forked from colonelpanic/dotfiles
[XMonad] Fix lints
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Main where
module Main where
@ -110,7 +111,7 @@ myConfig = def
restartEventHook e@ClientMessageEvent { ev_message_type = mt } = do
restartEventHook e@ClientMessageEvent { ev_message_type = mt } = do
a <- getAtom "XMONAD_RESTART"
a <- getAtom "XMONAD_RESTART"
if (mt == a)
if mt == a
then XMonad.Operations.restart "imalison-xmonad" True >> return (All True)
then XMonad.Operations.restart "imalison-xmonad" True >> return (All True)
else return $ All True
else return $ All True
restartEventHook _ = return $ All True
restartEventHook _ = return $ All True
@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ myNavigation2DConfig = def { defaultTiledNavigation = centerNavigation }
main = do
main = do
dirs <- getDirectories
dirs <- getDirectories
(flip launch dirs)
(`launch` dirs)
. docks
. docks
. pagerHints
. pagerHints
. ewmh
. ewmh
@ -373,7 +374,7 @@ layoutsStart layout = (layout, [Layout layout])
(joined ||| newLayout, layouts ++ [Layout newLayout])
(joined ||| newLayout, layouts ++ [Layout newLayout])
layoutInfo =
layoutInfo =
layoutsStart (rename "4 Columns" $ (multiCol [1, 1, 1] 2 0.0 (-0.5))) |||!
layoutsStart (rename "4 Columns" (multiCol [1, 1, 1] 2 0.0 (-0.5))) |||!
rename "3 Columns" (multiCol [1, 1] 2 0.01 (-0.5)) |||!
rename "3 Columns" (multiCol [1, 1] 2 0.01 (-0.5)) |||!
rename "Grid" Grid |||!
rename "Grid" Grid |||!
rename "Large Main" (Tall 1 (3 / 100) (3 / 4)) |||!
rename "Large Main" (Tall 1 (3 / 100) (3 / 4)) |||!
@ -421,6 +422,7 @@ getVirtualClass = flip findM virtualClasses . classIfMatches
getClass w = fromMaybe <$> getClassRaw w <*> getVirtualClass w
getClass w = fromMaybe <$> getClassRaw w <*> getVirtualClass w
{-# NOINLINE desktopEntriesMap #-}
desktopEntriesMap :: MM.MultiMap String DesktopEntry
desktopEntriesMap :: MM.MultiMap String DesktopEntry
desktopEntriesMap =
desktopEntriesMap =
unsafePerformIO $
unsafePerformIO $
@ -466,13 +468,10 @@ myWindowAct c@WindowBringerConfig {menuCommand = cmd, menuArgs = args}
filterVisible action = do
filterVisible action = do
visible <- visibleWindows
visible <- visibleWindows
currentlyFullscreen <- isToggleActiveInCurrent NBFULL
currentlyFullscreen <- isToggleActiveInCurrent NBFULL
let actualConfig =
let actualConfig
if fromMaybe False currentlyFullscreen
| fromMaybe False currentlyFullscreen = c
then c
| filterVisible = c {windowFilter = not . flip elem visible}
| otherwise = c
if filterVisible
then c {windowFilter = not . flip elem visible}
else c
ws <- M.toList <$> windowMap' actualConfig
ws <- M.toList <$> windowMap' actualConfig
selection <- menuIndexArgs cmd args ws
selection <- menuIndexArgs cmd args ws
whenJust selection action
whenJust selection action
@ -486,11 +485,11 @@ myWindowAction filterVisible =
myGoToWindow =
myGoToWindow =
myWindowAction False $ windows . greedyFocusWindow
myWindowAction False $ windows . greedyFocusWindow
myBringWindow = myWindowAction True $ doBringWindow
myBringWindow = myWindowAction True doBringWindow
myReplaceWindow =
myReplaceWindow =
swapMinimizeStateAfter $
swapMinimizeStateAfter $
myWindowAct myWindowBringerConfig True $ (windows . swapFocusedWith)
myWindowAct myWindowBringerConfig True $ windows . swapFocusedWith
-- Workspace Names for EWMH
-- Workspace Names for EWMH
@ -555,8 +554,9 @@ toggleFading w = setFading' $ toggleInMap w
setFading w f = setFading' $ M.insert w f
setFading w f = setFading' $ M.insert w f
setFading' f =
setFading' f =
fmap (ToggleFade . f . fadesMap) XS.get >>= XS.put
XS.get >>= XS.put . (ToggleFade . f . fadesMap)
-- Minimize not in class
-- Minimize not in class
restoreFocus action =
restoreFocus action =
@ -620,12 +620,12 @@ windowsMatchingClassPredicate predicate window workspace =
windowsSatisfyingPredicate workspace getPredicate = do
windowsSatisfyingPredicate workspace getPredicate = do
predicate <- getPredicate
predicate <- getPredicate
filterM (\w -> predicate <$> getClass w) (W.integrate workspace)
filterM (fmap predicate . getClass) (W.integrate workspace)
getMatchingUnmatching =
getMatchingUnmatching =
partition <$> ((. snd) <$> getClassMatchesCurrent) <*> getWindowClassPairs
partition <$> ((. snd) <$> getClassMatchesCurrent) <*> getWindowClassPairs
getWindowClassPairs = join $ mapM windowToClassPair <$> workspaceWindows
getWindowClassPairs = mapM windowToClassPair =<< workspaceWindows
windowToClassPair w = (,) w <$> getClass w
windowToClassPair w = (,) w <$> getClass w
@ -648,13 +648,13 @@ restoreAll = mapM_ maximizeWindow
restoreAllMinimized = minimizedWindows >>= restoreAll
restoreAllMinimized = minimizedWindows >>= restoreAll
restoreOrMinimizeOtherClasses = null <$> maximizedOtherClass >>=
restoreOrMinimizeOtherClasses = maximizedOtherClass >>=
ifL restoreAllMinimized minimizeOtherClassesInWorkspace
ifL restoreAllMinimized minimizeOtherClassesInWorkspace . null
restoreThisClassOrMinimizeOtherClasses = minimizedSameClass >>= \ws ->
restoreThisClassOrMinimizeOtherClasses = minimizedSameClass >>= \ws ->
if' (null ws) minimizeOtherClassesInWorkspace $ restoreAll ws
if' (null ws) minimizeOtherClassesInWorkspace $ restoreAll ws
getClassPair w = flip (,) w <$> getClass w
getClassPair w = (, w) <$> getClass w
windowClassPairs = withWindowSet $ mapM getClassPair . W.allWindows
windowClassPairs = withWindowSet $ mapM getClassPair . W.allWindows
classToWindowMap = MM.fromList <$> windowClassPairs
classToWindowMap = MM.fromList <$> windowClassPairs
@ -669,15 +669,17 @@ nextClass = do
classWindow c = do
classWindow c = do
m <- classToWindowMap
m <- classToWindowMap
return $ join $ listToMaybe <$> (flip MM.lookup m <$> c)
return (listToMaybe . flip MM.lookup m =<< c)
nextClassWindow = nextClass >>= classWindow
nextClassWindow = nextClass >>= classWindow
focusNextClass' =
focusNextClass' =
join $ windows . maybe id greedyFocusWindow <$> nextClassWindow
(windows . maybe id greedyFocusWindow) =<< nextClassWindow
focusNextClass = sameClassOnly focusNextClass'
focusNextClass = sameClassOnly focusNextClass'
selectClass = join $ myDmenu <$> allClasses
selectClass = myDmenu =<< allClasses
-- Gather windows of same class
-- Gather windows of same class
@ -705,7 +707,7 @@ shiftThenView i = W.greedyView i . W.shift i
greedyBringWindow w = greedyFocusWindow w . bringWindow w
greedyBringWindow w = greedyFocusWindow w . bringWindow w
shiftToEmptyAndView =
shiftToEmptyAndView =
doTo Next EmptyWS DWO.getSortByOrder (windows . shiftThenView)
doTo Next emptyWS DWO.getSortByOrder (windows . shiftThenView)
setFocusedScreen :: ScreenId -> WindowSet -> WindowSet
setFocusedScreen :: ScreenId -> WindowSet -> WindowSet
setFocusedScreen to ws =
setFocusedScreen to ws =
@ -730,10 +732,10 @@ viewOtherScreen ws = W.greedyView ws . nextScreen
shiftThenViewOtherScreen ws w = viewOtherScreen ws . W.shiftWin ws w
shiftThenViewOtherScreen ws w = viewOtherScreen ws . W.shiftWin ws w
shiftCurrentToWSOnOtherScreen ws s =
shiftCurrentToWSOnOtherScreen ws s =
fromMaybe s (flip (shiftThenViewOtherScreen ws) s <$> W.peek s)
maybe s (flip (shiftThenViewOtherScreen ws) s) (W.peek s)
shiftToEmptyNextScreen =
shiftToEmptyNextScreen =
doTo Next EmptyWS DWO.getSortByOrder $ windows . shiftCurrentToWSOnOtherScreen
doTo Next emptyWS DWO.getSortByOrder $ windows . shiftCurrentToWSOnOtherScreen
swapFocusedWith w ws = W.modify' (swapFocusedWith' w) (W.delete' w ws)
swapFocusedWith w ws = W.modify' (swapFocusedWith' w) (W.delete' w ws)
@ -842,7 +844,7 @@ buildDirectionalBindings mask commandFn =
myWindowGo direction = do
myWindowGo direction = do
layoutName <- description . W.layout <$> currentWorkspace
layoutName <- description . W.layout <$> currentWorkspace
if isInfixOf "Tabbed" layoutName
if "Tabbed" `isInfixOf` layoutName
case direction of
case direction of
D -> windows W.focusUp
D -> windows W.focusUp
@ -855,18 +857,17 @@ addKeys conf@XConfig { modMask = modm } =
-- Directional navigation
-- Directional navigation
(buildDirectionalBindings modm myWindowGo) ++
buildDirectionalBindings modm myWindowGo ++
(modm .|. shiftMask) $ flip windowSwap True) ++
(modm .|. shiftMask) (`windowSwap` True) ++
(modm .|. controlMask) $ followingWindow . (flip windowToScreen True)) ++
(modm .|. controlMask) (followingWindow . (`windowToScreen` True)) ++
buildDirectionalBindings hyper (`screenGo` True) ++
hyper $ flip screenGo True) ++
(hyper .|. shiftMask) (followingWindow . (`screenSwap` True)) ++
(hyper .|. shiftMask) $ followingWindow . (flip screenSwap True)) ++
(hyper .|. controlMask) shiftToEmptyOnScreen ++
(hyper .|. controlMask) $ shiftToEmptyOnScreen) ++
-- Specific program spawning
-- Specific program spawning
[ (modalt, xK_c, spawn chromeCommand, chromeSelector)
[ (modalt, xK_c, spawn chromeCommand, chromeSelector)
@ -917,8 +918,9 @@ addKeys conf@XConfig { modMask = modm } =
-- These need to be rebound to support boringWindows
-- These need to be rebound to support boringWindows
, ((modm, xK_m), focusMaster)
, ((modm, xK_m), focusMaster)
, ((modm, xK_Tab), focusNextClass)
, ((modm, xK_Tab), focusNextClass)
, ((hyper, xK_e), moveTo Next EmptyWS)
, ((hyper, xK_e), moveTo Next emptyWS)
-- Miscellaneous XMonad
-- Miscellaneous XMonad
, ((hyper, xK_1), toggleFadingForActiveWindow)
, ((hyper, xK_1), toggleFadingForActiveWindow)
@ -977,10 +979,6 @@ addKeys conf@XConfig { modMask = modm } =
, ((0, xF86XK_MonBrightnessUp), spawn " 5")
, ((0, xF86XK_MonBrightnessUp), spawn " 5")
, ((0, xF86XK_MonBrightnessDown), spawn " -5")
, ((0, xF86XK_MonBrightnessDown), spawn " -5")
-- LOL Broken keyboard
, ((hyper, xK_m), spawn "xdotool type .")
, ((hyper, xK_n), spawn "xdotool type /")
] ++
] ++
-- Replace moving bindings
-- Replace moving bindings
Reference in New Issue
Block a user