import { BufferConfig, DRMType, ISO639_1, TextTrackType, } from 'react-native-video'; import {SampleVideoSource} from '../types'; import {localeVideo} from '../assets'; import {Platform} from 'react-native'; export const textTracksSelectionBy = 'index'; export const isIos = Platform.OS === 'ios'; export const isAndroid = Platform.OS === 'android'; export const srcAllPlatformList = [ { description: 'local file landscape', uri: localeVideo.broadchurch, }, { description: 'local file landscape cropped', uri: localeVideo.broadchurch, cropStart: 3000, cropEnd: 10000, }, { description: 'local file portrait', uri: localeVideo.portrait, metadata: { title: 'Test Title', subtitle: 'Test Subtitle', artist: 'Test Artist', description: 'Test Description', imageUri: '', }, }, { description: '(hls|live) red bull tv', textTracksAllowChunklessPreparation: false, uri: '', metadata: { title: 'Custom Title', subtitle: 'Custom Subtitle', artist: 'Custom Artist', description: 'Custom Description', imageUri: '', }, }, { description: 'invalid URL', uri: 'mmt://', type: 'mpd', }, {description: '(no url) Stopped playback', uri: undefined}, { description: '(no view) no View', noView: true, }, { description: 'Another live sample', uri: '', }, { description: 'another bunny (can be saved)', uri: '', headers: {referer: '', 'User-Agent': ''}, }, { description: 'sintel with subtitles', uri: '', }, { description: 'sintel starts at 20sec', uri: '', startPosition: 50000, }, { description: 'mp3 with texttrack', uri: '', // an mp3 file textTracks: [], // empty text track list }, { description: 'BigBugBunny sideLoaded subtitles', // sideloaded subtitles wont work for streaming like HLS on ios // mp4 uri: '', textTracks: [ { title: 'test', language: 'en' as ISO639_1, type: TextTrackType.VTT, uri: '', }, ], }, ]; export const srcIosList: SampleVideoSource[] = []; export const srcAndroidList: SampleVideoSource[] = [ { description: 'Another live sample', uri: '', }, { description: 'asset file', uri: 'asset:///broadchurch.mp4', }, { description: '(dash) sintel subtitles', uri: '', }, { description: '(mp4) big buck bunny', uri: '', }, { description: '(mp4|subtitles) demo with sintel Subtitles', uri: ',fmp4_sd_hd_clear&sparams=ip,ipbits,expire,source,id,as&ip=', type: 'mpd', }, { description: '(mp4) big buck bunny With Ads', adTagUrl: '', uri: '', }, { description: 'WV: Secure SD & HD (cbcs,MP4,H264)', uri: '', drm: { type: DRMType.WIDEVINE, licenseServer: '', }, }, { description: 'Secure UHD (cenc)', uri: '', drm: { type: DRMType.WIDEVINE, licenseServer: '', }, }, { description: 'rtsp big bug bunny', uri: 'rtsp://', type: 'rtsp', }, ]; const platformSrc: SampleVideoSource[] = isAndroid ? srcAndroidList : srcIosList; export const srcList: SampleVideoSource[] = platformSrc.concat(srcAllPlatformList); export const bufferConfig: BufferConfig = { minBufferMs: 15000, maxBufferMs: 50000, bufferForPlaybackMs: 2500, bufferForPlaybackAfterRebufferMs: 5000, live: { targetOffsetMs: 500, }, };