[org-window-habit] Prepare for packaging

This commit is contained in:
Ivan Malison 2023-09-12 11:05:56 -06:00
parent 8f95590d18
commit d9e90e8c3f

@ -1,9 +1,93 @@
;;; org-window-habit.el --- Time window based habits. -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2023 Ivan Malison
;; Author: Ivan Malison <IvanMalison@gmail.com>
;; Keywords: org-mode habit interval window
;; URL: https://github.com/colonelpanic8/org-window-habit
;; Version: 0.1.0
;; Package-Requires: ((dash "2.10.0") (emacs "28"))
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary:
;; The `org-habit-window` package extends the capabilities of org-habit to
;; include habits that are not strictly daily. It allows users to define
;; habits that need to be completed a certain number of times within a
;; given time window, for example, 5 times every 7 days.
;;; Code:
(require 'eieio)
(require 'calendar)
(require 'org)
(require 'org-habit)
(require 'cl-lib)
(defgroup org-window-habit nil
"Customization options for org-window-habit."
:group 'org-habit)
(defcustom org-window-habit-conforming-color "#0000FF"
"Color to indicate conformity in habit tracking."
:group 'org-window-habit
:type 'string)
(defcustom org-window-habit-not-conforming-color "#FF0000"
"Color to indicate non-conformity in habit tracking."
:group 'org-window-habit
:type 'string)
(defcustom org-window-habit-required-completion-foreground-color "#000000"
"Foreground color for indicating required completions."
:group 'org-window-habit
:type 'string)
(defcustom org-window-habit-non-required-completion-foreground-color "#FFFFFF"
"Foreground color for indicating non-required completions."
:group 'org-window-habit
:type 'string)
(defcustom org-window-habit-required-completion-today-foreground-color "#00FF00"
"Foreground color for indicating required completions for today."
:group 'org-window-habit
:type 'string)
(defcustom org-window-habit-non-conforming-scale .8
"Scale factor for rescaling non-conforming assessment values."
:group 'org-window-habit
:type 'float)
(defcustom org-window-habit-completion-needed-today-glyph ?▂
"Glyph character used to show days on which a completion is expected."
:group 'org-window-habit
:type 'character)
(define-minor-mode org-window-habit-mode
"Minor mode that replaces the normal org-habit functionality."
:lighter nil
:global t
:group 'org-window-habit
:require 'org-window-habit)
(defcustom org-window-habit-graph-assessment-fn
"Function to assess habit graph metrics. It should return color and glyph data."
:group 'org-window-habit
:type 'function)
(defcustom org-window-habit-preceding-intervals 30
"Number of days before today to appear in consistency graphs."
:group 'org-window-habit
@ -14,56 +98,23 @@
:group 'org-window-habit
:type 'integer)
(defvar org-window-habit-graph-assessment-fn
(define-minor-mode org-window-habit-mode
"Minor mode that replaces the normal org-habit functionality."
:lighter nil
:global t
(defcustom org-window-habit-repeat-to-deadline t
"Reassign the deadline of habits on repeat."
:group 'org-window-habit
:require 'org-window-habit)
:type 'boolean)
(defvar org-window-habit-conforming-color "#0000FF")
(defvar org-window-habit-not-conforming-color "#FF0000")
(defvar org-window-habit-required-completion-foreground-color "#000000")
(defvar org-window-habit-non-required-completion-foreground-color "#FFFFFF")
(defvar org-window-habit-required-completion-today-foreground-color "#00FF00")
(defcustom org-window-habit-repeat-to-scheduled nil
"Reassign the scheduled field of habits on repeat."
:group 'org-window-habit
:type 'boolean)
(defun org-window-habit-create-face (bg-color foreground-color)
(let* ((bg-name (replace-regexp-in-string "#" "" bg-color))
(fg-name (replace-regexp-in-string "#" "" foreground-color))
(face-name (intern (format "org-window-habit-face-bg-%s-fg-%s" bg-name fg-name))))
(if (facep face-name)
(make-face face-name)
(set-face-attribute face-name nil :background bg-color :foreground foreground-color)
;; Utility functions
(defcustom org-window-habit-completion-needed-today-glyph ?▂
"Glyph character used to show days on which a completion is expected."
:group 'org-habit
:version "24.1"
:type 'character)
(defvar org-window-habit-non-conforming-scale .8)
(defun org-window-habit-rescale-assessment-value (value)
(if (>= value 1.0) value
(* org-window-habit-non-conforming-scale value)))
(defun org-window-habit-lerp-color (color1 color2 proportion)
(let ((r1 (string-to-number (substring color1 1 3) 16))
(g1 (string-to-number (substring color1 3 5) 16))
(b1 (string-to-number (substring color1 5 7) 16))
(r2 (string-to-number (substring color2 1 3) 16))
(g2 (string-to-number (substring color2 3 5) 16))
(b2 (string-to-number (substring color2 5 7) 16)))
(format "#%02x%02x%02x"
(round (+ (* (- r2 r1) proportion) r1))
(round (+ (* (- g2 g1) proportion) g1))
(round (+ (* (- b2 b1) proportion) b1)))))
(defun org-window-habit-time-to-string (time)
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"
(defun org-window-habit-time-max (&rest args)
"Return the maximum time value from ARGS."
@ -243,6 +294,9 @@
(defun org-window-habit-default-aggregation-fn (collection)
(cl-loop for el in collection minimize (car el)))
;; Data types
(defclass org-window-habit ()
((window-specs :initarg :window-specs :initform nil)
(assessment-interval :initarg :assessment-interval :initform '(:days 1))
@ -255,11 +309,19 @@
(graph-assessment-fn :initarg :graph-assessment-fn :initform nil)
(start-time :initarg :start-time)))
(defclass org-window-habit-iterator ()
((window-spec :initarg :window-spec)
(window :initarg :window)
(start-index :initarg :start-index)
(end-index :initarg :end-index)))
(cl-defmethod initialize-instance :after ((habit org-window-habit) &rest _args)
(when (null (oref habit reschedule-interval))
(oset habit reschedule-interval (oref habit assessment-interval)))
(when (null (oref habit assessment-decrement-plist))
(oset habit assessment-decrement-plist
(org-window-habit-negate-plist (oref habit assessment-interval))))
(when (null (oref habit start-time))
(oset habit start-time
(org-window-habit-earliest-completion habit)
(oref habit assessment-interval))))
(cl-loop for window-spec in (oref habit window-specs)
do (oset window-spec habit habit)))
(defclass org-window-habit-window-spec ()
((duration-plist :initarg :duration :initform '(:days 1))
@ -274,45 +336,6 @@
(start-time :initarg :start-time)
(end-time :initarg :end-time)))
(defun org-window-habit-get-window-where-time-in-last-assessment (spec time)
(let* ((habit (oref spec habit))
(oref habit assessment-interval))
time assessment-plist))
(org-window-habit-negate-plist (oref spec duration-plist)))))
:assessment-start-time assessment-start
:assessment-end-time assessment-end
:start-time window-start
:end-time assessment-end)))
(cl-defmethod org-window-habit-get-assessment-window
((spec org-window-habit-window-spec) time)
(funcall (or (oref spec find-window)
spec time))
(cl-defun org-window-habit-iterator-from-time (window-spec &optional time)
(setq time (or time (current-time)))
(let* ((iterator
(make-instance 'org-window-habit-iterator
:window-spec window-spec
:window (org-window-habit-get-assessment-window window-spec time)
:start-index 0
:end-index 0)))
(org-window-habit-adjust-iterator-indicies iterator)
(defun org-window-habit-create-instance-from-heading-at-point ()
"Construct an org-window-habit instance from the current org entry."
@ -369,27 +392,130 @@
:repetitions okay-repetitions-required
:value .5))))
;; Iterator
(defclass org-window-habit-iterator ()
((window-spec :initarg :window-spec)
(window :initarg :window)
(start-index :initarg :start-index)
(end-index :initarg :end-index)))
(cl-defun org-window-habit-iterator-from-time (window-spec &optional time)
(setq time (or time (current-time)))
(let* ((iterator
(make-instance 'org-window-habit-iterator
:window-spec window-spec
:window (org-window-habit-get-assessment-window window-spec time)
:start-index 0
:end-index 0)))
(org-window-habit-adjust-iterator-indices iterator)
(cl-defmethod org-window-habit-advance
((iterator org-window-habit-iterator) &key (amount nil))
(with-slots (window window-spec) iterator
(unless amount
(setq amount (oref (oref window-spec habit) assessment-interval)))
((new-start-time (org-window-habit-keyed-duration-add-plist
(oref window assessment-start-time)
(time-less-p new-start-time (oref window assessment-start-time)))
(new-window (org-window-habit-get-assessment-window window-spec new-start-time)))
(oset iterator window new-window)
iterator (not window-moved-backward)))))
(cl-defmethod org-window-habit-adjust-iterator-indices
((iterator org-window-habit-iterator)
&optional window-moved-forward)
(with-slots (window start-index end-index window-spec) iterator
(cl-destructuring-bind (new-start-index new-end-index)
(oref window-spec habit)
(oref window start-time) (oref window end-time)
:start-index start-index
:end-index end-index
:reverse window-moved-forward)
(oset iterator start-index new-start-index)
(oset iterator end-index new-end-index))))
(cl-defmethod org-window-habit-conforming-ratio
((iterator org-window-habit-iterator) &rest args)
(with-slots (window-spec window start-index) iterator
(apply 'org-window-habit-get-completion-count
(oref window-spec habit)
(oref window start-time)
(oref window end-time)
:start-index start-index
(* (org-window-habit-actual-window-scale iterator)
(oref window-spec target-repetitions))))))
(cl-defmethod org-window-habit-actual-window-scale
((iterator org-window-habit-iterator))
(with-slots (window) iterator
(oref window start-time) (oref window end-time)
(org-window-habit-effective-start iterator))))
(cl-defmethod org-window-habit-get-conforming-value
((iterator org-window-habit-iterator) &rest args)
(with-slots (window-spec) iterator
(list (apply 'org-window-habit-conforming-ratio iterator args)
(oref window-spec conforming-value))))
;; Default versions of customizable functions
(defun org-window-habit-get-window-where-time-in-last-assessment (spec time)
(let* ((habit (oref spec habit))
(oref habit assessment-interval))
time assessment-plist))
(org-window-habit-negate-plist (oref spec duration-plist)))))
:assessment-start-time assessment-start
:assessment-end-time assessment-end
:start-time window-start
:end-time assessment-end)))
;; Datatype utility
(cl-defmethod org-window-habit-get-assessment-window
((spec org-window-habit-window-spec) time)
(funcall (or (oref spec find-window)
spec time))
(cl-defmethod org-window-habit-earliest-completion ((habit org-window-habit))
(with-slots (done-times) habit
(let ((done-times-count (length done-times)))
(when (> done-times-count 0)
(aref done-times (- done-times-count 1))))))
(cl-defmethod initialize-instance :after ((habit org-window-habit) &rest _args)
(when (null (oref habit assessment-interval))
(oset habit assessment-interval (oref habit duration-plist)))
(when (null (oref habit reschedule-interval))
(oset habit reschedule-interval (oref habit assessment-interval)))
(when (null (oref habit assessment-decrement-plist))
(oset habit assessment-decrement-plist
(org-window-habit-negate-plist (oref habit assessment-interval))))
(when (null (oref habit start-time))
(oset habit start-time
(org-window-habit-earliest-completion habit)
(oref habit assessment-interval))))
(cl-loop for window-spec in (oref habit window-specs)
do (oset window-spec habit habit)))
(cl-defmethod org-window-habit-effective-start ((iterator org-window-habit-iterator))
(org-window-habit-time-max (oref (oref iterator window) start-time)
(oref (oref (oref iterator window-spec) habit) start-time)))
;; Scanning done times
(cl-defun org-window-habit-find-array-forward
(array time &key (start-index nil) (comparison '<))
@ -439,67 +565,69 @@
:comparison 'time-greater-or-equal-p
:start-index end-index)))))
(cl-defmethod org-window-habit-advance
((iterator org-window-habit-iterator) &key (amount nil))
(with-slots (window window-spec) iterator
(unless amount
(setq amount (oref (oref window-spec habit) assessment-interval)))
((new-start-time (org-window-habit-keyed-duration-add-plist
(oref window assessment-start-time)
(time-less-p new-start-time (oref window assessment-start-time)))
(new-window (org-window-habit-get-assessment-window window-spec new-start-time)))
(oset iterator window new-window)
iterator (not window-moved-backward)))))
;; Compute completions and required
(cl-defmethod org-window-habit-effective-start ((iterator org-window-habit-iterator))
(org-window-habit-time-max (oref (oref iterator window) start-time)
(oref (oref (oref iterator window-spec) habit) start-time)))
(cl-defmethod org-window-habit-get-completion-count
((habit org-window-habit) start-time end-time &key (start-index 0)
(fill-completions-fn (lambda (_time actual-completions) actual-completions)))
with next-start-index = start-index
with interval-end-time = end-time
for interval-start-time =
;; This is just a sanity check for the case where the interval does not
;; evenly divide the window. But you shouldn't do that anyway.
interval-end-time (oref habit assessment-decrement-plist)))
for (start-index end-index) =
habit interval-start-time interval-end-time
:start-index next-start-index
:end-index next-start-index)
for completions-within-interval =
(min (oref habit max-repetitions-per-interval)
(- end-index start-index)))
sum completions-within-interval
do (setq next-start-index end-index
interval-end-time interval-start-time)
while (time-less-p start-time interval-start-time)))
(cl-defmethod org-window-habit-adjust-iterator-indicies
((iterator org-window-habit-iterator)
&optional window-moved-forward)
(with-slots (window start-index end-index window-spec) iterator
(cl-destructuring-bind (new-start-index new-end-index)
(oref window-spec habit)
(oref window start-time) (oref window end-time)
:start-index start-index
:end-index end-index
:reverse window-moved-forward)
(oset iterator start-index new-start-index)
(oset iterator end-index new-end-index))))
(cl-defmethod org-window-habit-get-next-required-interval
((habit org-window-habit) &optional now) (setq now (or now (current-time)))
(window-specs reschedule-interval reschedule-threshold assessment-interval
aggregation-fn done-times)
with start-time =
(org-window-habit-keyed-duration-add-plist (aref done-times 0)
with iterators =
(cl-loop for window-spec in window-specs
(org-window-habit-iterator-from-time window-spec start-time))
for current-assessment-start = (oref (oref (car iterators) window) assessment-start-time)
for conforming-values =
(cl-loop for iterator in iterators
collect (org-window-habit-get-conforming-value iterator))
for assessment-value = (funcall aggregation-fn conforming-values)
until (< assessment-value reschedule-threshold)
(cl-loop for iterator in iterators
do (org-window-habit-advance iterator))
finally return current-assessment-start)))
(cl-defmethod org-window-habit-conforming-ratio
((iterator org-window-habit-iterator) &rest args)
(with-slots (window-spec window start-index) iterator
(apply 'org-window-habit-get-completion-count
(oref window-spec habit)
(oref window start-time)
(oref window end-time)
:start-index start-index
(* (org-window-habit-actual-window-scale iterator)
(oref window-spec target-repetitions))))))
(cl-defmethod org-window-habit-actual-window-scale
((iterator org-window-habit-iterator))
(with-slots (window) iterator
(oref window start-time) (oref window end-time)
(org-window-habit-effective-start iterator))))
(cl-defmethod org-window-habit-get-conforming-value
((iterator org-window-habit-iterator) &rest args)
(with-slots (window-spec) iterator
(list (apply 'org-window-habit-conforming-ratio iterator args)
(oref window-spec conforming-value))))
;; Graph functions
(cl-defmethod org-window-habit-build-graph ((habit org-window-habit) &optional now)
(setq now (or now (current-time)))
@ -546,7 +674,8 @@
(if (time-equal-p current-assessment-start time)
for assessment-value-no-comp = (or (funcall aggregation-fn conforming-values) 0.0)
for assessment-value-no-comp =
(or (funcall aggregation-fn conforming-values-no-comp) 0.0)
for conforming-values =
(cl-loop for iterator in iterators
collect (org-window-habit-get-conforming-value iterator))
@ -568,10 +697,13 @@
((current-assessment-start (oref (oref (car iterators) window) assessment-start-time))
(current-assessment-end (oref (oref (car iterators) window) assessment-end-time))
(conforming-values (cl-loop for iterator in iterators collect
(org-window-habit-get-conforming-value iterator)))
(oref (oref (car iterators) window) assessment-start-time))
(oref (oref (car iterators) window) assessment-end-time))
(cl-loop for iterator in iterators collect
(org-window-habit-get-conforming-value iterator)))
(assessment-value (funcall aggregation-fn conforming-values))
(cl-loop for iterator in iterators
@ -606,6 +738,35 @@
(put-text-property index (1+ index) 'face face graph)))
(defun org-window-habit-insert-consistency-graphs (&optional line)
"Insert consistency graph for any habitual tasks.
If LINE is provided, insert graphs at beggining of line"
(let ((inhibit-read-only t)
(buffer-invisibility-spec '(org-link)))
(goto-char (if line (line-beginning-position) (point-min)))
(while (not (eobp))
(let ((habit (get-text-property (point) 'org-habit-p))
(_invisible-prop (get-text-property (point) 'invisible)))
(when habit
(move-to-column org-habit-graph-column t)
(delete-char (min (+ 1 org-habit-preceding-days
(- (line-end-position) (point))))
(org-window-habit-build-graph habit))))
;; TODO: this should be reintroduced
;; Inherit invisible state of hidden entries.
;; (when invisible-prop
;; (put-text-property
;; (- (point) org-habit-graph-column) (point)
;; 'invisible invisible-prop))))
;; Advice
(defun org-window-habit-parse-todo-advice (orig &rest args)
(if org-window-habit-mode
@ -630,69 +791,63 @@
(advice-add 'org-habit-get-urgency
:around 'org-window-habit-get-urgency-advice)
(defun org-window-habit-time-to-string (time)
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"
(defun org-window-habit-auto-repeat (&rest _args)
"Reassign the date of the habit to the next day at which it is required."
(let* ((required-interval-start
(format-time-string (car org-time-stamp-formats)
;; TODO: Preserve repeat
(when org-window-habit-repeat-to-deadline
(org-deadline nil target-time-string))
(when org-window-habit-repeat-to-scheduled
(org-schedule nil target-time-string))))
(cl-defmethod org-window-habit-get-completion-count
((habit org-window-habit) start-time end-time &key (start-index 0)
(fill-completions-fn (lambda (time actual-completions) actual-completions)))
with next-start-index = start-index
with interval-end-time = end-time
for interval-start-time =
;; This is just a sanity check for the case where the interval does not
;; evenly divide the window. But you shouldn't do that anyway.
interval-end-time (oref habit assessment-decrement-plist)))
for (start-index end-index) =
habit interval-start-time interval-end-time
:start-index next-start-index
:end-index next-start-index)
for completions-within-interval =
(min (oref habit max-repetitions-per-interval)
(- end-index start-index)))
sum completions-within-interval
do (setq next-start-index end-index
interval-end-time interval-start-time)
while (time-less-p start-time interval-start-time)))
(defun org-window-habit-auto-repeat-maybe-advice (orig &rest args)
(let ((res (apply orig args)))
(when (and org-window-habit-mode (org-is-habit-p))
(apply 'org-window-habit-auto-repeat args))
(cl-defmethod org-window-habit-get-next-required-interval
((habit org-window-habit) &optional now) (setq now (or now (current-time)))
(window-specs reschedule-interval reschedule-threshold assessment-interval
aggregation-fn done-times)
with start-time =
(org-window-habit-keyed-duration-add-plist (aref done-times 0)
with iterators =
(cl-loop for window-spec in window-specs
(org-window-habit-iterator-from-time window-spec start-time))
for current-assessment-start = (oref (oref (car iterators) window) assessment-start-time)
for current-assessment-end = (oref (oref (car iterators) window) assessment-end-time)
for conforming-values =
(cl-loop for iterator in iterators
collect (org-window-habit-get-conforming-value iterator))
for assessment-value = (funcall aggregation-fn conforming-values)
until (< assessment-value reschedule-threshold)
(cl-loop for iterator in iterators
do (org-window-habit-advance iterator))
finally return current-assessment-start)))
(advice-add 'org-auto-repeat-maybe
:around 'org-window-habit-auto-repeat-maybe-advice)
;; This seems to be the actually important annotation
(advice-add 'org-add-log-note
:around 'org-window-habit-auto-repeat-maybe-advice)
;; Default graph display functions
(defun org-window-habit-create-face (bg-color foreground-color)
(let* ((bg-name (replace-regexp-in-string "#" "" bg-color))
(fg-name (replace-regexp-in-string "#" "" foreground-color))
(face-name (intern (format "org-window-habit-face-bg-%s-fg-%s" bg-name fg-name))))
(if (facep face-name)
(make-face face-name)
(set-face-attribute face-name nil :background bg-color :foreground foreground-color)
(defun org-window-habit-rescale-assessment-value (value)
(if (>= value 1.0) value
(* org-window-habit-non-conforming-scale value)))
(defun org-window-habit-lerp-color (color1 color2 proportion)
(let ((r1 (string-to-number (substring color1 1 3) 16))
(g1 (string-to-number (substring color1 3 5) 16))
(b1 (string-to-number (substring color1 5 7) 16))
(r2 (string-to-number (substring color2 1 3) 16))
(g2 (string-to-number (substring color2 3 5) 16))
(b2 (string-to-number (substring color2 5 7) 16)))
(format "#%02x%02x%02x"
(round (+ (* (- r2 r1) proportion) r1))
(round (+ (* (- g2 g1) proportion) g1))
(round (+ (* (- b2 b1) proportion) b1)))))
(cl-defun org-window-habit-default-graph-assessment-fn
@ -741,53 +896,5 @@
(t ?\s))))
(list character face)))
(defun org-window-habit-auto-repeat (&rest args)
(let* ((required-interval-start
(repeat (org-get-repeat))
(format-time-string (car org-timestamp-formats)
(org-deadline nil target-time-string)
(org-schedule nil target-time-string)))
(defun org-window-habit-auto-repeat-maybe-advice (orig &rest args)
(let ((res (apply orig args)))
(when (and org-window-habit-mode (org-is-habit-p))
(apply 'org-window-habit-auto-repeat args))
(advice-add 'org-auto-repeat-maybe
:around 'org-window-habit-auto-repeat-maybe-advice)
;; This seems to be the actually important annotation
(advice-add 'org-add-log-note
:around 'org-window-habit-auto-repeat-maybe-advice)
(defun org-window-habit-insert-consistency-graphs (&optional line)
"Insert consistency graph for any habitual tasks."
(let ((inhibit-read-only t)
(buffer-invisibility-spec '(org-link)))
(goto-char (if line (line-beginning-position) (point-min)))
(while (not (eobp))
(let ((habit (get-text-property (point) 'org-habit-p))
(invisible-prop (get-text-property (point) 'invisible)))
(when habit
(move-to-column org-habit-graph-column t)
(delete-char (min (+ 1 org-habit-preceding-days
(- (line-end-position) (point))))
(org-window-habit-build-graph habit))))
;; Inherit invisible state of hidden entries.
;; (when invisible-prop
;; (put-text-property
;; (- (point) org-habit-graph-column) (point)
;; 'invisible invisible-prop))))
(provide 'org-window-habit)
;;; org-window-habit.el ends here