using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using ReactNative.UIManager; using ReactNative.UIManager.Annotations; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Media; namespace ReactNativeVideo { class ReactVideoViewManager : SimpleViewManager<ReactVideoView> { public override string Name { get { return "RCTVideo"; } } public override IReadOnlyDictionary<string, object> ExportedViewConstants { get { return new Dictionary<string, object> { { "ScaleNone", ((int)Stretch.None).ToString() }, { "ScaleToFill", ((int)Stretch.UniformToFill).ToString() }, { "ScaleAspectFit", ((int)Stretch.Uniform).ToString() }, { "ScaleAspectFill", ((int)Stretch.Fill).ToString() }, }; } } public override IReadOnlyDictionary<string, object> ExportedCustomDirectEventTypeConstants { get { var events = new Dictionary<string, object>(); var eventTypes = Enum.GetValues(typeof(ReactVideoEventType)).OfType<ReactVideoEventType>(); foreach (var eventType in eventTypes) { events.Add(eventType.GetEventName(), new Dictionary<string, object> { { "registrationName", eventType.GetEventName() }, }); } return events; } } [ReactProp("src")] public void SetSource(ReactVideoView view, JObject source) { view.Source = source.Value<string>("uri"); } [ReactProp("resizeMode")] public void SetResizeMode(ReactVideoView view, string resizeMode) { throw new NotImplementedException("Resize Mode has not been implemented for WPF."); // view.Stretch = (Stretch)int.Parse(resizeMode); } [ReactProp("repeat")] public void SetRepeat(ReactVideoView view, bool repeat) { view.IsLoopingEnabled = repeat; } [ReactProp("paused")] public void SetPaused(ReactVideoView view, bool paused) { view.IsPaused = paused; } [ReactProp("muted")] public void SetMuted(ReactVideoView view, bool muted) { view.IsMuted = muted; } [ReactProp("volume", DefaultDouble = 1.0)] public void SetVolume(ReactVideoView view, double volume) { view.Volume = volume; } [ReactProp("seek")] public void SetSeek(ReactVideoView view, double? seek) { if (seek.HasValue) { view.Seek(seek.Value); } } [ReactProp("rate", DefaultDouble = 1.0)] public void SetPlaybackRate(ReactVideoView view, double rate) { view.Rate = rate; } [ReactProp("playInBackground")] public void SetPlayInBackground(ReactVideoView view, bool playInBackground) { throw new NotImplementedException("Play in background has not been implemented on Windows."); } // TODO: Utilize MediaElement when user control enabled and MediaPlayer + VideoDrawing when disabled [ReactProp("controls")] public void SetControls(ReactVideoView view, bool controls) { throw new NotImplementedException("User controls have not been implemented on WPF."); } [ReactProp("progressUpdateInterval")] public void SetProgressUpdateInterval(ReactVideoView view, double progressUpdateInterval) { view.ProgressUpdateInterval = progressUpdateInterval; } public override void OnDropViewInstance(ThemedReactContext reactContext, ReactVideoView view) { base.OnDropViewInstance(reactContext, view); view.Dispose(); } protected override ReactVideoView CreateViewInstance(ThemedReactContext reactContext) { return new ReactVideoView { HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch, }; } } }