feat: Route images through ImageWriter
into OpenGL pipeline (#1874)
* feat: Route images through `ImageWriter` into OpenGL pipeline * fix: Use RGB format * fix: Every device supports YUV, RGB and NATIVE * Update VideoPipeline.kt * log format * Plug ImageReader between OpenGL pipeline * Call Frame Processor * Format * Remove logs
This commit is contained in:
@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ VideoPipeline::VideoPipeline(jni::alias_ref<jhybridobject> jThis, int width, int
VideoPipeline::~VideoPipeline() {
// 1. Remove output surfaces
// 2. Delete the input textures
if (_inputTexture != std::nullopt) {
@ -42,21 +41,6 @@ VideoPipeline::~VideoPipeline() {
_context = nullptr;
void VideoPipeline::removeFrameProcessorOutputSurface() {
if (_frameProcessorOutput)
_frameProcessorOutput = nullptr;
void VideoPipeline::setFrameProcessorOutputSurface(jobject surface) {
// 1. Delete existing output surface
// 2. Set new output surface if it is not null
ANativeWindow* window = ANativeWindow_fromSurface(jni::Environment::current(), surface);
_frameProcessorOutput = OpenGLRenderer::CreateWithWindowSurface(_context, window);
void VideoPipeline::removeRecordingSessionOutputSurface() {
if (_recordingSessionOutput)
@ -93,10 +77,6 @@ void VideoPipeline::onFrame(jni::alias_ref<jni::JArrayFloat> transformMatrixPara
OpenGLTexture& texture = _inputTexture.value();
if (_frameProcessorOutput) {
__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, TAG, "Rendering to FrameProcessor..");
_frameProcessorOutput->renderTextureToSurface(texture, transformMatrix);
if (_recordingSessionOutput) {
__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, TAG, "Rendering to RecordingSession..");
_recordingSessionOutput->renderTextureToSurface(texture, transformMatrix);
@ -106,8 +86,6 @@ void VideoPipeline::onFrame(jni::alias_ref<jni::JArrayFloat> transformMatrixPara
void VideoPipeline::registerNatives() {
makeNativeMethod("initHybrid", VideoPipeline::initHybrid),
makeNativeMethod("setFrameProcessorOutputSurface", VideoPipeline::setFrameProcessorOutputSurface),
makeNativeMethod("removeFrameProcessorOutputSurface", VideoPipeline::removeFrameProcessorOutputSurface),
makeNativeMethod("setRecordingSessionOutputSurface", VideoPipeline::setRecordingSessionOutputSurface),
makeNativeMethod("removeRecordingSessionOutputSurface", VideoPipeline::removeRecordingSessionOutputSurface),
makeNativeMethod("getInputTextureId", VideoPipeline::getInputTextureId),
@ -30,10 +30,6 @@ public:
// -> SurfaceTexture input
int getInputTextureId();
// <- Frame Processor output
void setFrameProcessorOutputSurface(jobject surface);
void removeFrameProcessorOutputSurface();
// <- MediaRecorder output
void setRecordingSessionOutputSurface(jobject surface);
void removeRecordingSessionOutputSurface();
@ -54,7 +50,6 @@ private:
// Output Contexts
std::shared_ptr<OpenGLContext> _context = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<OpenGLRenderer> _frameProcessorOutput = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<OpenGLRenderer> _recordingSessionOutput = nullptr;
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ class CameraView(context: Context) : FrameLayout(context) {
val videoOutput = if (video == true || enableFrameProcessor) {
CameraOutputs.VideoOutput(targetVideoSize, video == true, enableFrameProcessor, pixelFormat.toImageFormat())
CameraOutputs.VideoOutput(targetVideoSize, video == true, enableFrameProcessor, pixelFormat)
} else {
@ -66,6 +66,8 @@ class CameraSessionCannotBeConfiguredError(cameraId: String, outputs: CameraOutp
CameraError("session", "cannot-create-session", "Failed to create a Camera Session for Camera $cameraId! Outputs: $outputs")
class CameraDisconnectedError(cameraId: String, error: CameraDeviceError) :
CameraError("session", "camera-has-been-disconnected", "The given Camera device (id: $cameraId) has been disconnected! Error: $error")
class FrameProcessorsUnavailableError(reason: String) :
CameraError("system", "frame-processors-unavailable", "Frame Processors are unavailable! Reason: $reason")
class VideoNotEnabledError :
CameraError("capture", "video-not-enabled", "Video capture is disabled! Pass `video={true}` to enable video recordings.")
@ -157,16 +157,11 @@ class CameraDeviceDetails(private val cameraManager: CameraManager, private val
return array
private fun createPixelFormats(size: Size): ReadableArray {
val formats = cameraConfig.outputFormats
private fun createPixelFormats(): ReadableArray {
// Every output in Camera2 supports YUV and NATIVE
val array = Arguments.createArray()
formats.forEach { format ->
val sizes = cameraConfig.getOutputSizes(format)
val hasSize = sizes.any { it.width == size.width && it.height == size.height }
if (hasSize) {
return array
@ -186,7 +181,7 @@ class CameraDeviceDetails(private val cameraManager: CameraManager, private val
map.putBoolean("supportsDepthCapture", supportsDepthCapture)
map.putString("autoFocusSystem", "contrast-detection") // TODO: Is this wrong?
map.putArray("videoStabilizationModes", createStabilizationModes())
map.putArray("pixelFormats", createPixelFormats(videoSize))
map.putArray("pixelFormats", createPixelFormats())
return map
@ -2,12 +2,15 @@ package com.mrousavy.camera.core
import android.graphics.ImageFormat
import android.graphics.SurfaceTexture
import android.hardware.HardwareBuffer
import android.media.ImageReader
import android.media.ImageWriter
import android.os.Build
import android.util.Log
import android.view.Surface
import com.facebook.jni.HybridData
import com.mrousavy.camera.CameraQueues
import com.mrousavy.camera.PixelFormatNotSupportedInVideoPipelineError
import com.mrousavy.camera.FrameProcessorsUnavailableError
import com.mrousavy.camera.frameprocessor.Frame
import com.mrousavy.camera.frameprocessor.FrameProcessor
import com.mrousavy.camera.parsers.Orientation
@ -16,15 +19,20 @@ import java.io.Closeable
* An OpenGL pipeline for streaming Camera Frames to one or more outputs.
* Currently, [VideoPipeline] can stream to a [FrameProcessor] and a [MediaRecorder].
* Currently, [VideoPipeline] can stream to a [FrameProcessor] and a [RecordingSession].
* @param [width] The width of the Frames to stream (> 0)
* @param [height] The height of the Frames to stream (> 0)
* @param [format] The format of the Frames to stream. ([ImageFormat.PRIVATE], [ImageFormat.YUV_420_888] or [ImageFormat.JPEG])
class VideoPipeline(val width: Int, val height: Int, val format: Int = ImageFormat.PRIVATE, private val isMirrored: Boolean = false) :
class VideoPipeline(
val width: Int,
val height: Int,
val format: PixelFormat = PixelFormat.NATIVE,
private val isMirrored: Boolean = false,
enableFrameProcessor: Boolean = false
) : SurfaceTexture.OnFrameAvailableListener,
Closeable {
companion object {
private const val MAX_IMAGES = 3
@ -52,7 +60,6 @@ class VideoPipeline(val width: Int, val height: Int, val format: Int = ImageForm
// Output 1
private var frameProcessor: FrameProcessor? = null
private var imageReader: ImageReader? = null
// Output 2
private var recordingSession: RecordingSession? = null
@ -61,36 +68,61 @@ class VideoPipeline(val width: Int, val height: Int, val format: Int = ImageForm
private val surfaceTexture: SurfaceTexture
val surface: Surface
// If Frame Processors are enabled, we go through ImageReader first before we go thru OpenGL
private var imageReader: ImageReader? = null
private var imageWriter: ImageWriter? = null
init {
"Initializing $width x $height Video Pipeline " +
"(format: ${PixelFormat.fromImageFormat(format)} #$format)"
"Initializing $width x $height Video Pipeline (format: $format)"
// TODO: We currently use OpenGL for the Video Pipeline.
// OpenGL only works in the RGB (RGBA_8888; 0x23) pixel-format, so we cannot
// override the pixel-format to something like YUV or PRIVATE.
// This absolutely sucks and I would prefer to replace the OpenGL pipeline with
// something similar to how iOS works where we just pass GPU buffers around,
// but android.media APIs are just not as advanced yet.
// For example, ImageReader/ImageWriter is way too buggy and does not work with MediaRecorder.
// See this issue ($4.000 bounty!) for more details:
// https://github.com/mrousavy/react-native-vision-camera/issues/1837
if (format != ImageFormat.PRIVATE && format != 0x23) {
throw PixelFormatNotSupportedInVideoPipelineError(PixelFormat.fromImageFormat(format).unionValue)
mHybridData = initHybrid(width, height)
surfaceTexture = SurfaceTexture(false)
surfaceTexture.setDefaultBufferSize(width, height)
surface = Surface(surfaceTexture)
val glSurface = Surface(surfaceTexture)
if (enableFrameProcessor) {
// User has passed a Frame Processor, we need to route images through ImageReader so we can get
// CPU access to the Frames, then send them to the OpenGL pipeline later.
throw FrameProcessorsUnavailableError("Frame Processors require API 29 or higher. (Q)")
// GPU_SAMPLED because we redirect to OpenGL, CPU_READ because we read pixels before that.
val usage = HardwareBuffer.USAGE_GPU_SAMPLED_IMAGE or HardwareBuffer.USAGE_CPU_READ_OFTEN
val format = getImageReaderFormat()
Log.i(TAG, "Using ImageReader round-trip (format: #$format)")
imageWriter = ImageWriter.newInstance(glSurface, MAX_IMAGES, format)
imageReader = ImageReader.newInstance(width, height, format, MAX_IMAGES, usage)
imageReader!!.setOnImageAvailableListener({ reader ->
Log.i(TAG, "ImageReader::onImageAvailable!")
val image = reader.acquireNextImage() ?: return@setOnImageAvailableListener
Log.i(TAG, "Image Format: ${image.format}")
// // TODO: Get correct orientation and isMirrored
val frame = Frame(image, image.timestamp, Orientation.PORTRAIT, isMirrored)
}, CameraQueues.videoQueue.handler)
surface = imageReader!!.surface
} else {
// No Frame Processor will be used, directly render into the OpenGL pipeline to avoid ImageReader roundtrip.
surface = glSurface
override fun close() {
synchronized(this) {
isActive = false
imageReader = null
frameProcessor = null
recordingSession = null
@ -123,29 +155,13 @@ class VideoPipeline(val width: Int, val height: Int, val format: Int = ImageForm
private fun getImageReader(): ImageReader {
if (format != ImageFormat.PRIVATE) {
"Warning: pixelFormat \"${PixelFormat.fromImageFormat(format).unionValue}\" might " +
"not be supported on this device because the C++ OpenGL GPU Video Pipeline operates in RGBA_8888. " +
"I wanted to use an ImageReader -> ImageWriter setup for this, but I couldn't get it to work. " +
"See this PR for more details: https://github.com/mrousavy/react-native-vision-camera/pull/1836"
private fun getImageReaderFormat(): Int =
when (format) {
PixelFormat.NATIVE -> ImageFormat.PRIVATE
PixelFormat.RGB -> HardwareBuffer.RGBA_8888
PixelFormat.YUV -> ImageFormat.YUV_420_888
else -> ImageFormat.PRIVATE
val imageReader = ImageReader.newInstance(width, height, format, MAX_IMAGES)
imageReader.setOnImageAvailableListener({ reader ->
Log.i("VideoPipeline", "ImageReader::onImageAvailable!")
val image = reader.acquireNextImage() ?: return@setOnImageAvailableListener
// TODO: Get correct orientation and isMirrored
val frame = Frame(image, image.timestamp, Orientation.PORTRAIT, isMirrored)
}, CameraQueues.videoQueue.handler)
return imageReader
* Configures the Pipeline to also call the given [FrameProcessor] (or null).
@ -154,28 +170,11 @@ class VideoPipeline(val width: Int, val height: Int, val format: Int = ImageForm
synchronized(this) {
Log.i(TAG, "Setting $width x $height FrameProcessor Output...")
this.frameProcessor = frameProcessor
if (frameProcessor != null) {
if (this.imageReader == null) {
// 1. Create new ImageReader that just calls the Frame Processor
this.imageReader = getImageReader()
// 2. Configure OpenGL pipeline to stream Frames into the ImageReader's surface
} else {
// 1. Configure OpenGL pipeline to stop streaming Frames into the ImageReader's surface
// 2. Close the ImageReader
this.imageReader = null
* Configures the Pipeline to also write Frames to a Surface from a [MediaRecorder] (or null)
* Configures the Pipeline to also write Frames to a Surface from a `MediaRecorder` (or null)
fun setRecordingSessionOutput(recordingSession: RecordingSession?) {
synchronized(this) {
@ -195,8 +194,6 @@ class VideoPipeline(val width: Int, val height: Int, val format: Int = ImageForm
private external fun getInputTextureId(): Int
private external fun onBeforeFrame()
private external fun onFrame(transformMatrix: FloatArray)
private external fun setFrameProcessorOutputSurface(surface: Any)
private external fun removeFrameProcessorOutputSurface()
private external fun setRecordingSessionOutputSurface(surface: Any)
private external fun removeRecordingSessionOutputSurface()
private external fun initHybrid(width: Int, height: Int): HybridData
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import com.mrousavy.camera.extensions.getPhotoSizes
import com.mrousavy.camera.extensions.getPreviewTargetSize
import com.mrousavy.camera.extensions.getVideoSizes
import com.mrousavy.camera.extensions.smaller
import com.mrousavy.camera.parsers.PixelFormat
import java.io.Closeable
class CameraOutputs(
@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ class CameraOutputs(
val targetSize: Size? = null,
val enableRecording: Boolean = false,
val enableFrameProcessor: Boolean? = false,
val format: Int = ImageFormat.PRIVATE
val format: PixelFormat = PixelFormat.NATIVE
interface Callback {
@ -134,8 +135,11 @@ class CameraOutputs(
// Video output: High resolution repeating images (startRecording() or useFrameProcessor())
if (video != null) {
val size = characteristics.getVideoSizes(cameraId, video.format).closestToOrMax(video.targetSize)
val videoPipeline = VideoPipeline(size.width, size.height, video.format, isMirrored)
// TODO: Should this be dynamic?
val format = ImageFormat.YUV_420_888
val size = characteristics.getVideoSizes(cameraId, format).closestToOrMax(video.targetSize)
val enableFrameProcessor = video.enableFrameProcessor ?: false
val videoPipeline = VideoPipeline(size.width, size.height, video.format, isMirrored, enableFrameProcessor)
Log.i(TAG, "Adding ${size.width}x${size.height} video output. (Format: ${video.format})")
videoOutput = VideoPipelineOutput(videoPipeline, SurfaceOutput.OutputType.VIDEO)
@ -7,15 +7,13 @@ import com.mrousavy.camera.PixelFormatNotSupportedError
enum class PixelFormat(override val unionValue: String) : JSUnionValue {
fun toImageFormat(): Int {
val result = when (this) {
YUV -> ImageFormat.YUV_420_888
RGB -> ImageFormat.JPEG
DNG -> ImageFormat.RAW_SENSOR
RGB -> android.graphics.PixelFormat.RGBA_8888
UNKNOWN -> null
@ -29,8 +27,7 @@ enum class PixelFormat(override val unionValue: String) : JSUnionValue {
fun fromImageFormat(imageFormat: Int): PixelFormat =
when (imageFormat) {
ImageFormat.YUV_420_888 -> YUV
ImageFormat.JPEG, ImageFormat.DEPTH_JPEG -> RGB
ImageFormat.RAW_SENSOR -> DNG
android.graphics.PixelFormat.RGBA_8888 -> RGB
else -> UNKNOWN
@ -39,7 +36,6 @@ enum class PixelFormat(override val unionValue: String) : JSUnionValue {
when (unionValue) {
"yuv" -> YUV
"rgb" -> RGB
"dng" -> DNG
"native" -> NATIVE
"unknown" -> UNKNOWN
else -> null
Reference in New Issue
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