import PlatformsList from '../../components/PlatformsList/PlatformsList.tsx'; # Methods This page shows the list of available methods ### `dismissFullscreenPlayer` <PlatformsList types={['Android', 'iOS', 'web']} /> `dismissFullscreenPlayer(): Promise<void>` Take the player out of fullscreen mode. > [!WARNING] > deprecated, use setFullScreen method instead ### `pause` <PlatformsList types={['Android', 'iOS', 'web']} /> `pause(): Promise<void>` Pause the video. ### `presentFullscreenPlayer` <PlatformsList types={['Android', 'iOS', 'web']} /> `presentFullscreenPlayer(): Promise<void>` Put the player in fullscreen mode. On iOS, this displays the video in a fullscreen view controller with controls. On Android, this puts the navigation controls in fullscreen mode. It is not a complete fullscreen implementation, so you will still need to apply a style that makes the width and height match your screen dimensions to get a fullscreen video. > [!WARNING] > deprecated, use setFullScreen method instead ### `resume` <PlatformsList types={['Android', 'iOS', 'web']} /> `resume(): Promise<void>` Resume the video. ### `restoreUserInterfaceForPictureInPictureStopCompleted` <PlatformsList types={['iOS']} /> `restoreUserInterfaceForPictureInPictureStopCompleted(restored)` This function corresponds to the completion handler in Apple's [restoreUserInterfaceForPictureInPictureStop]( IMPORTANT: This function must be called after `onRestoreUserInterfaceForPictureInPictureStop` is called. ### `save` <PlatformsList types={['iOS']} /> `save(): Promise<{ uri: string }>` Save video to your Photos with current filter prop. Returns promise. Notes: - Currently only supports highest quality export - Currently only supports MP4 export - Currently only supports exporting to user's cache directory with a generated UUID filename. - User will need to remove the saved video through their Photos app - Works with cached videos as well. (Checkout video-caching example) - If the video is has not began buffering (e.g. there is no internet connection) then the save function will throw an error. - If the video is buffering then the save function promise will return after the video has finished buffering and processing. Future: - Will support multiple qualities through options - Will support more formats in the future through options - Will support custom directory and file name through options ### `seek` <PlatformsList types={['All']} /> `seek(seconds)` Seek to the specified position represented by seconds. seconds is a float value. `seek()` can only be called after the `onLoad` event has fired. Once completed, the [onSeek](./events#onseek) event will be called. #### Exact seek <PlatformsList types={['iOS']} /> By default iOS seeks within 100 milliseconds of the target position. If you need more accuracy, you can use the seek with tolerance method: `seek(seconds, tolerance)` tolerance is the max distance in milliseconds from the seconds position that's allowed. Using a more exact tolerance can cause seeks to take longer. If you want to seek exactly, set tolerance to 0. ### `setVolume` <PlatformsList types={['Android', 'iOS', 'web']} /> `setVolume(value): Promise<void>` This function will change the volume exactly like [volume](./props#volume) property. default value and range are the same then. ### `getCurrentPosition` <PlatformsList types={['Android', 'iOS', 'web']} /> `getCurrentPosition(): Promise<number>` This function retrieves and returns the precise current position of the video playback, measured in seconds. This function will throw an error if player is not initialized. ### `setSource` <PlatformsList types={['Android', 'iOS']} /> `setSource(source: ReactVideoSource): Promise<void>` This function will change the source exactly like [source](./props#source) property. Changing source with this function will overide source provided as props. ### `setFullScreen` <PlatformsList types={['Android', 'iOS', 'web']} /> `setFullScreen(fullscreen): Promise<void>` If you set it to `true`, the player enters fullscreen mode. If you set it to `false`, the player exits fullscreen mode. On iOS, this displays the video in a fullscreen view controller with controls. On Android, this puts the navigation controls in fullscreen mode. It is not a complete fullscreen implementation, so you will still need to apply a style that makes the width and height match your screen dimensions to get a fullscreen video. ### `nativeHtmlVideoRef` <PlatformsList types={['web']} /> A ref to the underlying html video element. This can be used if you need to integrate a 3d party, web only video library (like hls.js, shaka, video.js...). ### Example Usage ```tsx const videoRef = useRef<VideoRef>(null); const someCoolFunctions = async () => { if (!videoRef.current) { return; } // present or dismiss fullscreen player videoRef.current.presentFullscreenPlayer(); videoRef.current.dismissFullscreenPlayer(); // pause or resume the video videoRef.current.pause(); videoRef.current.resume(); // save video to your Photos with current filter prop const response = await; const path = response.uri; // seek to the specified position represented by seconds; // or on iOS you can seek with tolerance, 10); }; return ( <Video ref={videoRef} source={{uri: ''}} /> ); ``` ## Static methods ### `getWidevineLevel` <PlatformsList types={['Android']} /> Indicates whether the widevine level supported by device. Possible values are: - 0 - unable to determine widevine support (typically not supported) - 1, 2, 3 - Widevine level supported ### `isCodecSupported` <PlatformsList types={['Android', 'web']} /> Indicates whether the provided codec is supported level supported by device. parameters: - `mimetype`: mime type of codec to query - `width`, `height`: resolution to query Possible results: - `hardware` - codec is supported by hardware - `software` - codec is supported by software only - `unsupported` - codec is not supported ### `isHEVCSupported` <PlatformsList types={['Android']} /> Helper which Indicates whether the provided HEVC/1920\*1080 is supported level supported by device. It uses isCodecSupported internally. ### Example Usage ```tsx import { VideoDecoderProperties } from 'react-native-video'; VideoDecoderProperties.getWidevineLevel().then((level) => { ... }); VideoDecoderProperties.isCodecSupported('video/hevc', 1920, 1080).then((support) => { ... }); VideoDecoderProperties.isHEVCSupported().then((support) => { ... }); ```