forked from colonelpanic/dotfiles
[Emacs] First stab at org-window-habit
This commit is contained in:
@ -1381,12 +1381,14 @@ Paradox is a package.el extension. I have no use for it now that I use straight.
** load-dir
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package load-dir
:demand t
(setq load-dir-debug nil)
(add-to-list 'load-dirs "~/.emacs.d/load.d")
(defvar site-lisp "/usr/share/emacs24/site-lisp/")
(when (file-exists-p site-lisp) (add-to-list 'load-dirs site-lisp))))
(when (file-exists-p site-lisp) (add-to-list 'load-dirs site-lisp))
** server
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
(require 'calendar)
(require 'org)
(require 'cl-lib)
(defun org-window-habit-time-max (&rest args)
"Return the maximum time value from ARGS."
(let ((max-time (car args)))
(dolist (time (cdr args))
(when (time-less-p max-time time)
(setq max-time time)))
(defun org-window-habit-negate-plist (plist)
(let (result)
(while plist
(let ((key (pop plist))
(value (pop plist)))
(push key result)
(push (- value) result)))
(nreverse result)))
(defun org-window-habit-duration-proportion (start-time end-time between-time)
(let* ((full-interval (float-time (time-subtract end-time start-time)))
(partial-interval (float-time (time-subtract end-time between-time))))
(/ partial-interval full-interval)))
(cl-defun org-window-habit-keyed-duration-add
(&key (base-time (current-time))
(days 0) (months 0) (years 0)
(hours 0) (minutes 0) (seconds 0))
(let* ((decoded-base (decode-time base-time))
(base-year (nth 5 decoded-base))
(base-month (nth 4 decoded-base))
(base-day (nth 3 decoded-base))
(base-absolute (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian (list base-month base-day base-year)))
(new-absolute (+ base-absolute days))
(gregorian-result (calendar-gregorian-from-absolute new-absolute))
(result-year (+ (caddr gregorian-result) years))
(result-month (+ (car gregorian-result) months)))
;; Handle month overflows and underflows
(while (> result-month 12)
(setq result-month (- result-month 12)
result-year (+ result-year 1)))
(while (< result-month 1)
(setq result-month (+ result-month 12)
result-year (- result-year 1)))
(encode-time (+ seconds (nth 0 decoded-base))
(+ minutes (nth 1 decoded-base))
(+ hours (nth 2 decoded-base))
(cadr gregorian-result)
(defun org-window-habit-keyed-duration-add-plist (base-time plist)
(apply 'org-window-habit-keyed-duration-add :base-time base-time plist))
(defun org-window-habit-string-duration-to-plist (string-value)
(if (null string-value)
(list :days 1)
(let ((read-value (read string-value)))
((plistp read-value) read-value)
((string-match "\\([0-9]+\\)[Yy]" string-value)
(list :years (string-to-number (match-string 1 string-value))))
;; Month pattern
((string-match "\\([0-9]+\\)[Mm]" string-value)
(list :months (string-to-number (match-string 1 string-value))))
;; Week pattern
((string-match "\\([0-9]+\\)[Ww]" string-value)
(list :days (* 7 (string-to-number (match-string 1 string-value)))))
;; Day pattern
((string-match "\\([0-9]+\\)[Dd]" string-value)
(list :days (string-to-number (match-string 1 string-value))))
;; Hour pattern
((string-match "\\([0-9]+\\)[Hh]" string-value)
(list :hours (string-to-number (match-string 1 string-value))))
(t (list :days read-value))))))
(defun org-window-habit-normalize-time-to-duration (time-value &optional duration-plist alignment-time)
(let* ((alignment-decoded (decode-time (or alignment-time time-value)))
(year (nth 5 alignment-decoded))
(month (nth 4 alignment-decoded))
(day (nth 3 alignment-decoded))
(hour (nth 2 alignment-decoded))
(minute (nth 1 alignment-decoded))
(second (nth 0 alignment-decoded))
(smallest-duration-type (car (last duration-plist 2)))
(smallest-duration-value (cadr (last duration-plist 2))))
;; Align time based on the smallest duration type and its value
((eq smallest-duration-type :seconds)
(encode-time (* smallest-duration-value (floor second smallest-duration-value)) minute hour day month year))
((eq smallest-duration-type :minutes)
(encode-time 0 (* smallest-duration-value (floor minute smallest-duration-value)) hour day month year))
((eq smallest-duration-type :hours)
(encode-time 0 0 (* smallest-duration-value (floor hour smallest-duration-value)) day month year))
((eq smallest-duration-type :days)
(let* ((aligned-day (- day (1- smallest-duration-value))))
(encode-time 0 0 0 aligned-day month year)))
((eq smallest-duration-type :months)
(encode-time 0 0 0 1 (* smallest-duration-value (floor month smallest-duration-value)) year))
((eq smallest-duration-type :years)
(let* ((aligned-year (- year (1- smallest-duration-value))))
(encode-time 0 0 0 1 1 aligned-year)))
(t time-value))))
(defun org-window-habit-find-aligned-bounding-time (time-value duration-plist aligned-time)
(let (new-time)
(while (time-less-p time-value aligned-time)
(setq new-time
(org-window-habit-keyed-duration-add-plist aligned-time duration-plist))
(when (not (time-less-p new-time aligned-time))
(error "Time did not decrease in alignment attempt"))
(setq aligned-time new-time)))
(defun org-window-habit-logbook-drawer-bounds ()
(when (re-search-forward org-logbook-drawer-re nil t)
(list (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))))
(defun org-window-habit-parse-logbook ()
(let ((bounds (org-window-habit-logbook-drawer-bounds)))
(when bounds
(cl-destructuring-bind (start end) bounds
(goto-char start)
(let ((re (org-window-habit-get-logbook-entry-re)))
(cl-loop while (re-search-forward re end t)
collect (list
(match-string-no-properties 1)
(match-string-no-properties 2)
(org-time-string-to-time (match-string-no-properties 3)))))))))
(defun org-window-habit-get-logbook-entry-re (&optional state-regexp)
(unless state-regexp
(setq state-regexp (rx alphanumeric)))
(: line-start (* space) "-" (* space))
"State" (* space) (? "\"") (group (* alphanumeric)) (? "\"")
(* space) (? (: "from" (* space) (? "\"") (group (* alphanumeric)) (? "\"")))
(* space)
(regexp org-ts-regexp-inactive)))
(defclass org-window-habit ()
((duration-plist :initarg :duration-plist :initform '(:days 1))
(assessment-interval :initarg :assessment-interval :initform '(:days 1))
(repetitions-required :initarg :repetitions-required :initform 1)
(okay-repetitions-required :initarg :okay-repetitions-required :initform 1)
(done-times :initarg :done-times :initform nil)
(window-decrement-plist :initarg :window-decrement-plist :initform nil)))
(defun org-window-habit-create-instance-from-heading-at-point ()
"Construct an org-window-habit instance from the current org entry."
(let* ((done-times
(cl-loop for state-change-info in (org-window-habit-parse-logbook)
if (member (nth 0 state-change-info) org-done-keywords)
collect (nth 2 state-change-info)))
(done-times-vector (vconcat done-times))
(window-length (org-window-habit-string-duration-to-plist
(org-entry-get nil "WINDOW_DURATION" "1d")))
(assessment-interval (org-window-habit-string-duration-to-plist
(org-entry-get nil "ASSESMENT_INTERVAL" "1d")))
(repetitions-required (string-to-number
(or (org-entry-get nil "REPETITIONS_REQUIRED" t) "1")))
(okay-repetitions-required (string-to-number
(or (org-entry-get nil "OKAY_REPETITIONS_REQUIRED" t) "1"))))
(make-instance 'org-window-habit
:duration-plist window-length
:assessment-interval assessment-interval
:repetitions-required repetitions-required
:okay-repetitions-required okay-repetitions-required
:done-times done-times-vector
:window-decrement-plist (org-window-habit-negate-plist assessment-interval)))))
(cl-defmethod org-window-habit-get-completion-window-indices
((habit org-window-habit) start-time end-time &key (start-index 0) (end-index 0))
(with-slots (done-times) habit
;; Adjust the start-index based on end-time
(while (and (>= start-index 0) (< start-index (length done-times))
(not (time-less-p (aref done-times start-index) end-time))) ; exclusive of end-time
(setq start-index (1+ start-index)))
;; Adjust the end-index based on start-time
(let ((initial-end-index end-index))
(while (and (>= end-index 0) (< end-index (length done-times))
(and (time-less-p start-time (aref done-times end-index)) ; inclusive of start-time
(not (time-equal-p start-time (aref done-times end-index)))))
(setq end-index (1+ end-index)))
(list start-index end-index))))
;; TODO avoid using current-time
(cl-defmethod org-window-habit-get-windows
((window-habit org-window-habit) &key (max-intervals nil))
(with-slots (duration-plist done-times window-decrement-plist) window-habit
(let* ((done-times-count (length done-times))
(earliest-completion (aref done-times (- done-times-count 1))))
with start-index = 0
with end-index = 0
with interval-ongoing = t
with current-window-start =
(org-window-habit-normalize-time-to-duration (current-time) duration-plist)
for current-window-end =
(org-window-habit-keyed-duration-add-plist current-window-start duration-plist)
for (new-start-index new-end-index) =
window-habit current-window-start current-window-end
:start-index start-index :end-index (or end-index 0))
for last-start = current-window-start
(setq start-index new-start-index
end-index new-end-index)
when (>= start-index done-times-count)
return windows
for effective-start =
(if (time-less-p earliest-completion current-window-start)
(org-window-habit-find-aligned-bounding-time earliest-completion
(list current-window-start effective-start current-window-end
start-index end-index interval-ongoing)
into windows
do (setq interval-ongoing nil)
when (and max-intervals (>= (length windows) max-intervals))
return windows
(setq current-window-start
when (not (time-less-p current-window-start last-start))
do (error "The window start did not get smaller")))))
(cl-defmethod org-window-habit-advance-window
((window-habit org-window-habit) start-time end-time end-index)
(with-slots (duration-plist done-times window-decrement-plist) window-habit
(defvar org-window-habit-face-fn 'org-window-habit-default-face-fn)
(defface org-window-habit-conformed-with-completion-face
'((((background light)) (:background "#4df946"))
(((background dark)) (:background "forestgreen")))
"Face for intervals on which a the user was conforming with their completion but not without it."
:group 'org-window-habit
:group 'org-faces)
(defface org-window-habit-conforming-without-completion-face
'((((background light)) (:background "#8270f9"))
(((background dark)) (:background "blue")))
"Face for intervals for which the user is conforming without any completions."
:group 'org-window-habit
:group 'org-faces)
(defface org-window-habit-conforming-with-completion-face
'((((background light)) (:background "#f5f946"))
(((background dark)) (:background "gold")))
"Face for currently ongoing interval for which the user will only be conforming with a completion"
:group 'org-window-habit
:group 'org-faces)
(defface org-window-habit-okay-conforming-face
'((((background light)) (:background "#FF00FF"))
(((background dark)) (:background "#FF00FF")))
"Face for interval in which the user is only okay conforming ."
:group 'org-window-habit
:group 'org-faces)
(defface org-window-habit-extreme-not-conforming-face
'((((background light)) (:background "#fc9590"))
(((background dark)) (:background "darkred")))
"Face for interval in which the user is not conforming by a large ."
:group 'org-window-habit
:group 'org-faces)
(defface org-window-habit-not-conforming-face
'((((background light)) (:background "#f9372d"))
(((background dark)) (:background "firebrick")))
"Face for interval in which the user is not conforming."
:group 'org-window-habit
:group 'org-faces)
(cl-defun org-window-habit-default-face-fn
interval-ongoing &key
(completions-per-interval 1))
((>= completions-without-interval perfect-repetitions-required)
((>= (+ completions-without-interval completions-in-interval) perfect-repetitions-required)
((and interval-ongoing
(>= (+ completions-without-interval completions-per-interval)
((>= (+ completions-without-interval completions-in-interval)
(t 'org-window-habit-not-conforming-face)))
(defun org-window-habit-duration-proportion (start-time end-time between-time)
(let* ((full-interval (float-time (time-subtract end-time start-time)))
(partial-interval (float-time (time-subtract end-time between-time))))
(/ partial-interval full-interval)))
(defcustom org-window-habit-preceding-intervals 21
"Number of days before today to appear in consistency graphs."
:group 'org-window-habit
:type 'integer)
(defcustom org-window-habit-following-days 7
"Number of days after today to appear in consistency graphs."
:group 'org-window-habit
:type 'integer)
(cl-defmethod org-window-habit-build-graph ((habit org-window-habit))
(duration-plist repetitions-required okay-repetitions-required window-decrement-plist)
(let* ((past-and-present-windows
(nreverse (org-window-habit-get-windows
habit :max-intervals org-window-habit-preceding-intervals)))
(filler-count (- org-window-habit-preceding-intervals
(length past-and-present-windows))))
(cl-loop for i from 0 to filler-count
collect (list ?\s 'org-window-habit-conforming-without-completion-face))
for (start-time actual-start-time end-time start-index end-index interval-ongoing)
in past-and-present-windows
for duration-proportion =
(org-window-habit-duration-proportion start-time end-time actual-start-time)
for scaled-repetitions-required = (* duration-proportion repetitions-required)
for scaled-okay-repetitions-required = (* duration-proportion okay-repetitions-required)
for interval-start-time =
end-time window-decrement-plist)
for (interval-start-index interval-end-index) =
habit interval-start-time end-time
:start-index start-index :end-index start-index)
for total-completions = (- end-index start-index)
for completions-in-interval = (- interval-end-index interval-start-index)
for completions-outside-interval = (- total-completions completions-in-interval)
for face =
(funcall org-window-habit-face-fn
for character =
((>= completions-in-interval 1) org-habit-completed-glyph)
(interval-ongoing org-habit-today-glyph)
(t ?\s))
collect (list character face))))))
(defun org-window-habit-make-graph-string (graph-info)
(let ((graph (make-string (length graph-info) ?\s)))
(cl-loop for (character face) in graph-info
for index from 0
(aset graph index character)
(put-text-property index (1+ index) 'face face graph)))
(define-minor-mode org-window-habit-mode
"Minor mode that replaces the normal org-habit functionality."
:lighter nil
:global t
:group 'org-window-habit
:require 'org-window-habit)
(defun org-window-habit-parse-todo ()
(defun org-window-habit-parse-todo-advice (orig &rest args)
(if org-window-habit-mode
(apply orig args)))
(advice-add 'org-habit-parse-todo
:around 'org-window-habit-parse-todo-advice)
(defun org-window-habit-insert-consistency-graphs-advice (orig &rest args)
(if org-window-habit-mode
(apply orig args)))
(advice-add 'org-habit-insert-consistency-graphs
:around 'org-window-habit-insert-consistency-graphs-advice)
(defun org-window-habit-get-urgency-advice (orig &rest args)
(if org-window-habit-mode
org-default-priority ;TODO fix this
(apply orig args)))
(advice-add 'org-habit-get-urgency
:around 'org-window-habit-get-urgency-advice)
(defun org-window-habit-auto-repeat (done-word)
(let ((scheduled (org-entry-get (point) "SCHEDULED")))
(when scheduled
(org-remove-timestamp-with-keyword org-scheduled-string)))))
(defun org-window-habit-auto-repeat-maybe-advice (orig &rest args)
(apply orig args)
;; (if (and org-window-habit-mode (org-is-habit-p))
;; (apply 'org-window-habit-auto-repeat args)
;; (apply orig args))
(advice-add 'org-auto-repeat-maybe
:around 'org-window-habit-auto-repeat-maybe-advice)
(advice-add 'org-element--property
:around 'org-window-habit-scheduled-deadline-hackery)
(defun org-window-habit-scheduled-deadline-hackery (orig property node &rest args)
(let ((actual-value (apply orig property node args))
(is-habit (string= "habit" (funcall orig :STYLE node))))
;; (message "prop: %s, is-habit: %s" property is-habit)
;; (if (and org-window-habit-mode (string= "habit" (funcall orig :STYLE node)))
;; (cond
;; ((eq property :deadline) nil)
;; ((eq property :scheduled) (or actual-value (apply orig :deadline node args)))
;; (t actual-value))
;; actual-value)
(defun org-window-habit-insert-consistency-graphs (&optional line)
"Insert consistency graph for any habitual tasks."
(let ((inhibit-read-only t)
(buffer-invisibility-spec '(org-link)))
(goto-char (if line (line-beginning-position) (point-min)))
(while (not (eobp))
(let ((habit (get-text-property (point) 'org-habit-p))
(invisible-prop (get-text-property (point) 'invisible)))
(when habit
(move-to-column org-habit-graph-column t)
(delete-char (min (+ 1 org-habit-preceding-days
(- (line-end-position) (point))))
(org-window-habit-build-graph habit))))
;; Inherit invisible state of hidden entries.
;; (when invisible-prop
;; (put-text-property
;; (- (point) org-habit-graph-column) (point)
;; 'invisible invisible-prop))))
(provide 'org-window-habit)
@ -871,3 +871,15 @@ alphanumeric characters only."
:bind ("C-c o s" . org-ql-find-in-agenda)
:commands org-ql-find-in-agenda)
** org-window-habit
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package org-window-habit
:straight nil
:demand t
(require 'org)
(require 'org-habit)
(require 'org-agenda)
(org-window-habit-mode +1)))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user