# A `<Video>` component for React Native

## About
`react-native-video` is a React Native library that provides a Video component that renders media content such as videos and streams

## Alpha Information
> ⚠️ **Version 6 Alpha**: The following documentation may refer to features only available through the v6.0.0 alpha releases, [please see version 5.2.x](https://github.com/react-native-video/react-native-video/blob/v5.2.0/README.md) for the current documentation!

Version 6.x recommends react-native >= 0.68.2.

For older versions of react-native, [please use version 5.x](https://github.com/react-native-video/react-native-video/tree/v5.2.0).

## Usage

// Load the module

import Video, {VideoRef} from 'react-native-video';

// Within your render function, assuming you have a file called
// "background.mp4" in your project. You can include multiple videos
// on a single screen if you like.

const VideoPlayer = () => {
 const videoRef = useRef<VideoRef>(null);
 const background = require('./background.mp4');

 return (
    // Can be a URL or a local file.
    // Store reference  
    // Callback when remote video is buffering                                      
    // Callback when video cannot be loaded              

// Later on in your styles..
var styles = StyleSheet.create({
  backgroundVideo: {
    position: 'absolute',
    top: 0,
    left: 0,
    bottom: 0,
    right: 0,

### Version 6.0.0 breaking changes

Version 6.0.0 is introducing dozens of breaking changes, mostly through updated dependencies and significant refactoring. While the API remains compatible, the significant internal changes require full testing with your app to ensure all functionality remains operational. Please view the [Changelog](CHANGELOG.md) for specific breaking changes.  

### Installing Version 6.0.0 Alphas

Whilst we finalise version 6.0.0 you can install the latest alpha from npm

Using npm:


npm install --save react-native-video@alpha


using yarn:


yarn add react-native-video@alpha
