package import android.Manifest import android.annotation.SuppressLint import android.content.Context import import android.content.res.Configuration import android.hardware.camera2.* import android.util.Log import android.util.Range import android.view.* import android.view.View.OnTouchListener import android.widget.FrameLayout import import* import* import* import import* import import import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat import androidx.lifecycle.* import com.facebook.jni.HybridData import com.facebook.proguard.annotations.DoNotStrip import com.facebook.react.bridge.* import import import import* import kotlinx.coroutines.* import kotlinx.coroutines.guava.await import java.lang.IllegalArgumentException import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService import java.util.concurrent.Executors import kotlin.math.floor import kotlin.math.max import kotlin.math.min // // TODOs for the CameraView which are currently too hard to implement either because of CameraX' limitations, or my brain capacity. // // CameraView // TODO: Actually use correct sizes for video and photo (currently it's both the video size) // TODO: Configurable FPS higher than 30 // TODO: High-speed video recordings (export in CameraViewModule::getAvailableVideoDevices(), and set in CameraView::configurePreview()) (120FPS+) // TODO: configureSession() enableDepthData // TODO: configureSession() enableHighQualityPhotos // TODO: configureSession() enablePortraitEffectsMatteDelivery // TODO: configureSession() colorSpace // CameraView+RecordVideo // TODO: Better startRecording()/stopRecording() (promise + callback, wait for TurboModules/JSI) // TODO: videoStabilizationMode // TODO: Return Video size/duration // CameraView+TakePhoto // TODO: Mirror selfie images // TODO: takePhoto() depth data // TODO: takePhoto() raw capture // TODO: takePhoto() photoCodec ("hevc" | "jpeg" | "raw") // TODO: takePhoto() qualityPrioritization // TODO: takePhoto() enableAutoRedEyeReduction // TODO: takePhoto() enableAutoStabilization // TODO: takePhoto() enableAutoDistortionCorrection // TODO: takePhoto() return with jsi::Value Image reference for faster capture @Suppress("KotlinJniMissingFunction") // I use fbjni, Android Studio is not smart enough to realize that. @SuppressLint("ClickableViewAccessibility", "ViewConstructor") class CameraView(context: Context, private val frameProcessorThread: ExecutorService) : FrameLayout(context), LifecycleOwner { companion object { const val TAG = "CameraView" const val TAG_PERF = "CameraView.performance" private val propsThatRequireSessionReconfiguration = arrayListOf("cameraId", "format", "fps", "hdr", "lowLightBoost", "photo", "video", "enableFrameProcessor") private val arrayListOfZoom = arrayListOf("zoom") } // react properties // props that require reconfiguring var cameraId: String? = null // this is actually not a react prop directly, but the result of setting device={} var enableDepthData = false var enableHighQualityPhotos: Boolean? = null var enablePortraitEffectsMatteDelivery = false // use-cases var photo: Boolean? = null var video: Boolean? = null var audio: Boolean? = null var enableFrameProcessor = false // props that require format reconfiguring var format: ReadableMap? = null var fps: Int? = null var hdr: Boolean? = null // nullable bool var colorSpace: String? = null var lowLightBoost: Boolean? = null // nullable bool // other props var isActive = false var torch = "off" var zoom: Float = 1f // in "factor" var orientation: String? = null var enableZoomGesture = false set(value) { field = value setOnTouchListener(if (value) touchEventListener else null) } var frameProcessorFps = 1.0 set(value) { field = value actualFrameProcessorFps = if (value == -1.0) 30.0 else value lastFrameProcessorPerformanceEvaluation = System.currentTimeMillis() frameProcessorPerformanceDataCollector.clear() } // private properties private var isMounted = false private val reactContext: ReactContext get() = context as ReactContext @Suppress("JoinDeclarationAndAssignment") internal val previewView: PreviewView private val cameraExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor() internal val takePhotoExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor() internal val recordVideoExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor() private var coroutineScope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Main) internal var camera: Camera? = null internal var imageCapture: ImageCapture? = null internal var videoCapture: VideoCapture? = null private var imageAnalysis: ImageAnalysis? = null private var preview: Preview? = null internal var activeVideoRecording: Recording? = null private var lastFrameProcessorCall = System.currentTimeMillis() private var extensionsManager: ExtensionsManager? = null private val scaleGestureListener: ScaleGestureDetector.SimpleOnScaleGestureListener private val scaleGestureDetector: ScaleGestureDetector private val touchEventListener: OnTouchListener private val lifecycleRegistry: LifecycleRegistry private var hostLifecycleState: Lifecycle.State private val inputRotation: Int get() { return context.displayRotation } private val outputRotation: Int get() { if (orientation != null) { // user is overriding output orientation return when (orientation!!) { "portrait" -> Surface.ROTATION_0 "landscapeRight" -> Surface.ROTATION_90 "portraitUpsideDown" -> Surface.ROTATION_180 "landscapeLeft" -> Surface.ROTATION_270 else -> throw InvalidTypeScriptUnionError("orientation", orientation!!) } } else { // use same as input rotation return inputRotation } } private var minZoom: Float = 1f private var maxZoom: Float = 1f private var actualFrameProcessorFps = 30.0 private val frameProcessorPerformanceDataCollector = FrameProcessorPerformanceDataCollector() private var lastSuggestedFrameProcessorFps = 0.0 private var lastFrameProcessorPerformanceEvaluation = System.currentTimeMillis() private val isReadyForNewEvaluation: Boolean get() { val lastPerformanceEvaluationElapsedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - lastFrameProcessorPerformanceEvaluation return lastPerformanceEvaluationElapsedTime > 1000 } @DoNotStrip private var mHybridData: HybridData? = null @Suppress("LiftReturnOrAssignment", "RedundantIf") internal val fallbackToSnapshot: Boolean @SuppressLint("UnsafeOptInUsageError") get() { if (video != true && !enableFrameProcessor) { // Both use-cases are disabled, so `photo` is the only use-case anyways. Don't need to fallback here. return false } cameraId?.let { cameraId -> val cameraManger = reactContext.getSystemService(Context.CAMERA_SERVICE) as? CameraManager cameraManger?.let { val characteristics = cameraManger.getCameraCharacteristics(cameraId) val hardwareLevel = characteristics.get(CameraCharacteristics.INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL) if (hardwareLevel == CameraCharacteristics.INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL_LEGACY) { // Camera only supports a single use-case at a time return true } else { if (video == true && enableFrameProcessor) { // Camera supports max. 2 use-cases, but both are occupied by `frameProcessor` and `video` return true } else { // Camera supports max. 2 use-cases and only one is occupied (either `frameProcessor` or `video`), so we can add `photo` return false } } } } return false } init { if (FrameProcessorRuntimeManager.enableFrameProcessors) { mHybridData = initHybrid() } previewView = PreviewView(context) previewView.layoutParams = LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT) previewView.installHierarchyFitter() // If this is not called correctly, view finder will be black/blank addView(previewView) scaleGestureListener = object : ScaleGestureDetector.SimpleOnScaleGestureListener() { override fun onScale(detector: ScaleGestureDetector): Boolean { zoom = max(min((zoom * detector.scaleFactor), maxZoom), minZoom) update(arrayListOfZoom) return true } } scaleGestureDetector = ScaleGestureDetector(context, scaleGestureListener) touchEventListener = OnTouchListener { _, event -> return@OnTouchListener scaleGestureDetector.onTouchEvent(event) } hostLifecycleState = Lifecycle.State.INITIALIZED lifecycleRegistry = LifecycleRegistry(this) reactContext.addLifecycleEventListener(object : LifecycleEventListener { override fun onHostResume() { hostLifecycleState = Lifecycle.State.RESUMED updateLifecycleState() } override fun onHostPause() { hostLifecycleState = Lifecycle.State.CREATED updateLifecycleState() } override fun onHostDestroy() { hostLifecycleState = Lifecycle.State.DESTROYED updateLifecycleState() cameraExecutor.shutdown() takePhotoExecutor.shutdown() recordVideoExecutor.shutdown() reactContext.removeLifecycleEventListener(this) } }) } override fun onConfigurationChanged(newConfig: Configuration?) { super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig) updateOrientation() } @SuppressLint("RestrictedApi") private fun updateOrientation() { preview?.targetRotation = inputRotation imageCapture?.targetRotation = outputRotation videoCapture?.targetRotation = outputRotation imageAnalysis?.targetRotation = outputRotation } private external fun initHybrid(): HybridData private external fun frameProcessorCallback(frame: ImageProxy) override fun getLifecycle(): Lifecycle { return lifecycleRegistry } /** * Updates the custom Lifecycle to match the host activity's lifecycle, and if it's active we narrow it down to the [isActive] and [isAttachedToWindow] fields. */ private fun updateLifecycleState() { val lifecycleBefore = lifecycleRegistry.currentState if (hostLifecycleState == Lifecycle.State.RESUMED) { // Host Lifecycle (Activity) is currently active (RESUMED), so we narrow it down to the view's lifecycle if (isActive && isAttachedToWindow) { lifecycleRegistry.currentState = Lifecycle.State.RESUMED } else { lifecycleRegistry.currentState = Lifecycle.State.CREATED } } else { // Host Lifecycle (Activity) is currently inactive (STARTED or DESTROYED), so that overrules our view's lifecycle lifecycleRegistry.currentState = hostLifecycleState } Log.d(TAG, "Lifecycle went from ${} -> ${} (isActive: $isActive | isAttachedToWindow: $isAttachedToWindow)") } override fun onAttachedToWindow() { super.onAttachedToWindow() updateLifecycleState() if (!isMounted) { isMounted = true invokeOnViewReady() } } override fun onDetachedFromWindow() { super.onDetachedFromWindow() updateLifecycleState() } /** * Invalidate all React Props and reconfigure the device */ fun update(changedProps: ArrayList) = { // TODO: Does this introduce too much overhead? // I need to .post on the previewView because it might've not been initialized yet // I need to use CoroutineScope.launch because of the suspend fun [configureSession] coroutineScope.launch { try { val shouldReconfigureSession = changedProps.containsAny(propsThatRequireSessionReconfiguration) val shouldReconfigureZoom = shouldReconfigureSession || changedProps.contains("zoom") val shouldReconfigureTorch = shouldReconfigureSession || changedProps.contains("torch") val shouldUpdateOrientation = shouldReconfigureSession || changedProps.contains("orientation") if (changedProps.contains("isActive")) { updateLifecycleState() } if (shouldReconfigureSession) { configureSession() } if (shouldReconfigureZoom) { val zoomClamped = max(min(zoom, maxZoom), minZoom) camera!!.cameraControl.setZoomRatio(zoomClamped) } if (shouldReconfigureTorch) { camera!!.cameraControl.enableTorch(torch == "on") } if (shouldUpdateOrientation) { updateOrientation() } } catch (e: Throwable) { Log.e(TAG, "update() threw: ${e.message}") invokeOnError(e) } } } /** * Configures the camera capture session. This should only be called when the camera device changes. */ @SuppressLint("RestrictedApi") private suspend fun configureSession() { try { val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() Log.i(TAG, "Configuring session...") if (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(context, Manifest.permission.CAMERA) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { throw CameraPermissionError() } if (cameraId == null) { throw NoCameraDeviceError() } if (format != null) Log.i(TAG, "Configuring session with Camera ID $cameraId and custom format...") else Log.i(TAG, "Configuring session with Camera ID $cameraId and default format options...") // Used to bind the lifecycle of cameras to the lifecycle owner val cameraProvider = ProcessCameraProvider.getInstance(reactContext).await() var cameraSelector = CameraSelector.Builder().byID(cameraId!!).build() val tryEnableExtension: (suspend (extension: Int) -> Unit) = lambda@ { extension -> if (extensionsManager == null) { Log.i(TAG, "Initializing ExtensionsManager...") extensionsManager = ExtensionsManager.getInstanceAsync(context, cameraProvider).await() } if (extensionsManager!!.isExtensionAvailable(cameraSelector, extension)) { Log.i(TAG, "Enabling extension $extension...") cameraSelector = extensionsManager!!.getExtensionEnabledCameraSelector(cameraSelector, extension) } else { Log.e(TAG, "Extension $extension is not available for the given Camera!") throw when (extension) { ExtensionMode.HDR -> HdrNotContainedInFormatError() ExtensionMode.NIGHT -> LowLightBoostNotContainedInFormatError() else -> Error("Invalid extension supplied! Extension $extension is not available.") } } } val previewBuilder = Preview.Builder() .setTargetRotation(inputRotation) val imageCaptureBuilder = ImageCapture.Builder() .setTargetRotation(outputRotation) .setCaptureMode(ImageCapture.CAPTURE_MODE_MINIMIZE_LATENCY) val videoRecorderBuilder = Recorder.Builder() .setExecutor(cameraExecutor) val imageAnalysisBuilder = ImageAnalysis.Builder() .setTargetRotation(outputRotation) .setBackpressureStrategy(ImageAnalysis.STRATEGY_KEEP_ONLY_LATEST) .setBackgroundExecutor(frameProcessorThread) if (format == null) { // let CameraX automatically find best resolution for the target aspect ratio Log.i(TAG, "No custom format has been set, CameraX will automatically determine best configuration...") val aspectRatio = aspectRatio(previewView.height, previewView.width) // flipped because it's in sensor orientation. previewBuilder.setTargetAspectRatio(aspectRatio) imageCaptureBuilder.setTargetAspectRatio(aspectRatio) // TODO: Aspect Ratio for Video Recorder? imageAnalysisBuilder.setTargetAspectRatio(aspectRatio) } else { // User has selected a custom format={}. Use that val format = DeviceFormat(format!!) Log.i(TAG, "Using custom format - photo: ${format.photoSize}, video: ${format.videoSize} @ $fps FPS") previewBuilder.setTargetResolution(format.videoSize) imageCaptureBuilder.setTargetResolution(format.photoSize) imageAnalysisBuilder.setTargetResolution(format.videoSize) // TODO: Ability to select resolution exactly depending on format? Just like on iOS... when (min(format.videoSize.height, format.videoSize.width)) { in 0..480 -> videoRecorderBuilder.setQualitySelector(QualitySelector.from(Quality.SD)) in 480..720 -> videoRecorderBuilder.setQualitySelector(QualitySelector.from(Quality.HD)) in 720..1080 -> videoRecorderBuilder.setQualitySelector(QualitySelector.from(Quality.FHD)) in 1080..2160 -> videoRecorderBuilder.setQualitySelector(QualitySelector.from(Quality.UHD)) } fps?.let { fps -> if (format.frameRateRanges.any { it.contains(fps) }) { // Camera supports the given FPS (frame rate range) val frameDuration = (1.0 / fps.toDouble()).toLong() * 1_000_000_000 Log.i(TAG, "Setting AE_TARGET_FPS_RANGE to $fps-$fps, and SENSOR_FRAME_DURATION to $frameDuration") Camera2Interop.Extender(previewBuilder) .setCaptureRequestOption(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_TARGET_FPS_RANGE, Range(fps, fps)) .setCaptureRequestOption(CaptureRequest.SENSOR_FRAME_DURATION, frameDuration) // TODO: Frame Rate/FPS for Video Recorder? } else { throw FpsNotContainedInFormatError(fps) } } if (hdr == true) { tryEnableExtension(ExtensionMode.HDR) } if (lowLightBoost == true) { tryEnableExtension(ExtensionMode.NIGHT) } } // Unbind use cases before rebinding videoCapture = null imageCapture = null imageAnalysis = null cameraProvider.unbindAll() // Bind use cases to camera val useCases = ArrayList() if (video == true) { Log.i(TAG, "Adding VideoCapture use-case...") val videoRecorder = videoCapture = VideoCapture.withOutput(videoRecorder) videoCapture!!.targetRotation = outputRotation useCases.add(videoCapture!!) } if (photo == true) { if (fallbackToSnapshot) { Log.i(TAG, "Tried to add photo use-case (`photo={true}`) but the Camera device only supports " + "a single use-case at a time. Falling back to Snapshot capture.") } else { Log.i(TAG, "Adding ImageCapture use-case...") imageCapture = useCases.add(imageCapture!!) } } if (enableFrameProcessor) { Log.i(TAG, "Adding ImageAnalysis use-case...") imageAnalysis = { setAnalyzer(cameraExecutor, { image -> val now = System.currentTimeMillis() val intervalMs = (1.0 / actualFrameProcessorFps) * 1000.0 if (now - lastFrameProcessorCall > intervalMs) { lastFrameProcessorCall = now val perfSample = frameProcessorPerformanceDataCollector.beginPerformanceSampleCollection() frameProcessorCallback(image) perfSample.endPerformanceSampleCollection() } image.close() if (isReadyForNewEvaluation) { // last evaluation was more than a second ago, evaluate again evaluateNewPerformanceSamples() } }) } useCases.add(imageAnalysis!!) } preview = Log.i(TAG, "Attaching ${useCases.size} use-cases...") camera = cameraProvider.bindToLifecycle(this, cameraSelector, preview, *useCases.toTypedArray()) preview!!.setSurfaceProvider(previewView.surfaceProvider) minZoom = camera!!.cameraInfo.zoomState.value?.minZoomRatio ?: 1f maxZoom = camera!!.cameraInfo.zoomState.value?.maxZoomRatio ?: 1f val duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime Log.i(TAG_PERF, "Session configured in $duration ms! Camera: ${camera!!}") invokeOnInitialized() } catch (exc: Throwable) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to configure session: ${exc.message}") throw when (exc) { is CameraError -> exc is IllegalArgumentException -> { if (exc.message?.contains("too many use cases") == true) { ParallelVideoProcessingNotSupportedError(exc) } else { InvalidCameraDeviceError(exc) } } else -> UnknownCameraError(exc) } } } private fun evaluateNewPerformanceSamples() { lastFrameProcessorPerformanceEvaluation = System.currentTimeMillis() val maxFrameProcessorFps = 30 // TODO: Get maxFrameProcessorFps from ImageAnalyser val averageFps = 1.0 / frameProcessorPerformanceDataCollector.averageExecutionTimeSeconds val suggestedFrameProcessorFps = floor(min(averageFps, maxFrameProcessorFps.toDouble())) if (frameProcessorFps == -1.0) { // frameProcessorFps="auto" actualFrameProcessorFps = suggestedFrameProcessorFps } else { // frameProcessorFps={someCustomFpsValue} if (suggestedFrameProcessorFps != lastSuggestedFrameProcessorFps && suggestedFrameProcessorFps != frameProcessorFps) { invokeOnFrameProcessorPerformanceSuggestionAvailable(frameProcessorFps, suggestedFrameProcessorFps) lastSuggestedFrameProcessorFps = suggestedFrameProcessorFps } } } }