// // FrameProcessorUtils.m // VisionCamera // // Created by Marc Rousavy on 15.03.21. // Copyright © 2021 mrousavy. All rights reserved. // #import "FrameProcessorUtils.h" #import #import #import #import "FrameHostObject.h" #import "Frame.h" #import #import #import "JSConsoleHelper.h" #import #import "JsiWorklet.h" FrameProcessorCallback convertWorkletToFrameProcessorCallback(jsi::Runtime& runtime, std::shared_ptr worklet) { auto workletInvoker = std::make_shared(worklet); // Converts a Worklet to a callable Objective-C block function return ^(Frame* frame) { try { // Box the Frame to a JS Host Object auto frameHostObject = std::make_shared(frame); auto argument = jsi::Object::createFromHostObject(runtime, frameHostObject); jsi::Value jsValue(std::move(argument)); // Call the Worklet with the Frame JS Host Object as an argument workletInvoker->call(runtime, jsi::Value::undefined(), &jsValue, 1); } catch (jsi::JSError& jsError) { // JS Error occured, print it to console. auto stack = std::regex_replace(jsError.getStack(), std::regex("\n"), "\n "); auto message = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Frame Processor threw an error: %s\nIn: %s", jsError.getMessage().c_str(), stack.c_str()]; RCTBridge* bridge = [RCTBridge currentBridge]; if (bridge != nil) { bridge.jsCallInvoker->invokeAsync([bridge, message]() { auto logFn = [JSConsoleHelper getLogFunctionForBridge:bridge]; logFn(RCTLogLevelError, message); }); } else { NSLog(@"%@", message); } } }; }