// @flow import { RCTEvent, RCTView, type RCTBridge } from "react-native-dom"; import shaka from "shaka-player"; import resizeModes from "./resizeModes"; import type { VideoSource } from "./types"; import RCTVideoEvent from "./RCTVideoEvent"; class RCTVideo extends RCTView { playPromise: Promise<void> = Promise.resolve(); progressTimer: number; videoElement: HTMLVideoElement; onEnd: boolean = false; onLoad: boolean = false; onLoadStart: boolean = false; onProgress: boolean = false; _paused: boolean = false; _progressUpdateInterval: number = 250.0; _savedVolume: number = 1.0; constructor(bridge: RCTBridge) { super(bridge); this.eventDispatcher = bridge.getModuleByName("EventDispatcher"); shaka.polyfill.installAll(); this.onEnd = this.onEnd.bind(this); this.onLoad = this.onLoad.bind(this); this.onLoadStart = this.onLoadStart.bind(this); this.onPlay = this.onPlay.bind(this); this.onProgress = this.onProgress.bind(this); this.videoElement = this.initializeVideoElement(); this.videoElement.addEventListener("ended", this.onEnd); this.videoElement.addEventListener("loadeddata", this.onLoad); this.videoElement.addEventListener("canplay", this.onReadyForDisplay); this.videoElement.addEventListener("loadstart", this.onLoadStart); this.videoElement.addEventListener("pause", this.onPause); this.videoElement.addEventListener("play", this.onPlay); this.player = new shaka.Player(this.videoElement); this.muted = false; this.rate = 1.0; this.volume = 1.0; this.childContainer.appendChild(this.videoElement); } detachFromView(view: UIView) { this.videoElement.removeEventListener("ended", this.onEnd); this.videoElement.removeEventListener("loadeddata", this.onLoad); this.videoElement.removeEventListener("canplay", this.onReadyForDisplay); this.videoElement.removeEventListener("loadstart", this.onLoadStart); this.videoElement.removeEventListener("pause", this.onPause); this.videoElement.removeEventListener("play", this.onPlay); this.stopProgressTimer(); } initializeVideoElement() { const elem = document.createElement("video"); Object.assign(elem.style, { display: "block", position: "absolute", top: "0", left: "0", width: "100%", height: "100%" }); return elem; } presentFullscreenPlayer() { this.videoElement.webkitRequestFullScreen(); } set controls(value: boolean) { this.videoElement.controls = value; this.videoElement.style.pointerEvents = value ? "auto" : ""; } set id(value: string) { this.videoElement.id = value; } set muted(value: boolean) { this.videoElement.muted = true; } set paused(value: boolean) { if (value) { this.videoElement.pause(); } else { this.requestPlay(); } this._paused = value; } set progressUpdateInterval(value: number) { this._progressUpdateInterval = value; this.stopProgressTimer(); if (!this._paused) { this.startProgressTimer(); } } set rate(value: number) { this.videoElement.defaultPlaybackRate = value; // playbackRate doesn't work on Chrome this.videoElement.playbackRate = value; } set repeat(value: boolean) { this.videoElement.loop = value; } set resizeMode(value: number) { switch (value) { case resizeModes.ScaleNone: { this.videoElement.style.objectFit = "none"; break; } case resizeModes.ScaleToFill: { this.videoElement.style.objectFit = "fill"; break; } case resizeModes.ScaleAspectFit: { this.videoElement.style.objectFit = "contain"; break; } case resizeModes.ScaleAspectFill: { this.videoElement.style.objectFit = "cover"; break; } } } set seek(value: number) { this.videoElement.currentTime = value; } set source(value: VideoSource) { let uri = value.uri; if (uri.startsWith("blob:")) { let blob = this.bridge.blobManager.resolveURL(uri); if (blob.type === "text/xml") { blob = new Blob([blob], { type: "video/mp4" }); } uri = URL.createObjectURL(blob); } if (!shaka.Player.isBrowserSupported()) { // primarily iOS WebKit this.videoElement.setAttribute("src", uri); if (!this._paused) { this.requestPlay(); } } else { this.player.load(uri) .then(() => { if (!this._paused) { this.requestPlay(); } }) .catch(this.onError); } } set volume(value: number) { if (value === 0) { this.muted = true; } else { this.videoElement.volume = value; this.muted = false; } } onEnd = () => { this.onProgress(); this.sendEvent("topVideoEnd", null); this.stopProgressTimer(); } onError = error => { console.warn("topVideoError", error); } onLoad = () => { // height & width are safe with audio, will be 0 const height = this.videoElement.videoHeight; const width = this.videoElement.videoWidth; const payload = { currentPosition: this.videoElement.currentTime, duration: this.videoElement.duration, naturalSize: { width, height, orientation: width >= height ? "landscape" : "portrait" } }; this.sendEvent("topVideoLoad", payload); } onReadyForDisplay = () => { this.sendEvent("onReadyForDisplay"); } onLoadStart = () => { const src = this.videoElement.currentSrc; const payload = { isNetwork: !src.match(/^https?:\/\/localhost/), // require is served from localhost uri: this.videoElement.currentSrc }; this.sendEvent("topVideoLoadStart", payload); } onPause = () => { this.stopProgressTimer(); } onPlay = () => { this.startProgressTimer(); } onProgress = () => { const payload = { currentTime: this.videoElement.currentTime, seekableDuration: this.videoElement.duration }; this.sendEvent("topVideoProgress", payload); } onRejectedAutoplay = () => { this.sendEvent("topVideoRejectedAutoplay", null); } requestPlay() { const playPromise = this.videoElement.play(); if (playPromise) { playPromise .then(() => {}) .catch(e => { /* This is likely one of: * name: NotAllowedError - autoplay is not supported * name: NotSupportedError - format is not supported */ this.onError({ code: e.name, message: e.message }); }); } } sendEvent(eventName, payload) { const event = new RCTVideoEvent(eventName, this.reactTag, 0, payload); this.eventDispatcher.sendEvent(event); } startProgressTimer() { if (!this.progressTimer && this._progressUpdateInterval) { this.onProgress(); this.progressTimer = setInterval(this.onProgress, this._progressUpdateInterval); } } stopProgressTimer() { if (this.progressTimer) { clearInterval(this.progressTimer); this.progressTimer = null; } } } customElements.define("rct-video", RCTVideo); export default RCTVideo;