{ pkgs, ... }: let my-python-packages = python-packages: with python-packages; [ appdirs ipdb ipython numpy openpyxl pip requests tox virtualenv virtualenvwrapper ]; python-with-my-packages = pkgs.python3.withPackages my-python-packages; in { environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ python-with-my-packages alacritty emacs firefox vlc transmission-gtk dolphin element-desktop # Appearance hicolor-icon-theme # XOrg wmctrl xclip xdotool xorg.xev xorg.xkbcomp xorg.xwininfo xsettingsd # Haskell Desktop haskellPackages.imalison-xmonad haskellPackages.imalison-taffybar haskellPackages.status-notifier-item haskellPackages.dbus-hslogger # Desktop autorandr betterlockscreen blueman clipit feh gnome3.gpaste kdeconnect libnotify lxqt.lxqt-powermanagement networkmanagerapplet notify-osd-customizable pasystray picom pinentry rofi rofi-pass rofi-systemd skippy-xd synergy udiskie volnoti # Audio playerctl # Tools binutils gawk gitFull htop ncdu lsof tzupdate rcm ripgrep silver-searcher tmux usbutils wget yubikey-manager ]; }