If you want to distribute your Frame Processor Plugin, simply use npm.
1. Create a blank Native Module using [bob](https://github.com/callstack/react-native-builder-bob) or [create-react-native-module](https://github.com/brodybits/create-react-native-module)
2. Name it `vision-camera-plugin-xxxxx` where `xxxxx` is the name of your plugin
3. Remove the generated template code from the Example Native Module
4. Add VisionCamera to `peerDependencies`: `"react-native-vision-camera": ">= 2"`
5. Implement the Frame Processor Plugin in the iOS, Android and JS/TS Codebase using the guides above
6. Add installation instructions to the `README.md` to let users know they have to add your frame processor in the `babel.config.js` configuration.
7. Publish the plugin to npm. Users will only have to install the plugin using `npm i vision-camera-plugin-xxxxx` and add it to their `babel.config.js` file.
8. [Add the plugin to the **official VisionCamera plugin list**](https://github.com/mrousavy/react-native-vision-camera/edit/main/docs/docs/guides/FRAME_PROCESSOR_PLUGIN_LIST.mdx) for more visibility