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2013-03-24 12:56:49 -07:00
(1(paredit .[(22)()"minor mode for editing parentheses -*- Mode: Emacs-Lisp -*-"single])(sass-mode .[(3 0 14)((haml-mode (3 0 14)))"Major mode for editing Sass files"single])(perspective .[(1 9)()"switch between named \"perspectives\" of the editor"single])(slime .[(20100404 1)()"Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Emacs"single])(slime-repl .[(20100404)((slime (20100404)))"Read-Eval-Print Loop written in Emacs Lisp"single])(scpaste .[(0 6)((htmlize (1 39)))"Paste to the web via scp."single])(idle-highlight .[(1 0)()"highlight the word the point is on"single])(magit .[(1 2 0)()"Control Git from Emacs."tar])(durendal .[(0 2)((clojure-mode (1 7)) (slime (20100404)) (paredit (22)))"A bucket of tricks for Clojure and Slime."single])(htmlize .[(1 39)()"Convert buffer text and decorations to HTML."single])(furl .[(0 0 2)()"Friendly URL retrieval"single])(marmalade .[(0 0 4)((furl (0 0 2)))"Elisp interface for the Emacs Lisp package server."single])(yari .[(0 5)()"Yet Another RI interface for Emacs"single])(enclose .[(0 0 2)()"Enclose cursor within punctuation pairs"single])(html-script-src .[(0 0 2)()"Insert <script src=\"..\"> for popular JavaScript libraries"single])(mactag .[(0 0 1)()"Mode for automatically handle multiple tags files with Mactag rubygem"single])(undo-tree .[(0 3 1)()"Treat undo history as a tree"single])(diminish .[(0 44)()"Diminished modes are minor modes with no modeline display"single])(notify .[(2010 8 20)()"notification front-end"single])(keywiz .[(1 4)()"Emacs key sequence quiz"single])(descbinds-anything .[(1 5)((anything (1 287)))"Yet Another `describe-bindings' with `anything'."single])(autopair .[(0 3)()"Automagically pair braces and quotes like TextMate"single])(highlight-parentheses .[(1 0 1)()"highlight surrounding parentheses"single])(anything .[(1 287)()"open anything / QuickSilver-like candidate-selection framework"single])(anything-config .[(0 4 1)()"Predefined configurations for `anything.el'"single])(anything-match-plugin .[(1 27)()"Humane match plug-in for anything"single])(closure-template-html-mode .[(0 1)()"highlighting for google closure templates"single])(gist .[(1 1 1)((eieio (1 3)) (gh (0 7 2)) (tabulated-list (0)))"Emacs integration for gist.github.com"single])(highlight-symbol .[(1 1)()"automatic and manual symbol highlighting"single])(color-theme-twilight .[(0 1)()"Twilight Colour Theme for Emacs."single])(browse-kill-ring .[(1 3 1)()"interactively insert items from kill-ring -*- coding: utf-8 -*-"single])(buffer-move .[(0 4)()"swap buffers between windows"single])(dired-single .[(1 7 0)()"reuse the current dired buffer to visit another directory"single])(php-mode .[(1 5 0)()"major mode for editing PHP code"single])(c-eldoc .[(0 5)()"helpful description of the arguments to C functions"single])(full-ack .[(0 2 3)()"a front-end for ack"single])(find-file-in-project .[(3 2)()"Find files in a project quickly."single])(project .[(1 0)()"Keep track of the current project"single])(goto-last-change .[(1 2)()"Move point through buffer-undo-list positions -*-unibyte: t; coding: iso-8859-1;-*-"single])(http-twiddle .[(1 0)()"send & twiddle & resend HTTP requests"single])(mac-key-mode .[(2010 1 3)()"provide mac-style key bindings on Carbon Emacs"single])(flymake-cursor .[(1 0 2)((flymake (0 3)))"Show flymake messages in the minibuffer after delay"tar])(multi-term .[(0 8 8)()"Managing multiple terminal buffers in Emacs."single])(parenface .[(1 1)()"Provide a face for parens in lisp modes."single])(redo+ .[(1 15)()"Redo/undo system for Emacs"single])(gnuplot .[(0 6 0)()"drive gnuplot from within emacs"single])(speck .[(2010 5 25)()"minor mode for spell checking"single])(hexrgb .[(21 0)()"Functions to manipulate colors, including RGB hex strings."single])(icomplete+ .[(21 0)()"Extensions to `icomplete.el'."single])(lacarte .[(22 0)()"Execute menu items as commands, with completion."single])(synonyms .[(1 0)()"Look up synonyms for a word or phrase in a thesaurus."single])(ecb .[(2 40)()"Emacs Code Browser"tar])(predictive .[(0 19 5)()"Predictive Mode (Contains Dependencies)"tar])(rw-hunspell .