This is, produced by makeinfo version 4.13 from magit.texi. INFO-DIR-SECTION Emacs START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * Magit: (magit). Using Git from Emacs with Magit. END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Magit contributors. (See the header of magit.el for the lengthy list of Magit contributors.) Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts.  File:, Node: Top, Next: Introduction, Up: (dir) Magit User Manual ***************** Magit is an interface to the version control system Git, implemented as an extension to Emacs. Magit supports GNU Emacs version 22 or later. It may work with other emacsen, but Magit developers do not intend to investigate and fix bugs that only appear in unsupported versions. Patches to fix bugs in other emacsen or volunteers to maintain compatibility are still welcome. * Menu: * Introduction:: * Acknowledgments:: * Sections:: * Status:: * Untracked files:: * Staging and Committing:: * History:: * Reflogs:: * Commit Buffer:: * Diffing:: * Tagging:: * Resetting:: * Stashing:: * Branching:: * The Branch Manager:: * Wazzup:: * Merging:: * Rebasing:: * Rewriting:: * Pushing and Pulling:: * Bisecting:: * Submodules:: * Using Magit Extensions:: * Using Git Directly:: * Customization:: * Frequently Asked Questions::  File:, Node: Introduction, Next: Acknowledgments, Prev: Top, Up: Top 1 Introduction ************** With Magit, you can inspect and modify your Git repositories with Emacs. You can review and commit the changes you have made to the tracked files, for example, and you can browse the history of past changes. There is support for cherry picking, reverting, merging, rebasing, and other common Git operations. Magit is not a complete interface to Git; it just aims to make the most common Git operations convenient. Thus, Magit will likely not save you from learning Git itself. This manual provides a tour of all Magit features. It does not give an introduction to version control in general, or to Git in particular. The main entry point to Magit is `M-x magit-status', which will put you in Magit's status buffer. You will be using it frequently, so it is probably a good idea to bind `magit-status' to a key of your choice. In addition to the status buffer, Magit will also create buffers that show lists of commits, buffers with diffs, and other kinds of buffers. All these buffers are in `magit-mode' and have the same key bindings. Not all commands make sense in all contexts, but a given key will always do the same thing in all Magit buffers. Naturally, Magit runs the `git' command to do most of the work. The `*magit-process*' buffer contains the transcript of the most recent command. You can switch to it with `$'.  File:, Node: Acknowledgments, Next: Sections, Prev: Introduction, Up: Top 2 Acknowledgments ***************** Marius Vollmer started the whole project. Thanks ! From day one of the first Magit announcement, John Wiegley has contributed numerous fixes, UI improvements, and new features. Thanks! Linh Dang and Christian Neukirchen also contributed from day one. Thanks! Phil Hagelberg joined a few days later. Thanks! Alex Ott contributed support for git svn. Thanks! Marcin Bachry contributed bug fixes and support for decorated logs. Thanks! Alexey Voinov fixed bugs. Thanks! Rémi Vanicat helped with Tramp support. Thanks!  File:, Node: Sections, Next: Status, Prev: Acknowledgments, Up: Top 3 Sections ********** All Magit buffers are structured into nested 'sections'. These sections can be hidden and shown individually. When a section is hidden, only its first line is shown and all its children are completely invisible. The most fine-grained way to control the visibility of sections is the `TAB' key. It will to toggle the current section (the section that contains point) between being hidden and being shown. Typing `S-TAB' toggles the visibility of the children of the current section. When all of them are shown, they will all be hidden. Otherwise, when some or all are hidden, they will all be shown. The digit keys `1', `2', `3', and `4' control the visibility of sections based on levels. Hitting `2', for example, will show sections on levels one and two, and will hide sections on level 3. However, only sections that are a parent or child of the current section are affected. For example, when the current section is on level 3 and you hit `1', the grand-parent of the current section (which is on level one) will be shown, and the parent of the current section (level 2) will be hidden. The visibility of no other section will be changed. This sounds a bit complicated, but you'll figure it out. Using `M-1', `M-2', `M-3', and `M-4' is similar to the unmodified digits, but now all sections on the respective level are affected, regardless of whether or not they are related to the current section. For example, `M-1' will only show the first lines of the top-level sections and will hide everything else. Typing `M-4' on the other hand will show everything. Because of the way the status buffer is set up, some changes to section visibility are more common than others. Files are on level 2 and diff hunks are on level 4. Thus, you can type `2' to collapse the diff of the current file, and `M-2' to collapse all files. This returns the status buffer to its default setup and is a quick way to unclutter it after drilling down into the modified files. Because `2' and `M-2' are so common in the status buffer, they are bound to additional, more mnemonic keys: `M-h' (hide) and `M-H' (hide all). Likewise `4' and `M-4' are also available as `M-s' (show) and `M-S' (show all). In other buffers than the status buffer, `M-h', `M-H', `M-s', and `M-S' might work on different levels than on 2 and 4, but they keep their general meaning: `M-H' hides all detail, and `M-S' shows everything.  File:, Node: Status, Next: Untracked files, Prev: Sections, Up: Top 4 Status ******** Running `M-x magit-status' displays the main interface of Magit, the status buffer. You can have multiple status buffers active at the same time, each associated with its own Git repository. When invoking `M-x magit-status' from within a Git repository, it will switch to the status buffer of that repository. Otherwise, it will prompt for a directory. With a prefix argument, it will always prompt. You can set `magit-repo-dirs' to customize how `magit-status' asks for the repository to work on. When `magit-repo-dirs' is nil, `magit-status' will simply ask for a directory. If you specify a directory that is not a Git repository, `M-x magit-status' will offer to initialize it as one. When `magit-repo-dirs' is not nil, it is treated as a list of directory names, and `magit-status' will find all Git repositories in those directories and offer them for completion. (Magit will only look `magit-repo-dirs-depth' levels deep, however.) With two prefix arguments, `magit-status' will always prompt for a raw directory. Thus, you would normally set `magit-repo-dirs' to the places where you keep most of your Git repositories and switch between them with `C-u M-x magit-status'. If you want to go to a repository outside of your normal working areas, or if you want to create a new repository, you would use `C-u C-u M-x magit-status'. You need to explicitly refresh the status buffer when you have made changes to the repository from outside of Emacs. You can type `g' in the status buffer itself, or just use `M-x magit-status' instead of `C-x b' when switching to it. You also need to refresh the status buffer in this way after saving a file in Emacs. The header at the top of the status buffer shows a short summary of the repository state: where it is located, which branch is checked out, etc. Below the header are a number of sections that show details about the working tree and the staging area. You can hide and show them as described in the previous section. The first section shows _Untracked files_, if there are any. See *note Untracked files:: for more details. The next two sections show your local changes. They are explained fully in the next chapter, *note Staging and Committing::. If the current branch is associated with a remote tracking branch, the status buffer shows the differences between the current branch and the tracking branch. See *note Pushing and Pulling:: for more information. During a history rewriting session, the status buffer shows the _Pending changes_ and _Pending commits_ sections. See *note Rewriting:: for more details.  File:, Node: Untracked files, Next: Staging and Committing, Prev: Status, Up: Top 5 Untracked files ***************** Untracked files are shown in the _Untracked files_ section. You can add an untracked file to the staging area with `s'. If point is on the _Untracked files_ section title when you hit `s', all untracked files are staged. Typing `C-u S' anywhere will also stage all untracked files, together with all changes to the tracked files. You can instruct Git to ignore them by typing `i'. This will add the filename to the `.gitignore' file. Typing `C-u i' will ask you for the name of the file to ignore. This is useful to ignore whole directories, for example. The `I' command is similar to `i' but will add the file to `.git/info/exclude' instead. To delete an untracked file forever, use `k'. If point is on the _Untracked files_ section title when you hit `k', all untracked files are deleted.  File:, Node: Staging and Committing, Next: History, Prev: Untracked files, Up: Top 6 Staging and Committing ************************ Comitting with Git is a two step process: first you add the changes you want to commit to a 'staging area', and then you commit them to the repository. This allows you to only commit a subset of your local changes. Magit allows you to ignore the staging area if you wish. As long as your staging area is unused, Magit will show your uncomitted changes in a section named _Changes_. When the staging area is in use, Magit uses two sections: _Unstaged changes_ and _Staged changes_. The _Staged changes_ section shows the changes that will be included in the next commit, while the _Unstaged changes_ section shows the changes that will be left out. To move an unstaged hunk into the staging area, move point into the hunk and type `s'. Likewise, to unstage a hunk, move point into it and type `u'. If point is in a diff header when you type `s' or `u', all hunks belonging to that diff are moved at the same time. If the region is active when you type `s' or `u', only the changes in the region are staged or unstaged. (This works line by line: if the beginning of a line is in the region it is included in the changes, otherwise it is not.) To change the size of the hunks, you can type `+' or `-' to increase and decrease, respectively. Typing `0' will reset the hunk size to the default. Typing `C-u s' will ask you for a name of a file to be staged, for example to stage files that are hidden. To move all hunks of all diffs into the staging area in one go, type `S'. To unstage everything, type `U'. Typing `C-u S' will stage all untracked files in addition to the changes to tracked files. You can discard uncommitted changes by moving point into a hunk and typing `k'. The changes to discard are selected as with `s' and `u'. Before committing, you should write a short description of the changes. Type `c' to pop up a buffer where you can write your change description. Once you are happy with the description, type `C-c C-c' in that buffer to perform the commit. If you want to write changes in a `ChangeLog' file, you can use `C-x 4 a' on a diff hunk. Typing `c' when the staging area is unused is a special situation. Normally, the next commit would be empty, but you can configure Magit to do something more useful by customizing the `magit-commit-all-when-nothing-staged' variable. One choice is to instruct the subsequent `C-c C-c' to commit all changes. Another choice is stage everything at the time of hitting `c'. You can type `C-c C-a' in the buffer with the change description to toggle a flag that determines whether the next commit will _amend_ the current commit in HEAD. Typing `C-c C-s' will toggle the `--signoff' option. The default is determined by the `magit-commit-signoff' customization variable. Typing `C-c C-e' will toggle the `--allow-empty' option. This allows you to make commits that serve as notes, without including any changes. Typing `C-c C-t' will toggle the option to specify the name and email address for the commit's author. The default is determined by the `' and `' git configuration settings. If you change your mind and don't want to go ahead with your commit while you are in the `*magit-log-edit*' buffer, you can just switch to another buffer, continue editing there, staging and unstaging things until you are happy, and then return to the `*magit-log-edit*' buffer, maybe via `C-x b', or by hitting `c' again in a Magit buffer. If you want to erase the `*magit-log-edit*' buffer and bury it, you can hit `C-c C-k' in it. Typing `C' will also pop up the change description buffer, but in addition, it will try to insert a ChangeLog-style entry for the change that point is in.  File:, Node: History, Next: Reflogs, Prev: Staging and Committing, Up: Top 7 History ********* To show the repository history of your current head, type `l l'. A new buffer will be shown that displays the history in a terse form. The first paragraph of each commit message is displayed, next to a representation of the relationships between commits. To show the repository history between two branches or between any two points of the history, type `l r l'. You will be prompted to enter references for starting point and ending point of the history range; you can use auto-completion to specify them. A typical use case for ranged history log display would be `l r l master RET new-feature RET' that will display commits on the new-feature branch that are not in master; these commits can then be inspected and cherry-picked, for example. More thorough filtering can be done by supplying `l' with one or more suffix arguments, as displayed in its popup. `=g' ('Grep') for example, limits the output to commits of which the log message matches a specific string/regex. Typing `l L' (or `l C-u L') will show the log in a more verbose form. Magit will show only `magit-log-cutoff-length' entries. `e' will show twice as many entries. `C-u e' will show all entries, and given a numeric prefix argument, `e' will add this number of entries. You can move point to a commit and then cause various things to happen with it. (The following commands work in any list of commits, such as the one shown in the _Unpushed commits_ section.) Typing `RET' will pop up more information about the current commit and move point into the new buffer. *Note Commit Buffer::. Typing `SPC' and `DEL' will also show the information, but will scroll the new buffer up or down (respectively) when typed again. Typing `a' will apply the current commit to your current branch. This is useful when you are browsing the history of some other branch and you want to `cherry-pick' some changes from it. A typical situation is applying selected bug fixes from the development version of a program to a release branch. The cherry-picked changes will not be committed automatically; you need to do that explicitly. Typing `A' will cherry-pick the current commit and will also commit the changes automatically when there have not been any conflicts. Typing `v' will revert the current commit. Thus, it will apply the changes made by that commit in reverse. This is obviously useful to cleanly undo changes that turned out to be wrong. As with `a', you need to commit the changes explicitly. Typing `C-w' will copy the sha1 of the current commit into the kill ring. Typing `=' will show the differences from the current commit to the "marked" commit. You can mark the current commit by typing `.'. When the current commit is already marked, typing `.' will unmark it. To unmark the marked commit no matter where point is, use `C-u .'. Some commands, such as `=', will use the current commit and the marked commit as implicit arguments. Other commands will offer the marked commit as a default when prompting for their arguments.  File:, Node: Reflogs, Next: Commit Buffer, Prev: History, Up: Top 8 Reflogs ********* You can use `l h' and `l H' to browse your _reflog_, the local history of changes made to your repository heads. Typing `H' will ask for a head, while `l h' will show the reflog of `HEAD'. The resulting buffer is just like the buffer produced by `l l' and `l L' that shows the commit history.  File:, Node: Commit Buffer, Next: Diffing, Prev: Reflogs, Up: Top 9 Commit Buffer *************** When you view a commit (perhaps by selecting it in the log buffer, *note History::), the "commit buffer" is displayed, showing you information about the commit and letting you interact with it. By placing your cursor within the diff or hunk and typing `a', you can apply the same patch to your working copy. This is useful when you want to copy a change from another branch, but don't necessarily want to cherry-pick the whole commit. By typing `v' you can apply the patch in reverse, removing all the lines that were added and adding all the lines that were removed. This is a convenient way to remove a change after determining that it introduced a bug. If the commit message refers to any other commits in the repository by their unique hash, the hash will be highlighted and you will be able to visit the referenced commit either by clicking on it or by moving your cursor onto it and pressing `RET'. The commit buffer maintains a history of the commits it has shown. After visiting a referenced commit you can type `C-c C-b' to get back to where you came from. To go forward in the history, type `C-c C-f'. There are also `[back]' and `[forward]' buttons at the bottom of the buffer.  File:, Node: Diffing, Next: Tagging, Prev: Commit Buffer, Up: Top 10 Diffing ********** Magit typically shows diffs in the "unified" format. In any buffer that shows a diff, you can type `e' anywhere within the diff to show the two versions of the file in Ediff. If the diff is of a file in the status buffer that needs to be merged, you will be able to use Ediff as an interactive merge tool. Otherwise, Ediff will simply show the two versions of the file. To show the changes from your working tree to another revision, type `d'. To show the changes between two arbitrary revisions, type `D'. You can use `a' within the diff output to apply the changes to your working tree. As usual when point is in a diff header for a file, all changes for that file are applied, and when it is in a hunk, only that hunk is. When the region is active, the applied changes are restricted to that region. Typing `v' will apply the selected changes in reverse.  File:, Node: Tagging, Next: Resetting, Prev: Diffing, Up: Top 11 Tagging ********** Typing `t t' will make a lighweight tag. Typing `t a' will make an annotated tag. It will put you in the normal `*magit-log-edit' buffer for writing commit messages, but typing `C-c C-c' in it will make the tag instead. This is controlled by the `Tag' field that will be added to the `*magit-log-edit*' buffer. You can edit it, if you like.  File:, Node: Resetting, Next: Stashing, Prev: Tagging, Up: Top 12 Resetting ************ Once you have added a commit to your local repository, you can not change that commit anymore in any way. But you can reset your current head to an earlier commit and start over. If you have published your history already, rewriting it in this way can be confusing and should be avoided. However, rewriting your local history is fine and it is often cleaner to fix mistakes this way than by reverting commits (with `v', for example). Typing `x' will ask for a revision and reset your current head to it. No changes will be made to your working tree and staging area. Thus, the _Staged changes_ section in the status buffer will show the changes that you have removed from your commit history. You can commit the changes again as if you had just made them, thus rewriting history. Typing `x' while point is in a line that describes a commit will offer this commit as the default revision to reset to. Thus, you can move point to one of the commits in the _Unpushed commits_ section and hit `x RET' to reset your current head to it. Type `X' to reset your working tree and staging area to the most recently committed state. This will discard your local modifications, so be careful. You can give a prefix to `x' if you want to reset both the current head and your working tree to a given commit. This is the same as first using an unprefixed `x' to reset only the head, and then using `X'.  File:, Node: Stashing, Next: Branching, Prev: Resetting, Up: Top 13 Stashing *********** You can create a new stash with `z z'. Your stashes will be listed in the status buffer, and you can apply them with `a' and pop them with `A'. To drop a stash, use `k'. With a prefix argument, both `a' and `A' will attempt to reinstate the index as well as the working tree from the stash. Typing `z -k z' will create a stash just like `z z', but will leave the changes in your working tree and index. This makes it easier to, for example, test multiple variations of the same change. If you just want to make quick snapshots in between edits, you can use `z s', which automatically enters a timestamp as description, and keeps your working tree and index intact by default. You can visit and show stashes in the usual way: Typing `SPC' and `DEL' will pop up a buffer with the description of the stash and scroll it, typing `RET' will move point into that buffer. Using `C-u RET' will move point into that buffer in other window.  File:, Node: Branching, Next: The Branch Manager, Prev: Stashing, Up: Top 14 Branching ************ The current branch is indicated in the header of the status buffer. You can switch to a different branch by typing `b b'. This will immediately checkout the branch into your working copy, so you shouldn't have any local modifications when switching branches. If you try to switch to a remote branch, Magit will offer to create a local tracking branch for it instead. This way, you can easily start working on new branches that have appeared in a remote repository. Typing `b b' while point is at a commit description will offer that commit as the default to switch to. This will result in a detached head. Typing `b m' will let you rename a branch. Unless a branch with the same name already exists, obviously... To create a new branch and switch to it immediately, type `b n'. To delete a branch, type `b d'. If you're currently on that branch, Magit will offer to switch to the 'master' branch. Deleting a branch is only possible if it's already fully merged into HEAD or its upstream branch. Unless you type `b D', that is. Here be dragons... Typing `b v' will list the local and remote branches in a new buffer called `*magit-branches*' from which you can work with them. See *note The Branch Manager:: for more details.  File:, Node: The Branch Manager, Next: Wazzup, Prev: Branching, Up: Top 15 The Branch Manager ********************* The Branch Manager is a separate buffer called `*magit-branches*' with its own local key map. The buffer contains both local and remote branches. The current local branch is marked by a "*" in front of the name. To check out a branch, move your cursor to the desired branch and press `RET'. Typing `k' will delete the branch in the current line, and `C-u k' deletes it even if it hasn't been merged into the current local branch. Deleting works for both local and remote branches. By typing `T' on a local branch, you can change which remote branch it's set to track.  File:, Node: Wazzup, Next: Merging, Prev: The Branch Manager, Up: Top 16 Wazzup ********* Typing `w' will show a summary of how your other branches relate to the current branch. For each branch, you will get a section that lists the commits in that branch that are not in the current branch. The sections are initially collapsed; you need to explicitly open them with `TAB' (or similar) to show the lists of commits. When point is on a _N unmerged commits in ..._ title, the corresponding branch will be offered as the default for a merge. Hitting `i' on a branch title will ignore this branch in the wazzup view. You can use `C-u w' to show all branches, including the ignored ones. Hitting `i' on an already ignored branch in that view will unignore it.  File:, Node: Merging, Next: Rebasing, Prev: Wazzup, Up: Top 17 Merging ********** Magit offers two ways to merge branches: manual and automatic. A manual merge will apply all changes to your working tree and staging area, but will not commit them, while an automatic merge will go ahead and commit them immediately. Type `m m' to initiate merge. After initiating a merge, the header of the status buffer might remind you that the next commit will be a merge commit (with more than one parent). If you want to abort a manual merge, just do a hard reset to HEAD with `X'. Merges can fail if the two branches you want to merge introduce conflicting changes. In that case, the automatic merge stops before the commit, essentially falling back to a manual merge. You need to resolve the conflicts for example with `e' and stage the resolved files, for example with `S'. You can not stage individual hunks one by one as you resolve them, you can only stage whole files once all conflicts in them have been resolved.  File:, Node: Rebasing, Next: Rewriting, Prev: Merging, Up: Top 18 Rebasing *********** Typing `R' in the status buffer will initiate a rebase or, if one is already in progress, ask you how to continue. When a rebase is stopped in the middle because of a conflict, the header of the status buffer will indicate how far along you are in the series of commits that are being replayed. When that happens, you should resolve the conflicts and stage everything and hit `R c' to continue the rebase. Alternatively, hitting `c' or `C' while in the middle of a rebase will also ask you whether to continue the rebase. Of course, you can initiate a rebase in any number of ways, by configuring `git pull' to rebase instead of merge, for example. Such a rebase can be finished with `R' as well.  File:, Node: Rewriting, Next: Pushing and Pulling, Prev: Rebasing, Up: Top 19 Rewriting ************ As hinted at earlier, you can rewrite your commit history. For example, you can reset the current head to an earlier commit with `x'. This leaves the working tree unchanged, and the status buffer will show all the changes that have been made since that new value of the current head. You can commit these changes again, possibly splitting them into multiple commits as you go along. Amending your last commit is a common special case of rewriting history like this. Another common way to rewrite history is to reset the head to an earlier commit, and then to cherry pick the previous commits in a different order. You could pick them from the reflog, for example. Magit has several commands that can simplify the book keeping associated with rewriting. These commands all start with the `r' prefix key. Typing `r b' will start a rewrite operation. You will be prompted for a _base_ commit. This commit and all subsequent commits up until the current head are then put in a list of _Pending commits_, after which the current head will be reset to the _parent_ of the base commit. This can be configured to behave like `git rebase', i.e. exclude the selected base commit from the rewrite operation, with the `magit-rewrite-inclusive' variable. You would then typically use `a' and `A' to cherry pick commits from the list of pending commits in the desired order, until all have been applied. Magit shows which commits have been applied by changing their marker from `*' to `.'. Using `A' will immediately commit the commit (as usual). If you want to combine multiple previous commits into a single new one, use `a' to apply them all to your working tree, and then commit them together. Magit has no explicit support for rewriting merge commits. It will happily include merge commits in the list of pending commits, but there is no way of replaying them automatically. You have to redo the merge explicitly. You can also use `v' to revert a commit when you have changed your mind. This will change the `.' mark back to `*'. Once you are done with the rewrite, type `r s' to remove the book keeping information from the status buffer. If you rather wish to start over, type `r a'. This will abort the rewriting, resetting the current head back to the value it had before the rewrite was started with `r s'. Typing `r f' will _finish_ the rewrite: it will apply all unused commits one after the other, as if you would us `A' with all of them. You can change the `*' and `.' marks of a pending commit explicitly with `r *' and `r .'. In addition to a list of pending commits, the status buffer will show the _Pending changes_. This section shows the diff between the original head and the current head. You can use it to review the changes that you still need to rewrite, and you can apply hunks from it, like from any other diff.  File:, Node: Pushing and Pulling, Next: Bisecting, Prev: Rewriting, Up: Top 20 Pushing and Pulling ********************** Magit will run `git push' when you type `P P'. If you give a prefix argument to `P P', you will be prompted for the repository to push to. When no default remote repository has been configured yet for the current branch, you will be prompted as well. Typing `P P' will only push the current branch to the remote. In other words, it will run `git push '. The branch will be created in the remote if it doesn't exist already. The local branch will be configured so that it pulls from the new remote branch. If you give a double prefix argument to `P P', you will be prompted in addition for the target branch to push to. In other words, it will run `git push :'. Typing `f f' will run `git fetch'. It will prompt for the name of the remote to update if there is no default one. Typing `f o' will always prompt for the remote. Typing `F F' will run `git pull'. When you don't have a default branch configured to be pulled into the current one, you will be asked for it. If there is a default remote repository for the current branch, Magit will show that repository in the status buffer header. In this case, the status buffer will also have a _Unpushed commits_ section that shows the commits on your current head that are not in the branch named `/'. This section works just like the history buffer: you can see details about a commit with `RET', compare two of them with `.' and `=', and you can reset your current head to one of them with `x', for example. If you want to push the changes then type `P P'. When the remote branch has changes that are not in the current branch, Magit shows them in a section called _Unpulled changes_. Typing `F F' will fetch and merge them into the current branch.  File:, Node: Submodules, Next: Using Magit Extensions, Prev: Bisecting, Up: Top 21 Submodules ************* `M u' Update the submodules, with a prefix argument it will initializing. `M i' Initialize the submodules. `M b' Update and initialize the submodules in one go. `M s' Synchronizes submodules' remote URL configuration setting to the value specified in .gitmodules.  File:, Node: Bisecting, Next: Submodules, Prev: Pushing and Pulling, Up: Top 22 Bisecting ************ Magit supports bisecting by showing how many revisions and steps are left to be tested in the status buffer. You can control the bisect session from both the status and from log buffers with the `B' key menu. Typing `B s' will start a bisect session. You will be prompted for a revision that is known to be bad (defaults to _HEAD_) and for a revision that is known to be good (defaults to the revision at point if there is one). git will select a revision for you to test, and Magit will update its status buffer accordingly. You can tell git that the current revision is good with `B g', that it is bad with `B b' or that git should skip it with `B k'. You can also tell git to go into full automatic mode by giving it the name of a script to run for each revision to test with `B u'. The current status can be shown as a log with `B l'. It contains the revisions that have already been tested and your decisions about their state. The revisions left to test can be visualized in gitk with `B v'. When you're finished bisecting you have to reset the session with `B r'.  File:, Node: Using Magit Extensions, Next: Using Git Directly, Prev: Submodules, Up: Top 23 Magit Extensions ******************* * Menu: * Activating extensions:: * Interfacing with Subversion:: * Interfacing with Topgit:: * Interfacing with StGit:: * Developing Extensions::  File:, Node: Activating extensions, Next: Interfacing with Subversion, Up: Using Magit Extensions 23.1 Activating extensions ========================== Magit comes with a couple of shipped extensions that allow interaction with `git-svn', `topgit' and `stgit'. See following sections for specific details on how to use them. Extensions can be activated globally or on a per-repository basis. Since those extensions are implemented as minor modes, one can use for example `M-x magit-topgit-mode' to toggle the `topgit' extension, making the corresponding section and commands (un)available. In order to do that automatically (and for every repository), one can use for example: (add-hook 'magit-mode-hook 'turn-on-magit-topgit) Magit also allows configuring different extensions, based on the git repository configuration. (add-hook 'magit-mode-hook 'magit-load-config-extensions) This will read git configuration variables and activate the relevant extensions. For example, after running the following commands, the `topgit' extension will be loaded for every repository, while the `svn' one will be loaded only for the current one. $ git config --global --add magit.extension topgit $ git config --add magit.extension svn Note the `--add' flag, which means that each extension gets its own line in the `config' file.  File:, Node: Interfacing with Subversion, Next: Interfacing with Topgit, Prev: Activating extensions, Up: Using Magit Extensions 23.2 Interfacing with Subversion ================================ Typing `N r' runs `git svn rebase', typing `N c' runs `git svn dcommit' and typing `N f' runs `git svn fetch'. `N s' will prompt you for a (numeric, Subversion) revision and then search for a corresponding Git sha1 for the commit. This is limited to the path of the remote Subversion repository. With a prefix (`C-u N s' the user will also be prompted for a branch to search in.  File:, Node: Interfacing with Topgit, Next: Interfacing with StGit, Prev: Interfacing with Subversion, Up: Using Magit Extensions 23.3 Interfacing with Topgit ============================ Topgit ( is a patch queue manager that aims at being close as possible to raw Git, which makes it easy to use with Magit. In particular, it does not require to use a different set of commands for "commit", "update",… operations. `magit-topgit.el' provides basic integration with Magit, mostly by providing a "Topics" section. Topgit branches can be created the regular way, by using a "t/" prefix by convention. So, creating a "t/foo" branch will actually populate the "Topics" section with one more branch after committing `.topdeps' and `.topmsg'. Also, the way we pull (see *note Pushing and Pulling::) such a branch is slightly different, since it requires updating the various dependencies of that branch. This should be mostly transparent, except in case of conflicts.  File:, Node: Interfacing with StGit, Next: Developing Extensions, Prev: Interfacing with Topgit, Up: Using Magit Extensions 23.4 Interfacing with StGit =========================== StGit ( is a Python application providing similar functionality to Quilt (i.e. pushing/popping patches to/from a stack) on top of Git. These operations are performed using Git commands and the patches are stored as Git commit objects, allowing easy merging of the StGit patches into other repositories using standard Git functionality. `magit-stgit.el' provides basic integration with Magit, mostly by providing a "Series" section, whose patches can be seen as regular commits through the "visit" action. You can change the current patch in a series with the "apply" action, as well as you can delete them using the "discard" action. Additionally, the `magit-stgit-refresh' and `magit-stgit-rebase' commands let you perform the respective StGit operations.  File:, Node: Developing Extensions, Prev: Interfacing with StGit, Up: Using Magit Extensions 23.5 Developing Extensions ========================== Magit provides a generic mechanism to allow cooperation with Git-related systems, such as foreign VCS, patch systems,… In particular it allows to: * Define sections to display specific informations about the current state of the repository, and place them relatively to existing sections. `magit-define-inserter' automagically defines two hooks called `magit-before-insert-SECTION-hook' and `magit-after-insert-SECTION-hook' that allow to generate and place more sections. In the following example, we use the builtin "stashes" section to place our own "foo" one. (magit-define-inserter foo () (magit-git-section 'foo "Foo:" 'foo-wash-function "foo" "arg1" "arg2")) (add-hook 'magit-after-insert-stashes-hook 'magit-insert-foo) * Define new types of objects in those sections. The function `foo-wash-function' defined above post-processes each line of the output of the "git foo arg1 arg2" command, and is able to associate a type to certain lines. A simple implementation could be: (defun foo-wash-function () (let ((foo (buffer-substring (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position)))) (goto-char (line-beginning-position)) (magit-with-section foo 'foo (magit-set-section-info foo) (forward-line)))) In this case, every line of the command output is transformed into an object of type `'foo'. * Alter behavior of generic commands to dispatch them correctly to the relevant system, optionally making use of the newly defined types. (magit-add-action (item info "discard") ((foo) (do-something-meaningful-for-discarding-a-foo))) This will alter the behavior of `k', when applied to those objects. * Plug a different logic into basic commands, to reflect the presence of the extension. `magit-define-command' automagically defines a `magit-CMD-command-hook' that can contain a list of functions to call before the actual core code. Execution stops after the first hook that returns a non-nil value. This leaves room for extension logic. (add-hook 'magit-create-branch-command-hook 'foo-create-branch) The function `foo-create-branch' will be called each time an attempt is made to create a branch, and can, for example, react to a certain name convention. * Define new commands and associated menu. This part is not really specific to extensions, except that menus take place in the "Extensions" submenu. It is suggested that Magit extensions authors stick to the convention of making extensions minor modes. This has many advantages, including the fact that users are able to toggle extensions, and that it's easy to configure a specific set of extensions for a given repository. Shipped extensions can serve as an example of how to develop new extensions. Basically a `foo' extension should provide a `magit-foo-mode' minor mode, as well as a `turn-on-magit-foo' function. The main task of the minor mode is to register/unregister the various hooks that the extension requires. The registered actions on the other hand can be left alone and activated globally, since they can be run only on displayed items, which won't happen when the minor mode is off. Don't forget to call `magit-refresh' when the minor mode is toggled interactively, so that the relevant sections can be shown or hidden.  File:, Node: Using Git Directly, Next: Customization, Prev: Using Magit Extensions, Up: Top 24 Using Git Directly ********************* For situations when Magit doesn't do everything you need, you can run raw Git commands using `:'. This will prompt for a Git command, run it, and refresh the status buffer. The output can be viewed by typing `$'.  File:, Node: Customization, Next: Frequently Asked Questions, Prev: Using Git Directly, Up: Top 25 Customization **************** The following variables can be used to adapt Magit to your workflow: `magit-git-executable' The name of the Git executable. `magit-git-standard-options' Standard options when running Git. `magit-repo-dirs' Directories containing Git repositories. Magit will look into these directories for Git repositories and offer them as choices for `magit-status'. `magit-repo-dirs-depth' The maximum depth to look for Git repos. When looking for a Git repository below the directories in `magit-repo-dirs', Magit will only descend this many levels deep. `magit-save-some-buffers' Non-nil means that `magit-status' will save modified buffers before running. Setting this to `t' will ask which buffers to save, setting it to `'dontask' will save all modified buffers without asking. `magit-save-some-buffers-predicate' Specifies a predicate function on `magit-save-some-buffers' to determine which unsaved buffers should be prompted for saving. `magit-commit-all-when-nothing-staged' Determines what `magit-log-edit' does when nothing is staged. Setting this to `nil' will make it do nothing, setting it to `t' will arrange things so that the actual commit command will use the `--all' option, setting it to `'ask' will first ask for confirmation whether to do this, and setting it to `'ask-stage' will cause all changes to be staged, after a confirmation. `magit-commit-signoff' When performing `git commit' adds `--signoff'. `magit-log-cutoff-length' The maximum number of commits to show in the `log' and `whazzup' buffers. `magit-log-infinite-length' Number of log used to show as maximum for `magit-log-cutoff-length'. `magit-log-auto-more' Insert more log entries automatically when moving past the last entry. Only considered when moving past the last entry with `magit-goto-next-section'. `magit-process-popup-time' Popup the process buffer if a command takes longer than this many seconds. `magit-revert-item-confirm' Require acknowledgment before reverting an item. `magit-log-edit-confirm-cancellation' Require acknowledgment before canceling the log edit buffer. `magit-remote-ref-format' What format to use for autocompleting refs, in pariticular for remotes. Autocompletion is used by functions like `magit-checkout', `magit-interactive-rebase' and others which offer branch name completion. The value `'name-then-remote' means remotes will be of the form `name (remote)', while the value `'remote-slash-name' means that they'll be of the form `remote/name'. I.e. something that's listed as `remotes/upstream/next' by `git branch -l -a' will be `upstream/next'. `magit-process-connection-type' Connection type used for the git process. `nil' mean pipe, it is usually faster and more efficient, and work on cygwin. `t' mean pty, it enable magit to prompt for passphrase when needed. `magit-completing-read-function' Function to be called when requesting input from the user. `magit-create-branch-behaviour' Where magit will create a new branch if not supplied a branchname or ref. The value `'at-head' means a new branch will be created at the tip of your current branch, while the value `'at-point' means magit will try to find a valid reference at point... `magit-status-buffer-switch-function' Function for `magit-status' to use for switching to the status buffer. The function is given one argument, the status buffer. `magit-rewrite-inclusive' Whether magit includes the selected base commit in a rewrite operation. `t' means both the selected commit as well as any subsequent commits will be rewritten. This is magit's default behaviour, equivalent to `git rebase -i ${REV~1}' A'---B'---C'---D' ^ `nil' means the selected commit will be literally used as `base', so only subsequent commits will be rewritten. This is consistent with git-rebase, equivalent to `git rebase -i ${REV}', yet more cumbersome to use from the status buffer. A---B'---C'---D' ^ `magit-topgit-executable' The name of the TopGit executable. `magit-topgit-branch-prefix' Convention prefix for topic branch creation.  File:, Node: Frequently Asked Questions, Prev: Customization, Up: Top 26 Frequently Asked Questions ***************************** * Menu: * FAQ - Changes:: * FAQ 1 - Troubleshooting:: * FAQ 2 - Display issues::  File:, Node: FAQ - Changes, Next: FAQ 1 - Troubleshooting, Up: Frequently Asked Questions 26.1 Changes ============ * v1.1: Changed the way extensions work. Previously, they were enabled unconditionally once the library was loaded. Now they are minor modes that need to be activated explicitly (potentially on a per-repository basis). See *note Activating extensions::.  File:, Node: FAQ 1 - Troubleshooting, Next: FAQ 2 - Display issues, Prev: FAQ - Changes, Up: Frequently Asked Questions 26.2 Troubleshooting ==================== * Menu: * FAQ 1-1:: How do I get raw error messages from git?  File:, Node: FAQ 1-1, Up: FAQ 1 - Troubleshooting 26.2.1 Question 1.1 ------------------- How do I get raw error messages from git? Answer ...... If a command goes wrong, you can hit `$' to access the git process buffer. There, the entire trace for the latest operation is available.  File:, Node: FAQ 2 - Display issues, Prev: FAQ 1 - Troubleshooting, Up: Frequently Asked Questions 26.3 Display issues =================== * Menu: * FAQ 2-1:: How do I fix international characters display?  File:, Node: FAQ 2-1, Up: FAQ 2 - Display issues 26.3.1 Question 2.1 ------------------- How do I fix international characters display? Answer ...... Please make sure your Magit buffer uses a compatible coding system. In the particular case of file names, git itself quotes them by default. You can disable this with one of the following approaches: $ git config core.quotepath false or (setq magit-git-standard-options (append magit-git-standard-options '("-c" "core.quotepath=false"))) The latter might not work in old versions of git.  Tag Table: Node: Top640 Node: Introduction1568 Node: Acknowledgments3040 Node: Sections3720 Node: Status6270 Node: Untracked files9009 Node: Staging and Committing9960 Node: History13858 Node: Reflogs17038 Node: Commit Buffer17442 Node: Diffing18768 Node: Tagging19755 Node: Resetting20204 Node: Stashing21728 Node: Branching22786 Node: The Branch Manager24164 Node: Wazzup24880 Node: Merging25671 Node: Rebasing26721 Node: Rewriting27536 Node: Pushing and Pulling30549 Node: Submodules32476 Node: Bisecting32896 Node: Using Magit Extensions34111 Node: Activating extensions34408 Node: Interfacing with Subversion35792 Node: Interfacing with Topgit36390 Node: Interfacing with StGit37418 Node: Developing Extensions38416 Node: Using Git Directly42194 Node: Customization42565 Node: Frequently Asked Questions47109 Node: FAQ - Changes47340 Node: FAQ 1 - Troubleshooting47748 Node: FAQ 1-147996 Node: FAQ 2 - Display issues48300 Node: FAQ 2-148529  End Tag Table  Local Variables: coding: utf-8 End: