The `<Camera>` component already provides a natively implemented zoom gesture which you can enable with the [`enableZoomGesture`](/docs/api/interfaces/cameraprops.cameraprops-1#enablezoomgesture) prop. This does not require any additional work, but if you want to setup a custom gesture, such as the one in Snapchat or Instagram where you move up your finger while recording, continue reading.
While you can use any animation library to animate the `zoom` property (or use no animation library at all) it is recommended to use [react-native-reanimated]( (v2) to achieve best performance. Head over to their [Installation guide]( to install Reanimated if you haven't already.
The following example implements a button which smoothly zooms to a random value using [react-native-reanimated](
3. Using [`useSharedValue`](, we're creating a shared value that holds the value for the `zoom` property.
4. Using the [`useAnimatedProps`]( hook, we apply the shared value to Camera's `zoom` property.
A Camera's `zoom` property is represented in a **logarithmic scale**. That means, increasing from `0` to `0.1` will appear to be a much larger offset than increasing from `0.9` to `1`. If you want to implement a zoom gesture (`<PinchGestureHandler>`, `<PanGestureHandler>`), try to flatten the `zoom` property to a **linear scale** by raising it **exponentially**. (`zoom.value ** 2`)
The above example only demonstrates how to animate the `zoom` property. To actually implement pinch-to-zoom or pan-to-zoom, take a look at the [VisionCamera example app](, the pinch-to-zoom gesture can be found [here](, and the pan-to-zoom gesture can be found [here]( They implement a real world use-case, where the maximum zoom value is clamped to a realistic value, and the zoom responds very gracefully by using a logarithmic scale.