Only load company-jedi (instead of jedi)

The full jedi package runs jedi:ac which requires auto complete and is
pretty annoying.
This commit is contained in:
Ivan Malison 2016-08-17 14:10:41 -07:00
parent 4e02287387
commit 3eb102f71f
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 62530EFBE99DC2F8

@ -2076,6 +2076,7 @@ I don't use auto-complete at all, so I have set up a hook to automatically disab
(defun imalison:auto-complete-hook ()
(warn "auto-complete-mode was activated, but is being automatically disabled.")
(let ((auto-complete-mode-hook nil))
(auto-complete-mode -1))))
@ -2355,17 +2356,15 @@ modeline and with excessive http requests to github.
(unbind-key "C-j" python-mode-map)
(use-package jedi
:commands (jedi:goto-definition jedi-mode)
(use-package company-jedi
:commands (jedi:goto-definition jedi-mode company-jedi)
(setq jedi:complete-on-dot t)
(setq jedi:imenu-create-index-function 'jedi:create-flat-imenu-index)
(use-package company-jedi
:commands company-jedi))
:bind (:map python-mode-map
("M-." . jedi:goto-definition)
("M-," . jedi:goto-definition-pop-marker)))
("M-," . jedi:goto-definition-pop-marker))))
(use-package pymacs)
(use-package sphinx-doc)
(defun imalison:python-mode ()