* Create Shaders.ts * Add `previewType` and `enableFpsGraph` * Add RN Skia native dependency * Add Skia Preview View on iOS * Pass 1 * Update FrameHostObject.mm * Wrap Canvas * Lockfiles * fix: Fix stuff * chore: Upgrade RNWorklets * Add `previewType` to set the Preview * feat: Add Example * Update project.pbxproj * `enableFpsGraph` * Cache the `std::shared_ptr<FrameHostObject>` * Update CameraView+RecordVideo.swift * Update SkiaMetalCanvasProvider.mm * Android: Integrate Skia Dependency * fix: Use new Prefix * Add example for rendering shader * chore: Upgrade CameraX * Remove KTX * Enable `viewBinding` * Revert "Enable `viewBinding`" This reverts commit f2a603f53b33ea4311a296422ffd1a910ce03f9e. * Revert "chore: Upgrade CameraX" This reverts commit 8dc832cf8754490d31a6192e6c1a1f11cdcd94fe. * Remove unneeded `ProcessCameraProvider.getInstance()` call * fix: Add REA hotfix patch * fix: Fix FrameHostObject dead in runAsync * fix: Make `runAsync` run truly async by dropping new Frames while executing * chore: Upgrade RN Worklets to latest * chore: Upgrade RN Skia * Revert "Remove KTX" This reverts commit 253f586633f7af2da992d2279fc206dc62597129. * Make Skia optional in CMake * Fix import * Update CMakeLists.txt * Update build.gradle * Update CameraView.kt * Update CameraView.kt * Update CameraView.kt * Update Shaders.ts * Center Blur * chore: Upgrade RN Worklets * feat: Add `toByteArray()`, `orientation`, `isMirrored` and `timestamp` to `Frame` (#1487) * feat: Implement `orientation` and `isMirrored` on Frame * feat: Add `toArrayBuffer()` func * perf: Do faster buffer copy * feat: Implement `toArrayBuffer()` on Android * feat: Add `orientation` and `isMirrored` to Android * feat: Add `timestamp` to Frame * Update Frame.ts * Update JImageProxy.h * Update FrameHostObject.cpp * Update FrameHostObject.cpp * Update CameraPage.tsx * fix: Format Swift
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// CameraView+RecordVideo.swift
// mrousavy
// Created by Marc Rousavy on 16.12.20.
// Copyright © 2020 mrousavy. All rights reserved.
import AVFoundation
// MARK: - CameraView + AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate, AVCaptureAudioDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate
extension CameraView: AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate, AVCaptureAudioDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate {
Starts a video + audio recording with a custom Asset Writer.
func startRecording(options: NSDictionary, callback jsCallbackFunc: @escaping RCTResponseSenderBlock) {
cameraQueue.async {
ReactLogger.log(level: .info, message: "Starting Video recording...")
let callback = Callback(jsCallbackFunc)
var fileType = AVFileType.mov
if let fileTypeOption = options["fileType"] as? String {
guard let parsed = try? AVFileType(withString: fileTypeOption) else {
callback.reject(error: .parameter(.invalid(unionName: "fileType", receivedValue: fileTypeOption)))
fileType = parsed
let errorPointer = ErrorPointer(nilLiteral: ())
let fileExtension = fileType.descriptor ?? "mov"
guard let tempFilePath = RCTTempFilePath(fileExtension, errorPointer) else {
callback.reject(error: .capture(.createTempFileError), cause: errorPointer?.pointee)
ReactLogger.log(level: .info, message: "File path: \(tempFilePath)")
let tempURL = URL(string: "file://\(tempFilePath)")!
if let flashMode = options["flash"] as? String {
// use the torch as the video's flash
guard let videoOutput = self.videoOutput else {
if self.video?.boolValue == true {
callback.reject(error: .session(.cameraNotReady))
} else {
callback.reject(error: .capture(.videoNotEnabled))
guard let videoInput = self.videoDeviceInput else {
callback.reject(error: .session(.cameraNotReady))
// TODO: The startRecording() func cannot be async because RN doesn't allow
// both a callback and a Promise in a single function. Wait for TurboModules?
// This means that any errors that occur in this function have to be delegated through
// the callback, but I'd prefer for them to throw for the original function instead.
let enableAudio = self.audio?.boolValue == true
let onFinish = { (recordingSession: RecordingSession, status: AVAssetWriter.Status, error: Error?) in
defer {
if enableAudio {
self.audioQueue.async {
if options["flash"] != nil {
// Set torch mode back to what it was before if we used it for the video flash.
self.recordingSession = nil
self.isRecording = false
ReactLogger.log(level: .info, message: "RecordingSession finished with status \(status.descriptor).")
if let error = error as NSError? {
if error.domain == "capture/aborted" {
callback.reject(error: .capture(.aborted), cause: error)
} else {
callback.reject(error: .capture(.unknown(message: "An unknown recording error occured! \(error.description)")), cause: error)
} else {
if status == .completed {
"path": recordingSession.url.absoluteString,
"duration": recordingSession.duration,
} else {
callback.reject(error: .unknown(message: "AVAssetWriter completed with status: \(status.descriptor)"))
let recordingSession: RecordingSession
do {
recordingSession = try RecordingSession(url: tempURL,
fileType: fileType,
completion: onFinish)
} catch let error as NSError {
callback.reject(error: .capture(.createRecorderError(message: nil)), cause: error)
self.recordingSession = recordingSession
var videoCodec: AVVideoCodecType?
if let codecString = options["videoCodec"] as? String {
videoCodec = AVVideoCodecType(withString: codecString)
// Init Video
guard let videoSettings = self.recommendedVideoSettings(videoOutput: videoOutput, fileType: fileType, videoCodec: videoCodec),
!videoSettings.isEmpty else {
callback.reject(error: .capture(.createRecorderError(message: "Failed to get video settings!")))
// get pixel format (420f, 420v, x420)
let pixelFormat = CMFormatDescriptionGetMediaSubType(videoInput.device.activeFormat.formatDescription)
recordingSession.initializeVideoWriter(withSettings: videoSettings,
pixelFormat: pixelFormat)
// Init Audio (optional, async)
if enableAudio {
// Activate Audio Session (blocking)
if let audioOutput = self.audioOutput,
let audioSettings = audioOutput.recommendedAudioSettingsForAssetWriter(writingTo: fileType) {
recordingSession.initializeAudioWriter(withSettings: audioSettings)
// start recording session with or without audio.
do {
try recordingSession.startAssetWriter()
} catch let error as NSError {
callback.reject(error: .capture(.createRecorderError(message: "RecordingSession failed to start asset writer.")), cause: error)
self.isRecording = true
func stopRecording(promise: Promise) {
cameraQueue.async {
self.isRecording = false
withPromise(promise) {
guard let recordingSession = self.recordingSession else {
throw CameraError.capture(.noRecordingInProgress)
return nil
func pauseRecording(promise: Promise) {
cameraQueue.async {
withPromise(promise) {
guard self.recordingSession != nil else {
// there's no active recording!
throw CameraError.capture(.noRecordingInProgress)
self.isRecording = false
return nil
func resumeRecording(promise: Promise) {
cameraQueue.async {
withPromise(promise) {
guard self.recordingSession != nil else {
// there's no active recording!
throw CameraError.capture(.noRecordingInProgress)
self.isRecording = true
return nil
public final func captureOutput(_ captureOutput: AVCaptureOutput, didOutput sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer, from _: AVCaptureConnection) {
// Draw Frame to Preview View Canvas (and call Frame Processor)
if captureOutput is AVCaptureVideoDataOutput {
if let previewView = previewView as? PreviewSkiaView {
// Render to Skia PreviewView
previewView.drawFrame(sampleBuffer) { canvas in
// Call JS Frame Processor before passing Frame to GPU - allows user to draw
guard let frameProcessor = self.frameProcessorCallback else { return }
let frame = Frame(buffer: sampleBuffer, orientation: self.bufferOrientation)
frameProcessor(frame, canvas)
} else {
// Call JS Frame Processor. User cannot draw, since we don't have a Skia Canvas.
guard let frameProcessor = frameProcessorCallback else { return }
let frame = Frame(buffer: sampleBuffer, orientation: bufferOrientation)
frameProcessor(frame, nil)
// Record Video Frame/Audio Sample to File
if isRecording {
guard let recordingSession = recordingSession else {
invokeOnError(.capture(.unknown(message: "isRecording was true but the RecordingSession was null!")))
switch captureOutput {
case is AVCaptureVideoDataOutput:
recordingSession.appendBuffer(sampleBuffer, type: .video, timestamp: CMSampleBufferGetPresentationTimeStamp(sampleBuffer))
case is AVCaptureAudioDataOutput:
let timestamp = CMSyncConvertTime(CMSampleBufferGetPresentationTimeStamp(sampleBuffer),
from: audioCaptureSession.masterClock!,
to: captureSession.masterClock!)
recordingSession.appendBuffer(sampleBuffer, type: .audio, timestamp: timestamp)
if captureOutput is AVCaptureVideoDataOutput {
// Update FPS Graph per Frame
if let fpsGraph = fpsGraph {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
private func recommendedVideoSettings(videoOutput: AVCaptureVideoDataOutput,
fileType: AVFileType,
videoCodec: AVVideoCodecType?) -> [String: Any]? {
if videoCodec != nil {
return videoOutput.recommendedVideoSettings(forVideoCodecType: videoCodec!, assetWriterOutputFileType: fileType)
} else {
return videoOutput.recommendedVideoSettingsForAssetWriter(writingTo: fileType)
Gets the orientation of the CameraView's images (CMSampleBuffers).
var bufferOrientation: UIImage.Orientation {
guard let cameraPosition = videoDeviceInput?.device.position else {
return .up
switch outputOrientation {
case .portrait:
return cameraPosition == .front ? .leftMirrored : .right
case .landscapeLeft:
return cameraPosition == .front ? .downMirrored : .up
case .portraitUpsideDown:
return cameraPosition == .front ? .rightMirrored : .left
case .landscapeRight:
return cameraPosition == .front ? .upMirrored : .down
case .unknown:
return .up
@unknown default:
return .up