// // CameraSession.swift // VisionCamera // // Created by Marc Rousavy on 11.10.23. // Copyright © 2023 mrousavy. All rights reserved. // import AVFoundation import Foundation /** A fully-featured Camera Session supporting preview, video, photo, frame processing, and code scanning outputs. All changes to the session have to be controlled via the `configure` function. */ class CameraSession: NSObject, AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate, AVCaptureAudioDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate { // Configuration var configuration: CameraConfiguration? var currentConfigureCall: DispatchTime = .now() // Capture Session let captureSession = AVCaptureSession() let audioCaptureSession = AVCaptureSession() // Inputs & Outputs var videoDeviceInput: AVCaptureDeviceInput? var audioDeviceInput: AVCaptureDeviceInput? var photoOutput: AVCapturePhotoOutput? var videoOutput: AVCaptureVideoDataOutput? var audioOutput: AVCaptureAudioDataOutput? var codeScannerOutput: AVCaptureMetadataOutput? // State var recordingSession: RecordingSession? var isRecording = false // Callbacks weak var delegate: CameraSessionDelegate? // Public accessors var maxZoom: Double { if let device = videoDeviceInput?.device { return device.maxAvailableVideoZoomFactor } return 1.0 } /** Create a new instance of the `CameraSession`. The `onError` callback is used for any runtime errors. */ override init() { super.init() NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(sessionRuntimeError), name: .AVCaptureSessionRuntimeError, object: captureSession) NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(sessionRuntimeError), name: .AVCaptureSessionRuntimeError, object: audioCaptureSession) NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(audioSessionInterrupted), name: AVAudioSession.interruptionNotification, object: AVAudioSession.sharedInstance) } deinit { NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self, name: .AVCaptureSessionRuntimeError, object: captureSession) NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self, name: .AVCaptureSessionRuntimeError, object: audioCaptureSession) NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self, name: AVAudioSession.interruptionNotification, object: AVAudioSession.sharedInstance) } /** Creates a PreviewView for the current Capture Session */ func createPreviewView(frame: CGRect) -> PreviewView { return PreviewView(frame: frame, session: captureSession) } func onConfigureError(_ error: Error) { if let error = error as? CameraError { // It's a typed Error delegate?.onError(error) } else { // It's any kind of unknown error let cameraError = CameraError.unknown(message: error.localizedDescription) delegate?.onError(cameraError) } } /** Update the session configuration. Any changes in here will be re-configured only if required, and under a lock. The `configuration` object is a copy of the currently active configuration that can be modified by the caller in the lambda. */ func configure(_ lambda: @escaping (_ configuration: CameraConfiguration) throws -> Void) { ReactLogger.log(level: .info, message: "configure { ... }: Waiting for lock...") // Set up Camera (Video) Capture Session (on camera queue, acts like a lock) CameraQueues.cameraQueue.async { // Let caller configure a new configuration for the Camera. let config = CameraConfiguration(copyOf: self.configuration) do { try lambda(config) } catch { self.onConfigureError(error) } let difference = CameraConfiguration.Difference(between: self.configuration, and: config) ReactLogger.log(level: .info, message: "configure { ... }: Updating CameraSession Configuration... \(difference)") do { // If needed, configure the AVCaptureSession (inputs, outputs) if difference.isSessionConfigurationDirty { self.captureSession.beginConfiguration() // 1. Update input device if difference.inputChanged { try self.configureDevice(configuration: config) } // 2. Update outputs if difference.outputsChanged { try self.configureOutputs(configuration: config) } // 3. Update Video Stabilization if difference.videoStabilizationChanged { self.configureVideoStabilization(configuration: config) } // 4. Update output orientation if difference.orientationChanged { self.configureOrientation(configuration: config) } } guard let device = self.videoDeviceInput?.device else { throw CameraError.device(.noDevice) } // If needed, configure the AVCaptureDevice (format, zoom, low-light-boost, ..) if difference.isDeviceConfigurationDirty { try device.lockForConfiguration() defer { device.unlockForConfiguration() } // 4. Configure format if difference.formatChanged { try self.configureFormat(configuration: config, device: device) } // 5. After step 2. and 4., we also need to configure the PixelFormat. // This needs to be done AFTER we updated the `format`, as this controls the supported PixelFormats. if difference.outputsChanged || difference.formatChanged { try self.configurePixelFormat(configuration: config) } // 6. Configure side-props (fps, lowLightBoost) if difference.sidePropsChanged { try self.configureSideProps(configuration: config, device: device) } // 7. Configure zoom if difference.zoomChanged { self.configureZoom(configuration: config, device: device) } // 8. Configure exposure bias if difference.exposureChanged { self.configureExposure(configuration: config, device: device) } } if difference.isSessionConfigurationDirty { // We commit the session config updates AFTER the device config, // that way we can also batch those changes into one update instead of doing two updates. self.captureSession.commitConfiguration() } // 9. Start or stop the session if needed self.checkIsActive(configuration: config) // 10. Enable or disable the Torch if needed (requires session to be running) if difference.torchChanged { try device.lockForConfiguration() defer { device.unlockForConfiguration() } try self.configureTorch(configuration: config, device: device) } // Notify about Camera initialization if difference.inputChanged { self.delegate?.onSessionInitialized() } // After configuring, set this to the new configuration. self.configuration = config } catch { self.onConfigureError(error) } // Set up Audio Capture Session (on audio queue) if difference.audioSessionChanged { CameraQueues.audioQueue.async { do { // Lock Capture Session for configuration ReactLogger.log(level: .info, message: "Beginning AudioSession configuration...") self.audioCaptureSession.beginConfiguration() try self.configureAudioSession(configuration: config) // Unlock Capture Session again and submit configuration to Hardware self.audioCaptureSession.commitConfiguration() ReactLogger.log(level: .info, message: "Committed AudioSession configuration!") } catch { self.onConfigureError(error) } } } } } /** Starts or stops the CaptureSession if needed (`isActive`) */ private func checkIsActive(configuration: CameraConfiguration) { if configuration.isActive == captureSession.isRunning { return } // Start/Stop session if configuration.isActive { captureSession.startRunning() delegate?.onCameraStarted() } else { captureSession.stopRunning() delegate?.onCameraStopped() } } /** Called for every new Frame in the Video output */ public final func captureOutput(_ captureOutput: AVCaptureOutput, didOutput sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer, from _: AVCaptureConnection) { // Call Frame Processor (delegate) for every Video Frame if captureOutput is AVCaptureVideoDataOutput { delegate?.onFrame(sampleBuffer: sampleBuffer) } // Record Video Frame/Audio Sample to File in custom `RecordingSession` (AVAssetWriter) if isRecording { guard let recordingSession = recordingSession else { delegate?.onError(.capture(.unknown(message: "isRecording was true but the RecordingSession was null!"))) return } switch captureOutput { case is AVCaptureVideoDataOutput: // Write the Video Buffer to the .mov/.mp4 file, this is the first timestamp if nothing has been recorded yet recordingSession.appendBuffer(sampleBuffer, clock: captureSession.clock, type: .video) case is AVCaptureAudioDataOutput: // Synchronize the Audio Buffer with the Video Session's time because it's two separate AVCaptureSessions audioCaptureSession.synchronizeBuffer(sampleBuffer, toSession: captureSession) recordingSession.appendBuffer(sampleBuffer, clock: audioCaptureSession.clock, type: .audio) default: break } } } // pragma MARK: Notifications @objc func sessionRuntimeError(notification: Notification) { ReactLogger.log(level: .error, message: "Unexpected Camera Runtime Error occured!") guard let error = notification.userInfo?[AVCaptureSessionErrorKey] as? AVError else { return } // Notify consumer about runtime error delegate?.onError(.unknown(message: error._nsError.description, cause: error._nsError)) let shouldRestart = configuration?.isActive == true if shouldRestart { // restart capture session after an error occured CameraQueues.cameraQueue.async { self.captureSession.startRunning() } } } }