import AVFoundation import DVAssetLoaderDelegate import Foundation import Promises class RCTVideoCachingHandler: NSObject, DVAssetLoaderDelegatesDelegate { private var _videoCache: RCTVideoCache! = RCTVideoCache.sharedInstance() var playerItemPrepareText: ((AVAsset?, NSDictionary?, String) -> Promise<AVPlayerItem>)? override init() { super.init() } func shouldCache(source: VideoSource, textTracks: [TextTrack]?) -> Bool { if source.isNetwork && source.shouldCache && ((textTracks == nil) || (textTracks!.isEmpty)) { /* The DVURLAsset created by cache doesn't have a tracksWithMediaType property, so trying * to bring in the text track code will crash. I suspect this is because the asset hasn't fully loaded. * Until this is fixed, we need to bypass caching when text tracks are specified. */ DebugLog(""" Caching is not supported for uri '\(source.uri)' because text tracks are not compatible with the cache. Checkout """) return true } return false } func playerItemForSourceUsingCache(uri: String!, assetOptions options: NSDictionary!) -> Promise<AVPlayerItem> { let url = URL(string: uri) return getItemForUri(uri) .then { [weak self] (videoCacheStatus: RCTVideoCacheStatus, cachedAsset: AVAsset?) -> Promise<AVPlayerItem> in guard let self, let playerItemPrepareText = self.playerItemPrepareText else { throw NSError(domain: "", code: 0, userInfo: nil) } switch videoCacheStatus { case .missingFileExtension: DebugLog(""" Could not generate cache key for uri '\(uri)'. It is currently not supported to cache urls that do not include a file extension. The video file will not be cached. Checkout """) let asset: AVURLAsset! = AVURLAsset(url: url!, options: options as! [String: Any]) return playerItemPrepareText(asset, options, "") case .unsupportedFileExtension: DebugLog(""" Could not generate cache key for uri '\(uri)'. The file extension of that uri is currently not supported. The video file will not be cached. Checkout """) let asset: AVURLAsset! = AVURLAsset(url: url!, options: options as! [String: Any]) return playerItemPrepareText(asset, options, "") default: if let cachedAsset { DebugLog("Playing back uri '\(uri)' from cache") // See note in playerItemForSource about not being able to support text tracks & caching return Promise { AVPlayerItem(asset: cachedAsset) } } } let asset: DVURLAsset! = DVURLAsset(url: url, options: options as! [String: Any], networkTimeout: 10000) asset.loaderDelegate = self /* More granular code to have control over the DVURLAsset let resourceLoaderDelegate = DVAssetLoaderDelegate(url: url) resourceLoaderDelegate.delegate = self let components = NSURLComponents(url: url, resolvingAgainstBaseURL: false) components?.scheme = DVAssetLoaderDelegate.scheme() var asset: AVURLAsset? = nil if let url = components?.url { asset = AVURLAsset(url: url, options: options) } asset?.resourceLoader.setDelegate(resourceLoaderDelegate, queue: DispatchQueue.main) */ return Promise { AVPlayerItem(asset: asset) } }.then { playerItem -> AVPlayerItem in return playerItem } } func getItemForUri(_ uri: String) -> Promise<(videoCacheStatus: RCTVideoCacheStatus, cachedAsset: AVAsset?)> { return Promise<(videoCacheStatus: RCTVideoCacheStatus, cachedAsset: AVAsset?)> { fulfill, _ in self._videoCache.getItemForUri(uri, withCallback: { (videoCacheStatus: RCTVideoCacheStatus, cachedAsset: AVAsset?) in fulfill((videoCacheStatus, cachedAsset)) }) } } // MARK: - DVAssetLoaderDelegate func dvAssetLoaderDelegate(_: DVAssetLoaderDelegate!, didLoad data: Data!, for url: URL!) { _videoCache.storeItem(data as Data?, forUri: url.absoluteString, withCallback: { (_: Bool) in DebugLog("Cache data stored successfully 🎉") }) } }