forked from colonelpanic/dotfiles
junk powerline stuff.
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
(defmacro spacemacs|custom-flycheck-lighter (error)
"Return a formatted string for the given ERROR (error, warning, info)."
`(let* ((error-counts (flycheck-count-errors
(errorp (flycheck-has-current-errors-p ',error))
(err (or (cdr (assq ',error error-counts)) "?"))
(running (eq 'running flycheck-last-status-change)))
(if (or errorp running) (format "•%s " err))))
(defvar dotspacemacs-mode-line-unicode-symbols t)
(use-package powerline
:ensure t
;; Custom format of minor mode lighters, they are separated by a pipe.
(defpowerline spacemacs-powerline-minor-modes
(mapconcat (lambda (mm)
'mouse-face 'mode-line-highlight
'help-echo "Minor mode\n mouse-1: Display minor mode menu\n mouse-2: Show help for minor mode\n mouse-3: Toggle minor modes"
'local-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map
[mode-line down-mouse-1]
(powerline-mouse 'minor 'menu mm))
(define-key map
[mode-line mouse-2]
(powerline-mouse 'minor 'help mm))
(define-key map
[mode-line down-mouse-3]
(powerline-mouse 'minor 'menu mm))
(define-key map
[header-line down-mouse-3]
(powerline-mouse 'minor 'menu mm))
(split-string (format-mode-line minor-mode-alist))
(concat (propertize
(if dotspacemacs-mode-line-unicode-symbols " " "") 'face face)
(unless dotspacemacs-mode-line-unicode-symbols "|"))))
(defpowerline spacemacs-powerline-new-version
'mouse-face 'mode-line-highlight
'help-echo (format "New version %s | Click with mouse-1 to update (Not Yet Implemented)"
'local-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map
[mode-line down-mouse-1]
(lambda (event) (interactive "@e") (message "TODO: update"))
(defvar spacemacs-mode-line-minor-modesp t
"If not nil, minor modes lighter are displayed in the mode-line.")
(defun spacemacs/mode-line-minor-modes-toggle ()
"Toggle display of minor modes."
(if spacemacs-mode-line-minor-modesp
(setq spacemacs-mode-line-minor-modesp nil)
(setq spacemacs-mode-line-minor-modesp t)))
(defvar spacemacs-mode-line-new-version-lighterp t
"If not nil, new version lighter is displayed in the mode-line.")
(defun spacemacs/mode-line-new-version-lighter-toggle ()
"Toggle display of new version lighter."
(if spacemacs-mode-line-new-version-lighterp
(setq spacemacs-mode-line-new-version-lighterp nil)
(setq spacemacs-mode-line-new-version-lighterp t)))
(defvar spacemacs-mode-line-display-point-p nil
"If not nil, display point alongside row/column in the mode-line.")
(defun spacemacs/mode-line-display-point-toggle ()
(if spacemacs-mode-line-display-point-p
(setq spacemacs-mode-line-display-point-p nil)
(setq spacemacs-mode-line-display-point-p t)))
(defvar spacemacs-mode-line-org-clock-current-taskp nil
"If not nil, the currently clocked org-mode task will be
displayed in the mode-line.")
(defvar spacemacs-mode-line-org-clock-format-function
"Function used to render the currently clocked org-mode task.")
(defun spacemacs/mode-line-org-clock-current-task-toggle ()
(if spacemacs-mode-line-org-clock-current-taskp
(setq spacemacs-mode-line-org-clock-current-taskp nil)
(setq spacemacs-mode-line-org-clock-current-taskp t)))
(if (display-graphic-p)
(setq-default powerline-default-separator 'wave)
(setq-default powerline-default-separator 'utf-8))
(defun spacemacs/customize-powerline-faces ()
"Alter powerline face to make them work with more themes."
(set-face-attribute 'powerline-inactive2 nil
:inherit 'font-lock-comment-face))
(defun spacemacs/mode-line-prepare-left ()
(let* ((active (powerline-selected-window-active))
(line-face (if active 'mode-line 'mode-line-inactive))
(face1 (if active 'powerline-active1 'powerline-inactive1))
(face2 (if active 'powerline-active2 'powerline-inactive2))
(state-face face2)
(eyebrowsep (bound-and-true-p eyebrowse-mode))
(window-numberingp (bound-and-true-p window-numbering-mode))
(anzup (and (boundp 'anzu--state) anzu--state))
(flycheckp (and (bound-and-true-p flycheck-mode)
(or flycheck-current-errors
(eq 'running flycheck-last-status-change))))
(vc-face (if (or flycheckp spacemacs-mode-line-minor-modesp)
face1 line-face))
(separator-left (intern (format "powerline-%s-%s"
(car powerline-default-separator-dir))))
(separator-right (intern (format "powerline-%s-%s"
(cdr powerline-default-separator-dir)))))
;; workspace number
(when (and eyebrowsep (spacemacs/workspace-number))
(list (powerline-raw " " state-face)
(powerline-raw (spacemacs/workspace-number) state-face)))
;; window number
(if (and window-numberingp (spacemacs/window-number))
(list (if eyebrowsep
(powerline-raw "|" state-face)
(powerline-raw " " state-face))
(powerline-raw (spacemacs/window-number) state-face)
(powerline-raw " " state-face))
(list (powerline-raw "" state-face)))
(if (and active anzup)
(list (funcall separator-right state-face face1)
(powerline-raw (anzu--update-mode-line) face1)
(funcall separator-right face1 line-face))
(list (funcall separator-right state-face line-face)))
;; evil state
;; (powerline-raw evil-mode-line-tag state-face)
;; (funcall separator-right state-face line-face)
;; buffer name
(powerline-raw "%*" line-face 'l)
(powerline-buffer-size line-face 'l)
(powerline-buffer-id line-face 'l)
(powerline-raw " " line-face)
;; major mode
(funcall separator-left line-face face1)
(powerline-major-mode face1 'l)
(powerline-raw " " face1)
(when active
(funcall separator-right face1 line-face)))
;; flycheck
(when (and active flycheckp)
(list (powerline-raw " " line-face)
(powerline-raw (spacemacs|custom-flycheck-lighter error)
(powerline-raw (spacemacs|custom-flycheck-lighter warning)
(powerline-raw (spacemacs|custom-flycheck-lighter info)
;; separator between flycheck and minor modes
(when (and active flycheckp spacemacs-mode-line-minor-modesp)
(list (funcall separator-left line-face face1)
(powerline-raw " " face1)
(funcall separator-right face1 line-face)))
;; minor modes
(when (and active spacemacs-mode-line-minor-modesp)
(list (spacemacs-powerline-minor-modes line-face 'l)
(powerline-raw mode-line-process line-face 'l)
(powerline-raw " " line-face)))
;; erc
(when (and active
(boundp 'erc-track-mode))
;; Copied from erc-track.el -> erc-modified-channels-display
(let* ((buffers (mapcar 'car erc-modified-channels-alist))
(long-names (mapcar #'(lambda (buf) (or (buffer-name buf) "")) buffers)))
;; version control
(when (and active (or flycheckp spacemacs-mode-line-minor-modesp))
(list (funcall separator-left (if vc-face line-face face1) vc-face)))
(if active
(list (powerline-vc vc-face)
(powerline-raw " " vc-face)
(funcall separator-right vc-face face2))
(list (funcall separator-right face1 face2)))
;; org-pomodoro current pomodoro
(when (and active
(fboundp 'org-pomodoro-active-p)
;; org clocked task
(when (and active
(fboundp 'org-clocking-p)
(list (powerline-raw " " face2)
(funcall spacemacs-mode-line-org-clock-format-function)
(powerline-raw " " face2))))))
(defun column-number-at-pos (pos)
"Analog to line-number-at-pos."
(save-excursion (goto-char pos) (current-column)))
(defun selection-info ()
"Info on the current selection for the mode-line.
It is a string holding:
- the number of columns in the selection if it covers only one line,
- the number of lines in the selection if if covers several full lines
- or rowsxcols if it's a block selection."
(let* ((lines (count-lines (region-beginning) (1+ (region-end))))
(chars (- (1+ (region-end)) (region-beginning)))
(cols (1+ (abs (- (column-number-at-pos (region-end))
(column-number-at-pos (region-beginning)))))))
(if (eq evil-visual-selection 'block)
(format "%dx%d block" lines cols)
(if (> lines 1) (format "%d lines" lines)
(format "%d chars" chars)))))
(defun spacemacs/mode-line-prepare-right ()
(let* ((active (powerline-selected-window-active))
(line-face (if active 'mode-line 'mode-line-inactive))
(face1 (if active 'powerline-active1 'powerline-inactive1))
(face2 (if active 'powerline-active2 'powerline-inactive2))
(state-face face2)
(nyancatp (and (boundp 'nyan-mode) nyan-mode))
(batteryp (and (boundp 'fancy-battery-mode)
(symbol-value fancy-battery-mode)))
(battery-face (if batteryp (fancy-battery-powerline-face)))
(separator-left (intern (format "powerline-%s-%s"
(car powerline-default-separator-dir))))
(separator-right (intern (format "powerline-%s-%s"
(cdr powerline-default-separator-dir)))))
;; battery
(if (and active batteryp)
(list (funcall separator-left face2 battery-face)
(powerline-raw (fancy-battery-default-mode-line)
battery-face 'r)
(funcall separator-right battery-face face1))
(list (funcall separator-right face2 face1)))
;; row:column
(powerline-raw " " face1)
(powerline-raw (if spacemacs-mode-line-display-point-p
(concat (format "%d | " (point)) "%l:%2c" )
face1 'r)
(funcall separator-left face1 line-face)
(powerline-raw " " line-face))
;; global-mode
(when active
(powerline-raw global-mode-string)
(powerline-raw " " line-face)))
(when (and active (not nyancatp))
(let ((progress (format-mode-line "%p")))
;; percentage in the file
(powerline-raw "%p" line-face 'r)
;; display hud
(powerline-chamfer-left line-face face1)
(if (string-match "\%" progress)
(powerline-hud state-face face1)))))
(defun spacemacs/mode-line-prepare ()
(let* ((active (powerline-selected-window-active))
(face2 (if active 'powerline-active2 'powerline-inactive2))
(lhs (spacemacs/mode-line-prepare-left))
(rhs (spacemacs/mode-line-prepare-right))
(nyancatp (and (boundp 'nyan-mode) nyan-mode)))
(concat (powerline-render lhs)
(when (and active nyancatp)
(powerline-render (spacemacs/powerline-nyan-cat)))
(powerline-fill face2 (powerline-width rhs))
(powerline-render rhs))))
(setq-default mode-line-format
'("%e" (:eval (spacemacs/mode-line-prepare))))
(defun spacemacs//restore-powerline (buffer)
"Restore the powerline in buffer"
(with-current-buffer buffer
(setq-local mode-line-format
'("%e" (:eval (spacemacs/mode-line-prepare))))
(defun spacemacs//set-powerline-for-startup-buffers ()
"Set the powerline for buffers created when Emacs starts."
(unless configuration-layer-error-count
(dolist (buffer '("*Messages*" "*spacemacs*" "*Compile-Log*"))
(when (get-buffer buffer)
(spacemacs//restore-powerline buffer)))))
(add-hook 'after-init-hook
Reference in New Issue
Block a user