Nick Fujita 8b75438148
VEX-5682: iOS Swift Conversion (#11)
Converts ios implementation from objective-c to swift.
2021-10-27 10:35:07 +09:00

82 lines
4.4 KiB

import Foundation
import AVFoundation
import DVAssetLoaderDelegate
class RCTVideoCachingHandler: NSObject, DVAssetLoaderDelegatesDelegate {
private var _videoCache:RCTVideoCache! = RCTVideoCache.sharedInstance()
private var _playerItemPrepareText: (AVAsset?, NSDictionary?, (AVPlayerItem?)->Void) -> Void
init(_ playerItemPrepareText: @escaping (AVAsset?, NSDictionary?, (AVPlayerItem?)->Void) -> Void) {
_playerItemPrepareText = playerItemPrepareText
func playerItemForSourceUsingCache(shouldCache:Bool, textTracks:[AnyObject]?, uri:String, assetOptions:NSMutableDictionary, handler:@escaping (AVPlayerItem?)->Void) -> Bool {
if shouldCache && ((textTracks == nil) || (textTracks!.count == 0)) {
/* The DVURLAsset created by cache doesn't have a tracksWithMediaType property, so trying
* to bring in the text track code will crash. I suspect this is because the asset hasn't fully loaded.
* Until this is fixed, we need to bypass caching when text tracks are specified.
DebugLog("Caching is not supported for uri '\(uri)' because text tracks are not compatible with the cache. Checkout")
playerItemForSourceUsingCache(uri: uri, assetOptions:assetOptions, withCallback:handler)
return true
return false
func playerItemForSourceUsingCache(uri:String!, assetOptions options:NSDictionary!, withCallback handler: @escaping (AVPlayerItem?)->Void) {
let url = URL(string: uri)
_videoCache.getItemForUri(uri, withCallback:{ [weak self] (videoCacheStatus:RCTVideoCacheStatus,cachedAsset:AVAsset?) in
guard let self = self else { return }
switch (videoCacheStatus) {
case .missingFileExtension:
DebugLog("Could not generate cache key for uri '\(uri)'. It is currently not supported to cache urls that do not include a file extension. The video file will not be cached. Checkout")
let asset:AVURLAsset! = AVURLAsset(url: url!, options:options as! [String : Any])
self._playerItemPrepareText(asset, options, handler)
case .unsupportedFileExtension:
DebugLog("Could not generate cache key for uri '\(uri)'. The file extension of that uri is currently not supported. The video file will not be cached. Checkout")
let asset:AVURLAsset! = AVURLAsset(url: url!, options:options as! [String : Any])
self._playerItemPrepareText(asset, options, handler)
if let cachedAsset = cachedAsset {
DebugLog("Playing back uri '\(uri)' from cache")
// See note in playerItemForSource about not being able to support text tracks & caching
handler(AVPlayerItem(asset: cachedAsset))
let asset:DVURLAsset! = DVURLAsset(url:url, options:options as! [String : Any], networkTimeout:10000)
asset.loaderDelegate = self
/* More granular code to have control over the DVURLAsset
let resourceLoaderDelegate = DVAssetLoaderDelegate(url: url)
resourceLoaderDelegate.delegate = self
let components = NSURLComponents(url: url, resolvingAgainstBaseURL: false)
components?.scheme = DVAssetLoaderDelegate.scheme()
var asset: AVURLAsset? = nil
if let url = components?.url {
asset = AVURLAsset(url: url, options: options)
asset?.resourceLoader.setDelegate(resourceLoaderDelegate, queue: DispatchQueue.main)
handler(AVPlayerItem(asset: asset))
// MARK: - DVAssetLoaderDelegate
func dvAssetLoaderDelegate(loaderDelegate:DVAssetLoaderDelegate!, didLoadData data:NSData!, forURL url:NSURL!) {
_videoCache.storeItem(data as Data?, forUri:url.absoluteString, withCallback:{ (success:Bool) in
DebugLog("Cache data stored successfully 🎉")