import type {Component, RefObject, ComponentClass} from 'react'; import {Image, findNodeHandle, type ImageSourcePropType} from 'react-native'; import type {ReactVideoSource, ReactVideoSourceProperties} from './types/video'; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any export function generateHeaderForNative(obj?: Record) { if (!obj) { return []; } return Object.entries(obj).map(([key, value]) => ({key, value})); } type Source = ImageSourcePropType | ReactVideoSource; export function resolveAssetSourceForVideo( source: Source, ): ReactVideoSourceProperties { // will convert source id to uri const convertToUri = (sourceItem: number): string | undefined => { const resolveItem = Image.resolveAssetSource(sourceItem); if (resolveItem) { return resolveItem.uri; } else { console.warn('cannot resolve item ', sourceItem); return undefined; } }; // This is deprecated, but we need to support it for backward compatibility if (typeof source === 'number') { return { uri: convertToUri(source), }; } if ('uri' in source && typeof source.uri === 'number') { return { ...source, uri: convertToUri(source.uri), }; } return source as ReactVideoSourceProperties; } export function getReactTag( ref: RefObject< | Component | ComponentClass | null >, ): number { if (!ref.current) { throw new Error('Video Component is not mounted'); } const reactTag = findNodeHandle(ref.current); if (!reactTag) { throw new Error( 'Cannot find reactTag for Video Component in components tree', ); } return reactTag; }