const FIELD_MAPPINGS = { Platform: 'What platforms are you having the problem on?', Version: 'Version', SystemVersion: 'System Version', DeviceType: 'On what device are you experiencing the issue?', Architecture: 'Architecture', Description: 'What happened?', ReproductionLink: 'Reproduction Link', Reproduction: 'Reproduction', }; const PLATFORM_LABELS = { iOS: 'Platform: iOS', visionOS: 'Platform: iOS', 'Apple tvOS': 'Platform: iOS', Android: 'Platform: Android', 'Android TV': 'Platform: Android', Windows: 'Platform: Windows', web: 'Platform: Web', }; const BOT_LABELS = [ 'Missing Info', 'Repro Provided', 'Missing Repro', 'Waiting for Review', 'Newer Version Available', ...Object.values(PLATFORM_LABELS), ]; const SKIP_LABEL = 'No Validation'; const MESSAGE = { FEATURE_REQUEST: `Thank you for your feature request. We will review it and get back to you if we need more information.`, BUG_REPORT: `Thank you for your bug report. We will review it and get back to you if we need more information.`, MISSING_INFO: (missingFields) => { return `Thank you for your issue report. Please note that the following information is missing or incomplete:\n\n${missingFields .map((field) => `- ${field.replace('missing-', '')}`) .join( '\n', )}\n\nPlease update your issue with this information to help us address it more effectively. \n > Note: issues without complete information have a lower priority`; }, OUTDATED_VERSION: (issueVersion, latestVersion) => { return ( `There is a newer version of the library available. ` + `You are using version ${issueVersion}, while the latest stable version is ${latestVersion}. ` + `Please update to the latest version and check if the issue still exists.` + `\n > Note: If the issue still exists, please update the issue report with the latest information.` ); }, }; const checkLatestVersion = async () => { try { const response = await fetch( '', ); const data = await response.json(); return data.version; } catch (error) { console.error('Error checking latest version:', error); return null; } }; const getFieldValue = (body, field) => { if (!FIELD_MAPPINGS[field]) { console.warn('Field not supported:', field); return ''; } const fieldValue = FIELD_MAPPINGS[field]; const sections = body.split('###'); const section = sections.find((section) => { // Find the section that contains the field // For Reproduction, we need to make sure that we don't match Reproduction Link if (field === 'Reproduction') { return ( section.includes(fieldValue) && !section.includes('Reproduction Link') ); } return section.includes(fieldValue); }); return section ? section.replace(fieldValue, '').trim() : ''; }; const validateBugReport = async (body, labels) => { const selectedPlatforms = getFieldValue(body, 'Platform') .split(',') .map((p) => p.trim()); if (selectedPlatforms.length === 0) { labels.add('missing-platform'); } else { selectedPlatforms.forEach((platform) => { const label = PLATFORM_LABELS[platform]; if (label) { labels.add(label); } else { console.warn('Platform not supported', platform); } }); } const version = getFieldValue(body, 'Version'); if (version) { const words = version.split(' '); const versionPattern = /\d+\.\d+\.\d+/; const isVersionValid = words.some((word) => versionPattern.test(word)); if (!isVersionValid) { labels.add('missing-version'); } const latestVersion = await checkLatestVersion(); if (latestVersion && latestVersion !== version) { labels.add(`outdated-version-${version}-${latestVersion}`); } } const fields = [ { name: 'SystemVersion', invalidValue: 'What version of the system is using device that you are experiencing the issue?', }, {name: 'DeviceType'}, {name: 'Architecture'}, {name: 'Description', invalidValue: 'A bug happened!'}, {name: 'Reproduction', invalidValue: 'Step to reproduce this bug are:'}, {name: 'ReproductionLink', invalidValue: 'repository link'}, ]; fields.forEach(({name, invalidValue}) => { const value = getFieldValue(body, name); if (!value || value === invalidValue) { const fieldName = FIELD_MAPPINGS[name]; labels.add(`missing-${fieldName.toLowerCase()}`); } }); }; const validateFeatureRequest = (body, labels) => { // Implement feature request validation logic here }; const handleIssue = async ({github, context}) => { const {issue} = context.payload; const {body} = issue; const labels = new Set( =>; if (labels.has(SKIP_LABEL)) { console.log('Skiping Issue Validation'); return; } // Clear out labels that are added by the bot BOT_LABELS.forEach((label) => labels.delete(label)); const isBug = labels.has('bug'); const isFeature = labels.has('feature'); if (isFeature) { await handleFeatureRequest({github, context, body, labels}); } else if (isBug) { await handleBugReport({github, context, body, labels}); } else { console.warn('Issue is not a bug or feature request'); } await updateIssueLabels({github, context, labels}); }; const handleFeatureRequest = async ({github, context, body, labels}) => { validateFeatureRequest(body, labels); const comment = MESSAGE.FEATURE_REQUEST; await createComment({github, context, body: comment}); }; const handleBugReport = async ({github, context, body, labels}) => { await validateBugReport(body, labels); if (Array.from(labels).some((label) => label.startsWith('missing-'))) { await handleMissingInformation({github, context, labels}); } else { await handleValidReport({github, context, labels}); } }; const handleMissingInformation = async ({github, context, labels}) => { const missingFields = Array.from(labels).filter((label) => label.startsWith('missing-'), ); const outdatedVersionLabel = Array.from(labels).find((label) => label.startsWith('outdated-version'), ); if (missingFields.length > 0) { let comment = MESSAGE.MISSING_INFO(missingFields); if (outdatedVersionLabel) { const [, , issueVersion, latestVersion] = outdatedVersionLabel.split('-'); comment += `\n\n ${MESSAGE.OUTDATED_VERSION( issueVersion, latestVersion, )}`; } await hidePreviousComments({github, context}); await createComment({github, context, body: comment}); } updateLabelsForMissingInfo(labels); }; const handleValidReport = async ({github, context, labels}) => { let comment = MESSAGE.BUG_REPORT; const outdatedVersionLabel = Array.from(labels).find((label) => label.startsWith('outdated-version'), ); if (outdatedVersionLabel) { const [, , issueVersion, latestVersion] = outdatedVersionLabel.split('-'); comment += `\n\n ${MESSAGE.OUTDATED_VERSION(issueVersion, latestVersion)}`; labels.add('Newer Version Available'); } await hidePreviousComments({github, context}); await createComment({github, context, body: comment}); labels.add('Repro Provided'); labels.add('Waiting for Review'); }; const createComment = async ({github, context, body}) => { await{ owner: context.repo.owner, repo: context.repo.repo, issue_number: context.payload.issue.number, body, }); }; const updateIssueLabels = async ({github, context, labels}) => { const labelsToAdd = Array.from(labels).filter( (label) => !label.startsWith('missing-') && !label.startsWith('outdated-'), ); await{ owner: context.repo.owner, repo: context.repo.repo, issue_number: context.payload.issue.number, labels: labelsToAdd, }); }; const hidePreviousComments = async ({github, context}) => { const comments = await{ owner: context.repo.owner, repo: context.repo.repo, issue_number: context.payload.issue.number, }); const botComments = (comment) => comment.user.type === 'Bot', ); for (const comment of botComments) { // Don't format string - it will broke the markdown const hiddenBody = ` <details> <summary>Previous bot comment (click to expand)</summary> ${comment.body} </details>`; await{ owner: context.repo.owner, repo: context.repo.repo, comment_id:, body: hiddenBody, }); } }; module.exports = handleIssue;