'use strict'; import React, {Component} from 'react'; import { Text, TouchableOpacity, View, ActivityIndicator, ToastAndroid, Platform, Alert, } from 'react-native'; import Video, { AudioTrack, OnAudioTracksData, OnLoadData, OnProgressData, OnTextTracksData, OnVideoAspectRatioData, TextTrack, VideoDecoderProperties, OnBufferData, OnAudioFocusChangedData, OnVideoErrorData, VideoRef, ResizeMode, SelectedTrack, DRMType, OnTextTrackDataChangedData, TextTrackType, ISO639_1, OnSeekData, OnPlaybackStateChangedData, OnPlaybackRateChangeData, OnVideoTracksData, VideoTrack, SelectedVideoTrackType, SelectedVideoTrack, BufferingStrategyType, ReactVideoSource, Drm, TextTracks, } from 'react-native-video'; import ToggleControl from './ToggleControl'; import MultiValueControl, { MultiValueControlPropType, } from './MultiValueControl'; import styles from './styles'; import AudioTrackSelector from './components/AudioTracksSelector'; import TextTrackSelector from './components/TextTracksSelector'; import VideoTrackSelector from './components/VideoTracksSelector'; import Seeker from './components/Seeker'; type AdditionnalSourceInfo = { textTracks: TextTracks; adTagUrl: string; description: string; drm: Drm; noView: boolean; }; type SampleVideoSource = ReactVideoSource | AdditionnalSourceInfo; interface StateType { rate: number; volume: number; muted: boolean; resizeMode: ResizeMode; duration: number; currentTime: number; videoWidth: number; videoHeight: number; paused: boolean; fullscreen: true; decoration: true; isLoading: boolean; audioTracks: Array; textTracks: Array; videoTracks: Array; selectedAudioTrack: SelectedTrack | undefined; selectedTextTrack: SelectedTrack | undefined; selectedVideoTrack: SelectedVideoTrack; srcListId: number; loop: boolean; showRNVControls: boolean; useCache: boolean; poster?: string; showNotificationControls: boolean; isSeeking: boolean; } class VideoPlayer extends Component { state: StateType = { rate: 1, volume: 1, muted: false, resizeMode: ResizeMode.CONTAIN, duration: 0.0, currentTime: 0.0, videoWidth: 0, videoHeight: 0, paused: false, fullscreen: true, decoration: true, isLoading: false, audioTracks: [], textTracks: [], videoTracks: [], selectedAudioTrack: undefined, selectedTextTrack: undefined, selectedVideoTrack: { type: SelectedVideoTrackType.AUTO, }, srcListId: 0, loop: false, showRNVControls: false, useCache: false, poster: undefined, showNotificationControls: false, isSeeking: false, }; // internal usage change to index if you want to select tracks by index instead of lang textTracksSelectionBy = 'index'; srcAllPlatformList = [ { description: 'local file landscape', uri: require('./broadchurch.mp4'), }, { description: 'local file landscape cropped', uri: require('./broadchurch.mp4'), cropStart: 3000, cropEnd: 10000, }, { description: 'local file portrait', uri: require('./portrait.mp4'), metadata: { title: 'Test Title', subtitle: 'Test Subtitle', artist: 'Test Artist', description: 'Test Description', imageUri: 'https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1498641868397191170/6qW2XkuI_400x400.png', }, }, { description: '(hls|live) red bull tv', uri: 'https://rbmn-live.akamaized.net/hls/live/590964/BoRB-AT/master_928.m3u8', metadata: { title: 'Custom Title', subtitle: 'Custom Subtitle', artist: 'Custom Artist', description: 'Custom Description', imageUri: 'https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1498641868397191170/6qW2XkuI_400x400.png', }, }, { description: 'invalid URL', uri: 'mmt://www.youtube.com', type: 'mpd', }, {description: '(no url) Stopped playback', uri: undefined}, { description: '(no view) no View', noView: true, }, { description: 'Another live sample', uri: 'https://live.forstreet.cl/live/livestream.m3u8', }, { description: 'another bunny (can be saved)', uri: 'https://rawgit.com/mediaelement/mediaelement-files/master/big_buck_bunny.mp4', headers: {referer: 'www.github.com', 'User-Agent': 'react.native.video'}, }, { description: 'sintel with subtitles', uri: 'https://bitmovin-a.akamaihd.net/content/sintel/hls/playlist.m3u8', }, { description: 'sintel starts at 20sec', uri: 'https://bitmovin-a.akamaihd.net/content/sintel/hls/playlist.m3u8', startPosition: 50000, }, { description: 'BigBugBunny sideLoaded subtitles', // sideloaded subtitles wont work for streaming like HLS on ios // mp4 uri: 'https://d23dyxeqlo5psv.cloudfront.net/big_buck_bunny.mp4', textTracks: [ { title: 'test', language: 'en' as ISO639_1, type: TextTrackType.VTT, uri: 'https://bitdash-a.akamaihd.net/content/sintel/subtitles/subtitles_en.vtt', }, ], }, ]; srcIosList = []; srcAndroidList = [ { description: 'Another live sample', uri: 'https://live.forstreet.cl/live/livestream.m3u8', }, { description: 'asset file', uri: 'asset:///broadchurch.mp4', }, { description: '(dash) sintel subtitles', uri: 'https://bitmovin-a.akamaihd.net/content/sintel/sintel.mpd', }, { description: '(mp4) big buck bunny', uri: 'http://d23dyxeqlo5psv.cloudfront.net/big_buck_bunny.mp4', }, { description: '(mp4|subtitles) demo with sintel Subtitles', uri: 'http://www.youtube.com/api/manifest/dash/id/bf5bb2419360daf1/source/youtube?as=fmp4_audio_clear,fmp4_sd_hd_clear&sparams=ip,ipbits,expire,source,id,as&ip=', type: 'mpd', }, { description: '(mp4) big buck bunny With Ads', adTagUrl: 'https://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/ads?iu=/21775744923/external/vmap_ad_samples&sz=640x480&cust_params=sample_ar%3Dpremidpostoptimizedpodbumper&ciu_szs=300x250&gdfp_req=1&ad_rule=1&output=vmap&unviewed_position_start=1&env=vp&impl=s&cmsid=496&vid=short_onecue&correlator=', uri: 'http://d23dyxeqlo5psv.cloudfront.net/big_buck_bunny.mp4', }, { description: 'WV: Secure SD & HD (cbcs,MP4,H264)', uri: 'https://storage.googleapis.com/wvmedia/cbcs/h264/tears/tears_aes_cbcs.mpd', drm: { type: DRMType.WIDEVINE, licenseServer: 'https://proxy.uat.widevine.com/proxy?provider=widevine_test', }, }, { description: 'Secure UHD (cenc)', uri: 'https://storage.googleapis.com/wvmedia/cenc/h264/tears/tears_uhd.mpd', drm: { type: DRMType.WIDEVINE, licenseServer: 'https://proxy.uat.widevine.com/proxy?provider=widevine_test', }, }, { description: 'rtsp big bug bunny', uri: 'rtsp://rtspstream:3cfa3c36a9c00f4aa38f3cd35816b287@zephyr.rtsp.stream/movie', type: 'rtsp', }, ]; // poster which can be displayed samplePoster = 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/18/React_Native_Logo.png'; srcList: SampleVideoSource[] = this.srcAllPlatformList.concat( Platform.OS === 'android' ? this.srcAndroidList : this.srcIosList, ); video?: VideoRef; popupInfo = () => { VideoDecoderProperties.getWidevineLevel().then((widevineLevel: number) => { VideoDecoderProperties.isHEVCSupported().then((hevc: string) => { VideoDecoderProperties.isCodecSupported('video/avc', 1920, 1080).then( (avc: string) => { this.toast( true, 'Widevine level: ' + widevineLevel + '\n hevc: ' + hevc + '\n avc: ' + avc, ); }, ); }); }); }; onLoad = (data: OnLoadData) => { this.setState({duration: data.duration, loading: false}); this.onAudioTracks(data); this.onTextTracks(data); this.onVideoTracks(data); }; onProgress = (data: OnProgressData) => { this.setState({currentTime: data.currentTime}); }; onSeek = (data: OnSeekData) => { this.setState({isSeeking: false}); this.setState({currentTime: data.currentTime}); }; onVideoLoadStart = () => { console.log('onVideoLoadStart'); this.setState({isLoading: true}); }; onAudioTracks = (data: OnAudioTracksData) => { const selectedTrack = data.audioTracks?.find((x: AudioTrack) => { return x.selected; }); if (selectedTrack?.index) { this.setState({ audioTracks: data.audioTracks, selectedAudioTrack: { type: SelectedVideoTrackType.INDEX, value: selectedTrack?.index, }, }); } else { this.setState({ audioTracks: data.audioTracks, }); } }; onVideoTracks = (data: OnVideoTracksData) => { console.log('onVideoTracks', data.videoTracks); this.setState({ videoTracks: data.videoTracks, }); }; onTextTracks = (data: OnTextTracksData) => { const selectedTrack = data.textTracks?.find((x: TextTrack) => { return x?.selected; }); if (selectedTrack?.language) { this.setState({ textTracks: data.textTracks, selectedTextTrack: this.textTracksSelectionBy === 'index' ? { type: 'index', value: selectedTrack?.index, } : { type: 'language', value: selectedTrack?.language, }, }); } else { this.setState({ textTracks: data.textTracks, }); } }; onTextTrackDataChanged = (data: OnTextTrackDataChangedData) => { console.log(`Subtitles: ${JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}`); }; onAspectRatio = (data: OnVideoAspectRatioData) => { console.log('onAspectRadio called ' + JSON.stringify(data)); this.setState({ videoWidth: data.width, videoHeight: data.height, }); }; onVideoBuffer = (param: OnBufferData) => { console.log('onVideoBuffer'); this.setState({isLoading: param.isBuffering}); }; onReadyForDisplay = () => { console.log('onReadyForDisplay'); this.setState({isLoading: false}); }; onAudioBecomingNoisy = () => { this.setState({paused: true}); }; onAudioFocusChanged = (event: OnAudioFocusChangedData) => { this.setState({paused: !event.hasAudioFocus}); }; toast = (visible: boolean, message: string) => { if (visible) { if (Platform.OS === 'android') { ToastAndroid.showWithGravityAndOffset( message, ToastAndroid.LONG, ToastAndroid.BOTTOM, 25, 50, ); } else { Alert.alert(message, message); } } }; onError = (err: OnVideoErrorData) => { console.log(JSON.stringify(err)); this.toast(true, 'error: ' + JSON.stringify(err)); }; onEnd = () => { if (!this.state.loop) { this.channelUp(); } }; onPlaybackRateChange = (data: OnPlaybackRateChangeData) => { console.log('onPlaybackRateChange', data); }; onPlaybackStateChanged = (data: OnPlaybackStateChangedData) => { console.log('onPlaybackStateChanged', data); }; toggleFullscreen() { this.setState({fullscreen: !this.state.fullscreen}); } toggleControls() { this.setState({showRNVControls: !this.state.showRNVControls}); } toggleDecoration() { this.setState({decoration: !this.state.decoration}); this.video?.setFullScreen(!this.state.decoration); } toggleShowNotificationControls() { this.setState({ showNotificationControls: !this.state.showNotificationControls, }); } goToChannel(channel: number) { this.setState({ srcListId: channel, duration: 0.0, currentTime: 0.0, videoWidth: 0, videoHeight: 0, isLoading: false, audioTracks: [], textTracks: [], selectedAudioTrack: undefined, selectedTextTrack: undefined, selectedVideoTrack: { type: SelectedVideoTrackType.AUTO, }, }); } channelUp() { console.log('channel up'); this.goToChannel((this.state.srcListId + 1) % this.srcList.length); } channelDown() { console.log('channel down'); this.goToChannel( (this.state.srcListId + this.srcList.length - 1) % this.srcList.length, ); } videoSeek(position: number) { this.setState({isSeeking: true}); this.video?.seek(position); } renderSeekBar() { return ( this.videoSeek(prop)} isUISeeking={this.state.isSeeking} /> ); } IndicatorLoadingView() { if (this.state.isLoading) { return ( ); } else { return ; } } renderTopControl() { return ( {(this.srcList[this.state.srcListId] as AdditionnalSourceInfo) ?.description || 'local file'} { this.toggleControls(); }}> {this.state.showRNVControls ? 'Hide controls' : 'Show controls'} ); } onRateSelected = (value: MultiValueControlPropType) => { this.setState({rate: value}); }; onVolumeSelected = (value: MultiValueControlPropType) => { this.setState({volume: value}); }; onResizeModeSelected = (value: MultiValueControlPropType) => { this.setState({resizeMode: value}); }; onSelectedAudioTrackChange = (itemValue: string) => { console.log('on audio value change ' + itemValue); if (itemValue === 'none') { this.setState({ selectedAudioTrack: SelectedVideoTrackType.DISABLED, }); } else { this.setState({ selectedAudioTrack: { type: SelectedVideoTrackType.INDEX, value: itemValue, }, }); } }; onSelectedTextTrackChange = (itemValue: string) => { console.log('on value change ' + itemValue); this.setState({ selectedTextTrack: { type: this.textTracksSelectionBy === 'index' ? 'index' : 'language', value: itemValue, }, }); }; onSelectedVideoTrackChange = (itemValue: string) => { console.log('on value change ' + itemValue); if (itemValue === undefined || itemValue === 'auto') { this.setState({ selectedVideoTrack: { type: SelectedVideoTrackType.AUTO, }, }); } else { this.setState({ selectedVideoTrack: { type: SelectedVideoTrackType.INDEX, value: itemValue, }, }); } }; renderOverlay() { return ( <> {this.IndicatorLoadingView()} {this.renderTopControl()} {!this.state.showRNVControls ? ( <> { this.channelDown(); }} text="ChDown" /> { this.channelUp(); }} text="ChUp" /> {Platform.OS === 'android' ? ( { this.popupInfo(); }} text="decoderInfo" /> { this.setState({useCache: !this.state.useCache}); }} selectedText="enable cache" unselectedText="disable cache" /> ) : null} { this.setState({paused: !this.state.paused}); }} selectedText="pause" unselectedText="playing" /> { this.setState({loop: !this.state.loop}); }} selectedText="loop enable" unselectedText="loop disable" /> { this.toggleFullscreen(); }} text="fullscreen" /> { this.toggleDecoration(); }} text="decoration" /> { this.setState({ poster: this.state.poster ? undefined : this.samplePoster, }); }} selectedText="poster" unselectedText="no poster" /> { this.toggleShowNotificationControls(); }} selectedText="hide notification controls" unselectedText="show notification controls" /> {/* shall be replaced by slider */} {/* shall be replaced by slider */} { this.setState({muted: !this.state.muted}); }} text="muted" /> {Platform.OS === 'ios' ? ( { this.video ?.save({}) ?.then(response => { console.log('Downloaded URI', response); }) .catch(error => { console.log('error during save ', error); }); }} text="save" /> ) : null} {this.renderSeekBar()} ) : null} ); } renderVideoView() { const viewStyle = this.state.fullscreen ? styles.fullScreen : styles.halfScreen; const currentSrc = this.srcList[this.state.srcListId]; const additionnal = currentSrc as AdditionnalSourceInfo; return ( ); } render() { return ( {(this.srcList[this.state.srcListId] as AdditionnalSourceInfo)?.noView ? null : this.renderVideoView()} {this.renderOverlay()} ); } } export default VideoPlayer;