Marc Rousavy 72a1fad78e
feat: Separate usecases (decouple microphone, video, photo) (#168)
* Add props

* add props (iOS)

* Add use-cases conditionally

* Update CameraView+RecordVideo.swift

* Update RecordingSession.swift

* reconfigure on change

* Throw correct errors

* Check for audio permission

* Move `#if` outward

* Throw appropriate errors

* Update CameraView+RecordVideo.swift

* fix Splashscreen

* Dynamic filePath

* Fix video extension

* add `avci` and `m4v` file types

* Fix RecordVideo errors

* Fix audio setup

* Enable `photo`, `video` and `audio`

* Check for `video={true}` in frameProcessor

* format

* Remove unused DispatchQueue

* Update docs

* Add `supportsPhotoAndVideoCapture`

* Fix view manager

* Fix error not being propagated

* Catch normal errors too

* Update DEVICES.mdx

* Update CAPTURING.mdx

* Update classdocs
2021-06-07 13:08:40 +02:00

69 lines
3.9 KiB

abstract class CameraError(
* The domain of the error. Error domains are used to group errors.
* Example: "permission"
val domain: String,
* The id of the error. Errors are uniquely identified under a given domain.
* Example: "microphone-permission-denied"
val id: String,
* A detailed error description of "what went wrong".
* Example: "The microphone permission was denied!"
message: String,
* A throwable that caused this error.
cause: Throwable? = null
) : Throwable("[$domain/$id] $message", cause)
val CameraError.code: String
get() = "$domain/$id"
class MicrophonePermissionError : CameraError("permission", "microphone-permission-denied", "The Microphone permission was denied! If you want to record Video without sound, pass `audio={false}`.")
class CameraPermissionError : CameraError("permission", "camera-permission-denied", "The Camera permission was denied!")
class InvalidTypeScriptUnionError(unionName: String, unionValue: String) : CameraError("parameter", "invalid-parameter", "The given value for $unionName could not be parsed! (Received: $unionValue)")
class NoCameraDeviceError : CameraError("device", "no-device", "No device was set! Use `getAvailableCameraDevices()` to select a suitable Camera device.")
class InvalidCameraDeviceError(cause: Throwable) : CameraError("device", "invalid-device", "The given Camera device could not be found for use-case binding!", cause)
class FpsNotContainedInFormatError(fps: Int) : CameraError("format", "invalid-fps", "The given FPS were not valid for the currently selected format. Make sure you select a format which `frameRateRanges` includes $fps FPS!")
class HdrNotContainedInFormatError() : CameraError(
"format", "invalid-hdr",
"The currently selected format does not support HDR capture! " +
"Make sure you select a format which `frameRateRanges` includes `supportsPhotoHDR`!"
class LowLightBoostNotContainedInFormatError() : CameraError(
"format", "invalid-low-light-boost",
"The currently selected format does not support low-light boost (night mode)! " +
"Make sure you select a format which includes `supportsLowLightBoost`."
class CameraNotReadyError : CameraError("session", "camera-not-ready", "The Camera is not ready yet! Wait for the onInitialized() callback!")
class VideoNotEnabledError : CameraError("capture", "video-not-enabled", "Video capture is disabled! Pass `video={true}` to enable video recordings.")
class PhotoNotEnabledError : CameraError("capture", "photo-not-enabled", "Photo capture is disabled! Pass `photo={true}` to enable photo capture.")
class InvalidFormatError(format: Int) : CameraError("capture", "invalid-photo-format", "The Photo has an invalid format! Expected ${ImageFormat.YUV_420_888}, actual: $format")
class VideoEncoderError(message: String, cause: Throwable? = null) : CameraError("capture", "encoder-error", message, cause)
class VideoMuxerError(message: String, cause: Throwable? = null) : CameraError("capture", "muxer-error", message, cause)
class RecordingInProgressError(message: String, cause: Throwable? = null) : CameraError("capture", "recording-in-progress", message, cause)
class FileIOError(message: String, cause: Throwable? = null) : CameraError("capture", "file-io-error", message, cause)
class InvalidCameraError(message: String, cause: Throwable? = null) : CameraError("capture", "not-bound-error", message, cause)
class CameraManagerUnavailableError : CameraError("system", "no-camera-manager", "The Camera manager instance was unavailable for the current Application!")
class ViewNotFoundError(viewId: Int) : CameraError("system", "view-not-found", "The given view (ID $viewId) was not found in the view manager.")
class UnknownCameraError(cause: Throwable) : CameraError("unknown", "unknown", cause.message ?: "An unknown camera error occured.", cause)