Olivier Bouillet add87922a6
feat(android): add prop to control debug log level (#3277)
* feat: add prop to allow controlling of debug log level

* fix: move props parsing to safeGetters


Co-authored-by: olivier <>
2023-10-10 09:47:56 +02:00

387 lines
10 KiB

import type {
} from 'react-native';
import {NativeModules, requireNativeComponent} from 'react-native';
import {getViewManagerConfig} from './utils';
// -------- There are types for native component (future codegen) --------
// if you are looking for types for react component, see src/types/video.ts
type Headers = Record<string, string>;
type VideoSrc = Readonly<{
uri?: string;
isNetwork?: boolean;
isAsset?: boolean;
shouldCache?: boolean;
type?: string;
mainVer?: number;
patchVer?: number;
requestHeaders?: Headers;
startTime?: number;
endTime?: number;
title?: string;
subtitle?: string;
description?: string;
customImageUri?: string;
export type Filter =
| 'None'
| 'CIColorInvert'
| 'CIColorMonochrome'
| 'CIColorPosterize'
| 'CIFalseColor'
| 'CIMaximumComponent'
| 'CIMinimumComponent'
| 'CIPhotoEffectChrome'
| 'CIPhotoEffectFade'
| 'CIPhotoEffectInstant'
| 'CIPhotoEffectMono'
| 'CIPhotoEffectNoir'
| 'CIPhotoEffectProcess'
| 'CIPhotoEffectTonal'
| 'CIPhotoEffectTransfer'
| 'CISepiaTone';
export type DrmType = 'widevine' | 'playready' | 'clearkey' | 'fairplay';
type DebugConfig = Readonly<{
enable?: boolean;
thread?: boolean;
type Drm = Readonly<{
drmType?: DrmType;
licenseServer?: string;
headers?: Headers;
contentId?: string; // ios
certificateUrl?: string; // ios
base64Certificate?: boolean; // ios default: false
useExternalGetLicense?: boolean; // ios
type TextTracks = ReadonlyArray<
title: string;
language: string;
type: string;
uri: string;
type TextTrackType = 'system' | 'disabled' | 'title' | 'language' | 'index';
type SelectedTextTrack = Readonly<{
selectedTextType: TextTrackType;
value?: string;
index?: number;
type AudioTrackType = 'system' | 'disabled' | 'title' | 'language' | 'index';
type SelectedAudioTrack = Readonly<{
selectedAudioType: AudioTrackType;
value?: string;
index?: number;
export type Seek = Readonly<{
time: number;
tolerance?: number;
type BufferConfig = Readonly<{
minBufferMs?: number;
maxBufferMs?: number;
bufferForPlaybackMs?: number;
bufferForPlaybackAfterRebufferMs?: number;
maxHeapAllocationPercent?: number;
minBackBufferMemoryReservePercent?: number;
minBufferMemoryReservePercent?: number;
type SelectedVideoTrack = Readonly<{
type: 'auto' | 'disabled' | 'resolution' | 'index';
value?: number;
type SubtitleStyle = Readonly<{
fontSize?: number;
paddingTop?: number;
paddingBottom?: number;
paddingLeft?: number;
paddingRight?: number;
export type OnLoadData = Readonly<{
currentTime: number;
duration: number;
naturalSize: Readonly<{
width: number;
height: number;
orientation: 'portrait' | 'landscape';
export type OnLoadStartData = Readonly<{
isNetwork: boolean;
type: string;
uri: string;
export type OnBufferData = Readonly<{isBuffering: boolean}>;
export type OnProgressData = Readonly<{
currentTime: number;
playableDuration: number;
seekableDuration: number;
export type OnBandwidthUpdateData = Readonly<{
bitrate: number;
export type OnSeekData = Readonly<{
currentTime: number;
seekTime: number;
finished: boolean;
export type OnPlaybackStateChangedData = Readonly<{
isPlaying: boolean;
export type OnTimedMetadataData = Readonly<{
metadata: ReadonlyArray<
value?: string;
identifier: string;
export type OnAudioTracksData = Readonly<{
audioTracks: ReadonlyArray<
index: number;
title?: string;
language?: string;
bitrate?: number;
type?: string;
selected?: boolean;
export type OnTextTracksData = Readonly<{
textTracks: ReadonlyArray<
index: number;
title?: string;
language?: string;
* iOS only supports VTT, Android supports all 3
type?: 'srt' | 'ttml' | 'vtt';
selected?: boolean;
export type OnVideoTracksData = Readonly<{
videoTracks: ReadonlyArray<
trackId: number;
codecs?: string;
width?: number;
height?: number;
bitrate?: number;
selected?: boolean;
export type OnPlaybackData = Readonly<{
playbackRate: number;
export type OnExternalPlaybackChangeData = Readonly<{
isExternalPlaybackActive: boolean;
export type OnGetLicenseData = Readonly<{
licenseUrl: string;
contentId: string;
spcBase64: string;
export type OnPictureInPictureStatusChangedData = Readonly<{
isActive: boolean;
export type OnReceiveAdEventData = Readonly<{
event: string;
export type OnVideoErrorData = Readonly<{
error: string;
export type OnAudioFocusChangedData = Readonly<{
hasFocus: boolean;
export type NativeVideoResizeMode = unknown;
export interface VideoNativeProps extends ViewProps {
src?: VideoSrc;
drm?: Drm;
adTagUrl?: string;
allowsExternalPlayback?: boolean; // ios, true
maxBitRate?: number;
resizeMode?: NativeVideoResizeMode;
repeat?: boolean;
automaticallyWaitsToMinimizeStalling?: boolean;
textTracks?: TextTracks;
selectedTextTrack?: SelectedTextTrack;
selectedAudioTrack?: SelectedAudioTrack;
paused?: boolean;
muted?: boolean;
controls?: boolean;
filter?: Filter;
filterEnabled?: boolean;
volume?: number; // default 1.0
playInBackground?: boolean;
preventsDisplaySleepDuringVideoPlayback?: boolean;
preferredForwardBufferDuration?: number; //ios, 0
playWhenInactive?: boolean; // ios, false
pictureInPicture?: boolean; // ios, false
ignoreSilentSwitch?: 'inherit' | 'ignore' | 'obey'; // ios, 'inherit'
mixWithOthers?: 'inherit' | 'mix' | 'duck'; // ios, 'inherit'
rate?: number;
fullscreen?: boolean; // ios, false
fullscreenAutorotate?: boolean;
fullscreenOrientation?: 'all' | 'landscape' | 'portrait';
progressUpdateInterval?: number;
restoreUserInterfaceForPIPStopCompletionHandler?: boolean;
localSourceEncryptionKeyScheme?: string;
debug?: DebugConfig;
backBufferDurationMs?: number; // Android
bufferConfig?: BufferConfig; // Android
contentStartTime?: number; // Android
currentPlaybackTime?: number; // Android
disableDisconnectError?: boolean; // Android
focusable?: boolean; // Android
hideShutterView?: boolean; // Android
minLoadRetryCount?: number; // Android
reportBandwidth?: boolean; //Android
selectedVideoTrack?: SelectedVideoTrack; // android
subtitleStyle?: SubtitleStyle; // android
trackId?: string; // Android
useTextureView?: boolean; // Android
useSecureView?: boolean; // Android
onVideoLoad?: (event: NativeSyntheticEvent<OnLoadData>) => void;
onVideoLoadStart?: (event: NativeSyntheticEvent<OnLoadStartData>) => void;
onVideoBuffer?: (event: NativeSyntheticEvent<OnBufferData>) => void;
onVideoError?: (event: NativeSyntheticEvent<OnVideoErrorData>) => void;
onVideoProgress?: (event: NativeSyntheticEvent<OnProgressData>) => void;
onBandwidthUpdate?: (
event: NativeSyntheticEvent<OnBandwidthUpdateData>,
) => void;
onVideoSeek?: (event: NativeSyntheticEvent<OnSeekData>) => void;
onVideoEnd?: (event: NativeSyntheticEvent<Readonly<object>>) => void; // all
onVideoAudioBecomingNoisy?: (
event: NativeSyntheticEvent<Readonly<object>>,
) => void;
onVideoFullscreenPlayerWillPresent?: (
event: NativeSyntheticEvent<Readonly<object>>,
) => void; // ios, android
onVideoFullscreenPlayerDidPresent?: (
event: NativeSyntheticEvent<Readonly<object>>,
) => void; // ios, android
onVideoFullscreenPlayerWillDismiss?: (
event: NativeSyntheticEvent<Readonly<object>>,
) => void; // ios, android
onVideoFullscreenPlayerDidDismiss?: (
event: NativeSyntheticEvent<Readonly<object>>,
) => void; // ios, android
onReadyForDisplay?: (event: NativeSyntheticEvent<Readonly<object>>) => void;
onPlaybackRateChange?: (event: NativeSyntheticEvent<OnPlaybackData>) => void; // all
onVideoExternalPlaybackChange?: (
event: NativeSyntheticEvent<OnExternalPlaybackChangeData>,
) => void;
onGetLicense?: (event: NativeSyntheticEvent<OnGetLicenseData>) => void;
onPictureInPictureStatusChanged?: (
event: NativeSyntheticEvent<OnPictureInPictureStatusChangedData>,
) => void;
onRestoreUserInterfaceForPictureInPictureStop?: (
event: NativeSyntheticEvent<Readonly<object>>,
) => void;
onReceiveAdEvent?: (
event: NativeSyntheticEvent<OnReceiveAdEventData>,
) => void;
onVideoPlaybackStateChanged?: (
event: NativeSyntheticEvent<OnPlaybackStateChangedData>,
) => void; // android only
onVideoIdle?: (event: NativeSyntheticEvent<object>) => void; // android only (nowhere in document, so do not use as props. just type declaration)
onAudioFocusChanged?: (
event: NativeSyntheticEvent<OnAudioFocusChangedData>,
) => void; // android only (nowhere in document, so do not use as props. just type declaration)
onTimedMetadata?: (event: NativeSyntheticEvent<OnTimedMetadataData>) => void; // ios, android
onAudioTracks?: (event: NativeSyntheticEvent<OnAudioTracksData>) => void; // android
onTextTracks?: (event: NativeSyntheticEvent<OnTextTracksData>) => void; // android
onVideoTracks?: (event: NativeSyntheticEvent<OnVideoTracksData>) => void; // android
export type VideoComponentType = HostComponent<VideoNativeProps>;
export interface VideoManagerType {
save: (reactTag: number) => Promise<void>;
setPlayerPauseState: (paused: boolean, reactTag: number) => Promise<void>;
setLicenseResult: (
result: string,
licenseUrl: string,
reactTag: number,
) => Promise<void>;
setLicenseResultError: (
error: string,
licenseUrl: string,
reactTag: number,
) => Promise<void>;
export interface VideoDecoderPropertiesType {
getWidevineLevel: () => Promise<number>;
isCodecSupported: (
mimeType: string,
width: number,
height: number,
) => Promise<'unsupported' | 'hardware' | 'software'>;
isHEVCSupported: () => Promise<'unsupported' | 'hardware' | 'software'>;
export type VideoViewManagerConfig = {
Constants: {
ScaleNone: unknown;
ScaleToFill: unknown;
ScaleAspectFit: unknown;
ScaleAspectFill: unknown;
Commands: {[key: string]: number};
export const VideoManager = NativeModules.VideoManager as VideoManagerType;
export const VideoDecoderProperties =
NativeModules.VideoDecoderProperties as VideoDecoderPropertiesType;
export const RCTVideoConstants = (
getViewManagerConfig('RCTVideo') as VideoViewManagerConfig
export default requireNativeComponent<VideoNativeProps>(
) as VideoComponentType;