forked from colonelpanic/dotfiles
Clean up prefix-alternatives a bit
This commit is contained in:
@ -205,21 +205,19 @@
(defun display-prefix (arg)
"Display the value of the raw prefix arg."
(interactive "P")
(interactive "p")
(message "%s" arg))
(defmacro imalison:prefix-alternatives (name &rest alternatives)
`(defun ,name (arg)
(interactive "P")
(setq arg (or arg '(1)))
(setq prefix-value (car arg))
(interactive "p")
(setq function
(setq last-multiple 1)
(setq last-power 1)
(cl-loop for alternative in alternatives
collect `((eq prefix-value ,last-multiple) (quote ,alternative))
do (setq last-multiple (* last-multiple 4))))))
collect `((eq prefix-value ,last-power) (quote ,alternative))
do (setq last-power (* last-power 4))))))
(setq function (or function (car alternatives))) ; Set a default value for function
(setq current-prefix-arg nil)
(call-interactively function)))
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
(defun test-multi-line-enter ()
(make-instance multi-line-forward-sexp-enter-strategy)))
(defun test-multi-line-find-next ()
(message "%s" (multi-line-find-next
(make-instance multi-line-forward-sexp-find-strategy))))
(defun test-multi-line-get-markers ()
(let ((markers (multi-line-get-markers
(multi-line-get-enter-strategy multi-line-config)
(multi-line-get-find-strategy multi-line-config))))
(message "%d" markers)))
(defclass bars-at-markers () nil)
(defmethod multi-line-respace ((respacer bars-at-markers) index markers)
(insert "|"))
(defun multiline-test-bars()
(multi-line-adjust-whitespace (make-instance bars-at-markers)))
@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
;;; multi-line.el --- multi-line statements -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2015 Ivan Malison
;; Author: Ivan Malison <>
;; Keywords: multi line length whitespace programming
;; URL:
;; Version: 0.0.0
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24"))
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;; multi-line aims to provide a flexible framework for automatically
;; multi-lining and single-lining function invocations and
;; definitions, array and map literals and more. It relies on
;; functions that are defined on a per major mode basis wherever it
;; can so that it functions correctly across many different
;; programming languages.
;;; Code:
(defvar multi-line-config)
(defun multi-line-lparenthesis-advance ()
"Advance to the beginning of a statement that can be multi-lined."
(re-search-forward "[[{(]"))
(defun multi-line-up-list-back ()
"Go to the beginning of a statement from inside the statement."
(up-list) (backward-sexp))
(defclass multi-line-forward-sexp-enter-strategy ()
((done-regex :initarg :done-regex :initform "[[:space:]]*[[({]")
(advance-fn :initarg :advance-fn :initform 'multi-line-lparenthesis-advance)
(inside-fn :initarg :inside-fn :initform 'multi-line-up-list-back)))
(defmethod multi-line-enter ((enter multi-line-forward-sexp-enter-strategy))
(condition-case nil
(while (not (looking-at (oref enter :done-regex)))
(funcall (oref enter :inside-fn))))
(funcall (oref enter :advance-fn)))
(defun multi-line-comma-advance ()
"Advance to the next comma."
(re-search-forward ","))
(defclass multi-line-forward-sexp-find-strategy ()
((split-regex :initarg :split-regex :initform "[[:space:]]*,")
(done-regex :initarg :done-regex :initform "[[:space:]]*[})]")
(split-advance-fn :initarg :split-advance-fn :initform
(defmethod multi-line-should-stop ((strategy multi-line-forward-sexp-find-strategy))
((looking-at (oref strategy :done-regex)) :done)
((looking-at (oref strategy :split-regex)) :candidate)
(t nil)))
(defmethod multi-line-find-next ((strategy multi-line-forward-sexp-find-strategy))
(let (last last-point this-point)
(setq this-point (point))
(condition-case nil
(while (and (not (equal this-point last-point))
(not (setq last (multi-line-should-stop strategy))))
(setq last-point this-point)
(setq this-point (point)))
('error (setq last :done))
(when (equal last :candidate) (funcall (oref strategy :split-advance-fn)))
(defclass multi-line-never-newline ()
((spacer :initarg :spacer :initform " ")))
(defmethod multi-line-respace ((respacer multi-line-never-newline) index markers)
(when (equal index (- (length markers) 1))
(when (not (or (equal 0 index)
(equal index (- (length markers) 1))))
(insert (oref respacer :spacer))))
(defclass multi-line-always-newline ()
((always-first :initarg :skip-first :initform nil)
(always-last :initarg :skip-last :initform nil)))
(defmethod multi-line-should-newline ((respacer multi-line-always-newline)
index markers)
(let ((marker-length (length markers)))
(not (or (and (equal 0 index) (oref respacer :skip-first))
(and (equal index (- marker-length 1)) (oref respacer :skip-last))))))
(defmethod multi-line-respace ((respacer multi-line-always-newline) index markers)
(when (multi-line-should-newline respacer index markers)
(defclass multi-line-column-number ()
((newline-at :initarg :newline-at :initform 80)
(newline-respacer :initarg :newline-respacer :initform
(make-instance multi-line-always-newline))
(default-respacer :initarg :default-respacer :initform
(make-instance multi-line-never-newline))))
(defmethod multi-line-should-newline ((respacer multi-line-column-number)
index markers)
(let ((marker-length (length markers)))
(or (and (equal 0 index))
(and (equal index (- marker-length 1)))
(and (< (+ index 1) marker-length)
(goto-char (marker-position (nth (+ index 1) markers )))
(> (current-column) (oref respacer :newline-at)))))))
(defmethod multi-line-respace ((respacer multi-line-column-number) index markers)
(if (multi-line-should-newline respacer index markers)
(oref respacer :newline-respacer)
(oref respacer :default-respacer)) index markers))
(defun multi-line-get-markers (enter-strategy find-strategy)
"Get the markers for multi-line candidates for the statement at point.
ENTER-STRATEGY is a class with the method multi-line-enter, and
FIND-STRATEGY is a class with the method multi-line-find-next."
(multi-line-enter enter-strategy)
(let ((markers (list (point-marker))))
(nconc markers
(cl-loop until (equal (multi-line-find-next find-strategy) :done)
collect (point-marker)))
(nconc markers (list (point-marker)))))
(defun multi-line-clear-whitespace-at-point ()
"Erase any surrounding whitespace."
(re-search-backward "[^[:space:]\n]")
(let ((start (point)))
(re-search-forward "[^[:space:]\n]")
(kill-region start (point))))
(defun multi-line-adjust-whitespace (respacer)
"Adjust whitespace using the provided RESPACER."
(let ((markers (multi-line-get-markers
(multi-line-get-enter-strategy multi-line-config)
(multi-line-get-find-strategy multi-line-config))))
(cl-loop for marker being the elements of markers using (index i) do
(goto-char (marker-position marker))
;; (multi-line-clear-whitespace-at-point)
(multi-line-respace respacer i markers))))
(defclass multi-line-config-manager ()
((default-find :initarg :default-find :initform
(make-instance multi-line-forward-sexp-find-strategy))
(default-enter :initarg :default-enter :initform
(make-instance multi-line-forward-sexp-enter-strategy))
(default-respacer :initarg :default-respacer :initform
(make-instance multi-line-always-newline))
(major-mode-to-enter :initarg :major-mode-to-enter :initform (make-hash-table))
(major-mode-to-find :initarg :major-mode-to-find :initform (make-hash-table))
(major-mode-to-respacer :initarg :major-mode-to-respacer :initform (make-hash-table))))
(defmethod multi-line-get-find-strategy ((config multi-line-config-manager))
(or (gethash major-mode (oref config :major-mode-to-find))
(oref config :default-find)))
(defmethod multi-line-get-enter-strategy ((config multi-line-config-manager))
(or (gethash major-mode (oref config :major-mode-to-enter))
(oref config :default-enter)))
(defmethod multi-line-get-respacer-strategy ((config multi-line-config-manager))
(or (gethash major-mode (oref config :major-mode-to-respacer))
(oref config :default-respacer)))
(defmethod multi-line-set-find-strategy ((config multi-line-config-manager)
for-mode find-strategy)
(puthash for-mode find-strategy (oref config :major-mode-to-find)))
(defmethod multi-line-set-enter-strategy ((config multi-line-config-manager)
for-mode enter-strategy)
(puthash for-mode enter-strategy (oref config :major-mode-to-enter)))
(defmethod multi-line-set-respacer-strategy ((config multi-line-config-manager)
for-mode respacer-strategy)
(puthash for-mode respacer-strategy (oref config :major-mode-to-respacer)))
(defmethod multi-line-set-default-find ((config multi-line-config-manager) find-strategy)
(oset config :default-find find-strategy))
(defmethod multi-line-set-default-enter ((config multi-line-config-manager)
(oset config :default-enter enter-strategy))
(defmethod multi-line-set-default-respacer ((config multi-line-config-manager)
(oset config :default-respacer respacer-strategy))
(setq multi-line-config (make-instance multi-line-config-manager))
(defun multi-line-lisp-advance-fn ()
"Advance to the start of the next multi-line split for Lisp."
(re-search-forward "[^[:space:]\n]")
(defun multi-line-set-per-major-mode-strategies ()
"Set language specific strategies."
(multi-line-set-find-strategy multi-line-config 'emacs-lisp-mode
:split-regex "[[:space:]]+"
:done-regex "[[:space:]]*)"
:split-advance-fn 'multi-line-lisp-advance-fn))
(let ((newline-respacer
(make-instance multi-line-always-newline
:skip-first t :skip-last t)))
multi-line-config 'emacs-lisp-mode (make-instance multi-line-column-number
;; No match for done regex
(multi-line-set-enter-strategy multi-line-config 'emacs-lisp-mode
:done-regex "``````")))
(defun multi-line ()
"Multi-line the statement at point."
(multi-line-adjust-whitespace (multi-line-get-respacer-strategy
(defun multi-line-singleline ()
"Single-line the statement at point."
(multi-line-adjust-whitespace (make-instance multi-line-never-newline)))
(provide 'multi-line)
;; flycheck-disabled-checkers: (emacs-lisp-checkdoc)
;;; multi-line.el ends here
Reference in New Issue
Block a user