Marc Rousavy cd0b413706
feat: New Core/ library (#1975)
Moves everything Camera related into `core/` / `Core/` so that it is better encapsulated from React Native.


1. Code is much better organized. Should be easier for collaborators now, and cleaner codebase for me.
2. Locking is fully atomically as you can now only configure the session through a lock/Mutex which is batch-overridable
    * On iOS, this makes Camera startup time **MUCH** faster, I measured speedups from **1.5 seconds** to only **240 milliseconds** since we only lock/commit once! 🚀 
    * On Android, this fixes a few out-of-sync/concurrency issues like "Capture Request contains unconfigured Input/Output Surface!" since it is now a single lock-operation! 💪 
3. It is easier to integrate VisionCamera outside of React Native (e.g. Native iOS Apps, NativeScript, Flutter, etc)

With this PR, VisionCamera V3 is up to **7x** faster than V2
2023-10-13 18:33:20 +02:00

126 lines
4.5 KiB

// CameraViewManager.swift
// mrousavy
// Created by Marc Rousavy on 09.11.20.
// Copyright © 2020 mrousavy. All rights reserved.
import AVFoundation
import Foundation
final class CameraViewManager: RCTViewManager {
// pragma MARK: Properties
override var methodQueue: DispatchQueue! {
return DispatchQueue.main
override static func requiresMainQueueSetup() -> Bool {
return true
override final func view() -> UIView! {
return CameraView()
// pragma MARK: React Functions
final func installFrameProcessorBindings() -> NSNumber {
// Called on JS Thread (blocking sync method)
let result = VisionCameraInstaller.install(to: bridge)
return NSNumber(value: result)
return false as NSNumber
// TODO: The startRecording() func cannot be async because RN doesn't allow
// both a callback and a Promise in a single function. Wait for TurboModules?
// This means that any errors that occur in this function have to be delegated through
// the callback, but I'd prefer for them to throw for the original function instead.
final func startRecording(_ node: NSNumber, options: NSDictionary, onRecordCallback: @escaping RCTResponseSenderBlock) {
let component = getCameraView(withTag: node)
component.startRecording(options: options, callback: onRecordCallback)
final func pauseRecording(_ node: NSNumber, resolve: @escaping RCTPromiseResolveBlock, reject: @escaping RCTPromiseRejectBlock) {
let component = getCameraView(withTag: node)
component.pauseRecording(promise: Promise(resolver: resolve, rejecter: reject))
final func resumeRecording(_ node: NSNumber, resolve: @escaping RCTPromiseResolveBlock, reject: @escaping RCTPromiseRejectBlock) {
let component = getCameraView(withTag: node)
component.resumeRecording(promise: Promise(resolver: resolve, rejecter: reject))
final func stopRecording(_ node: NSNumber, resolve: @escaping RCTPromiseResolveBlock, reject: @escaping RCTPromiseRejectBlock) {
let component = getCameraView(withTag: node)
component.stopRecording(promise: Promise(resolver: resolve, rejecter: reject))
final func takePhoto(_ node: NSNumber, options: NSDictionary, resolve: @escaping RCTPromiseResolveBlock, reject: @escaping RCTPromiseRejectBlock) {
let component = getCameraView(withTag: node)
component.takePhoto(options: options, promise: Promise(resolver: resolve, rejecter: reject))
final func focus(_ node: NSNumber, point: NSDictionary, resolve: @escaping RCTPromiseResolveBlock, reject: @escaping RCTPromiseRejectBlock) {
let promise = Promise(resolver: resolve, rejecter: reject)
guard let x = point["x"] as? NSNumber, let y = point["y"] as? NSNumber else {
promise.reject(error: .parameter(.invalid(unionName: "point", receivedValue: point.description)))
let component = getCameraView(withTag: node)
component.focus(point: CGPoint(x: x.doubleValue, y: y.doubleValue), promise: promise)
final func getCameraPermissionStatus(_ resolve: @escaping RCTPromiseResolveBlock, reject: @escaping RCTPromiseRejectBlock) {
withPromise(resolve: resolve, reject: reject) {
let status = AVCaptureDevice.authorizationStatus(for: .video)
return status.descriptor
final func getMicrophonePermissionStatus(_ resolve: @escaping RCTPromiseResolveBlock, reject: @escaping RCTPromiseRejectBlock) {
withPromise(resolve: resolve, reject: reject) {
let status = AVCaptureDevice.authorizationStatus(for: .audio)
return status.descriptor
final func requestCameraPermission(_ resolve: @escaping RCTPromiseResolveBlock, reject _: @escaping RCTPromiseRejectBlock) {
AVCaptureDevice.requestAccess(for: .video) { granted in
let result: AVAuthorizationStatus = granted ? .authorized : .denied
final func requestMicrophonePermission(_ resolve: @escaping RCTPromiseResolveBlock, reject _: @escaping RCTPromiseRejectBlock) {
AVCaptureDevice.requestAccess(for: .audio) { granted in
let result: AVAuthorizationStatus = granted ? .authorized : .denied
// MARK: Private
private func getCameraView(withTag tag: NSNumber) -> CameraView {
// swiftlint:disable force_cast
return bridge.uiManager.view(forReactTag: tag) as! CameraView
// swiftlint:enable force_cast