import type {ISO639_1} from './language'; import type {ReactVideoEvents} from './events'; import type { ImageProps, StyleProp, ViewProps, ViewStyle, ImageRequireSource, ImageURISource, } from 'react-native'; import type {ReactNode} from 'react'; import type VideoResizeMode from './ResizeMode'; import type FilterType from './FilterType'; import type ViewType from './ViewType'; export type Headers = Record; export type EnumValues = T extends string ? `${T}` | T : T; export type ReactVideoSourceProperties = { uri?: string; isNetwork?: boolean; isAsset?: boolean; shouldCache?: boolean; type?: string; mainVer?: number; patchVer?: number; headers?: Headers; startPosition?: number; cropStart?: number; cropEnd?: number; metadata?: VideoMetadata; drm?: Drm; cmcd?: Cmcd; // android textTracksAllowChunklessPreparation?: boolean; }; export type ReactVideoSource = Readonly< Omit & { uri?: string | NodeRequire; } >; export type ReactVideoPosterSource = ImageURISource | ImageRequireSource; export type ReactVideoPoster = Omit & { // prevents giving source in the array source?: ReactVideoPosterSource; }; export type VideoMetadata = Readonly<{ title?: string; subtitle?: string; description?: string; artist?: string; imageUri?: string; }>; export type DebugConfig = Readonly<{ enable?: boolean; thread?: boolean; }>; export enum DRMType { WIDEVINE = 'widevine', PLAYREADY = 'playready', CLEARKEY = 'clearkey', FAIRPLAY = 'fairplay', } export type Drm = Readonly<{ type?: DRMType; licenseServer?: string; headers?: Headers; contentId?: string; // ios certificateUrl?: string; // ios base64Certificate?: boolean; // ios default: false multiDrm?: boolean; // android /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */ getLicense?: ( spcBase64: string, contentId: string, licenseUrl: string, loadedLicenseUrl: string, ) => string | Promise; // ios /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */ }>; export enum CmcdMode { MODE_REQUEST_HEADER = 0, MODE_QUERY_PARAMETER = 1, } /** * Custom key names MUST carry a hyphenated prefix to ensure that there will not be a * namespace collision with future revisions to this specification. Clients SHOULD * use a reverse-DNS syntax when defining their own prefix. * * @see CTA-5004 Specification (Page 6, Section 3.1) */ export type CmcdData = Record<`${string}-${string}`, string | number>; export type CmcdConfiguration = Readonly<{ mode?: CmcdMode; // default: MODE_QUERY_PARAMETER request?: CmcdData; session?: CmcdData; object?: CmcdData; status?: CmcdData; }>; export type Cmcd = boolean | CmcdConfiguration; export enum BufferingStrategyType { DEFAULT = 'Default', DISABLE_BUFFERING = 'DisableBuffering', DEPENDING_ON_MEMORY = 'DependingOnMemory', } export type BufferConfigLive = { maxPlaybackSpeed?: number; minPlaybackSpeed?: number; maxOffsetMs?: number; minOffsetMs?: number; targetOffsetMs?: number; }; export type BufferConfig = { minBufferMs?: number; maxBufferMs?: number; bufferForPlaybackMs?: number; bufferForPlaybackAfterRebufferMs?: number; backBufferDurationMs?: number; // Android maxHeapAllocationPercent?: number; minBackBufferMemoryReservePercent?: number; minBufferMemoryReservePercent?: number; cacheSizeMB?: number; live?: BufferConfigLive; }; export enum SelectedTrackType { SYSTEM = 'system', DISABLED = 'disabled', TITLE = 'title', LANGUAGE = 'language', INDEX = 'index', } export type SelectedTrack = { type: SelectedTrackType; value?: string | number; }; export enum SelectedVideoTrackType { AUTO = 'auto', DISABLED = 'disabled', RESOLUTION = 'resolution', INDEX = 'index', } export type SelectedVideoTrack = { type: SelectedVideoTrackType; value?: string | number; }; export type SubtitleStyle = { fontSize?: number; paddingTop?: number; paddingBottom?: number; paddingLeft?: number; paddingRight?: number; opacity?: number; }; export enum TextTrackType { SUBRIP = 'application/x-subrip', TTML = 'application/ttml+xml', VTT = 'text/vtt', } export type TextTracks = { title: string; language: ISO639_1; type: TextTrackType; uri: string; }[]; export type TextTrackSelectionType = | 'system' | 'disabled' | 'title' | 'language' | 'index'; export type SelectedTextTrack = Readonly<{ type: TextTrackSelectionType; value?: string | number; }>; export type AudioTrackSelectionType = | 'system' | 'disabled' | 'title' | 'language' | 'index'; export type SelectedAudioTrack = Readonly<{ type: AudioTrackSelectionType; value?: string | number; }>; export type Chapters = { title: string; startTime: number; endTime: number; uri?: string; }; export enum FullscreenOrientationType { ALL = 'all', LANDSCAPE = 'landscape', PORTRAIT = 'portrait', } export enum IgnoreSilentSwitchType { INHERIT = 'inherit', IGNORE = 'ignore', OBEY = 'obey', } export enum MixWithOthersType { INHERIT = 'inherit', MIX = 'mix', DUCK = 'duck', } export enum PosterResizeModeType { CONTAIN = 'contain', CENTER = 'center', COVER = 'cover', NONE = 'none', REPEAT = 'repeat', STRETCH = 'stretch', } export type AudioOutput = 'speaker' | 'earpiece'; export type ControlsStyles = { hideSeekBar?: boolean; hideDuration?: boolean; seekIncrementMS?: number; }; export interface ReactVideoProps extends ReactVideoEvents, ViewProps { source?: ReactVideoSource; /** @deprecated */ drm?: Drm; style?: StyleProp; adTagUrl?: string; audioOutput?: AudioOutput; // Mobile automaticallyWaitsToMinimizeStalling?: boolean; // iOS bufferConfig?: BufferConfig; // Android bufferingStrategy?: BufferingStrategyType; chapters?: Chapters[]; // iOS contentStartTime?: number; // Android controls?: boolean; currentPlaybackTime?: number; // Android disableFocus?: boolean; disableDisconnectError?: boolean; // Android filter?: EnumValues; // iOS filterEnabled?: boolean; // iOS focusable?: boolean; // Android fullscreen?: boolean; // iOS fullscreenAutorotate?: boolean; // iOS fullscreenOrientation?: EnumValues; // iOS hideShutterView?: boolean; // Android ignoreSilentSwitch?: EnumValues; // iOS minLoadRetryCount?: number; // Android maxBitRate?: number; mixWithOthers?: EnumValues; // iOS muted?: boolean; paused?: boolean; pictureInPicture?: boolean; // iOS playInBackground?: boolean; playWhenInactive?: boolean; // iOS poster?: string | ReactVideoPoster; // string is deprecated /** @deprecated use **resizeMode** key in **poster** props instead */ posterResizeMode?: EnumValues; preferredForwardBufferDuration?: number; // iOS preventsDisplaySleepDuringVideoPlayback?: boolean; progressUpdateInterval?: number; rate?: number; renderLoader?: ReactNode; repeat?: boolean; reportBandwidth?: boolean; //Android resizeMode?: EnumValues; showNotificationControls?: boolean; // Android, iOS selectedAudioTrack?: SelectedTrack; selectedTextTrack?: SelectedTrack; selectedVideoTrack?: SelectedVideoTrack; // android subtitleStyle?: SubtitleStyle; // android shutterColor?: string; // Android textTracks?: TextTracks; testID?: string; viewType?: ViewType; /** @deprecated */ useTextureView?: boolean; // Android /** @deprecated */ useSecureView?: boolean; // Android volume?: number; localSourceEncryptionKeyScheme?: string; debug?: DebugConfig; allowsExternalPlayback?: boolean; // iOS controlsStyles?: ControlsStyles; // Android }