Compare commits


No commits in common. "694d9cfa8cbfbf538b3a2378427849eaa793a2e0" and "0a43d7a160e57fed05b93d6a4ec25b5d2eb6bede" have entirely different histories.

13 changed files with 153 additions and 201 deletions

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import AVFoundation
// MARK: - CameraView + AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate, AVCaptureAudioDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate
extension CameraView: AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate, AVCaptureAudioDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate {
func startRecording(options: NSDictionary, filePath: String, callback jsCallback: @escaping RCTResponseSenderBlock) {
func startRecording(options: NSDictionary, callback jsCallback: @escaping RCTResponseSenderBlock) {
// Type-safety
let callback = Callback(jsCallback)
@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ extension CameraView: AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate, AVCaptureAud
// Start Recording with success and error callbacks
options: options,
filePath: filePath,
onVideoRecorded: { video in

View File

@ -342,7 +342,6 @@ public final class CameraView: UIView, CameraSessionDelegate {
ReactLogger.log(level: .info, message: "Chunk ready: \(chunk)")
guard let onVideoChunkReady, let onInitReady else {
ReactLogger.log(level: .warning, message: "Either onInitReady or onVideoChunkReady are not valid!")

View File

@ -64,8 +64,7 @@ RCT_EXPORT_VIEW_PROPERTY(onCodeScanned, RCTDirectEventBlock);
// Camera View Functions
: (nonnull NSNumber*)node options
: (NSDictionary*)options filePath
: (NSString*)filePath onRecordCallback
: (NSDictionary*)options onRecordCallback
: (RCTResponseSenderBlock)onRecordCallback);
: (nonnull NSNumber*)node resolve

View File

@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ final class CameraViewManager: RCTViewManager {
// This means that any errors that occur in this function have to be delegated through
// the callback, but I'd prefer for them to throw for the original function instead.
final func startRecording(_ node: NSNumber, options: NSDictionary, filePath: NSString, onRecordCallback: @escaping RCTResponseSenderBlock) {
final func startRecording(_ node: NSNumber, options: NSDictionary, onRecordCallback: @escaping RCTResponseSenderBlock) {
let component = getCameraView(withTag: node)
component.startRecording(options: options, filePath: filePath as String, callback: onRecordCallback)
component.startRecording(options: options, callback: onRecordCallback)

View File

@ -176,7 +176,6 @@ enum CaptureError {
case noRecordingInProgress
case fileError
case createTempFileError(message: String? = nil)
case createRecordingDirectoryError(message: String? = nil)
case createRecorderError(message: String? = nil)
case videoNotEnabled
case photoNotEnabled
@ -194,8 +193,6 @@ enum CaptureError {
return "file-io-error"
case .createTempFileError:
return "create-temp-file-error"
case .createRecordingDirectoryError:
return "create-recording-directory-error"
case .createRecorderError:
return "create-recorder-error"
case .videoNotEnabled:
@ -221,8 +218,6 @@ enum CaptureError {
return "An unexpected File IO error occured!"
case let .createTempFileError(message: message):
return "Failed to create a temporary file! \(message ?? "(no additional message)")"
case let .createRecordingDirectoryError(message: message):
return "Failed to create a recording directory! \(message ?? "(no additional message)")"
case let .createRecorderError(message: message):
return "Failed to create the AVAssetWriter (Recorder)! \(message ?? "(no additional message)")"
case .videoNotEnabled:

View File

@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ extension CameraSession {
Starts a video + audio recording with a custom Asset Writer.
func startRecording(options: RecordVideoOptions,
filePath: String,
onVideoRecorded: @escaping (_ video: Video) -> Void,
onError: @escaping (_ error: CameraError) -> Void) {
// Run on Camera Queue
@ -71,7 +70,7 @@ extension CameraSession {
} else {
if status == .completed {
// Recording was successfully saved
let video = Video(path: recordingSession.outputDiretory.absoluteString,
let video = Video(path: recordingSession.url.absoluteString,
duration: recordingSession.duration,
size: recordingSession.size ??
@ -82,20 +81,21 @@ extension CameraSession {
if !FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: filePath) {
do {
try FileManager.default.createDirectory(atPath: filePath, withIntermediateDirectories: true)
} catch {
onError(.capture(.createRecordingDirectoryError(message: error.localizedDescription)))
// Create temporary file
let errorPointer = ErrorPointer(nilLiteral: ())
let fileExtension = options.fileType.descriptor ?? "mov"
guard let tempFilePath = RCTTempFilePath(fileExtension, errorPointer) else {
let message = errorPointer?.pointee?.description
onError(.capture(.createTempFileError(message: message)))
ReactLogger.log(level: .info, message: "Will record to temporary file: \(filePath)")
ReactLogger.log(level: .info, message: "Will record to temporary file: \(tempFilePath)")
let tempURL = URL(string: "file://\(tempFilePath)")!
do {
// Create RecordingSession for the temp file
let recordingSession = try RecordingSession(outputDiretory: filePath,
let recordingSession = try RecordingSession(url: tempURL,
fileType: options.fileType,
onChunkReady: onChunkReady,
completion: onFinish)

View File

@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ class ChunkedRecorder: NSObject {
let outputURL: URL
let onChunkReady: ((Chunk) -> Void)
private var chunkIndex: UInt64 = 0
private var index: UInt64 = 0
init(outputURL: URL, onChunkReady: @escaping ((Chunk) -> Void)) throws {
self.outputURL = outputURL
init(url: URL, onChunkReady: @escaping ((Chunk) -> Void)) throws {
outputURL = url
self.onChunkReady = onChunkReady
guard FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: outputURL.path) else {
throw CameraError.unknown(message: "output directory does not exist at: \(outputURL.path)", cause: nil)
@ -61,11 +61,13 @@ extension ChunkedRecorder: AVAssetWriterDelegate {
private func saveSegment(_ data: Data) {
let name = "\(chunkIndex).mp4"
defer {
index += 1
let name = String(format: "%06d.mp4", index)
let url = outputURL.appendingPathComponent(name)
save(data: data, url: url)
onChunkReady(url: url, type: .data(index: chunkIndex))
chunkIndex += 1
onChunkReady(url: url, type: .data(index: index))
private func save(data: Data, url: URL) {

View File

@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ class RecordingSession {
Gets the file URL of the recorded video.
var outputDiretory: URL {
var url: URL {
return recorder.outputURL
@ -71,15 +72,14 @@ class RecordingSession {
return (lastWrittenTimestamp - startTimestamp).seconds
init(outputDiretory: String,
init(url: URL,
fileType: AVFileType,
onChunkReady: @escaping ((ChunkedRecorder.Chunk) -> Void),
completion: @escaping (RecordingSession, AVAssetWriter.Status, Error?) -> Void) throws {
completionHandler = completion
do {
let outputURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: outputDiretory)
recorder = try ChunkedRecorder(outputURL: outputURL, onChunkReady: onChunkReady)
recorder = try ChunkedRecorder(url: url.deletingLastPathComponent(), onChunkReady: onChunkReady)
assetWriter = AVAssetWriter(contentType: UTType(fileType.rawValue)!)
assetWriter.shouldOptimizeForNetworkUse = false
assetWriter.outputFileTypeProfile = .mpeg4AppleHLS

View File

@ -80,23 +80,3 @@ func RCTTempFilePath(_ ext: String, _ error: ErrorPointer) -> String? {
class RCTViewManager: NSObject {
var methodQueue: DispatchQueue! { nil }
class func requiresMainQueueSetup() -> Bool { false }
func view() -> UIView! { nil }
struct Bridge {
let uiManager = UIManager()
struct UIManager {
func view(forReactTag: NSNumber) -> UIView! {
let bridge: Bridge = Bridge()

View File

@ -14,15 +14,10 @@ class ViewController: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var recordButton: UIButton!
let cameraView = CameraView()
let filePath: String = {
NSTemporaryDirectory() + "TestRecorder"
override func viewDidLoad() {
try? FileManager.default.removeItem(atPath: filePath)
cameraView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false;
view.insertSubview(cameraView, at: 0)
@ -38,12 +33,6 @@ class ViewController: UIViewController {
self.recordButton.isHidden = false
cameraView.onInitReady = { json in
print("onInitReady:", json ?? "nil")
cameraView.onVideoChunkReady = { json in
print("onVideoChunkReady:", json ?? "nil")
Task { @MainActor in
await requestAuthorizations()
@ -103,8 +92,7 @@ class ViewController: UIViewController {
options: [
"fileType": "mp4",
"videoCodec": "h265",
filePath: filePath) { callback in
]) { callback in
print("callback", callback)

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import AVFoundation
import Foundation
struct RecordVideoOptions {
var fileType: AVFileType = .mp4
var fileType: AVFileType = .mov
var flash: Torch = .off
var codec: AVVideoCodecType?

View File

@ -7,9 +7,6 @@
objects = {
/* Begin PBXBuildFile section */
B31481772C46547B00084A26 /* CameraViewManager.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = B887518125E0102000DB86D6 /* CameraViewManager.swift */; };
B31481782C46558C00084A26 /* CameraView+TakePhoto.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = B887517125E0102000DB86D6 /* CameraView+TakePhoto.swift */; };
B31481792C46559700084A26 /* CameraView+Focus.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = B8A1AEC52AD7F08E00169C0D /* CameraView+Focus.swift */; };
B3AF8E862C410FB700CC198C /* ReactStubs.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = B3AF8E852C410FB700CC198C /* ReactStubs.m */; };
B3AF8E882C41159300CC198C /* ChunkedRecorder.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = B3AF8E872C41159300CC198C /* ChunkedRecorder.swift */; };
B3AF8E892C41159300CC198C /* ChunkedRecorder.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = B3AF8E872C41159300CC198C /* ChunkedRecorder.swift */; };
@ -694,8 +691,6 @@
B3EF9F502C3FC31E00832EE7 /* AVCaptureVideoDataOutput+recommendedVideoSettings.swift in Sources */,
B3EF9F512C3FC31E00832EE7 /* AVCaptureDevice+minFocusDistance.swift in Sources */,
B3EF9F5B2C3FC33000832EE7 /* AVCaptureDevice.DeviceType+physicalDeviceDescriptor.swift in Sources */,
B31481792C46559700084A26 /* CameraView+Focus.swift in Sources */,
B31481772C46547B00084A26 /* CameraViewManager.swift in Sources */,
B3EF9F522C3FC31E00832EE7 /* AVCaptureDevice+physicalDevices.swift in Sources */,
B3EF9F532C3FC31E00832EE7 /* AVCaptureDevice+neutralZoom.swift in Sources */,
B3EF9F542C3FC31E00832EE7 /* AVCaptureDevice.Format+dimensions.swift in Sources */,
@ -714,7 +709,6 @@
B3EF9F362C3FC05600832EE7 /* ResizeMode.swift in Sources */,
B3EF9F312C3FBFD500832EE7 /* AVAssetWriter.Status+descriptor.swift in Sources */,
B3EF9F292C3FBF2500832EE7 /* Torch.swift in Sources */,
B31481782C46558C00084A26 /* CameraView+TakePhoto.swift in Sources */,
B3EF9F2C2C3FBF4A00832EE7 /* EnumParserError.swift in Sources */,
B3EF9F272C3FBEF800832EE7 /* PixelFormat.swift in Sources */,
B3EF9F652C3FC43C00832EE7 /* CameraSession+Audio.swift in Sources */,

View File

@ -26,9 +26,6 @@ interface OnErrorEvent {
message: string
cause?: ErrorWithCause
interface OnInitReadyEvent {
filepath: string
interface OnVideoChunkReadyEvent {
filepath: string
index: number
@ -42,7 +39,6 @@ type NativeCameraViewProps = Omit<CameraProps, 'device' | 'onInitialized' | 'onE
onCodeScanned?: (event: NativeSyntheticEvent<OnCodeScannedEvent>) => void
onStarted?: (event: NativeSyntheticEvent<void>) => void
onStopped?: (event: NativeSyntheticEvent<void>) => void
onInitReady?: (event: NativeSyntheticEvent<OnInitReadyEvent>) => void
onVideoChunkReady?: (event: NativeSyntheticEvent<OnVideoChunkReadyEvent>) => void
onViewReady: () => void