2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
import AVFoundation
2022-07-27 21:13:47 +08:00
import Photos
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
import Promises
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
* Collection of pure functions
enum RCTVideoUtils {
* Calculates and returns the playable duration of the current player item using its loaded time ranges.
* \returns The playable duration of the current player item in seconds.
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
static func calculatePlayableDuration(_ player: AVPlayer?, withSource source: VideoSource?) -> NSNumber {
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
guard let player = player,
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
let video: AVPlayerItem = player.currentItem,
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
video.status == AVPlayerItem.Status.readyToPlay else {
return 0
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
if source?.cropStart != nil && source?.cropEnd != nil {
2023-11-24 20:52:46 +09:00
return NSNumber(value: (Float64(source?.cropEnd ?? 0) - Float64(source?.cropStart ?? 0)) / 1000)
2023-02-07 22:50:54 +02:00
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
var effectiveTimeRange: CMTimeRange?
for value in video.loadedTimeRanges {
let timeRange: CMTimeRange = value.timeRangeValue
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
if CMTimeRangeContainsTime(timeRange, time: video.currentTime()) {
effectiveTimeRange = timeRange
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
if let effectiveTimeRange = effectiveTimeRange {
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
let playableDuration: Float64 = CMTimeGetSeconds(CMTimeRangeGetEnd(effectiveTimeRange))
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
if playableDuration > 0 {
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
if source?.cropStart != nil {
return NSNumber(value: playableDuration - Float64(source?.cropStart ?? 0) / 1000)
2023-02-07 22:50:54 +02:00
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
return playableDuration as NSNumber
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
return 0
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
static func urlFilePath(filepath: NSString!, searchPath: FileManager.SearchPathDirectory) -> NSURL! {
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
if filepath.contains("file://") {
return NSURL(string: filepath as String)
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
// if no file found, check if the file exists in the Document directory
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
let paths: [String]! = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(searchPath, .userDomainMask, true)
var relativeFilePath: String! = filepath.lastPathComponent
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
// the file may be multiple levels below the documents directory
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
let directoryString: String! = searchPath == .cachesDirectory ? "Library/Caches/" : "Documents"
let fileComponents: [String]! = filepath.components(separatedBy: directoryString)
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
if fileComponents.count > 1 {
relativeFilePath = fileComponents[1]
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
let path: String! = (paths.first! as NSString).appendingPathComponent(relativeFilePath)
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
if FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: path) {
return NSURL.fileURL(withPath: path) as NSURL
return nil
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
static func playerItemSeekableTimeRange(_ player: AVPlayer?) -> CMTimeRange {
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
if let playerItem = player?.currentItem,
playerItem.status == .readyToPlay,
let firstItem = playerItem.seekableTimeRanges.first {
return firstItem.timeRangeValue
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
return CMTimeRange.zero
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
static func playerItemDuration(_ player: AVPlayer?) -> CMTime {
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
if let playerItem = player?.currentItem,
playerItem.status == .readyToPlay {
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
return playerItem.duration
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
return CMTime.invalid
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
static func calculateSeekableDuration(_ player: AVPlayer?) -> NSNumber {
let timeRange: CMTimeRange = RCTVideoUtils.playerItemSeekableTimeRange(player)
if CMTIME_IS_NUMERIC(timeRange.duration) {
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
return NSNumber(value: CMTimeGetSeconds(timeRange.duration))
return 0
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
static func getAudioTrackInfo(_ player: AVPlayer?) -> [AnyObject]! {
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
guard let player = player else {
return []
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
let audioTracks: NSMutableArray! = NSMutableArray()
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
let group = player.currentItem?.asset.mediaSelectionGroup(forMediaCharacteristic: .audible)
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
for i in 0 ..< (group?.options.count ?? 0) {
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
let currentOption = group?.options[i]
var title = ""
let values = currentOption?.commonMetadata.map(\.value)
if (values?.count ?? 0) > 0, let value = values?[0] {
title = value as! String
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
let language: String! = currentOption?.extendedLanguageTag ?? ""
2023-01-28 14:54:01 +01:00
let selectedOption: AVMediaSelectionOption? = player.currentItem?.currentMediaSelection.selectedMediaOption(in: group!)
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
let audioTrack = [
"index": NSNumber(value: i),
"title": title,
2023-01-28 14:54:01 +01:00
"language": language ?? "",
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
"selected": currentOption?.displayName == selectedOption?.displayName,
] as [String: Any]
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
return audioTracks as [AnyObject]?
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
static func getTextTrackInfo(_ player: AVPlayer?) -> [TextTrack]! {
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
guard let player = player else {
return []
// if streaming video, we extract the text tracks
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
var textTracks: [TextTrack] = []
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
let group = player.currentItem?.asset.mediaSelectionGroup(forMediaCharacteristic: .legible)
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
for i in 0 ..< (group?.options.count ?? 0) {
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
let currentOption = group?.options[i]
var title = ""
let values = currentOption?.commonMetadata.map(\.value)
if (values?.count ?? 0) > 0, let value = values?[0] {
title = value as! String
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
let language: String! = currentOption?.extendedLanguageTag ?? ""
2023-01-28 14:54:01 +01:00
let selectedOpt = player.currentItem?.currentMediaSelection
let selectedOption: AVMediaSelectionOption? = player.currentItem?.currentMediaSelection.selectedMediaOption(in: group!)
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
let textTrack = TextTrack([
"index": NSNumber(value: i),
"title": title,
2023-01-28 14:54:01 +01:00
"language": language,
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
"selected": currentOption?.displayName == selectedOption?.displayName,
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
return textTracks
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
static func getCurrentTime(playerItem: AVPlayerItem?) -> Float {
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
return Float(CMTimeGetSeconds(playerItem?.currentTime() ?? .zero))
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
static func base64DataFromBase64String(base64String: String?) -> Data? {
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
if let base64String = base64String {
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
return Data(base64Encoded: base64String)
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
return nil
static func replaceURLScheme(url: URL, scheme: String?) -> URL? {
var urlComponents = URLComponents(url: url, resolvingAgainstBaseURL: false)
urlComponents?.scheme = scheme
return urlComponents?.url
static func extractDataFromCustomSchemeUrl(from url: URL, scheme: String) -> Data? {
guard url.scheme == scheme,
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
let adoptURL = RCTVideoUtils.replaceURLScheme(url: url, scheme: nil) else { return nil }
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
return Data(base64Encoded: adoptURL.absoluteString)
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
static func generateMixComposition(_ asset: AVAsset) -> AVMutableComposition {
let mixComposition = AVMutableComposition()
let videoAsset: AVAssetTrack! = asset.tracks(withMediaType: AVMediaType.video).first
2023-11-17 08:19:39 +01:00
// we need videoAsset asset to be not null to get durration later
if videoAsset == nil {
return mixComposition
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
let videoCompTrack: AVMutableCompositionTrack! = mixComposition.addMutableTrack(
withMediaType: AVMediaType.video,
preferredTrackID: kCMPersistentTrackID_Invalid
2023-11-17 08:19:39 +01:00
try? videoCompTrack.insertTimeRange(
CMTimeRangeMake(start: .zero, duration: videoAsset.timeRange.duration),
of: videoAsset,
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
at: .zero
let audioAsset: AVAssetTrack! = asset.tracks(withMediaType: AVMediaType.audio).first
let audioCompTrack: AVMutableCompositionTrack! = mixComposition.addMutableTrack(
withMediaType: AVMediaType.audio,
preferredTrackID: kCMPersistentTrackID_Invalid
2023-11-17 08:19:39 +01:00
try? audioCompTrack.insertTimeRange(
CMTimeRangeMake(start: .zero, duration: audioAsset.timeRange.duration),
of: audioAsset,
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
at: .zero
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
return mixComposition
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
static func getValidTextTracks(asset: AVAsset, assetOptions: NSDictionary?, mixComposition: AVMutableComposition, textTracks: [TextTrack]?) -> [TextTrack] {
let videoAsset: AVAssetTrack! = asset.tracks(withMediaType: AVMediaType.video).first
var validTextTracks: [TextTrack] = []
if let textTracks = textTracks, !textTracks.isEmpty {
for i in 0 ..< textTracks.count {
var textURLAsset: AVURLAsset!
let textUri: String = textTracks[i].uri
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
if textUri.lowercased().hasPrefix("http") {
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
textURLAsset = AVURLAsset(url: NSURL(string: textUri)! as URL, options: (assetOptions as! [String: Any]))
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
} else {
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
let isDisabledTrack: Bool! = textTracks[i].type == "disabled"
let searchPath: FileManager.SearchPathDirectory = isDisabledTrack ? .cachesDirectory : .documentDirectory
textURLAsset = AVURLAsset(url: RCTVideoUtils.urlFilePath(filepath: textUri as NSString?, searchPath: searchPath) as URL, options: nil)
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
let textTrackAsset: AVAssetTrack! = textURLAsset.tracks(withMediaType: AVMediaType.text).first
if textTrackAsset == nil { continue } // fix when there's no textTrackAsset
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
let textCompTrack: AVMutableCompositionTrack! = mixComposition.addMutableTrack(withMediaType: AVMediaType.text,
preferredTrackID: kCMPersistentTrackID_Invalid)
2023-11-17 08:19:39 +01:00
if videoAsset != nil {
try? textCompTrack.insertTimeRange(
CMTimeRangeMake(start: .zero, duration: videoAsset!.timeRange.duration),
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
of: textTrackAsset,
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
at: .zero
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
let emptyVttFile: TextTrack? = self.createEmptyVttFile()
if emptyVttFile != nil {
2022-06-13 11:40:43 +02:00
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
return validTextTracks
2022-06-13 11:40:43 +02:00
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
* Create an useless/almost empty VTT file in the list with available tracks.
* This track gets selected when you give type: "disabled" as the selectedTextTrack
2022-06-13 11:40:43 +02:00
* This is needed because there is a bug where sideloaded texttracks cannot be disabled in the AVPlayer. Loading this VTT file instead solves that problem.
* For more info see: https://github.com/react-native-community/react-native-video/issues/1144
static func createEmptyVttFile() -> TextTrack? {
let fileManager = FileManager.default
let cachesDirectoryUrl = fileManager.urls(for: .cachesDirectory, in: .userDomainMask)[0]
2022-06-13 11:42:12 +02:00
let filePath = cachesDirectoryUrl.appendingPathComponent("empty.vtt").path
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
2022-06-13 11:40:43 +02:00
if !fileManager.fileExists(atPath: filePath) {
let stringToWrite = "WEBVTT\n\n1\n99:59:59.000 --> 99:59:59.001\n."
do {
try stringToWrite.write(to: URL(fileURLWithPath: filePath), atomically: true, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)
} catch {
return nil
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
2022-06-13 11:40:43 +02:00
return TextTrack([
"language": "disabled",
"title": "EmptyVttFile",
"type": "text/vtt",
"uri": filePath,
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
static func delay(seconds: Int = 0) -> Promise<Void> {
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
return Promise<Void>(on: .global()) { fulfill, _ in
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: DispatchTime.now() + Double(Int64(seconds)) / Double(NSEC_PER_SEC)) {
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
2022-07-27 21:13:47 +08:00
static func preparePHAsset(uri: String) -> Promise<AVAsset?> {
return Promise<AVAsset?>(on: .global()) { fulfill, reject in
let assetId = String(uri[uri.index(uri.startIndex, offsetBy: "ph://".count)...])
2022-07-27 21:34:08 +08:00
guard let phAsset = PHAsset.fetchAssets(withLocalIdentifiers: [assetId], options: nil).firstObject else {
reject(NSError(domain: "", code: 0, userInfo: nil))
2022-07-27 21:13:47 +08:00
let options = PHVideoRequestOptions()
options.isNetworkAccessAllowed = true
2022-07-27 21:34:08 +08:00
PHCachingImageManager().requestAVAsset(forVideo: phAsset, options: options) { data, _, _ in
2022-07-27 21:13:47 +08:00
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
static func prepareAsset(source: VideoSource) -> (asset: AVURLAsset?, assetOptions: NSMutableDictionary?)? {
2022-07-27 21:13:47 +08:00
guard let sourceUri = source.uri, sourceUri != "" else { return nil }
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
var asset: AVURLAsset!
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
let bundlePath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: source.uri, ofType: source.type) ?? ""
let url = source.isNetwork || source.isAsset
2023-12-24 14:32:24 +01:00
? URL(string: source.uri ?? "")
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
: URL(fileURLWithPath: bundlePath)
let assetOptions: NSMutableDictionary! = NSMutableDictionary()
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
if source.isNetwork {
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
if let headers = source.requestHeaders, !headers.isEmpty {
assetOptions.setObject(headers, forKey: "AVURLAssetHTTPHeaderFieldsKey" as NSCopying)
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
let cookies: [AnyObject]! = HTTPCookieStorage.shared.cookies
assetOptions.setObject(cookies, forKey: AVURLAssetHTTPCookiesKey as NSCopying)
asset = AVURLAsset(url: url!, options: assetOptions as! [String: Any])
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00
} else {
asset = AVURLAsset(url: url!)
return (asset, assetOptions)
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
2023-09-09 16:15:51 +02:00
static func createMetadataItems(for mapping: [AVMetadataIdentifier: Any]) -> [AVMetadataItem] {
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
return mapping.compactMap { createMetadataItem(for: $0, value: $1) }
2023-09-09 16:15:51 +02:00
static func createMetadataItem(for identifier: AVMetadataIdentifier,
2023-11-17 08:19:39 +01:00
value: Any) -> AVMetadataItem {
2023-09-09 16:15:51 +02:00
let item = AVMutableMetadataItem()
item.identifier = identifier
item.value = value as? NSCopying & NSObjectProtocol
// Specify "und" to indicate an undefined language.
item.extendedLanguageTag = "und"
return item.copy() as! AVMetadataItem
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
static func createImageMetadataItem(imageUri: String) -> Data? {
2023-10-07 15:14:10 +02:00
if let uri = URL(string: imageUri),
let imgData = try? Data(contentsOf: uri),
let image = UIImage(data: imgData),
let pngData = image.pngData() {
return pngData
2023-12-07 08:47:40 +01:00
2023-10-07 15:14:10 +02:00
return nil
2022-05-19 22:29:25 +09:00