[Emacs] Reindent emit-prefix-selector

This commit is contained in:
Ivan Malison 2023-07-28 17:08:49 -06:00
parent 6df8ea9f7a
commit 771681965d

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@ -2417,31 +2417,6 @@ reference to the jedi-core package.
(use-package company-go
:config (setq company-go-show-annotation t))
(use-package go-projectile :demand t)
(use-package go-eldoc :demand t)
(use-package go-guru
:demand t
:bind (:map go-mode-map
("M-." . go-guru-definition))
(defun imalison:set-go-guru-scope ()
(setq go-guru-scope (go-mode-parse-glide-novendor)))
(defun go-mode-parse-glide-novendor ()
(s-join ","
(cl-loop for path in (s-split "\n" (imalison:glide-novendor))
collect (if (string-equal path ".")
(s-replace "\./" (imalison:go-workspace-path) path))))))
(advice-add 'go-guru--set-scope-if-empty :before 'imalison:set-go-guru-scope)
(advice-add 'go-guru-start :before 'imalison:set-go-guru-scope)
(advice-add 'go-guru-definition :around 'imalison:advise-normal-go-command)
(advice-add 'go-guru-definition :before
(lambda ()
(ring-insert find-tag-marker-ring (point-marker)))))))
(advice-add 'go-import-add :around 'imalison:advise-normal-go-command)
@ -2638,8 +2613,8 @@ eval-last-sexp.
**** Keybinds
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(emit-compose imalison:copy-eval-last-sexp
kill-new prin1-to-string eval-last-sexp)
imalison:copy-eval-last-sexp kill-new prin1-to-string eval-last-sexp)
(emit-prefix-selector imalison:eval-last-sexp
@ -4901,7 +4876,7 @@ Ensure all themes that I use are installed:
** all-the-icons
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package all-the-icons
:defer 5)
:demand t)
** doom-modeline
#+begin_src emacs-lisp