forked from colonelpanic/dotfiles
[Emacs] Delete unused load.d
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
(defun ansi-color-apply-on-region-int (beg end)
"interactive version of func"
(interactive "r")
(ansi-color-apply-on-region beg end))
(define-derived-mode fundamental-ansi-mode fundamental-mode "fundamental ansi"
"Fundamental mode that understands ansi colors."
(require 'ansi-color)
(ansi-color-apply-on-region (point-min) (point-max))
(when buffer-file-name
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.ansi_color\\'" . fundamental-ansi-mode))
@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
;; (setq imenu-max-item-length 2000)
;; (setq imenu-space-replacement nil)
;; (setq scala-imenu:build-imenu-candidate 'ensime-imenu)
;; (setq scala-imenu:should-flatten-index t)
;; (defvar ensime-imenu-cache nil)
;; (add-to-list 'scala-imenu:cleanup-hooks (lambda () (setq ensime-imenu-cache nil)))
;; (defun ensime-imenu (member-name definition-type marker parents)
;; `(,(ensime-imenu-string member-name definition-type marker parents) .
;; ,marker))
;; (defun ensime-imenu-string (member-name definition-type marker parents)
;; (let ((scala-imenu-string (car (scala-imenu:default-build-imenu-candidate
;; member-name definition-type marker parents))))
;; (if (equal definition-type "def")
;; (let ((ensime-type-string
;; (get-ensime-type member-name definition-type marker parents)))
;; (message ensime-type-string)
;; (format "%s%s" scala-imenu-string ensime-type-string))
;; scala-imenu-string)))
;; (defun get-ensime-type (member-name definition-type marker parents)
;; (let ((parent-name (caar parents))
;; (parent-marker (caddar parents)))
;; (build-method-type
;; (plist-get (type-info member-name parent-name parent-marker) :type))))
;; (defun build-method-type (type-info)
;; (format "%s: %s"
;; (build-argument-lists (plist-get type-info :param-sections))
;; (build-type-string (plist-get type-info :result-type))))
;; (defun build-argument-lists (param-list-infos)
;; (mapconcat 'build-argument-list param-list-infos ""))
;; (defun build-argument-list (param-list-info)
;; (format "(%s)" (mapconcat 'build-argument-string
;; (plist-get param-list-info :params) ", ")))
;; (defun build-argument-string (param-info)
;; (format "%s: %s" (car param-info)
;; (build-type-string (cadr param-info))))
;; (defun build-type-string (type-info)
;; (let ((name (plist-get type-info :name))
;; (type-args (plist-get type-info :type-args)))
;; (format "%s%s" name
;; (if type-args
;; (format "[%s]" (mapconcat
;; 'build-type-string type-args ", ")) ""))))
;; (defun type-info (member-name type-name marker)
;; (get-plist-by-keys '(:name) member-name
;; (get-members type-name
;; (get-ensime-type-info-from-mark marker))))
;; (defun get-members (type-name type-info-plist)
;; (plist-get-deep (get-plist-by-keys
;; '(:type :name) type-name
;; (plist-get type-info-plist :interfaces)) '(:type :members)))
;; (defun plist-get-deep (plist keys)
;; (cl-reduce 'plist-get keys :initial-value plist))
;; (defun get-plist-by-keys (keys value plist)
;; (cl-find value plist :test 'equal
;; :key (lambda (member)
;; (plist-get-deep member keys))))
;; (defun get-ensime-type-info-from-mark (marker)
;; (let ((cached-value (assoc marker ensime-imenu-cache)))
;; (when (not cached-value)
;; (progn (setq cached-value
;; `(,marker . ,(ensime-rpc-inspect-type-at-range (get-eol-range marker))))
;; (setq ensime-imenu-cache (cons cached-value ensime-imenu-cache))))
;; (cdr cached-value)))
;; (defun get-eol-range (marker)
;; (interactive)
;; `(,(marker-position marker)
;; ,(save-excursion (goto-char marker) (end-of-line) (point))))
;; (defun msg-type-info ()
;; (interactive)
;; (message "%s" (build-method-type
;; (plist-get (type-info "testFunction" "DFA" (point-marker)) :type))))
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
;; (load-file "~/Projects/libmpdee/libmpdee.el")
;; (setq imalison-mpd-conn (mpd-conn-new "" 6600))
;; (mpd-search imalison-mpd-conn 'any "nas represent")
;; (defun helm-mpd-search ()
;; (mapcar 'format-mpd-result-for-helm (mpd-search imalison-mpd-conn 'any helm-pattern)))
;; (defun format-mpd-result-for-helm (mpd-result)
;; (list (format "%s - %s" (plist-get mpd-result 'Artist) (plist-get mpd-result 'Title))))
;; (defvar helm-source-mpd-search
;; '((name . "Spotify")
;; (volatile)
;; (requires-pattern . 2)
;; (candidates-process . helm-mpd-search)))
;; ;; (helm-mpd-search)
;; ;; (helm :sources '(helm-source-mpd-search)
;; ;; :buffer "*helm-mpd*")
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
(defvar imalison-org-mobile-sync-timer nil)
(defvar imalison-org-mobile-sync-secs 60)
(defvar imalison-org-mobile-sync:unsaved-changes-count 0)
(defvar imalison-org-mobile-sync:unsaved-changes-min-sync 1)
(defun imalison-org-mobile-sync-pull-and-push ()
(suppress-messages (org-mobile-pull))
(when (fboundp 'sauron-add-event)
(sauron-add-event 'me 1 "Called org-mobile-pull and org-mobile-push")))
(defun imalison-org-mobile-sync-start ()
"Start automated `org-mobile-push'"
(setq imalison-org-mobile-sync-timer
(run-with-idle-timer imalison-org-mobile-sync-secs t
(defun imalison-org-mobile-sync-stop ()
"Stop automated `org-mobile-push'"
(cancel-timer imalison-org-mobile-sync-timer))
(defun imalison-org-mobile-sync (&optional force)
(when (or force (>= imalison-org-mobile-sync:unsaved-changes-count
(setq imalison-org-mobile-sync:unsaved-changes-count 0)))
(add-hook 'after-save-hook (lambda ()
(when (member (file-truename (buffer-file-name))
(mapcar 'file-truename org-agenda-files))
(setq imalison-org-mobile-sync:unsaved-changes-count
(+ imalison-org-mobile-sync:unsaved-changes-count 1)))))
(when nil ;; disabled for now.
(if (and (boundp 'file-notify--library) file-notify--library)
(use-package org-mobile-sync :ensure t :config (org-mobile-sync-mode 1))
(provide 'org-mobile-sync)
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
(defun imalison:get-args-location-or-eol ()
(let ((bound (point)))
(or (let ((value (re-search-forward "\(" bound t)))
(when value (- value 1))) (progn (end-of-line) (point))))))
(defun imalison:js-get-params-string ()
(let ((bound (point)))
(if (re-search-forward "\(" bound t)
(let ((start (progn (backward-char) (point)))
(end (progn (forward-sexp) (point))))
(buffer-substring (+ start 1) (- end 1)))
(defun imalison:js-get-left-name ()
(re-search-forward "\.?\\(\[^ .:\]*\\)\[ =:\n\]")
(match-string-no-properties 1)))
(defun imalison:js-sync-function-names ()
(let ((params-start (imalison:get-args-location-or-eol))
(end (progn (end-of-line) (point))))
(or (re-search-forward "\[ =:\]+" end t)
(delete-region (point) params-start)
(insert (format "function %s" (imalison:js-get-left-name))))))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user