2023-09-01 19:39:25 +02:00

142 lines
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// JSITypedArray.h
// VisionCamera
// Created by Marc Rousavy on 21.02.23.
// Copyright © 2023 mrousavy. All rights reserved.
// Copied & Adapted from
// Credits to Expo
#pragma once
#include <jsi/jsi.h>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
namespace jsi = facebook::jsi;
namespace vision {
enum class TypedArrayKind {
template <TypedArrayKind T> class TypedArray;
template <TypedArrayKind T> struct typedArrayTypeMap;
template <> struct typedArrayTypeMap<TypedArrayKind::Int8Array> {
typedef int8_t type;
template <> struct typedArrayTypeMap<TypedArrayKind::Int16Array> {
typedef int16_t type;
template <> struct typedArrayTypeMap<TypedArrayKind::Int32Array> {
typedef int32_t type;
template <> struct typedArrayTypeMap<TypedArrayKind::Uint8Array> {
typedef uint8_t type;
template <> struct typedArrayTypeMap<TypedArrayKind::Uint8ClampedArray> {
typedef uint8_t type;
template <> struct typedArrayTypeMap<TypedArrayKind::Uint16Array> {
typedef uint16_t type;
template <> struct typedArrayTypeMap<TypedArrayKind::Uint32Array> {
typedef uint32_t type;
template <> struct typedArrayTypeMap<TypedArrayKind::Float32Array> {
typedef float type;
template <> struct typedArrayTypeMap<TypedArrayKind::Float64Array> {
typedef double type;
void invalidateArrayBufferCache(jsi::Runtime& runtime);
class TypedArrayBase : public jsi::Object {
template <TypedArrayKind T> using ContentType = typename typedArrayTypeMap<T>::type;
TypedArrayBase(jsi::Runtime&, size_t, TypedArrayKind);
TypedArrayBase(jsi::Runtime&, const jsi::Object&);
TypedArrayBase(TypedArrayBase&&) = default;
TypedArrayBase& operator=(TypedArrayBase&&) = default;
TypedArrayKind getKind(jsi::Runtime& runtime) const;
template <TypedArrayKind T> TypedArray<T> get(jsi::Runtime& runtime) const&;
template <TypedArrayKind T> TypedArray<T> get(jsi::Runtime& runtime) &&;
template <TypedArrayKind T> TypedArray<T> as(jsi::Runtime& runtime) const&;
template <TypedArrayKind T> TypedArray<T> as(jsi::Runtime& runtime) &&;
size_t size(jsi::Runtime& runtime) const;
size_t length(jsi::Runtime& runtime) const;
size_t byteLength(jsi::Runtime& runtime) const;
size_t byteOffset(jsi::Runtime& runtime) const;
bool hasBuffer(jsi::Runtime& runtime) const;
std::vector<uint8_t> toVector(jsi::Runtime& runtime);
jsi::ArrayBuffer getBuffer(jsi::Runtime& runtime) const;
template <TypedArrayKind> friend class TypedArray;
bool isTypedArray(jsi::Runtime& runtime, const jsi::Object& jsObj);
TypedArrayBase getTypedArray(jsi::Runtime& runtime, const jsi::Object& jsObj);
std::vector<uint8_t> arrayBufferToVector(jsi::Runtime& runtime, jsi::Object& jsObj);
void arrayBufferUpdate(jsi::Runtime& runtime, jsi::ArrayBuffer& buffer, std::vector<uint8_t> data, size_t offset);
template <TypedArrayKind T> class TypedArray : public TypedArrayBase {
explicit TypedArray(TypedArrayBase&& base);
TypedArray(jsi::Runtime& runtime, size_t size);
TypedArray(jsi::Runtime& runtime, std::vector<ContentType<T>> data);
TypedArray(TypedArray&&) = default;
TypedArray& operator=(TypedArray&&) = default;
std::vector<ContentType<T>> toVector(jsi::Runtime& runtime);
void update(jsi::Runtime& runtime, const std::vector<ContentType<T>>& data);
void updateUnsafe(jsi::Runtime& runtime, ContentType<T>* data, size_t length);
uint8_t* data(jsi::Runtime& runtime);
template <TypedArrayKind T> TypedArray<T> TypedArrayBase::get(jsi::Runtime& runtime) const& {
assert(getKind(runtime) == T);
(void)runtime; // when assert is disabled we need to mark this as used
return TypedArray<T>(jsi::Value(runtime, jsi::Value(runtime, *this).asObject(runtime)));
template <TypedArrayKind T> TypedArray<T> TypedArrayBase::get(jsi::Runtime& runtime) && {
assert(getKind(runtime) == T);
(void)runtime; // when assert is disabled we need to mark this as used
return TypedArray<T>(std::move(*this));
template <TypedArrayKind T> TypedArray<T> TypedArrayBase::as(jsi::Runtime& runtime) const& {
if (getKind(runtime) != T) {
throw jsi::JSError(runtime, "Object is not a TypedArray");
return get<T>(runtime);
template <TypedArrayKind T> TypedArray<T> TypedArrayBase::as(jsi::Runtime& runtime) && {
if (getKind(runtime) != T) {
throw jsi::JSError(runtime, "Object is not a TypedArray");
return std::move(*this).get<T>(runtime);
} // namespace vision