import { CameraRuntimeError } from './CameraError'; export function assertJSIAvailable(): void { // Check if we are running on-device (JSI) // @ts-expect-error JSI functions aren't typed if (global.nativeCallSyncHook == null) { throw new CameraRuntimeError( 'frame-processor/unavailable', 'Failed to initialize VisionCamera Frame Processors: React Native is not running on-device. Frame Processors can only be used when synchronous method invocations (JSI) are possible. If you are using a remote debugger (e.g. Chrome), switch to an on-device debugger (e.g. Flipper) instead.', ); } } export function assertFrameProcessorsAvailable(): void { assertJSIAvailable(); // @ts-expect-error JSI functions aren't typed if (global.setFrameProcessor == null || global.unsetFrameProcessor == null) { throw new CameraRuntimeError( 'frame-processor/unavailable', 'Frame Processors are not enabled. See', ); } }