
Before opening an issue, make sure you try the following: ## iOS 1. Try cleaning and rebuilding **everything**: ```sh rm -rf package-lock.json && rm -rf yarn.lock && rm -rf node_modules && rm -rf ios/Podfile.lock && rm -rf ios/Pods npm i # or "yarn" cd ios && pod repo update && pod update && pod install ``` 2. Check your minimum iOS version. react-native-vision-camera requires a minimum iOS version of **11.0**. Try updating your `Podfile` iOS version at the top. 3. Check your Swift version. react-native-vision-camera requires a minimum Swift version of **5.2**. Try removing all references to Swift-5.0 in the `LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATH` list (see [this Stackoverflow answer]( 4. Make sure you have created a Swift bridging header in your project. 1. Open your project with Xcode (`Example.xcworkspace`) 2. In the menu-bar, press **File** > **New** > **File** ( + N) 4. Use whatever name you prefer, e.g. `File.swift`, and press **Create** 5. Press **Create Bridging Header** when promted. 5. If you're experiencing weird behaviour, check the logs in Xcode to find out more. ## Android 1. Since the Android implementation uses the not-yet fully stable **CameraX** API, make sure you've browsed the [CameraX issue tracker]( to find out if your issue is a limitation by the **CameraX** library even I cannot get around. 2. If you're experiencing weird behaviour, check the logs in Android Studio/Logcat ( + 6) to find out more. 3. If a camera device is not being returned by `getAvailableCameraDevices()`, make sure it meets the minimum requirements - that is minum supported harwdware level of `LIMITED` and above. See [this section in the Android docs]( for more information.