
This commit is contained in:
Ivan Malison 2015-10-15 03:22:42 -07:00
parent 6292e7732b
commit 5faff2ecff

View File

@ -534,6 +534,37 @@ The current directory is assumed to be the project's root otherwise."
(bind-key "C-(" 'sp-backward-slurp-sexp smartparens-mode-map)
(bind-key "C-{" 'sp-backward-barf-sexp smartparens-mode-map)))
(defclass indexed-mapping ()
((mapping :initarg :mapping :initform nil)
(index :initarg :index :initform nil)))
(defmethod im-get ((im indexed-mapping) key)
(plist-get (oref im :mapping) key))
(defmethod im-index-get ((im indexed-mapping) value)
(plist-get (oref im :index) value))
(defmethod im-index-get-one ((im indexed-mapping) value)
(let ((keys (plist-get (oref im :index) value)))
(when keys (car keys))))
(defmethod im-put ((im indexed-mapping) key value)
;; Handle removing the key from where it is currently indexed
(let* ((current-value (plist-get (oref im :mapping) key))
(value-list (plist-get (oref im :index) current-value)))
(when value-list
(setq value-list (remove key value-list))
(oset im :index
(plist-put (oref im :index)
current-value value-list))))
;; Add the key to its new position in the index
(oset im :index
(plist-put (oref im :index)
value (cons key (plist-get (oref im :index) value))))
;; Add the key, value pair to the mapping
(oset im :mapping
(plist-put (oref im :mapping) key value)))
(use-package term