2021-02-19 12:41:49 -07:00
package com.mrousavy.camera
2021-02-19 08:28:14 -07:00
import android.annotation.SuppressLint
import android.hardware.camera2.*
import android.util.Log
import androidx.camera.camera2.interop.Camera2CameraInfo
import androidx.camera.core.ImageCapture
import androidx.camera.core.ImageProxy
import androidx.exifinterface.media.ExifInterface
import com.facebook.react.bridge.Arguments
import com.facebook.react.bridge.ReadableMap
import com.facebook.react.bridge.WritableMap
2021-02-26 02:56:20 -07:00
import com.mrousavy.camera.utils.*
2021-02-19 08:28:14 -07:00
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import java.io.File
2021-05-03 11:14:19 -06:00
import kotlin.system.measureTimeMillis
2021-02-19 08:28:14 -07:00
2021-04-26 04:56:36 -06:00
2021-02-19 08:28:14 -07:00
suspend fun CameraView.takePhoto(options: ReadableMap): WritableMap = coroutineScope {
2021-06-27 04:37:54 -06:00
if (fallbackToSnapshot) {
Log.i(CameraView.TAG, "takePhoto() called, but falling back to Snapshot because 1 use-case is already occupied.")
return@coroutineScope takeSnapshot(options)
2021-02-26 02:56:20 -07:00
val startFunc = System.nanoTime()
2021-06-27 04:37:54 -06:00
Log.i(CameraView.TAG, "takePhoto() called")
2021-06-07 05:08:40 -06:00
if (imageCapture == null) {
if (photo == true) {
throw CameraNotReadyError()
} else {
throw PhotoNotEnabledError()
2021-02-19 08:28:14 -07:00
2021-02-26 02:56:20 -07:00
if (options.hasKey("flash")) {
val flashMode = options.getString("flash")
2021-06-07 05:08:40 -06:00
imageCapture!!.flashMode = when (flashMode) {
2021-02-26 02:56:20 -07:00
"on" -> ImageCapture.FLASH_MODE_ON
"off" -> ImageCapture.FLASH_MODE_OFF
"auto" -> ImageCapture.FLASH_MODE_AUTO
else -> throw InvalidTypeScriptUnionError("flash", flashMode ?: "(null)")
2021-02-19 08:28:14 -07:00
2021-02-26 02:56:20 -07:00
2021-06-21 14:42:46 -06:00
// All those options are not yet implemented - see https://github.com/mrousavy/react-native-vision-camera/issues/75
2021-03-17 12:29:03 -06:00
if (options.hasKey("photoCodec")) {
// TODO photoCodec
if (options.hasKey("qualityPrioritization")) {
// TODO qualityPrioritization
2021-02-26 02:56:20 -07:00
if (options.hasKey("enableAutoRedEyeReduction")) {
// TODO enableAutoRedEyeReduction
if (options.hasKey("enableDualCameraFusion")) {
// TODO enableDualCameraFusion
if (options.hasKey("enableAutoStabilization")) {
// TODO enableAutoStabilization
if (options.hasKey("enableAutoDistortionCorrection")) {
// TODO enableAutoDistortionCorrection
val skipMetadata = if (options.hasKey("skipMetadata")) options.getBoolean("skipMetadata") else false
2021-02-19 08:28:14 -07:00
2021-02-26 02:56:20 -07:00
val camera2Info = Camera2CameraInfo.from(camera!!.cameraInfo)
val lensFacing = camera2Info.getCameraCharacteristic(CameraCharacteristics.LENS_FACING)
2021-02-19 08:28:14 -07:00
2021-02-26 02:56:20 -07:00
val results = awaitAll(
async(coroutineContext) {
2021-05-03 11:14:19 -06:00
Log.d(CameraView.TAG, "Taking picture...")
2021-02-26 02:56:20 -07:00
val startCapture = System.nanoTime()
2021-06-07 05:08:40 -06:00
val pic = imageCapture!!.takePicture(takePhotoExecutor)
2021-02-26 02:56:20 -07:00
val endCapture = System.nanoTime()
2021-05-03 11:14:19 -06:00
Log.i(CameraView.TAG_PERF, "Finished image capture in ${(endCapture - startCapture) / 1_000_000}ms")
2021-02-26 02:56:20 -07:00
async(Dispatchers.IO) {
2021-05-03 11:14:19 -06:00
Log.d(CameraView.TAG, "Creating temp file...")
2021-02-26 02:56:20 -07:00
File.createTempFile("mrousavy", ".jpg", context.cacheDir).apply { deleteOnExit() }
2021-02-19 08:28:14 -07:00
2021-02-26 02:56:20 -07:00
val photo = results.first { it is ImageProxy } as ImageProxy
val file = results.first { it is File } as File
val exif: ExifInterface?
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
2021-05-03 11:14:19 -06:00
Log.d(CameraView.TAG, "Saving picture to ${file.absolutePath}...")
val milliseconds = measureTimeMillis {
val flipHorizontally = lensFacing == CameraCharacteristics.LENS_FACING_FRONT
photo.save(file, flipHorizontally)
Log.i(CameraView.TAG_PERF, "Finished image saving in ${milliseconds}ms")
2021-02-26 02:56:20 -07:00
// TODO: Read Exif from existing in-memory photo buffer instead of file?
exif = if (skipMetadata) null else ExifInterface(file)
2021-02-19 08:28:14 -07:00
2021-02-26 02:56:20 -07:00
val map = Arguments.createMap()
map.putString("path", file.absolutePath)
map.putInt("width", photo.width)
map.putInt("height", photo.height)
map.putBoolean("isRawPhoto", photo.isRaw)
2021-02-19 08:28:14 -07:00
2021-02-26 02:56:20 -07:00
val metadata = exif?.buildMetadataMap()
map.putMap("metadata", metadata)
2021-02-19 08:28:14 -07:00
2021-02-26 02:56:20 -07:00
2021-02-19 08:28:14 -07:00
2021-05-03 11:14:19 -06:00
Log.d(CameraView.TAG, "Finished taking photo!")
2021-02-19 08:28:14 -07:00
2021-02-26 02:56:20 -07:00
val endFunc = System.nanoTime()
2021-05-03 11:14:19 -06:00
Log.i(CameraView.TAG_PERF, "Finished function execution in ${(endFunc - startFunc) / 1_000_000}ms")
2021-02-26 02:56:20 -07:00
return@coroutineScope map
2021-02-19 08:28:14 -07:00