buffer standard-output (apply #'process-file mo-git-blame-git-executable nil (list t nil) nil args)))) ;; This function was taken from magit (called 'magit-git-string' there). (defun mo-git-blame-git-string (&rest args) (mo-git-blame-trim-line (mo-git-blame-git-output args))) (defun mo-git-blame-get-top-dir (cwd) (let ((cwd (expand-file-name cwd)) git-dir) (setq git-dir (or (getenv "GIT_WORK_TREE") (if (file-directory-p cwd) (let* ((default-directory cwd) (dir (mo-git-blame-git-string "rev-parse" "--git-dir")) (dir (if dir (file-name-directory (expand-file-name dir)) ""))) (if (and dir (file-directory-p dir)) (file-name-as-directory dir)))))) (or git-dir (error "No Git repository found")))) (defun mo-git-blame-run (&rest args) (message "Running 'git %s'..." (car args)) (apply 'call-process mo-git-blame-git-executable nil (current-buffer) nil args) (message "Running 'git %s'... done" (car args))) (defvar mo-git-blame-process nil) (defvar mo-git-blame-client-buffer nil) (defun mo-git-blame-assert-not-running () "Exits with an error if `mo-git-blame-incremental' is true and git is already/still running." (if (and mo-git-blame-incremental mo-git-blame-process (get-buffer "*mo-git-blame-process*")) (error "Git is already running"))) (defun mo-git-blame-process-sentinel (process event) (let ((msg (format "Git %s." (substring event 0 -1))) (successp (string-match "^finished" event))) (with-current-buffer (process-buffer process) (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (goto-char (point-max)) (insert msg "\n") (message msg))) (setq mo-git-blame-process nil) (message "Running 'git blame'... done"))) (defun mo-git-blame-commit-info-to-time (entry) (let* ((tz (plist-get entry :author-tz)) (mult (if (string= "+" (substring tz 0 1)) 1 -1)) (hours (string-to-number (substring tz 1 3))) (minutes (string-to-number (substring tz 3 5)))) (seconds-to-time (+ (string-to-number (plist-get entry :author-time)) (* mult (+ (* minutes 60) (* hours 3600))))))) (defun mo-git-blame-process-filter-process-entry (entry) (with-current-buffer (plist-get mo-git-blame-vars :blame-buffer) (save-excursion (let ((inhibit-read-only t) (info (format "%s (%s %s %s) %s" (substring (symbol-name (plist-get entry :hash)) 0 8) (plist-get entry :author) (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %T" (mo-git-blame-commit-info-to-time entry) t) (plist-get entry :author-tz) (plist-get entry :filename))) i) (mo-git-blame-goto-line-markless (plist-get entry :result-line)) (dotimes (i (plist-get entry :num-lines)) (insert info) (goto-char (line-beginning-position 2))))))) (defun mo-git-blame-set-entry (key value) (let ((plist (or (plist-get mo-git-blame-data mo-git-blame-curr-entry) (list :hash mo-git-blame-curr-entry)))) (setq mo-git-blame-data (plist-put mo-git-blame-data mo-git-blame-curr-entry (plist-put plist key value))))) (defun mo-git-blame-process-filter (process string) (with-current-buffer (process-buffer process) (let ((inhibit-read-only t) done matched) (save-excursion (goto-char (process-mark process)) (insert string) (set-marker (process-mark process) (point))) (while (not done) (goto-char (line-end-position)) (setq done (= (point) (point-max))) (goto-char (line-beginning-position)) (unless done (setq matched t) (cond ((and (not mo-git-blame-curr-entry) (looking-at "^\\([a-fA-F0-9]\\{40\\}\\) +\\([0-9]+\\) +\\([0-9]+\\) +\\([0-9]+\\)$")) ;; SHA line, beginning of entry (setq mo-git-blame-curr-entry (intern (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))) (mo-git-blame-set-entry :source-line (string-to-number (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2)))) (mo-git-blame-set-entry :result-line (string-to-number (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning 3) (match-end 3)))) (mo-git-blame-set-entry :num-lines (string-to-number (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning 4) (match-end 4)))) ) ((and mo-git-blame-curr-entry (looking-at "^filename +\\(.+\\)$")) ;; filename line, end of entry (mo-git-blame-set-entry :filename (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))) (mo-git-blame-process-filter-process-entry (plist-get mo-git-blame-data mo-git-blame-curr-entry)) (setq mo-git-blame-curr-entry nil) ) ((and mo-git-blame-curr-entry (looking-at "^\\([a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\) +\\(.+\\)$")) ;; property line (mo-git-blame-set-entry (intern (concat ":" (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))) (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2))) ) (t (setq matched nil))) (forward-line 1)))))) (defun mo-git-blame-run* (&rest args) (message "Running 'git blame'...") (let ((buf (get-buffer-create "*mo-git-blame-process*")) (cmd (car args)) (dir default-directory) (vars mo-git-blame-vars)) (save-excursion (set-buffer buf) (setq buffer-read-only t) (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (set (make-local-variable 'mo-git-blame-data) nil) (set (make-local-variable 'mo-git-blame-curr-entry) nil) (set (make-local-variable 'mo-git-blame-vars) vars) (setq default-directory dir mo-git-blame-process (apply 'start-file-process cmd buf mo-git-blame-git-executable args)) (set-process-sentinel mo-git-blame-process 'mo-git-blame-process-sentinel) (set-process-filter mo-git-blame-process 'mo-git-blame-process-filter))))) (defun mo-git-blame-get-output-buffer () (let* ((name "*mo-git-blame-output*") (buffer (get-buffer name))) (if (null buffer) (progn (setq buffer (get-buffer-create name)) (with-current-buffer buffer (use-local-map mo-git-blame-mode-map)))) buffer)) (defun mo-git-blame-parse-rev (revision) (let ((result (mo-git-blame-git-string "rev-parse" "--short" revision))) (unless result (error "Unparseable revision %s" revision)) result)) (defun mo-git-blame-parse-blame-line () (save-excursion (save-match-data (beginning-of-line) (cond ((looking-at "^\\([a-f0-9]+\\) +\\(([^)]+)\\) *$") (list :hash (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)) :file-name (plist-get mo-git-blame-vars :file-name) :timestamp (buffer-substring (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2)))) ((looking-at "^\\([a-f0-9]+\\) +\\(([^)]+)\\) +\\(.+\\)") (list :hash (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)) :file-name (buffer-substring (match-beginning 3) (match-end 3)) :timestamp (buffer-substring (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2)))) (t (error "Not a 'git blame' line")))))) (defun mo-git-blame-revision-at-point () (plist-get (mo-git-blame-parse-blame-line) :hash)) (defun mo-git-blame-log-for-revision (revision) (let ((file-name (plist-get mo-git-blame-vars :file-name)) (buffer (mo-git-blame-get-output-buffer))) (with-current-buffer buffer (erase-buffer) (mo-git-blame-run "log" revision "--" file-name) (goto-char (point-min))) (display-buffer buffer))) (defun mo-git-blame-log-for-revision-at () "Calls 'git log' for revision in the current line." (interactive) (mo-git-blame-log-for-revision (mo-git-blame-revision-at-point))) (defun mo-git-blame-log-for-current-revision () "Calls 'git log' for the buffer's current revision and file." (interactive) (mo-git-blame-log-for-revision (plist-get mo-git-blame-vars :current-revision))) (defun mo-git-blame-show-revision (revision) (let ((buffer (mo-git-blame-get-output-buffer))) (with-current-buffer buffer (erase-buffer) (mo-git-blame-run "show" revision) (goto-char (point-min)) (diff-mode)) (display-buffer buffer))) (defun mo-git-blame-show-revision-at () "Calls 'git show' for the revision in the current line." (interactive) (mo-git-blame-show-revision (mo-git-blame-revision-at-point))) (defun mo-git-blame-show-current-revision () "Calls 'git show' for the current revision." (interactive) (mo-git-blame-show-revision (plist-get mo-git-blame-vars :current-revision))) (defun mo-git-blame-content-for-revision-at () "Calls 'git cat-file' for the revision in the current line." (interactive) (let ((info (mo-git-blame-parse-blame-line)) (buffer (mo-git-blame-get-output-buffer))) (with-current-buffer buffer (erase-buffer) (mo-git-blame-run "cat-file" "blob" (concat (plist-get info :hash) ":" (plist-get info :file-name))) (goto-char (point-min))) (display-buffer buffer))) (defun mo-git-blame-overwrite-file-with-revision (revision) (let ((file-name (plist-get mo-git-blame-vars :original-file-name))) (if (yes-or-no-p (format "Do you really want to overwrite %s with revision %s " file-name revision)) (progn (find-file (concat (plist-get mo-git-blame-vars :top-dir) file-name)) (erase-buffer) (mo-git-blame-run "cat-file" "blob" (concat revision ":" file-name)) (goto-char (point-min)))))) (defun mo-git-blame-overwrite-file-with-revision-at () "Calls 'git cat-file' for the revision in the current line and overwrites the original file's content. The file is not saved but left modified in an open buffer." (interactive) (mo-git-blame-overwrite-file-with-revision (mo-git-blame-revision-at-point))) (defun mo-git-blame-overwrite-file-with-current-revision () "Calls 'git cat-file' for the current revision and overwrites the original file's content. The file is not saved but left modified in an open buffer." (interactive) (mo-git-blame-overwrite-file-with-revision (plist-get mo-git-blame-vars :current-revision))) (defun mo-git-blame-reblame-for-ancestor-of-revision-at (&optional arg) "Calls 'git blame' for the ancestor of the revision in the current line. With a numeric prefix argument ARG only the ARG lines before and after point are blamed by using git blame's `-L' option. Otherwise the whole file is blamed." (interactive "P") (mo-git-blame-reblame-for-specific-revision (mo-git-blame-parse-rev (concat (plist-get (mo-git-blame-parse-blame-line) :hash) "~")) arg)) (defun mo-git-blame-reblame-for-ancestor-of-current-revision (&optional arg) "Calls 'git blame' for the ancestor of the current revision. With a numeric prefix argument ARG only the ARG lines before and after point are blamed by using git blame's `-L' option. Otherwise the whole file is blamed." (interactive "P") (mo-git-blame-reblame-for-specific-revision (mo-git-blame-parse-rev (concat (plist-get mo-git-blame-vars :current-revision) "~")) arg)) (defun mo-git-blame-reblame-for-revision-at (&optional arg) "Calls 'git blame' for the revision in the current line. With a numeric prefix argument ARG only the ARG lines before and after point are blamed by using git blame's `-L' option. Otherwise the whole file is blamed." (interactive "P") (let* ((info (mo-git-blame-parse-blame-line)) (revision (plist-get info :hash))) (if (string= revision (plist-get mo-git-blame-vars :current-revision)) (error "Already showing this revision")) (mo-git-blame-file (concat (plist-get mo-git-blame-vars :top-dir) (plist-get info :file-name)) revision (plist-get mo-git-blame-vars :original-file-name) arg))) (defun mo-git-blame-reblame-for-specific-revision (&optional revision arg) "Calls 'git blame' for a specific REVISION. With a numeric prefix argument ARG only the ARG lines before and after point are blamed by using git blame's `-L' option. Otherwise the whole file is blamed." (interactive "sRevision: \nP") (setq revision (mo-git-blame-parse-rev revision)) (if (string= revision (plist-get mo-git-blame-vars :current-revision)) (error "Already showing this revision")) (mo-git-blame-file (concat (plist-get mo-git-blame-vars :top-dir) (plist-get mo-git-blame-vars :file-name)) revision (plist-get mo-git-blame-vars :original-file-name) arg)) (defun mo-git-blame-reblame-for-prior-revision (&optional arg) "Calls 'git blame' for the revision shown before the current one (see `prior revisions' in the info output of `mo-git-blame-display-info'). With a numeric prefix argument ARG only the ARG lines before and after point are blamed by using git blame's `-L' option. Otherwise the whole file is blamed." (interactive "P") (let ((rev-list (plist-get mo-git-blame-vars :prior-revisions)) revision-plist) (unless rev-list (error "No revision shown prior to the current one")) (setq revision-plist (car rev-list)) (mo-git-blame-file (plist-get revision-plist :full-file-name) (plist-get revision-plist :revision) (plist-get mo-git-blame-vars :original-file-name) arg))) (defun mo-git-blame-display-info () "Displays short information about the current revision." (interactive) (let* ((buffer (mo-git-blame-get-output-buffer)) (vars mo-git-blame-vars) (prior-revs (plist-get vars :prior-revisions)) (prior-revs-str (if prior-revs (reduce (lambda (joined element) (concat (or joined "") (if joined " " "") element)) (mapcar (lambda (element) (plist-get element :revision)) prior-revs)) "none"))) (with-current-buffer buffer (erase-buffer) (insert (format "Current revision: %s\n" (plist-get vars :current-revision)) (format "Prior revisions: %s\n" prior-revs-str) (format "Git repository: %s\n" (plist-get vars :top-dir)) (format "Original file name: %s\n" (file-relative-name (plist-get vars :original-file-name) (plist-get vars :top-dir))) (format "Current file name: %s\n" (plist-get vars :file-name))) (goto-char (point-min))) (display-buffer buffer))) (defun mo-git-blame-number-of-content-lines () (with-current-buffer (plist-get mo-git-blame-vars :content-buffer) (save-excursion (goto-char (point-max)) (line-number-at-pos)))) (defun mo-git-blame-mode () "Show the output of 'git blame' and the content of the file in two frames side-by-side. Allows iterative re-blaming for specific revisions. Can show the output of 'git log' and 'git show'. Can overwrite the file with the content of specific revisions by calling 'git cat-file blob ...'. Use 'mo-git-blame-current' interactively or 'mo-git-blame-file' from elisp. \\{mo-git-blame-mode-map}" (setq major-mode 'mo-git-blame-mode mode-name "MoGitBlame" mode-line-process "" truncate-lines t) (use-local-map mo-git-blame-mode-map)) (defun mo-git-blame-run-blame-normally (start-line lines-to-blame) (let* ((num-content-lines (mo-git-blame-number-of-content-lines)) (num-lines-to-append (if (and start-line (< (+ start-line lines-to-blame) num-content-lines)) (- num-content-lines start-line lines-to-blame))) args i) (if (and start-line (> start-line 1)) (dotimes (i (1- start-line)) (insert "\n"))) (setq args (list (plist-get mo-git-blame-vars :current-revision) "--" (plist-get mo-git-blame-vars :file-name))) (if start-line (setq args (append (list "-L" (format "%d,+%d" start-line lines-to-blame)) args))) (apply 'mo-git-blame-run "blame" args) (if num-lines-to-append (dotimes (i num-lines-to-append) (insert "\n"))))) (defun mo-git-blame-run-blame-incrementally (start-line lines-to-blame) (let* ((num-content-lines (mo-git-blame-number-of-content-lines)) i) (dotimes (i (1- num-content-lines)) (insert "\n")) (setq args (list "--incremental" (plist-get mo-git-blame-vars :current-revision) "--" (plist-get mo-git-blame-vars :file-name))) (if start-line (setq args (append (list "-L" (format "%d,+%d" start-line lines-to-blame)) args))) (mo-git-blame-assert-not-running) (apply 'mo-git-blame-run* "blame" args))) (defun mo-git-blame-init-blame-buffer (start-line lines-to-blame) (if mo-git-blame-incremental (mo-git-blame-run-blame-incrementally start-line lines-to-blame) (mo-git-blame-run-blame-normally start-line lines-to-blame)) (goto-char (point-min)) (save-match-data (while (re-search-forward "^\\([a-f0-9]+\\) +\\(([^)]+)\\) \\(.*\\)" nil t) (replace-match "\\1 \\2" nil nil)) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward "^\\([a-f0-9]+\\) +\\([^ ]+\\) +\\(([^)]+)\\) \\(.*\\)" nil t) (replace-match "\\1 \\3 \\2" nil nil)) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward " +[0-9]+)" nil t) (replace-match ")" nil nil))) (toggle-read-only t) (goto-char (point-min)) (set (make-local-variable 'line-move-visual) nil)) (defun mo-git-blame-init-content-buffer () (let ((vars mo-git-blame-vars)) (rename-buffer (concat "*mo-git-blame:" (file-name-nondirectory (plist-get vars :full-file-name)) ":" (plist-get vars :current-revision) "*")) (setq buffer-file-name (file-name-nondirectory (plist-get vars :full-file-name)) default-directory (plist-get vars :top-dir)) (mo-git-blame-run "cat-file" "blob" (concat (plist-get vars :current-revision) ":" (plist-get vars :file-name))) (normal-mode) (use-local-map mo-git-blame-content-mode-map) (font-lock-fontify-buffer) (toggle-read-only t) (set-buffer-modified-p nil) (setq truncate-lines t) (set (make-local-variable 'mo-git-blame-vars) vars) (set (make-local-variable 'line-move-visual) nil))) (defun mo-git-blame-read-file-name () "Calls `read-file-name' or `ido-read-file-name' depending on the value of `mo-git-blame-use-ido'." (let ((the-func (cond ((eq mo-git-blame-use-ido 'always) (require 'ido) 'ido-read-file-name) ((and (eq mo-git-blame-use-ido 'if-available) (functionp 'ido-read-file-name)) 'ido-read-file-name) (t 'read-file-name)))) (funcall the-func "File for 'git blame': " nil nil t))) ;;;###autoload (defun mo-git-blame-file (&optional file-name revision original-file-name num-lines-to-blame) "Calls `git blame' for REVISION of FILE-NAME or `HEAD' if REVISION is not given. Initializes the two windows that will show the output of 'git blame' and the content. If FILE-NAME is missing it will be read with `find-file' in interactive mode. ORIGINAL-FILE-NAME defaults to FILE-NAME if not given. This is used for tracking renaming and moving of files during iterative re-blaming. With a numeric prefix argument or with NUM-LINES-TO-BLAME only the NUM-LINES-TO-BLAME lines before and after point are blamed by using git blame's `-L' option. Otherwise the whole file is blamed." (interactive) (mo-git-blame-assert-not-running) (unless mo-git-blame--wincfg (setq mo-git-blame--wincfg (current-window-configuration))) (let* ((file-name (or file-name (mo-git-blame-read-file-name))) (has-blame-vars (local-variable-p 'mo-git-blame-vars)) (the-raw-revision (or revision "HEAD")) (the-revision (if (string= the-raw-revision "HEAD") (mo-git-blame-parse-rev "HEAD") the-raw-revision)) (base-name (concat (file-name-nondirectory file-name) "@" the-revision)) (blame-buffer (get-buffer-create "*mo-git-blame*")) (content-buffer-name (concat "*mo-git-blame:" (file-name-nondirectory file-name) ":" the-revision "*")) (content-buffer (if has-blame-vars (plist-get mo-git-blame-vars :content-buffer) (get-buffer-create content-buffer-name))) (top-dir (mo-git-blame-get-top-dir (file-name-directory file-name))) (relative-file-name (file-relative-name file-name top-dir)) (blame-window (selected-window)) (prior-vars (if has-blame-vars mo-git-blame-vars)) (line-to-go-to (line-number-at-pos)) (lines-to-blame (or num-lines-to-blame (if (and current-prefix-arg (> (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg) 0)) (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg)))) content-window the-buffer prior-revisions start-line) (switch-to-buffer blame-buffer) (setq prior-revisions (if prior-vars (plist-get prior-vars :prior-revisions))) (setq prior-revisions (if (and prior-revisions (string= the-revision (plist-get (car prior-revisions) :revision))) (cdr prior-revisions) (if prior-vars (cons (list :full-file-name (plist-get prior-vars :full-file-name) :revision (plist-get prior-vars :current-revision)) prior-revisions)))) (if (window-full-width-p) (split-window-horizontally mo-git-blame-blame-window-width)) (select-window (setq content-window (next-window))) (switch-to-buffer content-buffer) (select-window blame-window) (dolist (the-buffer (list blame-buffer content-buffer)) (with-current-buffer the-buffer (toggle-read-only 0) (kill-all-local-variables) (buffer-disable-undo) (erase-buffer) (setq default-directory top-dir) (set (make-local-variable 'mo-git-blame-vars) (list :top-dir top-dir :file-name relative-file-name :full-file-name file-name :original-file-name (or original-file-name file-name) :current-revision the-revision :prior-revisions prior-revisions :blame-buffer blame-buffer :blame-window blame-window :content-buffer content-buffer :content-window content-window)))) (with-current-buffer content-buffer (mo-git-blame-init-content-buffer)) (when lines-to-blame (setq start-line (max 1 (- line-to-go-to lines-to-blame)) lines-to-blame (1+ (- (+ line-to-go-to lines-to-blame) start-line)))) (with-current-buffer blame-buffer (mo-git-blame-mode) (mo-git-blame-init-blame-buffer start-line lines-to-blame)) (mo-git-blame-goto-line line-to-go-to) (add-to-list 'window-scroll-functions 'mo-git-blame-window-scrolled))) (defvar mo-git-blame-scroll-info nil "Information which window to scroll and where to scroll to.") (defun mo-git-blame-window-scrolled (window new-start-pos) (if (and window (eq window (selected-window)) (local-variable-p 'mo-git-blame-vars)) (let* ((vars (with-current-buffer (window-buffer window) mo-git-blame-vars)) (start-line (line-number-at-pos new-start-pos)) (point-line (line-number-at-pos (window-point window))) (window-to-scroll (if (eq window (plist-get vars :blame-window)) (plist-get vars :content-window) (plist-get vars :blame-window)))) (setq mo-git-blame-scroll-info (list :window-to-scroll window-to-scroll :start-line start-line :point-line point-line)) (run-at-time "0 sec" nil 'mo-git-blame-update-other-window-after-scrolling)))) (defun mo-git-blame-update-other-window-after-scrolling () (if mo-git-blame-scroll-info (let ((window (plist-get mo-git-blame-scroll-info :window-to-scroll)) new-start-pos) (with-selected-window window (with-current-buffer (window-buffer window) (goto-char (point-min)) (setq new-start-pos (line-beginning-position (plist-get mo-git-blame-scroll-info :start-line))) (goto-char (point-min)) (goto-char (line-beginning-position (plist-get mo-git-blame-scroll-info :point-line))) (set-window-start window new-start-pos))) (setq mo-git-blame-scroll-info nil)))) (defun mo-git-blame-quit () "Kill the mo-git-blame buffers." (interactive) (setq window-scroll-functions (remq 'mo-git-blame-window-scrolled window-scroll-functions)) (let ((buffer)) (dolist (buffer (buffer-list)) (if (string-match-p "^\\*mo-git-blame" (buffer-name buffer)) (kill-buffer buffer)))) (set-window-configuration mo-git-blame--wincfg) (setq mo-git-blame--wincfg nil)) (defun mo-git-blame-display-content-buffer () "Show the content buffer in the content window." (interactive) ; Declare buffer here because mo-git-blame-vars might not be available in the other buffer. (let ((buffer (plist-get mo-git-blame-vars :content-buffer)) (line-num (line-number-at-pos))) (mo-git-blame-goto-line-markless line-num) (recenter) (with-selected-window (plist-get mo-git-blame-vars :content-window) (switch-to-buffer buffer) (mo-git-blame-goto-line-markless line-num) (recenter)))) (defun mo-git-blame-other-buffer () (plist-get mo-git-blame-vars (if (eq (current-buffer) (plist-get mo-git-blame-vars :blame-buffer)) :content-buffer :blame-buffer))) (defun mo-git-blame-goto-line-markless (line) (goto-char (point-min)) (goto-char (line-beginning-position line))) (defun mo-git-blame-goto-line (line) "Goto a line in both the blame and the content buffer." (interactive "nGoto line: ") (with-selected-window (plist-get mo-git-blame-vars :blame-window) (mo-git-blame-goto-line-markless line)) (with-selected-window (plist-get mo-git-blame-vars :content-window) (mo-git-blame-goto-line-markless line))) ;;;###autoload (defun mo-git-blame-current () "Calls `mo-git-blame-file' for HEAD for the current buffer." (interactive) (if (null (buffer-file-name)) (error "The current buffer is not associated with a file.")) (mo-git-blame-file (buffer-file-name))) (provide 'mo-git-blame) ;; Leave this in for debugging purposes: ;; (global-set-key [?\C-c ?i ?b] (lambda () (interactive) (let ((mo-git-blame-incremental t)) (mo-git-blame-current)))) ;; (global-set-key [?\C-c ?i ?B] (lambda () (interactive) (let ((mo-git-blame-incremental nil)) (mo-git-blame-current)))) ;;; mo-git-blame.el ends here