;;; color-theme-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads ;; ;;; Code: ;;;### (autoloads (color-theme-initialize color-theme-submit color-theme-install ;;;;;; color-theme-compare color-theme-make-snapshot color-theme-analyze-defun ;;;;;; color-theme-print color-theme-install-at-point-for-current-frame ;;;;;; color-theme-install-at-mouse color-theme-describe color-theme-select) ;;;;;; "color-theme" "color-theme.el" (21316 30298)) ;;; Generated autoloads from color-theme.el (autoload 'color-theme-select "color-theme" "\ Displays a special buffer for selecting and installing a color theme. With optional prefix ARG, this buffer will include color theme libraries as well. A color theme library is in itself not complete, it must be used as part of another color theme to be useful. Thus, color theme libraries are mainly useful for color theme authors. \(fn &optional ARG)" t nil) (autoload 'color-theme-describe "color-theme" "\ Describe color theme listed at point. This shows the documentation of the value of text-property color-theme at point. The text-property color-theme should be a color theme function. See `color-themes'. \(fn)" t nil) (autoload 'color-theme-install-at-mouse "color-theme" "\ Install color theme clicked upon using the mouse. First argument EVENT is used to set point. Then `color-theme-install-at-point' is called. \(fn EVENT)" t nil) (autoload 'color-theme-install-at-point-for-current-frame "color-theme" "\ Install color theme at point for current frame only. Binds `color-theme-is-global' to nil and calls `color-theme-install-at-point'. \(fn)" t nil) (autoload 'color-theme-print "color-theme" "\ Print the current color theme function. You can contribute this function to or paste it into your .emacs file and call it. That should recreate all the settings necessary for your color theme. Example: (require 'color-theme) (defun my-color-theme () \"Color theme by Alex Schroeder, created 2000-05-17.\" (interactive) (color-theme-install '(... ... ...))) (my-color-theme) If you want to use a specific color theme function, you can call the color theme function in your .emacs directly. Example: (require 'color-theme) (color-theme-gnome2) \(fn &optional BUF)" t nil) (autoload 'color-theme-analyze-defun "color-theme" "\ Once you have a color-theme printed, check for missing faces. This is used by maintainers who receive a color-theme submission and want to make sure it follows the guidelines by the color-theme author. \(fn)" t nil) (autoload 'color-theme-make-snapshot "color-theme" "\ Return the definition of the current color-theme. The function returned will recreate the color-theme in use at the moment. \(fn)" nil nil) (autoload 'color-theme-compare "color-theme" "\ Compare two color themes. This will print the differences between installing THEME-A and installing THEME-B. Note that the order is important: If a face is defined in THEME-A and not in THEME-B, then this will not show up as a difference, because there is no reset before installing THEME-B. If a face is defined in THEME-B and not in THEME-A, then this will show up as a difference. \(fn THEME-A THEME-B)" t nil) (autoload 'color-theme-install "color-theme" "\ Install a color theme defined by frame parameters, variables and faces. The theme is installed for all present and future frames; any missing faces are created. See `color-theme-install-faces'. THEME is a color theme definition. See below for more information. If you want to install a color theme from your .emacs, use the output generated by `color-theme-print'. This produces color theme function which you can copy to your .emacs. A color theme definition is a list: \([FUNCTION] FRAME-PARAMETERS VARIABLE-SETTINGS FACE-DEFINITIONS) FUNCTION is the color theme function which called `color-theme-install'. This is no longer used. There was a time when this package supported automatic factoring of color themes. This has been abandoned. FRAME-PARAMETERS is an alist of frame parameters. These are installed with `color-theme-install-frame-params'. These are installed last such that any changes to the default face can be changed by the frame parameters. VARIABLE-DEFINITIONS is an alist of variable settings. These are installed with `color-theme-install-variables'. FACE-DEFINITIONS is an alist of face definitions. These are installed with `color-theme-install-faces'. If `color-theme-is-cumulative' is nil, a color theme will undo face and frame-parameter settings of previous color themes. \(fn THEME)" nil nil) (autoload 'color-theme-submit "color-theme" "\ Submit your color-theme to the maintainer. \(fn)" t nil) (autoload 'color-theme-initialize "color-theme" "\ Initialize the color theme package by loading color-theme-libraries. \(fn)" t nil) ;;;*** ;;;### (autoloads nil nil ("color-theme-pkg.el") (21316 30298 651142)) ;;;*** (provide 'color-theme-autoloads) ;; Local Variables: ;; version-control: never ;; no-byte-compile: t ;; no-update-autoloads: t ;; coding: utf-8 ;; End: ;;; color-theme-autoloads.el ends here