Frame Processors

> FRAME PROCESSORS ARE STILL WIP - SEE [#2]( ### What are frame processors? Frame processors are functions that are written in JavaScript (or TypeScript) which can be used to **process frames the camera "sees"**. For example, you might want to create a QR code scanner _without ever writing native code while still achieving almost-native performance_. Since you can write the scanning part yourself, you can implement a custom QR code system like the one Snapchat uses for Snap-codes.

Frame processors are by far not limited to QR code detection, other examples include: * **AI** for **facial recognition** * **AI** for **object detection** * Using **Tensorflow**, **MLKit Vision** or other libraries (if they provide React Native JSI bindings in the form of "react-native-vision-camera plugins") * Creating **realtime video-chats** since you can directly send the camera frames over the network * Creating **snapchat-like filters**, e.g. draw a dog-mask filter over the user's face (WIP) * Creating **color filters** with depth-detection * Using **custom C++ processors** exposed to JS for maximum performance ### Technical Frame processors are JS functions that will be **workletized** using [react-native-reanimated]( They are created on a **separate thread** using a separate Hermes/JSC Runtime and are **invoked synchronously** (using JSI) without ever going over the bridge. ### Example ```tsx function App() { const frameProcessor = useFrameProcessor((frame) => { const qrCodes = scanQrCodes(frame) console.log(qrCodes) }, []) return ( ) } ```
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