React Native Video (Windows)

React Native Video is currently maintained for React Native Windows (RNW) >= 0.61.

There is one implementation of react-native-video in this folder:

  1. ReactNativeVideoCPP is the currently maintained implementation:
    1. Use ReactNativeVideoCPP for RNW >= 0.62.
    2. Use ReactNativeVideoCPP61 for RNW 0.61.

Local Development Setup (RNW >= 0.61)

In order to work on ReactNativeVideoCPP, you'll need to install the Windows Development Dependencies.

In addition, react-native-video targets React Native 0.61 and React Native Windows 0.61 as dev dependencies. So in order to build ReactNativeVideoCPP locally against RNW > 0.61 you'll need to temporarily upgrade the development dependencies:

RNW >= 0.63

npm install react-native@^0.63 --only=dev
npm install react-native-windows@^0.63 --only=dev

Now you should be able to open ReactNativeVideoCPP.sln in Visual Studio and build the project.

RNW 0.62

npm install react-native@^0.62 --only=dev
npm install react-native-windows@^0.62 --only=dev

Now you should be able to open ReactNativeVideoCPP62.sln in Visual Studio and build the project.

RNW 0.61

You should be able to open ReactNativeVideoCPP61.sln in Visual Studio and build the project.