import {withAndroidManifest, type ConfigPlugin} from '@expo/config-plugins'; export const withNotificationControls: ConfigPlugin = ( c, enableNotificationControls, ) => { return withAndroidManifest(c, (config) => { const manifest = config.modResults.manifest; if (!enableNotificationControls) { return config; } if (!manifest.application) { console.warn( 'AndroidManifest.xml is missing an element - skipping adding notification controls related config.', ); return config; } // Add the service to the AndroidManifest.xml => { if (!application.service) { application.service = []; } application.service.push({ $: { 'android:name': 'com.brentvatne.exoplayer.VideoPlaybackService', 'android:exported': 'false', // @ts-expect-error: 'android:foregroundServiceType' does not exist in type 'ManifestServiceAttributes'. 'android:foregroundServiceType': 'mediaPlayback', }, 'intent-filter': [ { action: [ { $: { 'android:name': 'androidx.media3.session.MediaSessionService', }, }, ], }, ], }); return application; }); return config; }); };