require "json" package = JSON.parse(, "package.json"))) nodeModules = File.join(File.dirname(`cd "#{Pod::Config.instance.installation_root.to_s}" && node --print "require.resolve('react-native/package.json')"`), '..') forceDisableFrameProcessors = false if defined?($VCDisableFrameProcessors) Pod::UI.puts "[VisionCamera] $VCDisableFrameProcesors is set to #{$VCDisableFrameProcessors}!" forceDisableFrameProcessors = $VCDisableFrameProcessors end Pod::UI.puts("[VisionCamera] node modules #{Dir.exist?(nodeModules) ? "found at #{nodeModules}" : "not found!"}") workletsPath = File.join(nodeModules, "react-native-worklets-core") hasWorklets = File.exist?(workletsPath) && !forceDisableFrameProcessors Pod::UI.puts("[VisionCamera] react-native-worklets-core #{hasWorklets ? "found" : "not found"}, Frame Processors #{hasWorklets ? "enabled" : "disabled"}!") do |s| = "VisionCamera" s.version = package["version"] s.summary = package["description"] s.description = package["description"] s.homepage = package["homepage"] s.license = package["license"] s.authors = package["author"] s.platforms = { :ios => "12.4" } s.source = { :git => "", :tag => "#{s.version}" } s.pod_target_xcconfig = { "GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS" => "$(inherited) SK_METAL=1 SK_GANESH=1 VISION_CAMERA_ENABLE_FRAME_PROCESSORS=#{hasWorklets}", "OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS" => "$(inherited) #{hasWorklets ? "-D VISION_CAMERA_ENABLE_FRAME_PROCESSORS" : ""}", "CLANG_CXX_LANGUAGE_STANDARD" => "c++17", "HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS" => "\"$(PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT)/cpp/\"/** " } s.requires_arc = true # All source files that should be publicly visible # Note how this does not include headers, since those can nameclash. s.source_files = [ # Core "ios/*.{m,mm,swift}", "ios/Extensions/*.{m,mm,swift}", "ios/Parsers/*.{m,mm,swift}", "ios/React Utils/*.{m,mm,swift}", "ios/CameraBridge.h", # Frame Processors hasWorklets ? "ios/Frame Processor/*.{m,mm,swift}" : "", hasWorklets ? "ios/Frame Processor/Frame.h" : "", hasWorklets ? "ios/Frame Processor/FrameProcessor.h" : "", hasWorklets ? "ios/Frame Processor/FrameProcessorPlugin.h" : "", hasWorklets ? "ios/Frame Processor/FrameProcessorPluginRegistry.h" : "", hasWorklets ? "ios/Frame Processor/VisionCameraProxy.h" : "", hasWorklets ? "cpp/**/*.{cpp}" : "", ] # Any private headers that are not globally unique should be mentioned here. # Otherwise there will be a nameclash, since CocoaPods flattens out any header directories # See for more details. s.preserve_paths = [ "cpp/**/*.h", "ios/**/*.h" ] s.dependency "React" s.dependency "React-Core" s.dependency "React-callinvoker" if hasWorklets s.dependency "react-native-worklets-core" end end