* Make Frame Processors an extra subspec * Update VisionCamera.podspec * Make optional * Make VisionCamera compile without Skia * Fix * Add skia again * Update VisionCamera.podspec * Make VisionCamera build without Frame Processors * Rename error to `system/frame-processors-unavailable` * Fix Frame Processor returning early * Remove `preset`, FP partial rewrite * Only warn on frame drop * Fix wrong queue * fix: Run on CameraQueue again * Update CameraView.swift * fix: Activate audio session asynchronously on audio queue * Update CameraView+RecordVideo.swift * Update PreviewView.h * Cleanups * Cleanup * fix cast * feat: Add LiDAR Depth Camera support * Upgrade Ruby * Add vector icons type * Update Gemfile.lock * fix: Stop queues on deinit * Also load `builtInTrueDepthCamera` * Update CameraViewManager.swift * Update SkImageHelpers.mm * Extract FrameProcessorCallback to FrameProcessor Holds more context now :) * Rename to .m * fix: Add `RCTLog` import * Create SkiaFrameProcessor * Update CameraBridge.h * Call Frame Processor * Fix defines * fix: Allow deleting callback funcs * fix Skia build * batch * Just call `setSkiaFrameProcessor` * Rewrite in Swift * Pass `SkiaRenderer` * Fix Import * Move `PreviewView` to Swift * Fix Layer * Set Skia Canvas to Frame Host Object * Make `DrawableFrameHostObject` subclass * Fix TS types * Use same MTLDevice and apply scale * Make getter * Extract `setTorch` and `Preview` * fix: Fix nil metal device * Don't wait for session stop in deinit * Use main pixel ratio * Use unique_ptr for Render Contexts * fix: Fix SkiaPreviewDisplayLink broken after deinit * inline `getTextureCache` * Update CameraPage.tsx * chore: Format iOS * perf: Allow MTLLayer to be optimized for only frame buffers * Add RN Video types * fix: Fix Frame Processors if guard * Find nodeModules recursively * Create `Frame.isDrawable` * Add `cocoapods-check` dependency
84 lines
3.2 KiB
84 lines
3.2 KiB
require "json"
package = JSON.parse(File.read(File.join(__dir__, "package.json")))
nodeModules = File.join(__dir__)
tries = 0
while !Dir.exist?(File.join(nodeModules, "node_modules")) && tries < 10
nodeModules = File.join(nodeModules, "..")
tries += 1
nodeModules = File.join(nodeModules, "node_modules")
puts("[VisionCamera] node modules #{Dir.exist?(nodeModules) ? "found at #{nodeModules}" : "not found!"}")
workletsPath = File.join(nodeModules, "react-native-worklets")
hasWorklets = File.exist?(workletsPath)
puts "[VisionCamera] react-native-worklets #{hasWorklets ? "found" : "not found"}, Frame Processors #{hasWorklets ? "enabled" : "disabled"}!"
skiaPath = File.join(nodeModules, "@shopify", "react-native-skia")
hasSkia = hasWorklets && File.exist?(skiaPath)
puts "[VisionCamera] react-native-skia #{hasSkia ? "found" : "not found"}, Skia Frame Processors #{hasSkia ? "enabled" : "disabled"}!"
Pod::Spec.new do |s|
s.name = "VisionCamera"
s.version = package["version"]
s.summary = package["description"]
s.description = package["description"]
s.homepage = package["homepage"]
s.license = package["license"]
s.authors = package["author"]
s.platforms = { :ios => "13.0" }
s.source = { :git => "https://github.com/mrousavy/react-native-vision-camera.git", :tag => "#{s.version}" }
s.pod_target_xcconfig = {
"OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS" => "$(inherited) #{hasWorklets ? "-D VISION_CAMERA_ENABLE_FRAME_PROCESSORS" : ""} #{hasSkia ? "-D VISION_CAMERA_ENABLE_SKIA" : ""}",
"HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS" => "\"$(PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT)/cpp/\"/** \"#{skiaPath}/cpp/skia/**\" "
s.requires_arc = true
# All source files that should be publicly visible
# Note how this does not include headers, since those can nameclash.
s.source_files = [
# Core
"ios/React Utils/*.{m,mm,swift}",
# Frame Processors
hasWorklets ? "ios/Frame Processor/*.{m,mm,swift}" : "",
hasWorklets ? "ios/Frame Processor/Frame.h" : "",
hasWorklets ? "ios/Frame Processor/FrameProcessor.h" : "",
hasWorklets ? "ios/Frame Processor/FrameProcessorRuntimeManager.h" : "",
hasWorklets ? "ios/Frame Processor/FrameProcessorPlugin.h" : "",
hasWorklets ? "cpp/**/*.{cpp}" : "",
# Skia Frame Processors
hasSkia ? "ios/Skia Render Layer/*.{m,mm,swift}" : "",
hasSkia ? "ios/Skia Render Layer/SkiaRenderer.h" : "",
# Any private headers that are not globally unique should be mentioned here.
# Otherwise there will be a nameclash, since CocoaPods flattens out any header directories
# See https://github.com/firebase/firebase-ios-sdk/issues/4035 for more details.
s.preserve_paths = [
s.dependency "React"
s.dependency "React-Core"
s.dependency "React-callinvoker"
if hasWorklets
s.dependency "react-native-worklets"
if hasSkia
s.dependency "react-native-skia"