Marc Rousavy a2293e858d
fix: Fix TypeScript relative imports (#358)
* fix: Fix TypeScript relative imports

* Decouple `example` from tsconfig

* fix ESLint config

* add lint-ci script

* move example running to workflow

* test ts

* test eslint

* test ts

* fix ESLint formatter

* Revert "fix ESLint formatter"

This reverts commit 21aca0dcdb54d4ce98b33d2b4f1decc18bc82e85.

* Revert "test ts"

This reverts commit becc346ad3d097b7d3570ebc8b5bf80390aadf87.

* Revert "test eslint"

This reverts commit 9c9f0b81bf3aa57188f550a34b2a8151e364f3b0.

* Revert "test ts"

This reverts commit 3cbe7200608910087b43e0d9cdae0917b0b4215e.
2021-08-16 10:45:41 +02:00

136 lines
3.4 KiB

module.exports = {
title: 'VisionCamera',
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